X-Men: Mutant Academy 2: FAQ/Move List by GalFord
Version 0.4, Last Updated 2001-11-14 View/Download Original File
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Sony Playstation
FAQ by: GalFord (GalFord@UkyoFan.zzn.com)
When I first started to write this FAQ I had used an 'Unlock everything'
code to enable..well, everything. I did not listed it here, and I didn't
give it out via e-mail. The reason I'm did so is for the fact that it's
spoilt the sense of achievement that I should have gained when I unlocked
something new. However, it seems that one person thought that I had a bit
of a arrogance problem, so he mailed me a one of the funniest abuse-laden
mails I've ever read. They continued to get more and more hilarious each
time he wished death upon me, all for the sake of a cheat code. Well, the
game's been out for ages now, so I don't think that it really matters whether
I gave out the code now, as you can find it nearly anywhere on the 'net.
If you can't find it at all, then I suppose I don't mind giving it out via
e-mail if need be.
Kind Regards,
Version 0.4 = 14/11/01 <>
Corrected a few errors that were pointed out to me. Cleared up a few things
that meant that people would be able to unlock certain secrets. Credited a
few people with their findings etc, etc... received a LOT of mail about this
FAQ, unfortunatly most of it was from one rather abusive little fellow that
continues to try and upset me by mailing abuse to my mail account when all
he's doing is making himself look rather stupid with his lack of spelling and
grammar, over-abuse of the SHIFT key and vocabulary that seems to be sadly
limited to 13 or so swearwords. To think, all this over the fact that I
didn't give out the 'Unlock Everything' keypress cheat. You'd have thought
that it'd be quite easy to find now.. hell, it's repeated twice on
GameFAQs.com's Codes and Secrets section... Yeesh.
Version 0.3 = 02/10/01 <>
Found, and verified the method for getting Psylocke's 'Shadow' outfit.
Was mailed the definitive way to get Spiderman. Cleared up a few errors
and I 'think' that I've wrapped it up. Added a little 'something' to the
Epilogue, just in case.. ^_~
Version 0.2 = 1/10/01
Listed Costumes and Stages, verified a few methods to unlocking a few of
the hidden characters. Added a small 'How to use' section at the bottom of
every characters' moveslist. Verified the method of unlocking the 'Pool
Party' versus stage.
Version 0.1 = 26/09/01
Listed all known special moves for each of the characters. Will add throws,
extra attacks, character data in next revision. Also, will list the secrets
as and when I find them.
This FAQ is free and may not be used for profit or promotional purposes;
this MEANS being used by ANY Publisher of ANY Magazine (OK?), or be used
in a Website without the Writers Consent. It may not be changed, altered
nor edited in anyway. This FAQ was created and slaved over by
Bob Ritchings a.k.a. GalFord (GalFord@UkyoFan.zzn.com).
And after going to the effort of typing this out...
Ripping this off, will force me to do some Serious Spanking!
This Game is (c) Activision. 2001
All Characters within are (c) MARVEL. 2001
I wanted to do an FAQ for the first game, but was beaten to it by a mile...
so.. here it is! I've played around with the game for long enough now to see
that it's not just a complete rehash of the original, in fact.. it can be
insanely complex when it comes to making up a few 'expert' combos!
Joining the original cast of 10 from the first game are Havok, Nightcrawler,
Forge and Rogue as well as a few... hidden challengers.
The game system has been massively overhauled. At first glance, it looks
exactly the same, until someone boots the opponent into the air!! ^_^
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