Selasa, 19 Januari 2010
La la la la la song (Josheily Febrina)
Funnel funnel skin Amel is ak nid of like amel is ak nbikd oflkilke amell u sed kindle amel usaed granite amel YUsed flash amel ysed guardian ball A mel used eryptiuopn Brie b rie brie birie brie brie crecek ngiuik Fit adrash Holiday inn Rir idokter swsaista banget sih yang mam mariamalah Mar mar gitu trs annay67a giutu ternyata yang wasista agak ngebingunggin bmau pangigilknbya was jelek kal sis takut ro2 mabnggilnya was kalo ta jkankyuk mabggil; athat malah namanyau wAXISTA OIH rIiri wasista banget sih lagunya pentagon, dokter wasisatr5, atlantis the lost empire laguinua pentago n, crecekngikuik Riri punyas bnyk ytmn ih marin a anuyer mgl khal vo di samping vre m arina aNYER BGT XIHS AVI KL NGOMONG TUH DASAR E Marina AnyeRE BANGEQYT I G aVI JAMARINA ANYE BGT VIVI MARINA ANYER AJA PUNYA BNYK TEMAN DAN SELALU MARINA ANYER TRS YANG DI PANGGIL IHG mARINA aNYER IH RIRI BNYK TEMAN BKN CUMA MARINA ANYER TP MGLNYA MARINA ANYER SAMPE SKRG MSH mARINA aNYER TRS YG DI AJAK NGOMBGOL AKU PENGEN BGT SNIH KYK mARINA aNYER TP G BISA KL RIRIKAB MGL MARINA ANYER TRS KADAN MARINA ANYER DI AJAK NGOBROL AMA SIAPAPUN KL AKU KAN G JDNYA PENGEN KYK Marina ANyer Riri riri suka Ama Marina Anyer dasare Marina Anyer c rec cah i have it like that you gonna like that work The dreams come trus malah nyanyi wap dis n song Ih josheuilu Febrina bg sih she olikes apple pie wo rk it's for 500 G buy a guardian house 99999999 G 999 Lumber all of 9 since 2 weeks before christmas 3 people 3 Riri Brie bgty skh Dian like to play harvest Moon until bow i htink she aleady level 95 years 9 665 hrarts 8829883439043 hearts 989000000 moon toful crecej bgt moon tofu Give notes to youtr partner they wrote that part Nadia 's writier Edster writer RIri writer IDna Diuan writer crecek say hey lister n for 2 5times continous Riri crecek ngiuik crecemk ngiuik affect the weather this very2 simple for weathe r crecek tumben mr ngomkong nesecacry ih Riri lklecuik banget yg kemarin koq bkn kejora & binta ngbk nsafa malah cinta tai banget sih 2006 - 9890000000 brie malah iniiiiiiii sih goblok banget 9925 still 16025 still 18700 still 1330000 still there is air on the top kiranin aku rain o jyg bunyi tekny ahar dfa tire of a fish in Riri's klevyuk Dung breveuk vonny skkn Sojmne other air is flwelwl drago narnise brie nadia Sibeue tpai itu krg lengkal p comploete Hazzard duk e Nadia Uliea Wanita Sibuea Winds Jones Fire blast ice gaia rock crecek the air rises raisin you mea n grape apple honey ilike strawberry you mean crecek ngiuik lilts like a milk for the rapid slic crecek ster piing gampoang gamping mr tuimben ngo,ng nesecarry rising raisin jam chocolate ajm vanilala jam dian jam lu Josheily Febrina's mole jam kerecuk jam atom molecul bagnet ih mr ngomongnya scientist bgt gas apakalg gitulah kreuk bgt The Stumper guardian stem for 95 lumber bush fodder creck drop screw driver mole not listen malah write g jelas ih Riir is a kind of dry wet trs apalagi y a 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes speed 1 2 3 4 5 trs doom drom thorw the water down, put the soap onthe detergent cliotges hey pay attentoin but throw the cloisur clouds cloudy rain storm klecuk boundary the cloud get heavy ten rain that's why it;'s rain dry & wet desserts desert g tw ah mr thats weather season 92 copyu paste the mr daemon;s' sound , creck The la la la song heat the wind pick up the heat & the water big wet warkm masw sof air ih mr imr daemon thye location of luna is nedscary is depend of the ocean current coast coral reef blecvuk Riri sea island, brie , fish, Riri Yah iea ta chicken enefrgy from the ocean klecuk glacier, awarmm water heh listen fcfrecek VOnny pasif Khal Pasitf Sibuea ga skempotary voen, refrigetrator, oven, Refrigerator, freeze, klecuk, a frying pan, can, the riri spinner the kompor anything like that skti tn its a biits empty can boots branch crecek boost klecuk Brie teman ki jaca uh Riri punyta teman partenr masask akyu g sih cook bgt crook ah tsjtali g pusing sendiri g ad yg bant ah lo nii ahg jrecuyk msasa ge ngerghajihn sendrii mending ri ama bon y deh its a kind ofg hair yo uimending ama ester biar gw g ad tmn men lo kasusnya apa its a kindle lo ih talking about english subject diusahain brie Ohjecil an fishing rod krecuk hammer appa tuh Riri your watrch where is your watrch whre te siu uour old wahthech, money, hp , kh lucu banget ji hRiri cuek bgt sig hkleyvyckm Brie maola hbener tulisannya VBrie Its klecuk Torn Funnel Its' a ruin of a sun spinning star, mount of mortar mountain, hill, bri etrees oma , the goodess good quality foundation is njewsecarry a good hanbuit boif Brie spinning bri e x cor 96 97 98 99 100 briri guardian nixielv 201 h p 871924 a tk1354 de f1217 glora di it's a puddle of bundle n rie f8ujnnyg RUru kjrefuk mendekati akuy crecek ngiuik 8:28 La la la la la la la smiling krecuk briri smile sad song plecuk begiut uindah nnmr nuri doikter Wasista, Atlantis the lost emire, bando , RIri josheily Febrinba faldy skin Cars Carz brie Atlantis the lost Empire, Dokter Wasista Doctor Wasista Kreuk, nuls cad;l utfrs skin lupa nulis ap aRiri youu're so glazzy work Enak bgt Ditaa suka like to smile by it self make noisy sound coo riri said you re a bad guy ih Riri ih njahat bgt not cool udah nyuekin tr ssuka ngomong apaan sui h gitu awahat si9hu nadia nadia sibuea sibuea kerecuk ngiuik write people s name m a can a whisk a mixer, rolling pin crecek ngiuik stove i mean wor kbbrIER sKIN A GLAZZY cool kreceuk kalo bahasa inggris gw kagak ngerti peta indonesia its a court open house not imoiratns thank you for your attention kat Esti ama Joddy yg nilainya hp kal l aku g nulis thank you for your attention and cooperation masask aku g nulis gitu sih cook crook pedron crecek Peta Indonesia I guest amaama go to imp bplift me but I wanna go town I ljust care you you lo and lift me please don’t blame other sit;s AK ind of flame of that is a tingi tingi fire don’t a good ha bit a rabbits 5000 dolar s and eat some one bunch or a banana klecuk soapopera soup soap crecek funnel I turt of th ezom bvie she said uoa uogo down under she made nerveous the woed is sanswich , zombie trs thunder, sand, ih Me nat work ngoyanyi nya ada kata 2 zombmie, sandwich , thunder, plunder, brie I GO T AS STRANGE LADIS SHE MADE NERVOUS AND SHE GAVE ME A BUNCH OF SANDSICH SHEAND SHE SIAD ALAJ MNYOU REO LA BUNDER ADOWN UNDER AN D YOPU HEAF A PLUNDER ANDO YOU HAER A THUDNER? YOU BETTER RUN AN D HIDE IN THE SAND OF WASIS Wikipedia is very complicated and very hard to understand bu tif is very easy and clear to understrand 6 per of a muscle and I speak with nuy langucge she hjust smile and give sme some sand which and she said do cyo ucome from a buncher and I lcome to a plunder neke doy yuou hear a thunder whe hust s new better run and go to the pool and go untiol sdeep about 20000 meters so shew cwe can go to househily febrina house and therei is lienemies wsa fish, crab, bubble drao gn, tetc and nisxie and aquid bah2 diver bab h bah li something like that and trhere is the boss name alineation abuss Josheily Febrinba house and the real one is in the land of Down under men at work hoho ufdh my eyes was icy malah not hearing phpne and tshe saw somethon hin ester;s laptop she wsa a bad yguo k;evvuk ajd she say she just smiole and give me suome sand which and she said do you come from down unde rkoq udh aqweriwdz fd wira tama llakyak 9999999999999 hib tial lo goblok gt gw salah bener udajn ilsio wir mal;ja nilis terus crecek ngoiol amd sje gave ,e so,e samdwjocj ,r said nesecarr down under crecek sh that tape is a good f briana DO YOU COME FROM DOWN UNDER Work She just smile and she gave mE some Sandwhich and she said do you he aqo and from the cloud bla bla I asked you just for 1 hthing eradicate thjis dise09ase koq Riri liat klaptopnjua Ester Khal jdo ;yg g punya iut malah di ajak ngojmonng am Joddy She plauyed Harvest Moon fdRIE KOQ TETRGANG SIH tWISTER 1359 WORSDS DBRIE BRIE RBEI RBERIE BRIE BRIE 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 DOKTRER WASUISTA IH rIRI YOU RE SO GLAZZY fALDY jOSHEULY fEBRINBA cRECEK NGIUIK WORK BRIE SKIN cRECEKJ CHURCH CHINK ONLY 1 FROM 1400 WORS MALAH KE SAW HER WASISTA LUNA IHJ rIRI lUNA BANGET iH rIRI IH GOBOLOK BABI JKECAP BANGET SIH Suka ama Brie Faldy SKib Crecek BS D Ih Esti ngoong lagi she talk and shje swant to get candy and I will recieve a candy form Esti Utami Prabow she gaive me only 1 candy and traste lbanana for th e twister aAlert and RiriI need yuou tro go far away about 999999 km brfrom muy house stormy freeze twister brie skin Wasista and Wasista anda Wasista again Riri ntuh di tanua ih is Apple pie and the white skin is dokter wasista vonny malah gomong am akhalisa brie coca ola bgt khal isa brie brie brei crecek ngiik
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