udh hari sabtu ja 6.00 skrg jiejifjei inih nent ya ih ririnya udh waktunya kau meninggal duia riri koq duduknya ampe ke sofa2 aja lusa baru ngelanjutin alternative energy tp knp kl dian big bang etheouor yg mikir in org lkuan ajyb uh ekrja sendir i g enajk nmasak rii r g mikirin yg lain sih yg lbh ososhoss riri udh g mikirin aku jg udh g mikiri nteman lama riri lg y g kyk vonny & khalisa tuh ampe g msasukkan gara2 sifat riri yg makin menerjang dan menegangkan Riri dont use nature vine whip dong I must go to whirlpool to become ester or diaan wthe whirlpool is in shrine of the sea god and its very maze the road to that place and it very very easy to get lost in that cave . the location of that is in kalajaya but its very far away from the city in kalajauya littleroot city. about 180 km frj ther e. We must go t op to becom e Ester or DIdan begitu enter the shirne of the sea god go straight to the floor . Then enter the second fl oor . In 2nd floor, we g ree go to the south turn right and turn left, follow the path until reach the fork. If goIn the fork if go left its dead end, but in right there is tlike the water/small lake withi the stem. Go accross the stem push it into the east. In there , we see like kreyek-kereeyek thigs. Press a in t the kreyek32 things & th use reveal sdo the door is open. An d enter thsi door. In trhe next floor go right, then go left, go left agian, go right, go left, go right, go right ,go right, go left, and suddenly y ou see lift. In the lift uyou press 95 foloors. Wait for abotuu 2 minutes in the lift. Th en you go there follow the path. In there y ou find the 2nd greyejk-greyek things .Thi st ime there is 3 doors opened. you go to the middle door. Go stair for 5 times then go right, go left, follow the pa th. In herre you see the lift again. In lift you press floor 105. In floor 105, youou go right, take the chest (bunddle seed). After thtat you go go follow the path and see trhe sky lifter. Go into the sky lifter and it bring you to very top level 150. At level 150, you go right, get accross the sea with the stem to north then go into the beside sten go south and the 3rd stem from west to east. In the east you see the door presser. Press it then the door will open. Go enter thtere and in here the place you wanna becoming Ester or Dian. In here it haswil l see lef&right place full of fire, water, sky and land. ASnd tyou go north and see the goodess name Ester. You talk to ester you wann abe Ester or Dian. eXAMPLE i CHOOS EeSter, she will use magic you and yuou turn into Ester. After yu become ester, yo uuse teleport stone to back where you ge enter or you als ocan choos e from there go enterecne of that place us e the lifter and in right you see hole. Go down for very long time about 20 mintues or jus tuse lift down lifter to get fast only 4 minutes and i nemubs in the near enterance bu tyou must accross the sea with stem first. up d to down left to right up and down left anda right and arrive in the land entarance. . Afte r in here yu go to the h/s school meet Riri in anywhere i dunno just keep find riri good luck!! After you find riri talk with riri im the 2nd ester you wanna chat with me or no. Not only the face like Ester also the character, the voice, etc. Flexible Flexibel