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How to Make Green Tea Bath Bombs
Edited byFlickety and 11 others
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Make Green Tea Bath Bombs
Green tea is delicious to drink; it is also excellent to bathe in. Put a little green spritz into your next bath!
This recipe will net you around 6 - 8 average-sized bath bombs, making this an excellent gift activity that will both pamper you and leave you with gifts left to share!
Difficulty: Easy
Edit Ingredients
1 1/4 cups baking soda (also known as bicarbonate of soda)
1/2 cup citric acid (usually found in the baking aisle)
2 tbsp apricot kernel oil or jojoba oil
1/2 tbsp water
4 - 6 drops green soap coloring (if wished); or just leave plain and the tea leaves will feature
2 tbsp green tea leaves
Edit Steps
Mix the dry ingredients together but leave out the tea leaves for now.
Mix the dry ingredients together but leave out the tea leaves for now.
Mix the dry ingredients together but leave out the tea leaves for now. Use a large ceramic mixing bowl. Combine well.
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Pour the oil into the mixture and stir until it makes the entire mixture moist.
Pour the oil into the mixture and stir until it makes the entire mixture moist.
Pour the oil into the mixture and stir until it makes the entire mixture moist. Once mixed in, add the Use an essential oil such as rose or geranium for added benefits 1- 10 drops that can be dispersed in a full bath and stir through. If more oil is needed, judge as you mix; you will know if the mixture crumbles rather than sticks together.
Add the boiling water to the green tea leaves to revive them and have them stretch to full size (this helps the end look).
Add the boiling water to the green tea leaves to revive them and have them stretch to full size (this helps the end look).
Add the boiling water to the green tea leaves to revive them and have them stretch to full size (this helps the end look). Once they are moist, toss in with the bath bomb mixture.
Create the bath bomb shape.
Create the bath bomb shape.
Create the bath bomb shape. Do this by rolling in your hands until a small ball shape is formed. It is possible to purchase bath bomb molds as well.
Place each bath bomb onto a sheet of parchment (baking paper) or wax paper on a flat surface.
Place each bath bomb onto a sheet of parchment (baking paper) or wax paper on a flat surface.
Place each bath bomb onto a sheet of parchment (baking paper) or wax paper on a flat surface. Put this somewhere that you can leave undisturbed while the bath bombs dry out. Depending on the humidity, this can take up to a week. If you have very high humidity, consider hastening the drying process using a very low oven setting for a few hours.
Use or gift.
Use or gift.
Use or gift. If you intend using it, add one per bath, unless you have an enormous bath and then two might be best. For gifts, wrap each ball in clear cellophane and tie with raffia. Make a neat bow and add a small card listing the ingredients and instructions for use. It can be neat to add a green tea bag for having after the bath too.
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Edit Tips
Water will also help the bath bomb stick together better if you notice it is crumbling during creation.
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Edit Warnings
Green tea is benign for most people, and so are the other ingredients. As always, however, wash hands after making any beauty products to avoid accidentally rubbing anything into your eyes and dirtying your clothing and know your own allergy issues.
Edit Things You'll Need
Ceramic mixing bowl
Baking paper/parchment paper or wax paper
Wrapping cellophane and ribbon or raffia; use leftover materials where possible
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May 1, 2010 by RBecker
Featured Articles | Bath Recipes
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