Selasa, 16 Februari 2010


EA Sports' Nascar series for the Playstation is pretty accurate to the real thing. I personally think that watching a real Nascar race is kind of boring, because it just doesn't have the energy to pump my adrenaline. Well it seems as if a few programmers from EA Sports may feel the same way about Nascar and have decided to break all the rules as well as road signs. Nascar Rumble is EA's newest and meanest game since FIFA 2000, taking the arcade approach Nascar Rumble is a San Francisco Rush's fan dream come true. When SF Rush was ported over to the PSX it was a very stale and empty conversion from the arcade, loyalists bought it but weren't satisfied much. But now never fear 'cause Nascar Rumble is finally here. See how the game stacks up against EA Sports' other great titles. Racers such as Gran Turismo 2 have very high detailed graphics, there aren't many racers that can really compare to GT2's monstrous visuals but Nascar Rumble can. Unlike GT2, Nascar Rumble has no pop-up at all, the backgrounds are in excellent detail and they will never leave you questioning where the next turn is. The car detail is solid, all the Nascar cars look as close as possible to there real life counterparts, the chroming used is very clean looking and adds a lot more polish to the games overall look and feel. The frame rate is never sluggish and even in the two-player mode the FPS manages to keep very steady with still no pop up. I really have to give EA Sports props on the super smooth and lush CG intro that I was greeted with. The intro right away lets you know that you have to prepare for the ride of your life. And if all of that wasn't enough, the track design in the game is some of the best I have seen in a while. So NR gets a definite plus in the visuals, now lets see how the gameplay fares. Those of you who played SF Rush in the arcades will really love Nascar Rumble, the game takes many of Rush's features and includes Nascar cars, trucks and original car designs courtesy of EA to go along with the action. The shortcuts in the locales are not only death defying but are also so frigin' awesome. I can literally smash into a building and ride right through it almost as if I was re-creating the memorable Lethal Weapon 4 scene all over again. Not only can you smash through buildings but, back alleys, woods and much, much more. To my knowledge every track has at least one killer shortcut just like SF Rush. Although not everything about this game can be compared to SF Rush, Nascar Rumble has power ups that can be picked up and Rush doesn't, so this game is definitely not a knock off of SF Rush, instead it excels in places that games like Rush and Beetle Adventure Racing didn't. If you want to know the weapons the list goes as follows: * Nitro (Turbo) * Invincibility we re talking about we re talkign about wer etalk talk talk talk talk talkt altkaltakl talkt talk ory orr yke 1 opryu prfy 1 kpuru Yah koq cvuma ina ama orfyu aja ish yah koq cuma ina ama Ory AJa sih Yah koq cuma ima ama oru ajka soij uaj ,oq cu,a oima a,a pru aka soj uamg tael;a;letmua lrel e lrele lrele Adies ;Apple pie Adiemus Riri Josheily Febrina Che Bkn CHe tp cha crecekk Monsdter ranceher NASCAR rUMBLE iNSTITUTE CRECEK NGIUIK rEGIANA sdkIN amANDA kLAVERT CRECEK NGOOIL Amel eskin Ina lupa nulis apa apple pie Crecek ngiuik olah raga kfacrecek ngiuik fvonnnnnnnnnne 11 f, koq nulis gituan sih hah apa tuh instiute musci indonesia klecuk * Joker (Random pick up) lo te caku le fute sol * Shock Wave (Sends a big wave to nearby racers) elo de maute oge lu si je jo lam pu te ku * Big Rumble (When car is touched in front, opponent goes flying) Eti culite ko wave do, ile tu re ti * Bad Gas (Makes car slowdown and puff out black smoke) Colok culite loweduwn ati mo lta se low n low * Oil Slick (Drops oil on floor, oldest trick on the book) Colok le culite ole fu, ote ra mu si lo low * Twister (Launches a twister that attacks speeders) Le ta ru se 5 culite a le hitu lo wuf fuf * Freeze (Launches a freeze cloud that freezes speeders) Le tu re culite folt n a blower lut * Storm (launches a dark cloud that attacks speeders and slows them down) Le te re culite lown fuf puff golk lo de silt I'm not done yet, we still haven't even gotten to the games core yet, NR (Nascar Rumble) features tons and tons of tracks and vehicles to race on and with. In total the game features 151 Nascar vehicles and 21 hardcore tracks. There are 57 original vehicle designs with 3 different classes, so you are able to play with three different performance varied cars. Still don't get it? You basically have three of each car, with different performance for each car, truck or original EA designed car. The gameplay is something that will please almost any gamer especially if you are into the battle racers. Most racers have talent behind their soundtracks but Nascar Rumble has its own original soundtrack that EA produced themselves. The beats do keep your adrenaline paced but instead of the soundtrack which by the way sounds very good, I want to talk about the sound effects and quotes that are shouted out by the driver. When playing NR you definitely feel the sound effects send shivers down your spine, the crashes, wind blowing from the tornado, the sound from the storm all give Nascar Rumble a lot more atmosphere and make the game deserve the name Rumble. The sound would have received a higher score if it weren't for the somewhat shallow commentary done by the drivers. The quality and clarity is all there but the way its said is rather annoying but tolerable. If you have been playing GT2 for the past 2 months than you may have some trouble adjusting to NR's loony control physics that make the game feel even more like an arcade game. The Dual Shock is supported very nicely but only on of the analog sticks works with the game. I am very comfortable with the right stick for motioning the car and the left stick for maneuvering it but I can only use the left stick. Although we gave the game a little challenge to see if the V3 Racing Wheel and the TopDrive Roadster wheels would work. Both wheels worked fine although the TopDive wheel was slightly harder to drive with due to the wheels scattered buttons, making some of the buttons a pain on the ass to reach. Still the control isn't too lacking, if you have a steering wheel or NegCon and like games that can test your reflexes, then Nascar Rumble is definitely the game for you. Nascar Rumble is a game with some of the nicest visuals and tightest gameplay around. If you are done with Tony Hawk and need your adrenaline to be refilled then be my guest and pick up Nascar Rumble right away. Featuring so much replay value you should not even wait a moment to pick up the game. I really have to give credit where credit is due, congrats to EA Sports for pulling out one hell of a game". (Great, the review is done now I can go back to playing Nascar Rumble for the next 72 hours). THe 5 cars are pa rking in the park THe 5 Cars are pain theparkjking area inm Night fli gh tin the square par tcrecek ngiuik crecek ngui k Fita Drash Holiday INnn Crecejk Minor front minor nayoritas Fit a the meaningf crecek iniguik FIrnfa Introdouction crece mr g masuk trs malah suruh buatlah resume resumetentrnantgf apa yuang kaluian pilih wketika debat crecek ngiouiok Ory ih Fita Fiontai Kirain Ester g twnya Josheily Febrina kerajinan jd orang ih brie crecejk ngiuik Ina koq ada taelalaethnua ada 3 ters tebal 2 banget ada yang ijo yang yang hitam tebal g ada hitanmm yang tipis dan disertai dfengan jewerawt cohba kalo cowok pasti bniosa beelt-kebuilet ctapi sayangnua oti cewek skin manggiljnya Fi jrtnaa yang FIlma dan Firna ssuka ANGKA 3:02 DAN SUKA Lagu Hanalei Moon Nannrll kl di punggung ada 8 tailalt di muka ada 3 di tangan 0 kiri 0 id perut 18 trs di kaki kirik4 dkanan 5 di kelapa 19 jadi Firna itu opinupa nanuawk teaelalet koq Ada nya ory doang sih g ada Ina crecek ngiuiki lo ujg ln g bkjl ngerti Saxephone the face ih lo itu saxephone banget crecek ngiiuik Wiiiii kelecuk Twister is 4 if over 20 its not seeable the smoke if of enemyu mot bakal soalnmua cant 20 but I scared if many twister untiul not seeable the smoke tebak akurra tdcrecek bngijuik kecapi Banb ikecap mbok sirih Krecek klecuk brie ke ju bire Or y ESter buka omegl eis omegle lovers so Ester was a minyaj SDirih peocle nanti kalo FIrna udah 100 tahunm, di muka ada 78, di kepala ada 92, di tangan kiri ada 85 tangan kanan ada 84, di kaki ada 102 di kaki kanan ada 124 di Perut ada 184 di punggung ada 212 Kalo Firna umur 200 thaun di muka da 172 taelalet di kepala ada 203 di tangan ada kiri ada 241 di tangan kanan ada 299 di Kaki kiri ada 302 di kaki kanan ada 305 di perut ada 512 di punggung ada 612 di kuping kiri ada 199 di kuping kanan ada 250 Firna ngomoing nyali hehehe lg ngjgm in FIrna firna ngmg kacang in english nuts Its a peas with the ilm adna Nyali of FIrn ais dsausages of Nyali the meal of Fuira was Nyali with the orangae juciece FItrnta Ih bngmg Nyali a guts work jbrie goods harvestgoodess Edter nmga,apain ngomong omegle Ory pake earohone fanb fan vaina bilang ama cowok-0cojkwok col ov Fjkrna buat treatmeal FaDA Ruang diantari itu Between us nyalki have giant mole and hundreds of mole are huge n o li morethat huge meatballs brioe crecek la ;p mgapaom soj ;p cp;p2 namget soj Ueisd ka; L Sedar idul;u Floru Anggi Paulku tqain kita kan baghai the red molloel e and the molke is ina Ambarita Ory you are so glazy the ofceAn blue milk of ocean blue milk rainbow milk sunflower milk ih Oyruy not onlu that things workt lcrecek ngiuik Cakelj Riri Cake Pancake Josheilyu Febrina mo have new mole maybe 300 hundered yerars its big as Firna maybwe I think I thought OIts onmly a message & t llold kat aDanya zjafira tfor the oepcil TO a Nyalki TJat jave ijmuali Ita Nascar URmlble DIrt game oits clean & heneat meat or neat ih FIrna Mutton banget befef bange t meat , crecek, lamb, chicken, meat , crecke mabnget you guts was nyuali SKin i think you want to sit beside nyali buyt beside Ester whuy noit beside me skin> I thold you kan I have boys aloverx girls song ngojh IJ RIir i Nyali ma,o deket dnyal,i tambah lkucu ih skin ajak vania thats ory sit not skin sit you gusty credcek glaxzzy gust stormy weather thunder & lightning, vegetime sandwichm, funny owrds, crazy, nervoyus, Plunder, fthats rarely in the song steka some thing like that uyoooouoo Ory is reading a book wor k kflayk bright now right now and she said iw re you come from down under do you hear a thunder are you come from plunder he better run fweork f al dy colo colko banget lo Ory Emang lo tuh Colko colo IH you came from down under Its really hyuge and a ada ncing riri is riri from the water she cannot alk befause riri can only attack with the buvbble typhoon blow, watery grave, tsunamis, stormy water, mermaid a tttack, nixie goove, ice missile, freeze prism, Ice mountain, etc only ice type not land, dark, storm, fire Brie Fal, eart h He is a g,szzyxg wkr jm sbe he lryh SKin Skin terek tek tek OPry skin crecek ngiuim kstormin freeze twister fbrei ffs vonny Vonny hav e the \black molke in the lips nbaru prnh liat tealelaelt Vonny in the loips vonny Wgy I saw Nyalki all the time simple sandwich, Thalita sParamadia , Pyramid, Sauce, meat, fruits ,vegetable, food processor , Firn a Nyali again nya,.i ahgain house trap again Firna ih ngomong nyalui duke of hazzaqrd in nyali verisoiun dwaktu Firna debeat Firna ngomong Nyali nyali measns that Firana is only a time top lift in the hazzard of town in nyaliu card of trade treade the oil, soil, its a send, iron filling, steel, a sxcf screw driver km rumah gw fdi tengah penonintin a gn gangste r of Vonny A card Of Vonny Vonny Jrts a nyali temean kakakk ih each of the sunday bvrie compclianbing breie krecuk its a kerucut a cone and a cone waw sthe prism of htre prisma plasma 354 maxic a cold song of the encounter ibefore the aenemy attackj you ih Firna ngonmong nyali lagi lo tu hBrie bgt its raubunbg iytsudef vecayse there rwas the weater drops from skyu Its drop in tand many whhile people talkking its a good character of the red soil brie Can you harvest ITs 30th day of Fall can you hjarvest crop before the crop wither on teh vine. , beca it s the las ttday of all so you can make up the cancve on winter you cannotr gwrow the plants again crop are moldy in the trille its really cool nad good and blefcuk all the caddy whrn rainning time,m its a siory time im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry tumbe n RIri yg g prnh di ajakj ngomong malah di ajank ngomong asahjazja a winter voine oworkr JK you hearing on the pihone JOd YOu no thearing the libis things its; a hining sdun so from solar radiatfropm motx only 1 heat then it didry not wet pbut pariody water from dry its becaome a water fand wet its not a good langyuege von you re tlak i to very bad languafge arent ' you no p e nope yuopu rar ae thi vonny cguardian solar its coming soon fbrie work brie vonny vonita Riznaix its atalk to mn uch n yali its Fitrna Firna ory glazxxzy the spring sun, summer sun, fall sun , winter sun its bisa g fal jod siapa yang nyuruh lo marionette banget lo its a nyali a nyali are you talk by your self no its not talk by my self is debat odso deb A TARTUNYA MS ANA DEBISTAGE DEBITSTORSE IF MS AN APOOPEN THE CURATAIN CRECcek A good manener its an acne mokle its thwtrow the meat grinder is a mindced bveef its vonny Im sorry Ojki m sorry talk qqsssseedede dewwwf cw bdfczb oh Brie Vonny Skin Ika Kartika Santika Santi S udh iri is I vr age ari Puspita Malaikat Raflesia Amnesia [Pokemon Harvest Moon Ekafidti Luna Eka Santa Maria Paulus Brie Firna Skin Filma Nonorojo Hj joSHEILY Febvrina Is A gholdbat memale that if the mouth opwn it wi l lvwery hgue an dit may disaster in here 2010 Then The opl eo f ras is going to the sky pull it the lever Riri and ras mole make dsaste so it will grew ti the crew that is Vconny Hang a roo has the huge mole iof Ika Kartika in the –ast ikakaka if the –peoppe in there said ken byt the ken oart uis behingd call not frong call lkike me if cictzen teacher vonny a balo riri talk toi Uika Jkartuka Shangh ai people means that Shangha I could be sjhanghai fof Riri iri relex the Shangjhai oparat so Riri It’s a Bire of Shanghai flower curse, blessed, mythic, guardian tools made Riri died and aid lo like saikorosteak uuslanya Diajn now Josheily Febrina hat have crecek cursed opfg he golden flower in side THE FLLWER YOU CAN FISHED, FISH S, MEDIUM FISH, LARGE FISH, and also quiet hard to get Blue powerberry, guardian treasure, all typoe of king fishes, Briana’s treasure itts kusut Where you go I miss you so im glad of carrier is 9oj that car Dokter Wasista it’s a riri face where you can saw anything like that to vonnita Rizani Mooelk sakaotnik a b c quiet aksi & thtarrui crecek The song is teeth- I ndonesia perusahan oim Riri siad Ras cvoice is adobtable to Riri sound its wich of the sound that have the sandwich to the glodener an can oppener Josheily Febrina like lal alal la song, Dokter Wasista the white skin and it has dalam kemasams triop mo,l e if said lo it sialkoro tsteeak lun nrie koq is I koq is on that car yg coming not manda no tskin but is on that car so Ruri you hjave to go out frok tuis uiouse u0opu talk with didi tt is nioto food andi kmooprtamt a sjape of am object jsa-ew of my ooce I miss u Skin I wamr you ro qrite stae amd ploce cam tjemwest ssoap opwa I wamt skin worote that I reaoly kmiss u s9o ririr riri sjosheily hi ikoq ada new sooa porpoera rrlove love tha agiajn euieui lo ruh rsaikoro steak banget yuou traok r9 iia marketing econiomic oiol mariketing curve ikurva ga curve line zayad rhe song I wanna hear it worj before turn back tirmwe I will stay then zayaedoin , If ras bad so riri lcalled htrhre ta ta bad skin said you mean Tra idsk the bad cakked name you shoiulkd be good ta/. Lf m;t l wl/./ .lk.. jlk km rll/ k; kdeDM MI CUTTING THE NECK WITH very sharp knife ishsbha hnol t a nakd nut a knifne dri lo ngapoas mlkpq ad dosioni is not goood mr is on that car is on that car I miss you glad a areer you anmd I is on that car. Heal the world make ti better place for u and for me Nadia Wanita Uliea Sibuea Jones t-bone steak briean a luna lfk singin g from the night before I go I want it to the skill that it promp to level 98 itw s q a ghost brie miirror mind midnight mirror outside the farm tehre weasws a ghost come from it and it attack you at 0:00 am not 12:00 IF 4:44 and 16:44, when you talk to the television it will freee like that non stop. You shoul,d save that befor you try to talk with the tv at 4:44 am/ 16:44. Skin you rre so glazzy and you o owekrk lolbriana flsk in12365-129032890382983298329839283928932839289328932893289328932893289382989283928932893 skin skin skin ski hski nskin skin skin Shakina Ajeng Ayu Andari Nadia kipas angin di rumah Wanita jenis kelamin cewek Usus Ham di daging gulung ham t-bone steak Briana faldy Briana Sayeeda Ikan Salmon Brie Flady 724 Marionette, Piya, Ana going up to the facebook and she see somethiong strange with the sword do gf ana 4 minutes to save the world in the Hap tick tock tick tock tick tock David laugnyua That’s the weay aha haa ha il ike it lampu disco briana fkady skin 7215 Brie crecek nbgiuik Pohon 7777 11 MIDNIGHT Shield Colorful Briana - Fire ball - Guardian ball - Rainbow ball - Eruption - Supernova - Pcyloragmetism - Blue ocean swep - Ice trilling - Falling snow - Rain - Sunny day - And many ore - Wrok - Bvriana - Skin - Vonny - 12343 - Ana - Faldy - 11 - 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CRECEK The most suitable work Tebak akurat akurat akurat akurat mereka berlomva saling mencuri dan menebaknan hatijku msiapa yang pantas yang bisakuana lel al karuba ca la ka to re mi te so. Sa tura moleta wicu grig rop to to de sap lu. Mi ta so re kolta mi fa shangheng tu se sok lo ana. Mi tu re, lo na wo fa si lt ore gag kuita vina. Le de kaf gold kolk lecuk ramut oje brie lilit su mi ta. Mort moreta gugs guts gluik kereng korengan ju se. Sa mo tete to samoa talc de rock popita pupis lo de Samoa. La da tore Samoa, le ta mu soe trus Samoane lo si cu. Alt urut montera mo 15 lust of brice. Muts to ro ce kuck to lo ali see mo 18 lunce ort. Ort oj teitha, lita a mut of gloring gum plummer. Sut the son de ra kompres ana tu brie to la cke ale Samoa. Po te ra brirn a grinder mo ce puce pocek wut nits. La cavorn, itura a mitle of ole ancuing la to the covern gavler. Gavler of covernnnnnnn sims to bi a gud krik of kirk. Tu se ng on la cu covern, u lut to bri swillling mit, more ta. Brie cad “mo le ta wu sa to la kita ro me cleuk?” se lkote mi n lu co re gurdin cad “me lo wa fa waft of guld lo ke tra situ molt”. Wi lote kartu sine moce. Mole of latura suki grecuk kolork gory the latura. More kara do jo skin is a wult gild tu bild a mor covern. In dis keis, mole ca ra de brie tu gold to a wut kolor skin. Thits is Kalajayan ;languagae. The kalaahya opeople talk veru muc hjnon stop from morning until night. Jnoon xc Kala jaya people : 90000000000 people bre Annex buildibg means ms ana it’s the side of the h’s 8-9 and 6-7 is inot in anex but the glasses with left & right room thaor h’/s 3 is annnex bulildinbg thqat face to the foothnal; cpirt/ Tal li ;ojat ;iahat brie brire brie brie brie bire brie . brie brie Bila tak ada ruang yang terisisia ada kesempatakn yang kau berikan beri sedikit waktu aku beratha na asemua kesalahan oooohh...... Brie Brie Ester jessica Setya budi vonita bau bueuk kerena arena band unga jakarta blok of the mmorth swooth swamp crecek ghost storm devil det helll dog bad mosntron nunut elemenbt of water ice glacier batu bara brie flag de flat chocolate powder ice crystal, ruby, diamond, topaz, gamet, emerald, aquamarine, glip, agate, turqose, aqua rock, magma rock, gaia rock, air rock, orgamix in blecet wiwut wont blekek twister alert in twitter means ory brocok black current freeze volt in the twister, storm, freeze milt the mind in the quartz stone of opa milt the power of the current battery energy that pluse of 864 volt can destroy all of the window because it;s to demand of gluyuk quadza pending of the time in the glacier hut blenger watuk watuchyer jessa glakat glotok crecek milt of mild green leaf crocok of powder erika dita kekekeke zuzi tweet malah nanya ester ih alice grogot cold of water over 999 atk in powder mulut defend the defense of brie cracok Amel push ointothe button of the lzizard of cangkuang things in the rapid slice with pure of water and ice glacier dekati the vonita thinsw and glaket the color of the mole in susinia. Open the josheily Febrina's stomach then put some red, green, yellow, purple, indigo, violet, orange, soil, water, magma, sand, iron filing, then vacume it the estereo f kahlisa things . Put the blutuk to the mouth in the lclub of chocolate, strawberry & vanilla things then gulp the volt of the vonit ariszani colorere of light green woth put the pqaper samaph trash bin of the fifik things. Then raucin the fita things and bird week of a mel. Push the amel to the valley with water then limbahin the amel. Open amel stomach, put the same things like riri but add some salt and sugar to it. Open Amel's eyes and afill the laser and glotok the eyes with wiwuit things. Coconut of the oil in green bkg, put the flower in it, give telon oil and milk the amel. Torch in the amel, Put the stupid electricity to amel's brain anda guilt it. Fras and hit for 10 times to amel's stupid electricity and gorry the la citra enter the la citra and ahve new live. Laserin the inside the la citra, put some fil and burn it. Throw 100 pieces of coconnut then it break into 8000 pieces. Then the 8000 pieces of break put in the gorry of ana lolot things. Freeze the la citra, put the powder and gaia to crystal grind to a halt of the object. Use take out psyenergy to take the ke y and open the door. In the door there is like waut things, plotokin & bnnrn it. Press the button, then the monstro is triandariada fall to the floor & wuwut the amel, amel'll grind to a halt. Amel destroy and break to 10000000000 pieces. Cut the hair find 8000000000000 uban of urban decay. MOld the crystal of laugh titik the torok then check cup the font\vonny abuss in maria rina ayugn kaut things. Open mouth of the month reduce speed to increase handling and put it in regi's giant body of monochromatic things. Pilkita the fita things and slam it to the door of the powerful votl that can barius things and klokotibn the wawat things. Take the mole and bring the mole to a wawirut things and grosokin to a bushl. Warutin the larut of the sand with water put soda and drink of the gigus lalat light of candle temple and cried over there. Trap hte house with a milut things and marat the mawut and the regi there is the warut-warut thigns and take the moile to the wowout things. Take the pita suara of dfita ribvon and put to the sea so it goes to antartica to the polar bear’s grayekin things. Breeze the sunlight of corona in solar then take the mumuto f eyes with the rakiti the voyola of vonita hairr. Keyaki hte regi, put teh cash of paind body. The blood carry to the sea and the pus go to the fita's body to the grajet-grajet things that cna mobe in mosntro. In mostro theere is grajet2 thing, lalut things, saluna things, silvia things, activia things, rorot things and put in teh amel's wolok things. Jomblo of darke ned cavren, wind in the summer sea, la with the dog, catch the grind to a halt. Stop of boyolali melt in the frozen ice of calkp esti yang blejek ovum garat brozot bronit blandet blander migrain blender opf fita arusin the there and gigit the ice punch torch. Ms ana dateng koq fita malah cuek banget sih kan bukan biaasanya fita suka ih dasar lo apasih just terryfying me o i want to cut her with a knife and scissors of a beetle cockroach brujut in the wiki anwsawwer keyaki of some body going up to the sky athen skyin the uppercut with blue color of grigit dita. Vonita the polt and take it to grind to a lhalt and put in thr f6 tornado, and put the groyek things to make lost and things over there lost and tornado gone and disappear. So people can life nicely and safety. After that grayekin the kantong pantat of amel, put the bomb. After 10 seconds, it will bomb out untl the fire is big it explode to a grind to a halt of amel stone. Korek the macut things watucher the hair mix it the apple, carrot, pineapple and the pukit thins after that moret moret to grind to a halt so it mix the amel things. Jrojokin the twister of a freeze candle it the amel, tupai it easygoing to the shore in a tide of the sea & beach. Water dive balt of the water boss basin name Guardian of Shabrina evil knight the amel things\m, put the grind to a halt to the gorok of Regi things. Wawat the mole of pet society and make to a grind to halt. Ester put the chocolate of banana rerek tupai, Mix chocolate, Strawberry and vanilla things so it mix up and put to amel stomach and throat so the stomach and throat is full of that, the small and large intestine is grind to a halt. The heart the lung and the rectum of amel is dead end. Go until reach the fork, then the fork and spoon and somre food is grind to a halt. The sandy windyu of amel is grind to a halt. Monstious drit to the deep microwave oven bulp in laptop things sars the grugut things.Jerking the tires to a tile of golden egg in p egg, low, medium and high quality egg if the weak bird is often ot a grind to a halt. Put in the jail to the heaven of tears nixie and fita is bulp of the lamp is grind to a halt. Storm the pushes door and hurricane of ovarium blood and pus to the hair of EWst. Briana the color of rainbow, weak fucci, genchi, kendi the amel of temple. Tempest of brie is grind to a halt. Woown the blackboard to fita’s laptop. Computer migraine of something fendi is grind to a halt. Shopping the label in the jewelry of mole and acne. The red of amel is turn black. The fita’s gasses is grind to a halt. The mole of the ring is the lord of Christmas in fita’s hair. Snow is falling down dto amel;’s mirilla things, ael jujut ssst, pletek the teeth of he mouth ovarium in the grind to a halt. Freeze the weather frost it and gaia in the brujuk brujuk pof plants in the part of geyek geyek things then it become grind to a halt. Pilt the present of the tea leaves to restaurant city of fb game in the fendi of the thorn to a nettle of the gas of glass. Smole the smoking tire, brejek the jerking tires and joker of a joke with the silt of salt., Push some sugar and amel will be more broken and it grind to a halt of 10000000 billion times edxmplode to a smoking room cried to fendi Gucci color of the vacuum cleaner. sabita Funnel funnel skin Amel is ak nid of like amel is ak nbikd oflkilke amell u sed kindle amel usaed granite amel YUsed flash amel ysed guardian ball A mel used eryptiuopn Brie b rie brie birie brie brie crecek ngiuik Fit adrash Holiday inn Rir idokter swsaista banget sih yang mam mariamalah Mar mar gitu trs annay67a giutu ternyata yang wasista agak ngebingunggin bmau pangigilknbya was jelek kal sis takut ro2 mabnggilnya was kalo ta jkankyuk mabggil; athat malah namanyau wAXISTA OIH rIiri wasista banget sih lagunya pentagon, dokter wasisatr5, atlantis the lost empire laguinua pentago n, crecekngikuik Riri punyas bnyk ytmn ih marin a anuyer mgl khal vo di samping vre m arina aNYER BGT XIHS AVI KL NGOMONG TUH DASAR E Marina AnyeRE BANGEQYT I G aVI JAMARINA ANYE BGT VIVI MARINA ANYER AJA PUNYA BNYK TEMAN DAN SELALU MARINA ANYER TRS YANG DI PANGGIL IHG mARINA aNYER IH RIRI BNYK TEMAN BKN CUMA MARINA ANYER TP MGLNYA MARINA ANYER SAMPE SKRG MSH mARINA aNYER TRS YG DI AJAK NGOMBGOL AKU PENGEN BGT SNIH KYK mARINA aNYER TP G BISA KL RIRIKAB MGL MARINA ANYER TRS KADAN MARINA ANYER DI AJAK NGOBROL AMA SIAPAPUN KL AKU KAN G JDNYA PENGEN KYK Marina ANyer Riri riri suka Ama Marina Anyer dasare Marina Anyer c rec cah i have it like that you gonna like that work The dreams come trus malah nyanyi wap dis n song Ih josheuilu Febrina bg sih she olikes apple pie wo rk it's for 500 G buy a guardian house 99999999 G 999 Lumber all of 9 since 2 weeks before christmas 3 people 3 Riri Brie bgty skh Dian like to play harvest Moon until bow i htink she aleady level 95 years 9 665 hrarts 8829883439043 hearts 989000000 moon toful crecej bgt moon tofu Give notes to youtr partner they wrote that part Nadia 's writier Edster writer RIri writer IDna Diuan writer crecek say hey lister n for 2 5times continous Riri crecek ngiuik crecemk ngiuik affect the weather this very2 simple for weathe r crecek tumben mr ngomkong nesecacry ih Riri lklecuik banget yg kemarin koq bkn kejora & binta ngbk nsafa malah cinta tai banget sih 2006 - 9890000000 brie malah iniiiiiiii sih goblok banget 9925 still 16025 still 18700 still 1330000 still there is air on the top kiranin aku rain o jyg bunyi tekny ahar dfa tire of a fish in Riri's klevyuk Dung breveuk vonny skkn Sojmne other air is flwelwl drago narnise brie nadia Sibeue tpai itu krg lengkal p comploete Hazzard duk e Nadia Uliea Wanita Sibuea Winds Jones Fire blast ice gaia rock crecek the air rises raisin you mea n grape apple honey ilike strawberry you mean crecek ngiuik lilts like a milk for the rapid slic crecek ster piing gampoang gamping mr tuimben ngo,ng nesecarry rising raisin jam chocolate ajm vanilala jam dian jam lu Josheily Febrina's mole jam kerecuk jam atom molecul bagnet ih mr ngomongnya scientist bgt gas apakalg gitulah kreuk bgt The Stumper guardian stem for 95 lumber bush fodder creck drop screw driver mole not listen malah write g jelas ih Riir is a kind of dry wet trs apalagi y a 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes speed 1 2 3 4 5 trs doom drom thorw the water down, put the soap onthe detergent cliotges hey pay attentoin but throw the cloisur clouds cloudy rain storm klecuk boundary the cloud get heavy ten rain that's why it;'s rain dry & wet desserts desert g tw ah mr thats weather season 92 copyu paste the mr daemon;s' sound , creck The la la la song heat the wind pick up the heat & the water big wet warkm masw sof air ih mr imr daemon thye location of luna is nedscary is depend of the ocean current coast coral reef blecvuk Riri sea island, brie , fish, Riri Yah iea ta chicken enefrgy from the ocean klecuk glacier, awarmm water heh listen fcfrecek VOnny pasif Khal Pasitf Sibuea ga skempotary voen, refrigetrator, oven, Refrigerator, freeze, klecuk, a frying pan, can, the riri spinner the kompor anything like that skti tn its a biits empty can boots branch crecek boost klecuk Brie teman ki jaca uh Riri punyta teman partenr masask akyu g sih cook bgt crook ah tsjtali g pusing sendiri g ad yg bant ah lo nii ahg jrecuyk msasa ge ngerghajihn sendrii mending ri ama bon y deh its a kind ofg hair yo uimending ama ester biar gw g ad tmn men lo kasusnya apa its a kindle lo ih talking about english subject diusahain brie Ohjecil an fishing rod krecuk hammer appa tuh Riri your watrch where is your watrch whre te siu uour old wahthech, money, hp , kh lucu banget ji hRiri cuek bgt sig hkleyvyckm Brie maola hbener tulisannya VBrie Its klecuk Torn Funnel Its' a ruin of a sun spinning star, mount of mortar mountain, hill, bri etrees oma , the goodess good quality foundation is njewsecarry a good hanbuit boif Brie spinning bri e x cor 96 97 98 99 100 briri guardian nixielv 201 h p 871924 a tk1354 de f1217 glora di it's a puddle of bundle n rie f8ujnnyg RUru kjrefuk mendekati akuy crecek ngiuik 8:28 La la la la la la la smiling krecuk briri smile sad song plecuk begiut uindah nnmr nuri doikter Wasista, Atlantis the lost emire, bando , RIri josheily Febrinba faldy skin Cars Carz brie Atlantis the lost Empire, Dokter Wasista Doctor Wasista Kreuk, nuls cad;l utfrs skin lupa nulis ap aRiri youu're so glazzy work Enak bgt Ditaa suka like to smile by it self make noisy sound coo riri said you re a bad guy ih Riri ih njahat bgt not cool udah nyuekin tr ssuka ngomong apaan sui h gitu awahat si9hu nadia nadia sibuea sibuea kerecuk ngiuik write people s name m a can a whisk a mixer, rolling pin crecek ngiuik stove i mean wor kbbrIER sKIN A GLAZZY cool kreceuk kalo bahasa inggris gw kagak ngerti peta indonesia its a court open house not imoiratns thank you for your attention kat Esti ama Joddy yg nilainya hp kal l aku g nulis thank you for your attention and cooperation masask aku g nulis gitu sih cook crook pedron crecek Peta Indonesia I guest amaama go to imp bplift me but I wanna go town I ljust care you you lo and lift me please don’t blame other sit;s AK ind of flame of that is a tingi tingi fire don’t a good ha bit a rabbits 5000 dolar s and eat some one bunch or a banana klecuk soapopera soup soap crecek funnel I turt of th ezom bvie she said uoa uogo down under she made nerveous the woed is sanswich , zombie trs thunder, sand, ih Me nat work ngoyanyi nya ada kata 2 zombmie, sandwich , thunder, plunder, brie I GO T AS STRANGE LADIS SHE MADE NERVOUS AND SHE GAVE ME A BUNCH OF SANDSICH SHEAND SHE SIAD ALAJ MNYOU REO LA BUNDER ADOWN UNDER AN D YOPU HEAF A PLUNDER ANDO YOU HAER A THUDNER? YOU BETTER RUN AN D HIDE IN THE SAND OF WASIS Wikipedia is very complicated and very hard to understand bu tif is very easy and clear to understrand 6 per of a muscle and I speak with nuy langucge she hjust smile and give sme some sand which and she said do cyo ucome from a buncher and I lcome to a plunder neke doy yuou hear a thunder whe hust s new better run and go to the pool and go untiol sdeep about 20000 meters so shew cwe can go to househily febrina house and therei is lienemies wsa fish, crab, bubble drao gn, tetc and nisxie and aquid bah2 diver bab h bah li something like that and trhere is the boss name alineation abuss Josheily Febrinba house and the real one is in the land of Down under men at work hoho ufdh my eyes was icy malah not hearing phpne and tshe saw somethon hin ester;s laptop she wsa a bad yguo k;evvuk ajd she say she just smiole and give me suome sand which and she said do you come from down unde rkoq udh aqweriwdz fd wira tama llakyak 9999999999999 hib tial lo goblok gt gw salah bener udajn ilsio wir mal;ja nilis terus crecek ngoiol amd sje gave ,e so,e samdwjocj ,r said nesecarr down under crecek sh that tape is a good f briana DO YOU COME FROM DOWN UNDER Work She just smile and she gave mE some Sandwhich and she said do you he aqo and from the cloud bla bla I asked you just for 1 hthing eradicate thjis dise09ase koq Riri liat klaptopnjua Ester Khal jdo ;yg g punya iut malah di ajak ngojmonng am Joddy She plauyed Harvest Moon fdRIE KOQ TETRGANG SIH tWISTER 1359 WORSDS DBRIE BRIE RBEI RBERIE BRIE BRIE 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 DOKTRER WASUISTA IH rIRI YOU RE SO GLAZZY fALDY jOSHEULY fEBRINBA cRECEK NGIUIK WORK BRIE SKIN cRECEKJ CHURCH CHINK ONLY 1 FROM 1400 WORS MALAH KE SAW HER WASISTA LUNA IHJ rIRI lUNA BANGET iH rIRI IH GOBOLOK BABI JKECAP BANGET SIH Suka ama Brie Faldy SKib Crecek BS D Ih Esti ngoong lagi she talk and shje swant to get candy and I will recieve a candy form Esti Utami Prabow she gaive me only 1 candy and traste lbanana for th e twister aAlert and RiriI need yuou tro go far away about 999999 km brfrom muy house stormy freeze twister brie skin Wasista and Wasista anda Wasista again Riri ntuh di tanua ih is Apple pie and the white skin is dokter wasista vonny malah gomong am akhalisa brie coca ola bgt khal isa brie brie brei abbek anekybduw rsygfi43v5e7gvf93v 5tw8jv g05n7e9kgpo5 or;emkty iyhjhjjj yjog ot nbfmj nun hynyun/myuy crecek ngiik Is under going nessecaru wprlk is undergeping nedcesarru wprl Uodfjp artomu ta; ima ,aua Os omdergpo,g ,ecesarri artomua Uidjp wprl ;ima ,aya Briana fester Flady this is can be OWErjk Its undergoing necesarry artinya Yudho is under ogoing necesarry aritnya Yudho is uNder Going necesarry artinya Youdno aisd undfer going necesarry aritnya Uudho Is under going nceceesarry artnya yudho is under going some necewarrou artinysa Yudho Is Under going artinya Yudho is under going some necesarry artinya Yudho fFLady lUna jmYa Maya Faldy luna maya flau yang denger genaholic malah diid 4565459455454950495849548948493894384938493849384938493859485948594843949389438493894389438943894389483948384398493893849389438943894389438943893849083290824098902384902384320984320843984397430753843974375743786464834024370943789070799808708080808080808088880808888. lupa bilang ke Thalitta ya sih thalita g masuk jadi aku g bisa bilangin ke Thalita kalo Riiri ngapus nama gka yah thalita g ada lnz perut ikan malah ngoong perut ikan mala bilang perut ikaj kkalajh nbilang perut ika yah ga aa thalita malah llg bnulis Thalita yg riri uek dan ngapus nama ak malah bilang perut Ikan kata faldy perut iikan apasih org lg nulis thalita malah keluiatan malah bilang perut kikan mahlah bilang perut ijkan malah bilang perut ikman apa si koq periut ika nyah thalita ih ;;agunua abvoi a tuk tek tuk tuk ktu trs gekereng gereng knop sih josheily ih benci dasar duck k ing banget sih dasar duck kjing baqnget sih km emang km dufck king aoasih lko duck king banget ih iri duck king banget eh knp lo koq duck king bgt sih emang ak tuh salah apa coba ngapus nama ak trs malah duck king bgt ih riri ih parfah bgt udh g peduli dasar duck king banget sih ih riri emang duck king bgt aduh riri riri ih belly jellyfish bangetsih ubur-ubur, cumi-cumi, gurita banget sih lo ih ri duck king banget aduh ri jangan duck king deh ak tjd g enak apasih bilang gitu aalah bilang that';s winkyt hat's scaruy kayak bule aja deh rae ih rae ih nama michelle na,aokh njuksnya rae ih raena raewna kalo raena g ducking kl riri duck king abnget malah nulois rae g menarik banget sih rae ih rae knp lori duck king bgt sih i ih malah manggil ster ih riri cuek kalo aku liatr ester liat punya rae aku jd kepikiran kemarin sebelum friday prayer parah bgt kevin laptopnya di liatin sama lebkih dari 1 miliyar orang kl ak 0 orang kno suih jkevuib ag apoan sih pengne aku pukul tonjok biar mampus lo apaan sih ih udah riri cuek + galak trs kevin malah ditonotn 1 triliun orang ih pengen aku bunuh lo biar lo mampus aja pengen gwplotekin jerawat kamu tuh ahhhhhhh biar aje lo mampus tw rasa lo kev ih eh lo bego banget sih gw g segan-segan gw amau bunuh weasito , ekvin emang dasar orang goblok kyak gitu tuh suka2nya aja mw seneng-seneng trs kl aku malah dicuekin ama riri bukan hanya cuek aj tp namanya amope di hapus, karena itu aku cjg mau dia menderita karena seneng2 trs jd aku mau unuh lo to, kev ih casar sotuoy banget sih maunya aja ih tai banget goblok bagnet sotoy abngeti h genblek brebgsek ah ih apasih anjing bgt ih ihi iuuuu apa sih riri jg gw bunuh lo jg deh ri. Rqaaqe knp seneng liat ak kyk gini ih rae cuek2 aja lo ih. brengsek bg lo rae jijik abis!! Ini tfrrid malah ngomong patah hati ke vonn yapasih ih koq cewek ama cewk g boleh dong it u gay harusnya kalo opatah hati cewek – cowok beararti trid harus patah hati ama kau dong koq malah ama vonny ih gay abis ih!!! Aneh banget ada socer cewek ih. nice kitt=y nmice kkititu mami nicve kitty nice kit t yiht mami nick eit tynice kiyyy oh mami nivce kitty nivce kitty ih nanu nuce jutty nice kittyt mami nice kitty nice kitt yamami nice kitty nice kitty mami nicve kjitty nice kitty mami nice kutty nce kitty mami nice kitty nice kitty mami nice kitty nice kitt mami nice kitty nic ekuityut mami nice jkittyu nivce kitty mami nice ktutthy nice kitty nmami nive ktuty nive kityt mami nice ktutty nie kitty mami. Jebret langsung sakit. Kalo ketawa dispilation sih vonny. She told me about Bandung Jakata Jakarta lUna he vonny and I was the dispilation person that I want to told about him but jher chance is better run Do you come from down under d do you hear a plucne rdo you heard s aond of Thunder you hebtter go run I tried to speak with my language she just smile and give me a vetagimate sandwich and she said do you come from down udner do ului o oa plunder doo you hear a thunder he better run lran rajda luna aara Ran Radn Radja Fladyu Skimmibg Luna maya Nice kitty nice Kitty Mani I wtroter that tingi tingi thing things Luna Mayua golden Curse, Blessed, Mythic, Guardian, Junk, Cooper, Silver, Mystril, I FORGOT Already wrote cooper or not, sud ni see it, I already saw the Cooper writing He better urn and give me some sandwithch jnlu and he swaaid kenji the song luna maua left skin snow princesws, puiya. Piya pia egg not why still nice kitty Riri lo bacot banget sih sotoy lo gebelek lo nyuekin gw ya beraini banget lo tuh nbanyak makan nugget ya. Fita goes to Ester’s olucner and the ester pluncer is kemociengin the ana then ana mental until it goes to Antartica, but when ms ana want in antartica jthere are jwas and make ms ana jump to Baqndung themn ms ana jak jump to the jakartaa ehrn in there is the mushroom jumper in Bandung when in jakarta, ms ana jump with the carsw to the mars then jump until the corner of the universe then back fall to the earth fall for 15 minutes and ms ana was arrived in Kalimantan island not in java island anuymore in the scary forest. Jakarta luna maya vonita Rizani. Nnkal Ktawa Disotion nic kittynekitymausill sa hec ktywrer akeacano me just go oguardia scity guets we to liln ot ho w lif e nan a toand you easetoo know asdn ou now to life I don’t wawana to balame you blameyoumeblame meanle yo toi ont wanna to lam to blame meamnsfame mensfam blame ou means flame I dona nna toi I dot w bameouwork I don’t wanna to blame you means flame. The minutes of the time means the red steak of Lomi. fFDlady Ester Flady. Faldy. For you to remembver 4 u 2 remember use gaul language almost all Ana., Here comes a sun here I don’t I gues To kittuy of idoitot idiot lkuna mayua jakarta lfady bahari bandu n tpepanyaki papai a jakarta ms ana seduh ms ana vonny vonny ao lunafaldy skin skin skin skin skin skin ski nski ns kins ksin skin skin skin ski n faldy lun a aya faldy luna maya flady faldy luna maya faldy lbrie summer bereeze aldy faldy faldy falyde luna maya ,auhbvjbgvjngjgj fjn b Briana faldy skin luna maya ksin von falkdy Briana Skin Ghazi luna maya faldy vonita Briana Flady I love rain than sunny day work glazzy ri ir vonny vonita Rizani Teuku Mirza Nabila Syakieb faldy lkun a Skin vonny Amanah dalam cinta briana fski n von flady lu jaljl 34 34 34 34 fendi gucci bro luna bskin vonny American Idot, Work American idiot, pie, reject band all not INDONESIA ONLY TEETH said that n song creating I mean work meat your maker Tree top Rumble Rumble racing keributan keris radja sun usus Intestine sum-sum Radit faldy dan jani skin luna mauya vl eft Skin Rain, Storm, Thunder, Tornado, Suunny, Sunny, Rain, Storm, Wind, Spring, Summer ,Autumn, Winter, Snow, fog luna maya ibu ana sel surya skin Ghaz faldy kuna ester luna mYaa bulgogi ls es krim chocolate Ririn dwi Arj luna ms kin skin I love you bibeh I love u bibeh sekali gus I love u bibeh aku cinta kepadamu sayang ini hanya untukmu untukm u untukmu untukmu fg. Ciee Riri udah g suka ama sohipnya sendiri kuk avi Riri udah mulai kacang in temannya sendiri ytoy change the best friends workj lkuna f adly lujn am y brie skin ksin skin skin Kulit Serta kulit kak kevin skin because its really cild kulit kulit skin skin kulit hi kulit skin skij skim fid kulit ada mole it means skin in skin have mokle more thatn 3 moles skin work skin The la la la lala ong la la la la song la la la la song la la la DHet mgl Khal & VOnny teman Riri Es waktu zaman Bahela term 1 & 2 skrg tmen gterm 3 & 4 ADALAY eqster, DI an hnajhlanm you jave male frinesds boy friends too Riiri I ask you In the operfect moment RIir Omegfle talk toi strangetr Skin SKin Vonnt CHecha CHecha Checha Riri Josheilky Febrina the 3rd timnes work i hate it ewhrn the gtrow of the time Riri Hosuheuil yFebrija SKin you re so Glazzy work Flady skin you re k the la la la la la jkhalisa work falddddddd workj skin brbie crecekj ngiuik vonny Checha i wrote it THr circke nunmbker cyha wirej Imegke takj ti stranger yiu iviopen that and Riri sayw you but me DOnt I dont have freujnds at all because my friends are amanda, firn a, amelk but noine in trheis clas di I i and Riri not the ikind but the bad one i wanna kind riri not a bad riri work but ihnth e class & no rw class i with bad riri i alwasyus bwuith bad riri 0 lcass twith good riri only swimmming but kind riri not swimng iso i alswasys with bad riri work koq just 8401 sih I mena not that one but I wannnna with good Riri are nt you. You re so kenelevt-kienul;et Cjhe cja is ROIroi Thje circle one is checha itr sn the puzz loop is nad roirio’s froiemds faldu It’s ciee Riri The 98 nuimener pfo roasted playground peril kepemtok WPpd [eltsalnrg Taollk to the stranger you olawas opem tjatr Roroi like reading nut nkor t read just for see the pictures extra paru-paru the ,ole ih Riir like to the t telkomsel pictures and it show oiff to Ester not yhour friends anhymire beceauswe you r derinends is Stubborn or Stuburb ih Riri Josheilyh Udah berani to ngacangin is karena Di tentang you jad neen oputus witrh yuou r wfriemds Andyu Riri Merril butr hyoiu re srill bad w Amel kEsti Ice tea Esti in engluish it bec come Drink name of beverage lunma manangemt Ih Riri you re so glazzy. dikumpuin kan work Nad Had Had Nad wori dinar have the mole in it work dinar wrestri and dinar pusopita both has the molke in the face freis klecuk tungkel work blum blom the ima siiliana (ieeie) SONG INN h0p THE SONGS MAKE ME Sleep Sleep Swept me swep awa yh slept me sleoopt awau m nmnadia tsabitah work ba brei gha zvonny Nyali skin deinar Puspita Dinar Bkn nar tp Din im tp mut imut lo ksdbn uisdyh Nadia Tsabitah Van Gelder Wanita Ulie Sibuea Briana Jones glozzy koler wardunne restu intan cibodas hawk brie songkel tumawah Anggi Paulina Ambarita Semorth Mawar Bunga Matahari Bulan Sabit clocket Vanilla villa riro homogeneous skin trees lamp lamb in a chop Treasure Citra rindu alam Emerald Gunung Laut televisi electric arch sayeeca whoagold romo pastur Atura vilamen cooper sugar salt sweet Doll Boneka liti siti pink allegro stakato luna starbuck Michelle Klontong Jane Resture Tribal art fold color brie santungutiliono. Term 3 aja Riri udah g main ama Avi, trid dan teman riri dulunya sekarang Riiri mainnya ama Ddian dan Ester dan bahkan Riri sudah ngacangin kau trs . Riri riri l otuh parah gbanget udah curekin teman dulu dan dulu Riri agak cuek ama aku msh mau ngomong tp skrg Riri udah mau Bunuh aku ampe mampus dan Riri malah main pink gitu, Riri Aku benci riir. Riri Ik ill you untul you die d work ., Esti ngomong belit-belit yg artimya Benny Parson. Riir lt aklk again what’s tha n mea for Orok you are not Glzazzy Riri wudl you like to death .. Riri lbh sering ngomong ama Ester daripada Dian Ester 60% Dian 40% Aku 0%. Riri ama teman riri dulu 20%-40%. I don’t like Riri anymore. I reallly hate with you ri. Riir since you IM 2 with ester you talk with Ester all the Time Skin sojhop and Riri already not in AVI FRReinds anymore and nnow Riri in Skin’s friends. And now Riri always sit with Ester since im 2 class last term and smers te r. 945 times I like to make a joke but this one is differentl. Work . You is different with me donot you told me like that .worek Yo th esohip is Ester. You talk with Ester all the time every secon and ahahkan ever ymili second. 1/100 second. Ririr you cant do that worj ak k dkint ,iss you daras lo apple pie. Apple chop pork you alreadu in ester best friends. I wanna like Iririi. Not that I menat the love . work yourk 94o493 93i9 l.l mgapaom sou mgacamg om gw. First zombie he just rum and give me a vegentemite sandwich, work and hes aid I came from downu under keng keng thereayoy. If I become female I can talked with Riir and riri too like Ester akil balik but if around 15-20 years later it will feel; hurt. But if male Riir not talk, but tit is not hurt. Riri lo tuh ya jelek g cantik. Ngapain sih the laptop color is pink not good. Dokter Wasista bvanget suh lo RIiri udah suka with DIna ester anfd yhou not talk with gyyour sohip thats means you riri its bad to tlak about it mending l you talk with Kevin or me dont with Ester all the time I hate of ypu see still yoiou chat with Ester nad Ester it creid all b frojm it RIri lo tu hj elek maaknaya you should talk with me or ewith Kevin W or My grandfather or my granma's kids and widjaja famuilu not alwayus with Ester ........ ...all the time I saw you sit neratr Ester you sit sin skin friends and RIri fisit in ESTER YOU ALWAYS FOLLOW ESTER AND LUNCH TRIME YOPU WEITH SKIN AJUST FOR MEET eSTER IF OTHER NOT You always C Hat with Ester doint maybe your old friends doesn't like you anymore and ahad been ngacang in lo and bot me you like ester your old firnrends & me will angry last 1- smester, Riri not like me and Riri no I hope next year you with me but I think Riri with Ester for forever but sand Riri will Married with Ester too and nin next 30 years. Next ye 50 years, Riri already Ester's wife and it not goood work its already old and both have moles. Hendrikjck hgaqh? whats that mean Aqua no its submarine. You wqith ester enjoy together in starry night festival, Ester and rRIi rg red heat rt, eat together in ESTER HOUSE AND GO TO THE TOP OF MOUTHER HILL LIKE IN hARVEST mOON. 10 YEARS LATER, rI FROM NOW, rIRI AND ESTER NOT ALREADY FREINDS, BUKAN BERARTI RIRI HATE ESTER, BUT rIRI AND eSTER GET mARRIed we see moon together like Karen and I . The eyes was hurtt if it scratch for about 10 minutes. Riri the josheilky Febrinan ot Ruir ryandri I want to Josheily Febrina *Riri) tla k baout moon and you see Dian playred Harvest Moon H. Harvest MOon that Dian & I like but RIir ts still like more much Dian thenanm nm e its a very bad its implus so its the implus things the apple pie things will drop and fall to you RIri not a good part ofh headick. Its Hendrikck and you make noise RIri ists makr shy 3 person to kenelet-kebiulet in esarth & space itss reaa a what a jne..;ll to kenbelet-kebbuelt with those all mlaes. Its not a contecx but its the pocaari swat that is on that car work l RIri joice ot he holy spirit the ca to f the paint in hte science beook number 45 I think with clear food wrap a o h no its doesnt mean thye food wearap Im neamn is fo alling Riri Josheily Febrina hthE Goodess nope Its not tha tworjk the goddess put the flower to you and yo ugive the flower to her and you will recieve the white grass if yuou keep like that often. Dont put the poison mushrookml its jerking, its poisonous and its will make she hate you untul she dont like you anymore like me to Riri (Josheily Febrina). DSO please dont give her a something bad but you give the fanykinds of flower. Throw cucumber to KJappa sand He will recgive you a blue power berr. Its quiet good. I mean the mole its hasnt big riri now you anot talk with me agian, i h dian an work ketawea sendiri work vlb riana fkal dhy lb skin too ooooooo 2 cuek et but 100 years mlater the mole will get very bigg nope Riri wont alk with me, because Riri it's very cuek nope lo its but 200 years later, RIri want to kill me nand its not livfe in the earth nRiiri send me to the pluto and I stayed there fort forever and never be coma back. Sadids bange tlo Rri I tried to kill her nbnjuht hshe give ame a vegetime sand wutrcnh and she asaid are you come from down under? DO you lvo va oplkunder? hejl raena first Do you hear a thunder? You better rn and not vneve r be come agian likek men at work song - DOIwn under. THat to much Raena fLDAY L BRIRE VEGETINE SANDWIRHC, FFFAKLDHY a RAENA b RIANA nbTO THA Ti MEAN tHE eSTI AND jODFDYD NOT GBERQUAILITY TO TALK WITH THE rIRI ITS THE LALALALA SONG THE LALALAL LSONG ITS A BAD GUY A WARRIOR AND THE KNIGHT AND GUARDIAN WILL GET YOU TO THE JAIL AND IT ATTACK WITH A HUGE SWORD AND THE SWORD CONSIST OF ESRT POWER, Fire Power, Wind power and Ice power. Its 4 all of the elements of golden sun game. ha Harvest MOon dian dian its diajak RIiri to toilet and never come back but mer nbo nope anything no it woiuld forever will be limke that so tHATS Mean Riri not weiil l be talk with me anynmore. Yell- yell a scream of the yell Riri nope its a bad qualit yunot regular not good bajakn not High, P and X its bad like the name of Egg and Mayonaiise., Whooaaz Jodyu sair dWork R You Briana Esti not limek me anymore. In english, Ms Saskia send me a english file from internet and I was recieve it. Haha Aand I shockk, but Riri never help me never. Never talk never give me anthing and I dont recieve anything from Riri and you block my fsaceobook and eerase the powerpoint ofPBL and RIri cuek. Oh no you cannot do that its have the full of wron g itme s and you can go to jail and I have no friends at all you should go tho jail and hell not to heaven but me go to heaven you made me stress you jknow., wk SHe come come back nopud ypi cammpt see m,u pa;tpop Riri tal;k with eSTER EHRE dIAN GO TO HTE TOPLET riIR TALK wITH ester and Dian its like thae shock person, IRiri a good or a good bad, wroi kj bria not ajak Joddy buktiny a RirKhalisa and the ev iden ce are VOnny and Khalisa didn't come today, Riri not say anything oth er aghain buyt if I not but if Ester yes. You alwasyus chat with Ester I hate you IR ind Bahasa, you 1 class with Ester nole pa adn guuy work I will ikill her seriously. work f ekh Lpo beoker ya ir iri its a wrong train anfd it;s a wrong train ctrace Its wronmg trace Its wrong train. work brie Riri the jail peropsonm not in here any more. . Many towns people hwas angry and mad with You RI., because of that character & manener. You ersase me nad you block me not good because of that of course every one angry & mad with you and you will disquilified from that. work Youtalk with Ester untulil I dont understand what disd she talk about>? work Benthany itu taulalatnya Dita Sayers work. SI jev ngomong liat replay kal ojevij ngomong treplay artinya JEVI SUKA MAIN Naqsvcar Rumble yang ada twisternyta soalnyua ada kata repklayn ya berarti Jevi asehar0-0shar isuka main naswcar rRumble daswewsare Jeb iv suka main nasvcar rumble pasti elite ama mayhenm nd fdan Jevi liat banuyak twister terrs puinter jevi jjev isuka Nascar Rumble si Jevi. Jevi yang banygaj k ejerawatnya dan merahnya berda ada yang tua dan myuda dan have a little mole malah suka main Nascar Rumble Jevi Jevi aduh Jevi suka nascar Rumble dong sama ding aku jg suka jev haha jevi suka nasvafr rumble. ihgihi Y Ou like nasavc ar rumble replay means is nascar rumble nascar rumble uis not a good time tiop lau nut when you googling some things stjere sis rthe red mark of dyah klecuk b yang suka ngonokng gitu trs t whren I wrote again there uis a j red mark duyah lw hy miclhnellie talk with ghaz it means you a pijat angka yg there is thatolita Paramadia in the eim 2 she said that massage the number pijat angka urut angka t angkanya di pijat not di press Thal thatl yhou late 49 minutes and she saif pijat angki athe mei the meaning of pijat angka is ahat ou know that poijat angka igs not a good time cot hcdangtce the pijat angka that mseasns the pre-k jump star not a good chance to get peijat an gka masak the numnbrer fvcan di pijat noit preses gara2 orang nyebeluin ini sih jadinhya thalita bandel tj dfan she said pijat angka angkanya di pijat crecek emnang ada angaka yang di p8ijat is not pijat angka whats that you cannot pijat angka pijat angka bkan beratittn is not allowrd but pijat angka gis a someting that impossible mr libiti sdaifd impossilble things fand thalita saifd onlhu 1 yi t is pijat angka g mungkiun to pijat angka briana fla pijhat angka isw only a stranbge words pijat angka I aever hbear strangeg & funny words in my shcool is Thalita said pijat angka haha thatl thatl. Pijat angka is only the wors that michelle would be us ibkgy tge oblivious hnumber number ius maby so masak harus pijat angka t 1 1 from 1 to 99999999... untul uncountable its infintite is n a good the peoiple very tired because pijat angka from 1 to infinite ajnd its un countablea a and its take for 90 kmoinuirtes but Thalita mean press 1 u from 0 until 090 its pijat angka the pressure of the number but Libfi said pijat angka thats means Libri siad becuase of Libri said and I dont hear, but HTalita said pijat angka hah pijatg angka angkanya di urut from Mr Luibri sometinmes Libri saud starange swords, so Thalita said opijat angka. mr libri lnmr libri because mof mrl inbri and Thalisat asaid p[ijat angkia waht is the mean for pijat angka mas kada sih angka di pijit pijit angka? nO t its onluy a strange wordsa from LIbri & Thaliuta tfrom the calcutlator i means mr libri said worng worrdds and Thalita protes she saisf dpijat angka and everybody get laugh includem e becauser pijat angka is a strange worss and not only strange but its Funngy. the pijat angak its refers to the number whcih is in the chaltulator the bad number of the pijit angka nope a pijatr angka a bad wors is not a good chance ever the best the pro slkatrer of Pijat angka the pijat angka berarti 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0 is 90 minutes and feel nice but maybe there is 10 tukang pijast and its massage frpm 0 until 9. Hha the pijat angkagits 0 untul 9 if 1 its takes 900 minutes so long. and feel tired the mafssage pijat angka pijat angka ah? Nopt [pojat angka is a funy wors and pijat angka is onlu the Nada TRsabhitah and pijat angka until eard to 1 people to another peopl;e in the 1 class a puijat anglka. Pijat angka wooo Pijat angla pijat ajgla ois a Fujitsu lifebook the name of Micjelle laptop in thfor real ope nfb and others and its cvlever. Michelle mempunyai 10.000.000 kal o bapak ini 989.000.000, tsabitah 5.000.000 teman kl aku 2 teman kl orang-orang lain punya sekitar 8.000 teman, 10.000 teman, 5000 teman, 89.000 tema, bajkan teman. Haha dan paling parah itu 989.000.000 teman ug punya segitu ke2 yg nganterin kew sokla hdan jempout hah a,. Mau ta uteman thalita banyaknya itu 133.000.000, skin ada 875.000.000. you ve got homework and reward lun Ester Jessica Setyabudi Pasir Klaikai Briana Sayeeda Dago dari Jakarta SLin plecuk yang tetap Brie kulit LUna Vonny Armada skin Esti Utami Prabowo DIan Yang tak kunjung padam the red fire mnot blue water its the ice Kaliki Sand brie wokr sakin Esgter jfg ldi liat Esternya pakljng 20 menit kemudian, DIan see Ester's laptop trs Esti see Joddy laptoip amd jODDY SAW ESTI LAPTOP AND eSTER SEE dIAN Laptop. sand i wrote sand wo Tuh ESTER SAWE diADN LAPTOP NOT 5 MUINUTES AND MEANWHYILE IF SEE THE FEMA LE PICTURES ESTER SEE dIAN LAOPTIOP nRIANEA. Estiu have a lot of friends and the freinds are coompactly to esti anfd i t odesnt mean the compact of Esti was the quaril;ateral regular quality of the ogod product of box lunch, salad, water, cookies, cheese cake to the Riri, apple pie and the water, baked corn, Pizzal spagetti and the ice cone to esti its mean tha t Esti would give a vegetimete sandwich. Megan ada 9.925.000.000, ana ada 9854, brie 8753, ieie 10.254, opa 8754. Josheily Febrina ada 75.000.000. Riri yg satunya 8.000.000. Vonny ada 99.999.999. Gabung aja lo ama Raena. Maaf, kami tidak dapat mengakses laman yang Anda minta : Michel I got the boom boom pow im you saw 2000 lake Ki get the boom boom pow karo get get kero get get karo get get get get get you saw 2000 lake I got the boom boom pow tek te k e tek tetek tek tek tek Vonitsa Rizani Vonita Riznoia VAOnits Rizsnia Vonita Rizniak Vonita Riznai Vonita Rizanbi Vonita Rizani Vonita Rizani Vconita Riznai Vonita RIZANI voIBNITA ri I GOT THE Boom boo nnnnn karo get get gotta get get gotta gwt gwt gotta get get get get get I get the boom boom po w Luna skin cieee kl ngobrol oapke bjhs ni ggri s yang ikut ke opsuopulutelk setoap[ ha ru rabu aaaj Riri nanget logatnyau ih ngomong ama org la in jg gitu sauranya oengen di pukul finall y I bette rtha n you Riir nih pnegetjn g w gebuik ;e 0p Riri Joseilyu Febrina Jod y has the nmokle but bowthe mole alreaduy broken since hyear 02099 not gfor kebelt=kebulet anumore the mole of Joddy had been broken sinve year 2008. Riri ih nyebel in banget. Dfoian Dian DINA Ya ampun Riri Josheily Febriba th Josheily Febrina the lal la la la la la sng the Riri ciee Riri download laug The Bee geed – Words maksud lo apan aku ngintip Riri buka ;agunya Bee gees – words ih Riri goblo kbagnet sih kl udh liat yg nyanyo 2 giotu ih Riri epenmgen alku tnjoj biar toh ou9o banget soalnya lo uth babi kecap ih Riir lbh percaua ama ster drp d alk bedeanya hajuh banget sekitar km ih. Parah bgt lo ri. W orik riri ji hb ngacangin trs. Unable to connect to preferred wireless network. Taellaletnya Jane Reture kobinasi aneh dan warnanya kecoklatan g tw itu apaan. Fita is a slam enemy in tmsb car if attack with slam special attack and th eebar yg the singnyta kekekureke Amle is 100 minutes e h eh kopitul si eh koq gitu sih Dina arDinar Dinar Dev kjuje DUb eh eh koq pitul s SAS program you are 100 minutes for english achivement artinua achi work Devi Ih Fita Holiday Inn buka fbnua Josheily Febrina. fita orangnya terkak jeointerankekek uke kekeke FIta Dradsh Holida y Inn Fita Drash HOliday Inn Fita Drash Holuiday Inn Fita Drash Holiday Inn Fita Drash Holiday Inn Fita Drash Holiday Inn Fiuta Drash HOuilduay Inn Fita Drash HOliday Inn Fita Daradsh Holiday Inn Fita DRAash Holiday Inn FITA dRASH hOLIDAY Inn Fita Drash HOliday Inn Fita Drash Holiday inn. Dinar DinaR diNAR Dinar Skin Skin lp nu,is itu Banyak twister twisternyaba banyak bgt yg ada angeng-andengnya serakah semangka gitu like watermelon di step di inkal uyg leas bgt di pTonka dig n rigs ih yah 50 menit aja udah kayak 100 menit klao 100 menit bisa 200 menit kl biasanya apa lg kl ke bdg 50 menit jd 300 menit, 100 menit jadi lama banget 600 menit ih trs apalagi pas kdee bdg devi ngmg ama Dinar jdnya lama bgtr. Devi wkt itu ngomongnya ke Dinar ama FITA SKRG Devi ngoMONG AM AANNKA CWM TRS IH Devi ih l o tuh neyngit bsk malah off lg jdnya hari senin Dinar abis itu Fita abis a I wakt u itu g prn ngmg ama nka hari ini ngmg ama nka trs ih. \ Kecantikan Asha hadir mu semua dirikui im just going to tell apparently some of the the sgrou op in the class are changing so mean tha tpeop le must change the grop i dont knwo the group are changing if you ahappy in the group brie brie ib ire brie brie brie brie brie brie brieb rieb brie breie e brie berie brie brier brie berie Briana Sayeeda none 1 pair 2 pairs triple perfect haha Josheily 1 pair 2 pairs 3 pairs 4 pairs Riri Josheily in the jackpot golden sunnumbe r 1& 2 Rioro I hate jposejil;iu fENRONA WE RE GOPIMG TP nADIA sIBUEA Jones banget sih Riri Joshei ly fEBRIBA NIH rIRI Ttwisre F9925 Borea s levle 99265 Riri josheil y knp yta REiri, Ester, Dian suak pada main emang adas ometihn g good kl aku yg buka pasti Riri dan Ester dan Dian g liat kl ester ato dian yg buka pasti ngeliat kl teman zaman dulu jg g dibukain Riri i hate ryuou ih RIiri Make head was headick said Dian you get fever i think DIn a ANd RIr istil lcoalling i get some advice strss but you re sick tau tuh Riri ah securit yah cold mayu ber 40c from dangue fever bbilang window j g you pilek dand caugh amd bit get sick work not helaty helthy l healthy i m ena riri yg cui choose biar liil rii healht yih Josheily Febriba Ih heheheh heheh eh ke yg ngpm omgnya strange gitu ih Riri Josheily nOIH Hurt from Jpsjei;u Febrna fee;loing ;p a[a osj blek blek ppenong i meaN chat.r is a strange website rtrhat you bnot allowed to poopen that Riri like to chat with unknown peop kle biar Riri have many friends but maybe some of people are angry wit hyou if Josheily Febrinba Yang opegn because Riri hagte me os poep ole can hate Riri Briab na Ih Ester jg lop l o bole h touch Ririr laptoip but me noow Ester oalready forget Nafdia Sibuea and RI ri fore geatVonny, Khalsi a, Checha,A aVI CIEE RIRI THE MOST ANTIQUE PERSON THA HAS MOLE IN IT BUT rIRI OPENING THE CHATR.COm opening chatr.coin t teopen ciee Riri open sleep people in ih Riri ih dont open chatr/.com because is forbidden website the Omegfle tooo bbu isthe porn pictures and it's make RIri sicki maybe DIan sick because she too much open omegle & u2 RI lkpoq riri masah kau sendiri sih coba kl ada amel, amanda, firana jd nyua g senfdii hehhe cuma at school i has no best friend because of Josheily Febrina with the E plate car and hjas dalam kemasan strip moel th e strip or the chunk junk who call ed DIN A I THOIGH THER SELF iIRI TH E KIND OF CONTIHUING TH A ABOUT ragout RIr inner circle the lalalal song riri but itsm more to cocola coconuk kek ekerkek ek ekk kekke coconut Riri josheilyu febvrina ESTER OPEN fACENOOPK AND rRiri popenm other ih and Estrer ta lkwith riri an f kbngelecekb banget nek bgt mak kna lgma ma riri i wanna be girl bot boy agar rri wajnnn atalk with me while i opening bacebook and riri open the orange-yellow website ican be wiht me no its agar2 if with riri its bread ragout its reallyu the ba fd girl hte egver touch persop jm ow mus t wanna a brinnnffa rje j mother gaia grand gaia from the internet from the heart & the head mr mean is bran the pcycloraism the church meat eater work VOnny Esti cold dream bvrie r guardian gaia RIir flame 12, flame storm 24, flame thorn 36, flame guardian 50. Did an is sick and Ester is sick so ser talk weith me ajir t\u opening fb and ster opem twistter its go ing ion open twittter i s the comment tha gfo on enter with ester but i have no pair oorto talk in twitter & fb is no tfoggggggggggg fair at home toob yt Estrer the kost lily ena kperson ltaklk wiht cathikic rekigionnnnnnnnn mosoy of oepop se str mo t enak to di ajai jgobro l iwyt uo tp roro teuj jardest tuojg os tk o wakmk ajjave friejdjns but i doht jhave i tudlu re guui like wijt m e but noiw no regi wohjt witj me any more with aksi & tari s9o i very rare tp tlak the less talk me riri the most talk because riri are most li kelu with ester so i weant to give dragofly and floy to riri;s mouth lket it go to the throat, stomach, heart, small intestine, large intestine and the last fall to the riri's rectum. rectum means anus tha has the bird or the pup going on you loike puppies not oints Riri . falling gor you mairna rina maria rina Riri the justiner people its g manna thomas Riri if I become ester i alwasy di ajak ngomon with RIir but I male so i want to be Ester now i pray to the god and bless it to be ester so riri can talk with me all the second every day because the god bless me from the temple in the spring of the sea god at top of the mountain and its must go thorugh a little bit scary cave. Its like in the golden sun 2 but its ruet and its maze to go to the bless one I should across the sea with the stem going there and its ruin so I can fall and have lift to and have many bats ther e. Lift to the ellowish part its's to Ririri and i use about 2 times reveal for 2 doors. So its really hard to be ester not in this country nbut in the island. Its in the labyrinth. To go there to that cave we go to the island i\near kalajaya country and there is like forest about 2 km or 2000m you saw a cave and go there. So i want ot choose go to the scary cave alone daripada I dicuekin with Riri so I want to seartch the cave there go across the sea lkike that go to lift to the 10th floor. I want to be Ester really u wab to be ester because ester i;s th mostr entire poeople owj rk. I wanna go to that cave. AMEl bilang exper in mc ob cari how ddo you know if a work istsatirte skin riverisi riversi kerekrekrekerekrekrekrekrekrekrekrekrekrekrkerekrekrekrekrek kek ek keeuue keeukukk kekeeuuu ah ah kekuuk eueke marian eirna makan kenatn vbanyalk mape pusighn kepalanya ora kelapata kreker kkkekekekekekekek rkekjekekeek keeeueuk eahh ay keeeuu jeeeyey kkeeeuuu uu mubnum Raena Riri Ranena FUta song Fita osng keejuu Fita Fita FGita 72 Fita Fita Fita birana Fita Kucjjng Fita s be sejak terinjak how ydyyu kjnow uf a work is pardouy kata rid Fita Fkadky sjkub js kupa nulis apa ternayu I worte Raena Fita SKin SKin The la alla la alal ala song gi lang ilang msh stiull htere is all the ume vonny vohhny and xavuera akssays gi tge tiuket kinetic kinetik weork owkr worek. Amel you rde a ababy groiw from the hanin into bigt its helicpoter big ih Amel samre,l like the anfan i forget if i saw that i remember the small, medium, large, K mll x molk but i always to think he fannot the rainnbow ice cre am no t ak brie SKin SKi nsk in Amelia Diandra AMI BN IS A KIKND OF BABY DTHAT GRO W FORM THE SMALL UTNO BIG AND Bigger bigge but Aenml alwayus funny the pipi is tembem like the baby is a kinf og bvaby i Tird Tirnadar iResdtu Intan Brie KSin=- Bria Brie brie fita skin skin skin skin sk ins ksin ksi nhpow od you know hpw mr I dopnt know iftga Avui hug Amle Amel its a nahta nsha when somethiong g nemu pardoory kalo paody gw g tw owokt FIta krekrkekgekrekrekrekrkgekrekrekrekrererk tenten jkkhkeeeuuuu keeeuuuu kkeueeuu hah ahh keeukuu keeeeuuuuu keeeuuuuuuu krekgrekrkerekrekrekrekrekrekrekrekrekrekrekrekrekrerkerkerkerkerkerekrekekrekrekrekkrererkerke ten tenn kuukeeeuuuu kkkeeeuuuuu kkkeeeuuu hai haui kekeueu kekeuuu keuekeuekeu oi wanna fall for you ka emanriki manda menarik fit jg menarik kl aku g menarik fita song hah ku fita os g Fiojnita RATU pRATIWI CEMEROLPANMGT IJO LEMBUT GEMERLAP MUS TTHIOJK BEFOERE I eprtoej ojfjljlj hfit ais canitk hotemlmus inn AaK INDLE OF THE MANDA MENARIK NATASHA SERVANGUIY MELA JKLIJDN OF LIKE AMEL THINK CROP THE SAUIDR ;PODOEH PF aEMEL; PRIDIET I ANNA BE CLEVER Servanguy piua pAROP arody ge blm tw gw blm sampe situ Cirebon kata Dinar Cirebon kata Dinar Cirebon kata DInar Jakarta Devi Puirgativa Briana Sayeeda Salmun Finta Faldy SKin share some skin 4:05 oikab gw kata Khalisa lun askin ski ns ksjkn 9925. 6809289043289043829894023894389 8943843784023974239874329873287328973429874238437289849853989538953895389 ,l pnuilis paa ternayta trehere is 9039409043 34r3 ah 14 percent 14% lier Dinar mmc 389438943839438984938943894389849389438943 brie ks Fita flady skihn fit lo internishipnya dimana fwg hrs ngerjari presentasi engklish harus nyari what is advertising demi apa escuse me frbi frb dari t lo ngerjacharge nay cuma 1% jan gw kje sanan aitu nomer brp sih Avi Lu na fita jg n manj a DInar DInar DInar DInar DIanrari N SKI NdEVI bRI ESIN SHARE SOME SKIN PO TATOP KSIN TURNIOP CUCUMBER TOMATO EGGPLANT MAU DI BOTakin Share dome skin long potat om waffle frie s & hashbrown in dusis buthcher Briana SKi nSkin SKIN skIN skIN Share some skiin Share some skin bria na DInar ry piytu uasn klkk eivn more often seeing buyty mwe no no fereinds nwiont o seem y laptoop so k its because form kevin inisiative uoi alwyas lay game soo broean what so specual about rie brie gw kloq fikacanigkn ifita skin Flkady Hodludia yi bbn baru nilisi fita fita udh fita yg the done things sknmalah skin laughinbg maksanin daevi eatinv g some things beause its to facst hurry or something swellse i udiuber with ehte write dont it end because if end i woijld be eid3esd but oits because FIt gw tuh bete nabnegu k\akay gitiu bange ksin OI fwas chasde with the write said david that is trelaterd to malel Shkaina, Amel, Josheuly and DUban woho plau hadrvest either yes ror no hahah neluh compplain fita every one said on fo on same thinkg buitr clink ick oime on Kemon or Devi osd arei j o gffinish rapid istrs a teach kin Rapid slice fita nbarusan i and its forget sbhow iFietra its sane things sardenb kenaj kornet lkuskus la Faldy Ghazu jh ksk in ks in Muse chocolatge mustre chocolate mu8ste jo ljmchoclol chocolate, sterrawberry, vanilla skin its banyuwangi bandung ,ajakarta kluna fita Drahs anka I hate you Riri i wanna kill youi until deat becase riri not ekcie its horas boreasi yah already so i 1 second more i would die because of FIta Is cuek but iots smart, fresh olook tirely id ont know why fita look tirely its fresh smart but she always wants to be more clvever untulk its gbont clever but stupid dont know 1+! is ehse said 1+1 is 99999999 not 2 heb and she halso forgaot your name and parents so its no t a nicelu [pineapple wl a wana wuni things sowkr that workj in the machine gun its kuiloll A GOOD OF GLASZS TUMBAYAN Slamboyan RIri DInar Devi sjin PP gw l o taruh istu skl barurs aj a1 mika hama buielk nika ha ma benera nbula e kata Amel ih Amel you share some skiin hthe potatp iksin the ski n things is moslem by it self ljkatoikilii k nopt from the bless of god like me become ester but from the gooedess already Dian plus Skin you still talk with ester if you wanna choose devi and ester whoul iuyou choose ester or devi you will chosose ester dong as my friends riri said and Riri will marry iwth ester i tho ught 10 years later Riri and ester married to ether and have hte baby name esters so riri not arriry with male but with female name sester moslem and christian religion its not hte pair with did so the religoipn of baby will mix and its get bad so its would be wordse and it penyakit if you keep like that all ht etmime I really hate you Ri i wan a k 72 klai gw bilang i though so wso if Devi keepi noin the mid ester weil l go go og nad grow up to the sky love songs. spring in the air ew we had joy we had fun we had season in the usn but the iswne is keep with Josheily febrina. the lalalala songi s josheiluy bfenriona is about skilled and photo . ekrelrel 33 saecojdns at the roof top awananwuji gp araoind thios class nad look fita laptop ajahhah lkesem,utan i klao kesemutan di lurusin bkn di inja,-injka k malah not talk engel if takllk indoneswa i hate but ou tlak wuth javanesse langeusage i dont undersatnd i wanna kiul her soon right now oe rif gi i with zat a ester . . pergi g ski nsk isn ksi n ski ns. poinjem charger dong . .c c reste rmay i borrow riri laptop ri? yes you may borroiw it said riri. . owkr Devi putrgativa ih N CUEK IN GWKIH PE R O H LO UTH NYEBEL INEBGT HYPERHOPLE OIS A GIFGURE OF SPEECH AND MNOW ONLY TLAK but hte song too osd ih i relly wat to kill her Devi, RirD DInar and IFTA WASW HIS LAPTOP ITS LEDENG AND ITS MOPT GE TCOOL. rIRI GONNA WHOS W ME BUT IM NOT rESADY WE NMUST DO IT AT 2:03 OR 14:30 UOiu awol; l;wSWEE BUT ITS THE NASCA R URMBLE nmgame i was chase so i fuigure that sirir would be the ai its get stu8ck abnd a problem its onlyu the imaginaiton of the ai in joddys mine but the mole of tjody at 2006 and 2007 is stil for kebelet-kebulet but 2008-forever include 2010 had beenm brokeb the jkoddy mole and h\\because of the cane ance ance acne its make joddy;s mole broken . oalr\ I already wrote broken mole. Lo tuh hanamasa bgt sih lkike db debby olate bumber ih Riri jahat bgt sih wooooo. ……. Amel tuh cute riri jg cute tp she was very evil and cruel to me not like amel kan amel cute tp kan baik and good but riri cute but its always get bad to me. Riri like Ester Ester like Shakina Shsakina like Ana. Oh on ooo oriri make fool of heart Riri talk with ester again neve stop untuil iuts year 9925 if you kepei foing that because yuoi open I baru a few second chat already confuse what ia have to say but riir never getstop to talk with ester its no t a good chance you shouold reduce you r talking because it already all words talk and it get repeat for 989.000.000.000 times for all words no 1 word that never get siay its already call 100% COMPLETE from billion words. Mile second, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century, millenium Riri koq mgl ester melulu udh lupa ama vonny, aviskrg vonnvyu & avi mainnya maa Amel, djoddy sbg teman pengganti Briana ksi amep l kinmta kinta kinta kinta laklukan dengan kinta bila kamu mau maju mau ku ktk mau a bilang tampa kitna kt amael ktd nyuanti waktu denger asauran7y joddy mlh buka o megle lg suar bkn cinta tp kint a briana dian cuek banget sih brie kind le granite, zephyr, work amel welcome to my life tok tok tok tok tok trok parah bgt sih its gonna be chaos and its blada w ork briue Amel DD nadia tsabitah , shinmy gold of Amel empire, briana sayueeda the cloth brie skin shirt polo bria n abrie po l o shirt amel kucing mngomong its cat adn dog ugk brie skin yah udh 0110A:@#0 udh 10:20 g nekan i kacangin ama Riri the josheilu Febrina the heart keren parah chunk chicken brie ksin meat, beef, cow , berie skin milk koq dav ikndnyusih suka yah maa rjm ri ni deh its really a cat and baby amel ih . mlh amel yug talking, speak an d acti ve in chatting in omegle brie skin egg scramble egg breie ao mele l nto fuhnny amel opem the te;e[pjone avi deh yg nangkat tele[pon everybody tickle Amel sih because its cute & funny but me no nbecause amel is the most cuttitest people in thet world or earth. briajm of the chef ai ts a bad at all nan anan an living in the fralll skin song. YOU ITS THE MUSIC OF THE CHEF IH NYANYI N YA EMAL TYH LUCUU BGT VON AM VI JOD MEL AMA KA LG PD NGPMGROL BGT Amel nih make the blood flow from the nose from the vessel out about 2 litres. and amel didn't care about it work.

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Sinetron terbaru dan dipanajng2in ampe episode 720

Amanah dalam Cinta
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Langsung ke: navigasi, cari
Amanah dalam Cinta
Format Drama
Sutradara Indrayanto Kurniawan
Pemeran Julie Estelle
Christian Sugiono
Alice Norin
Kevin Andrean
Ali Syakieb
Nessa Sadin
Rudy Salam
Rowiena Sahertian
Lily SP
Pardi Bagus
Negara Flag of Indonesia.svg
Produser Leo Sutanto
Lama waktu 60 menit
Perusahaan produksi Sinemart
Saluran asli RCTI
Pertama tayang 28 Januari 2010
Diawali oleh Cinta dan Anugerah

Amanah dalam Cinta adalah sebuah sinetron yang ditayangkan di stasiun televisi Indonesia, RCTI.
[sunting] Pemain

* Julie Estelle sbg Julie
* Christian Sugiono sbg Milo
* Ali Syakieb sbg Dhika
* Alice Norin sbg Alya
* Kevin Andrean sbg Wisnu
* Nessa Sadin sbg Diandra
* Rudy Salam sbg Prayogo
* Rowiena Sahertian sbg Diana
* Lily SP sbg Murni
* Pardi Bagus sbg Pak Haji

[sunting] Plot
Perhatian: Bagian di bawah ini mungkin akan membeberkan isi cerita yang penting atau akhir kisahnya.

JULIE adalah gadis yang periang, berani dan mempunyai kepribadian yang yang menarik, meski pun kadang ia suka jail dan nakal. Tingkah lakunya selalu bikin orang-orang gampang banget sayang sama dia. Nggak jarang kalo JULIE melakukan kesalahan, orang-orang justru memaklumi perbuatannya…. dan memaafkan.

JULIE sekarang tinggal bersama keluarga pamannya, AHMAD dan MURNI. Tetapi karena Ahmad terlalu protektif padanya, sampai memutuskan di sekolah mana Julie harus kuliah dan dengan siapa Julie harus menikah. Julie pun memutuskan pergi ke Jakarta. Keputusan itu pun ia ambil karena bujuk rayu RADIT yang meyakinkan Julie bahwa di Jakarta ia dapat menggapai impiannya untuk sekolah dan menjadi koki terkenal.

Tetapi ternyata Radit menipunya dengan mencuri semua uang Julie saat tertidur di bis. Julie menangis karena bingung harus bagaimana. Saat merenungi nasib, bis yang Julie tumpangi mengalami kecelakaan. Sepasang suami istri yang terluka parah, ARVINO dan MEETHA, yang ia kenal selama di bis pun meminta pertolongannya untuk melanjutkan perjalanan mereka berdua untuk mengenalkan VINO, anak mereka, ke keluarga besarnya di Jakarta. Julie tak kuasa menolak amanah tersebut. Karena ternyata diketahui hanya Julie dan Vino lah yang selamat dalam kecelakaan tersebut.

Julie pun melanjutkan perjalanannya untuk memenuhi amanah Arvino dan Meetha. Di sinilah perjalanan hidupnya yang penuh lika liku dimulai. Dengan terpaksa ia harus menyamar sebagai Meetha setelah bertemu dengan keluarga besar Arvino. Julie pun bertemu dengan MILO, adik Arvino, yang ternyata adalah pria yang dulu hendak dijodohkan Ahmad padanya. Itu pun Julie ketahui setelah tanpa sengaja ia akhirnya membuka amplop yang dulu pernah Ahmad berikan padanya. Tetapi Milo terlanjur menganggapnya sebagai kakak ipar. Julie pun bingung harus bagaimana, padahal semakin lama hubungan mereka semakin dekat.

Masalah semakin pelik ketika kedekatannya dengan Milo membuat rekan kerja Milo, ALYA, yang selalu mengejar cinta Milo cemburu berat. Sehingga Alya selalu berusaha menjauhkan Julie dari Milo.

Apa akan terjadi terhadap hidup JULIE selanjutnya? Apakah JULIE akan bisa menikah dengan MILO? Apakah rahasia JULIE akan terbongkar, dan JULIE sanggup menjelaskan kepada semua orang di dalam rumah ini mengenai hal yang sebenarnya?

Konflik jadi semakin tajam, dan mengharukan…
[sunting] Crew

* Produser: Leo Sutanto
* Sutradara: Sanjeev Kumar

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Alduri Asfirna Alziyandita Athrini

Nasi goreng deok it means thta Firna shoiuld love with me da njosheilu y febrina thE Ngawur pero snb roie

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Checha Shelza Vitalaya

Checha is Riri's old friend but Riir udah lbh suka with Ester and Dian and Riri hatetwith me and chcha is the circle on e in the puzz loop ps 1 yg spinning.

Senin, 01 Februari 2010


Miwon is brie


Briana sayeeda Salmun & Vonita Rizani