Version 4.0, Last Updated 2004-06-07 View/Download Original File
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Return to Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA) FAQs & Guides
**** FAQ/Walkthrough ****
© 2004 Sunny Masud
All Rights Reserved
This walkthrough is best viewed in "Courier New" at size ten (10).
# #
## ##
#### T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ####
## ##
# #
*** I. INTRODUCTION .......................................... [INTD]
*** II. VERSION ............................................... [VRSN]
*** III. BACK STORY ............................................ [BKST]
*** IV. BASICS ................................................ [BSCS]
- A. Controls .......................................... [CTRL]
- B. Menus ............................................. [MNUS]
- C. Battle ............................................ [BTTL]
- D. Djinn ............................................. [DJNN]
*** V. CHARACTERS ............................................ [CHCT]
*** VI. ITEMS ................................................. [ITMS]
*** VII. WALKTHROUGH ........................................... [WKTH]
- Venus Lighthouse ..................................... [VNSL]
- Suhalla Gate ......................................... [SLGT]
- Idejima .............................................. [IDJM]
- Daila ................................................ [DILA]
- Kandorean Temple ..................................... [KTMP]
- Shrine of the Sea God ................................ [SOSG]
- Dehkan Plateu ........................................ [DKPT]
- Indra cavern ......................................... [INCV]
- Madra ................................................ [MDRA]
- Madra Catacombs ...................................... [MDRC]
- Madra Drawbridge ..................................... [MDRD]
- Osenia Cliffs ........................................ [OSCF]
- Yampi Desert ......................................... [YMPD]
- Alhafra .............................................. [ALFR]
- Garoh ................................................ [GARO]
- Air's Rock ........................................... [AIRS]
- Garoh Revisited ...................................... [GAR2]
- Osenia Cavern ........................................ [OSNC]
- Mikasalla ............................................ [MKSL]
- Osenia Cliffs/ Madra Drawbridge Revisited ............ [OSC2]
- Madra Revisited ...................................... [MDR2]
- Gondowan Cliffs ...................................... [GNDC]
- Naribwe .............................................. [NARB]
- Kibombo Mountains .................................... [KMBM]
- Kibombo .............................................. [KBMB]
- Gabomba Statue ....................................... [GMBS]
- Kibombo Mountains Revisted ........................... [KMM2]
- Gondowan Cliffs Revisted ............................. [GND2]
- Lemurian Ship ........................................ [LMSH]
- N Osenia Islet ....................................... [NOIS]
- Apojii Islands ....................................... [APIL]
- Aqua Rock ............................................ [AQUA]
- Sea of Time Islet .................................... [SOTI]
- Izumo ................................................ [IZMO]
- Gaia Rock ............................................ [GAIA]
- Izumo Ruins .......................................... [IZMR]
- Apojii Islands Cave .................................. [APJC]
- Daila Revisited ...................................... [DLA2]
- Shrine of the Sea God Revisited ...................... [SSG2]
- Kibombo/Gabomba Statue Revisited ..................... [KGS2]
- Gabomba Catacombs .................................... [GMBC]
- Champa ............................................... [CHMP]
- Ankohl Ruins ......................................... [ANKL]
- E Tundaria Islet ..................................... [ETND]
- Completing Various Tasks ............................. [CMVT]
1) Yallam ...................................... [CMVY]
2) Taopo Swamp ................................. [CMVS]
3) Trading Sequence ............................ [CMVQ]
4) Islet Cave .................................. [CMVI]
5) Madra Catacombs ............................. [CMVM]
- Tundaria Tower ....................................... [TNDT]
- Alhafra Revisited .................................... [ALF2]
- Alhafran Cavern ...................................... [ALFC]
- Champa Revisited ..................................... [CHM2]
- Sea Of Time .......................................... [TSOT]
- Lemuria .............................................. [LEMR]
- Hesperia Settlement .................................. [HESP]
- Shaman Village Cave .................................. [SHVC]
- Shaman Village ....................................... [SHMN]
- Trial Road ........................................... [TRLR]
- Atteka Inlet ......................................... [ATKI]
- Contigo .............................................. [CNTG]
- Jupiter Lighthouse ................................... [JPTL]
- Contigo Revisited .................................... [CNTR]
- Atteka Cavern ........................................ [ATKC]
- SW Atteka Islet ...................................... [ATKI]
- Kalt Island .......................................... [KLTI]
- Path to Shaman Village, Shaman Village, Trial Road ... [SHM2]
- Treasure Isle ........................................ [TRSL]
- Yallam Revisited ..................................... [YLM2]
- Magma Rock ........................................... [MGMA]
- Gondowan Settlement .................................. [GNDS]
- Loho ................................................. [LOHO]
- Angara Cavern ........................................ [ANGC]
- Northern Reaches ..................................... [NRTH]
- Prox ................................................. [PROX]
- Mars Lighthouse ...................................... [MARS]
*** VIII. CODES & SECRETS ....................................... [CDSC]
*** IX. SIDE QUESTS ........................................... [SDQS]
- Yampi Desert Cave .................................... [SDQ1]
*** X. FAQS .................................................. [FQSA]
*** XI. CREDITS ............................................... [CRDT]
*** XII. CONTACT ME ............................................ [CNIN]
# #
##### I. INTRODUCTION ############################### CODE : [INTD] ##########
# #
If you haven't guessed already, this a FAQ/Walkthrough for Golden Sun: The
Lost Age. This is my second time to be writing for this game. My first attempt
came to a blinding halt when my Japanese version of the copy was stolen. But
after about a year I finally got my hands on the English version. I sincerely
apologize to all those who read the previous version of my guide ...all four
of you. But seriously, this guide is meant especially for people who have the
japanese version of the game ...all four of you.
Now enough useless blabbering lets get on with the guide. In this guide you
will notice that I've improved the layout of the guide. I now have an improved
search system, and more information, including dialouge sections. To use the
search system press Ctrl-F to open the search menu and enter the search code
to go to the corresponding section.
You can save this file to your copmputer by right clicking the file at the
Guides/FAQS menu, and selecting Save Target As...
Oh, by the way... This guide will reveal everything about the story, if you
don't want to know what happens at the end, then TOO BAD!!! Don't read the
cutscenes. I will not hold back on the story at all.
# #
##### I. VERSIONS ################################# CODE : [VRSN] ##########
# #
VERSION 1.00 JULY 18 2003 to XXXXXXX
- Started working on walkthrough after a year.
- Finished Introduction
- Finishhed Story
- Finished Controls
- Finished Menus
- Finished Battle
- Finished Djinn
- Started Charcters
- Started Items
- Started walkthrough from scratch
- Added an item to the Codes & Secrets Section
- Finished Walkthrough
- Submitted Guide
# #
##### II. STORY ################################### CODE : [BKST] ##########
# #
Ages ago, or so the stories
tell, the power of Alchemy
ruled over the World of
Alchemy wrought the base
elements of humanity
into thriving civilizations,
like lead into gold.
But in time, man's dreams
gave birth to unrold strife.
Dreams of endless riches,
of eternal life, of dominion
over all that lived... Dreams
of conquest and of war.
These dreams would have
torn the world apart if not
for a few brave and wise
men, who sealed away the
power of Alchemy deep in
Mt. Alpeh's Sol Sanctum.
The town of Vale guarded
the secret for many years,
until Isaac and Jenna,
whose parents died in a
storm 3 years before,
disturbed the sanctum.
Saturos and Menardi, of the
Mars Clan, followed them
into the sanctum. With them
traveled Jenna's brother,
Felix, thought lost
in that same tragic storm.
Saturos and Menardi stole
the Elemental Stars, the
keys to breaking the seal
on the power of Alchemy,
and kidnapped Jenna
and the scholar Kraden
If these four jewels were
used to fire the elemental
lighthouses, the seal on
Alchemy would be broken.
Isaac and Garret set out
to stop Saturos, rescue
their friends, and return
the Elemental Stars to
their home in Sol Sanctum.
They banded together with
a young Wind Adept named
Ivan and pursued Saturos
and Menardi to Imil, a
winter-locked town near
Mercury Lighthouse.
There, they met the guardian
of the lighthouse, a Water
Adept named Mia. With
her, they pursued Saturos
to the aerie high atop
Mercury Lighthouse.
Isaac was too late to
stop Saturos from lighting
the beacon and escaping.
Again Isaac chased him,
Crossing Angara to the
shores of the Karagol Sea.
Taking passage on a troubled
ship, Isaac crossed
the Karagol to Tolbi. He
spoke with Tolbi's leader,
a strange man named Babi.
Babi entered Isaac in
Colosso as a test of his
powers. Isaac's Psynergy
won Colosso and earned him
Babi's trust. Babi revealed
a great secret to Isaac...
Thanks to a mystic draught
from the lost land of
Lemuria, Babi had lived
or 150 years! He offered
to help Isaac, who then
headed deep into Gondowan
In the town of Lalivero,
Isaac learned that
Saturos and Menardi had
kidnapped a young girl
named Sheba, whom they
needed within the lighthouse.
Isaac fought and defeated
them atop the lighthouse,
but he was too late-the
beacon had been lit.
A great cataclysm followed.
Sheba fell into the sea.
Felix jumped in to save
her, but both were lost in
the rolling waves. Jenna
left the lighthouse to find
them, but to no avail...
Isaac went to Lalivero,
where Babi asked him to find
Lemuria and the remaining
lighthouses. He gave Isaac
a Lemurian ship to make the
journey for the lost land.
This chapter of our story
begins with Jenna, just
before the beacon on
Venus Lighthouse is lit...
* taken from the game
As you can tell, they really expect you to know the story of the
first game. But don't worry there wasn't much story in the first one
to begin with. The basic wrap-up is: Isaac (main hero) accidentally
lets the bad guy have three of four jewels that are key to keeping
the balance of power in check. The bad guys kidnap one of his friends,
Jenna, as assurance that Isaac would follow them, so that they could
get the last jewel. Isaac and Garret (second ally) is given the
responsibility to retreive the stars and their friends and save the
world from utter destruction. But here's the twist, these aren't
just run-of-the-mill average teenagers who have to save the world.
These are run-of-the-mill average teenagers with powerful psychic
powers. This is where the four elements come in including a "djinn"
system. In case you don't know what djinns are, they are little furry
creatures that, when equipped, increase attributes; change class; or
give you new powers. The second story starts off where the first story
left off, except this time you play as another party, you start off
playing as Jenna just before the Venus lighthouse is lit. It's you
average "save the world" RPG...
# #
##### III. Basics ################################# CODE : [BSCS] ##########
# #
This portion of the guide will attempt to explain all the basic
functions in the game. This game options are pretty basic, but if
you have any problems come here to get a pretty good description
of each option. I will cover the Controls, the Menus, the Battle
system, and the Djinn system.
<<<<<< A. Controls <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CODE : [CTRL] <<<<<<<<<
----------- ----------------
A : Open Main Menu A : Open Main Menu
ACCEPT Talk, Check
B : Close Menu B : Close Menu
Hold to run Hold to run
L : Zoom out L : Use Equipped
R : Map mode R : Use Equipped
D-Pad : Movement through D-Pad : Movement through
game, menus, game, menus,
choices,etc choices,etc
Start : Close Menu Start : Close Menu
Open Pause Menu Open Pause Menu
Select : Open Menu, Zoom out in Map mode Select : Open Menu
L : Switch between characters (status screen)
R : Switch between characters (status screen)
D-Pad : Movement through menus, enemy selections, options, attacks
Start : No use
Select : No use
<<<<<< B. Menus <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CODE : [MNUS] <<<<<<<<
To open the Main Menu press either A or Select. To open the Pause Menu
press Start.
______________ ______________
1 -> | || ?????????? | <- 2 1 : CHARACTER SELECTION
| ## ## ## ## ||______________| - Choose character to view
| ## ## ## ## || | (only if cursor is present,
|______________|| ## ## ## ## | use D-pad to navigate)
| ### name || ## ## ## ## | <-4
3 -> | ### level || | 2 : DISPLAY BOX
|class || ## ## ## ## | - Displays information
| HP ??/?? || ## ## ## ## |
| PP ??/?? ||______________| 3 : CHARACTER STATUS
| EXP ???? || SHORTCUT L/R | <-5 - Shows the charcter's
|______________||______________| picture, name, level,
6 -> | ?????? COINS | class. current and max HP,
|______________________________| current and max PP, and
total EXP acquired
- Shows all usable Psynergy
of selected person, press
a to use
(does not show battle
- Shows psynergy equipped to
L or R
(to set a shortcut, press L
or R while in the Psynergy
Menu, switch between
characters with L and R,
select the Psynergy you
want with A)
- Shows the amount of coins
that you have
- Shows the effects of
selected Psynergy
1 -> | CLASS || | <- 2 - Shows the selected
|______________||_______________| characters name, level,
| ## ## ## ## | and class
| ## # ## # ## # ## # | (press L while character
| ? ? ? ? | is selected to access
| ? ? ? ? | their respective status
| ? ? ? ? | screen)
| ? ? ? ? |
| ? ? ? ? | <- 3 2 : DISPLAY BOX
| | - Shows action you are
|EFFECTS OF UNLEASHING IN BATTLE| about to perform (press
| ????????????????????? | R while is djinn selected
|_______________________________| to set or put on standby.
Press R and Select
*This menu is only available together to set or put
after receiving your first ALL Djinn on standby.
Djinni (Also, press select to
open the help menu)
- Shows the characters and
the djinn, type of djinn
available to that
character, and what djinn
is equipped
(If the djinn's name is
in red, it means that
the djinn is on standby,
if it is in white that
means the djinn is set,
and if it is yellow that
means the djinn is in rest)
______________ ______________
1 -> | || ?????????? | <- 2 1 : CHARACTER SELECTION
| ## ## ## ## ||______________| - Choose character to view
| ## ## ## ## || | (only if cursor is present,
|______________|| # # # # # # | use D-pad to navigate)
| ### name || # # # # # # | <-4
3 -> | ### level || # # # # # # | 2 : DISPLAY BOX
|class || # # # # # # | - Displays action you are
| HP ??/?? || # # # # # # | about to use
| PP ??/?? ||______________|
| EXP ???? || arrange/view | <-5 3 : CHARACTER STATUS
|______________||______________| - Shows the charcter's
6 -> | ?????? COINS | picture, name, level,
|______________________________| class, current and max
HP, current and max PP,
and total EXP acquired
- Show all the items the
selected character holds
(press A in the Items
Menu to enter this area,
select the Item of your
choice, press A again to
receive choices on the
use of the item. The
choices are:
When a choice is grayed
out, it means that you
may not use that choice.)
- Arrange all items by
pressing L and A
- View equipeed items by
pressing R
- Shows the amount of
coins that you have
- Shows a descreption
of the selected item
1 -> |## ## ## ##||DETAILS | <- 2 - Choose character to view
|______________||_______________| (only if cursor is present,
| ###### NAME LEVEL ? ATTACK ??| use D-Pad to navigate)
| ###### EXP ????? DEFENSE ??|
| ###### PP ??/?? LUCK ??| - Rearrange party formation
| CLASS | <- 3 with L and R
| CONDITION | - View details of chars.
| # # # # | with A
| DJINN ? ? ? ? | (Press A once to enter a
|_______________________________| chacter specific screen,
press A again to enter
the Psynergy screen;
where you can find
on djinn collected and
equipped to that char.)
- Press Select to enter a
screen that shows all the
djinn you have collected
so far
- Here you can view the
picture, name,
level, class, condition,
Exp collectd, current
and max HP, current and
max PP, attack, defense,
agility, luck, and the
total amount of djinn
that person has.
| ???????? ????????? | 1 : SAVE FIlE BOX
| Party leader Location | <- 1 - Here you can choose
| ???????? ????????? | which save file to save
|________________________________| over or save to
_________________ ____________ - Shows the name of the
| Name lvl | | ? ? ? ? | <- 2 Party Leader and the
| Class | |____________| location at which the
4 -> | Play time: | ____________ game was saved
| ??:?? | | D J I N N | <- 3
| ???? coins | | ? ? ? ? | 2 : PARTY
|_________________| |____________| - Here you can see all
the people that are in
your party (shows only
the people in the party
at the moment the game
was saved)
- Shows the number of
djinn you had when the
game was saved
- Gives information on
the leader of the group
based on the time the
game was saved, shows
name, level, class,
amount of coins held by
the party and the total
play time
This option put's the game into sleep mode where you can pause the game and
conserve battery life at the same time. You can exit this mode any time by
pressing Select, L, and R at the same time.
| ????????????????????? | 1 : DISPLAY BOX
|___________________________| <- 1 - displays info on action
|Window Color +====== |
|Window Brightness +====== | 2 : SETTINGS
|Message ## ## ## | - Displays information on the
|__________________________| - Here you can change the
| Speed ## ## ## ??? | settings of the game, you
| ## ## | <- 2 can change the color of the
|Speech ## ## on/off | menu windows, the brightness
| ## ## | of the menu, the speed in
|Auto-Sleep ## ## on/off | which the messages are
|__________________________| written down, the beeping
sounds that represent
speech during conversations
and the auto-sleep feature;
which activates Sleep Mode
after a few mintues of
<<<<<< C. BATTLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CODE : [BTTL] <<<<<<<<<
Now I don't want to seem arrogant, but the battle system in
this game is so basic that, just by creating a separate section
for it, my IQ dropped by 50. Nevertheless, some people still have
trouble with the battling, especially those that have never played
an RPG before. (FF VII doesn't count) First things first, you can
only get into a battle in the overworld or a dungeon, never
towns. Boss battles always happen at the end of a particularly
long dungeon or forest. You can even sometimes find djinn
while wandering in the overworld. If you do find a djinn in
the overworld you won't find anymore in that area. Now let's get
Let's say you are walking around for no particular reason,
when suddenly the screen transitions and you get a message saying:
"Skeleton 1 appeared!
Skeleton 2 appeared!"
Don't panic! Now you get three choices, from left to right on
the battle screen, they are:
* If you chose FIGHT then you will begin the battle. The first
character in your party's lineup always get's to choose the
action (but it doesnt mean that he will attack first), in
this case let's say Felix is first in your party, you can
have Felix use:
ATTACK - Felix will attack with his equipped weapon, you can choose
which enemy to attack by the D-pad. Note: The fastest
character in your party always attacks first, sometimes you
will use a critical hit which does more damage, and some
weapons have different hits and vary in power. For exaple
if Felix is equipped with "Doom Spear" and "Doom Spear" can
unleash "Raining Monkeys", instead of a critical hit you
might attack with the weapon's power.
PSYNERGY - You can attack the enemy with Psynergy. Use D-pad and A
button to choose Psynergy from list, on the enemy
selection part; you can choose which enemy to attack by
moving the raindrop-thingy on top of the enemies. Note:
on the Psynergy selection screen the numbers are how many
PP it will take to use that move, andthe bars represent
how many characters you can affect with the move.
(DJINN) - Set or use the character's djinn. This is only available
after you receive your first djinn. Check section IV.D
for more information.
(SUMMON) - Summon adjinn that are on standby. Only available if you
have djinn on standby ready to be summoned. Check section
IV.D for more information.
ITEM - Use the character's items.
DEFEND - You don't attack, but you take less damage when enemy
attacks you.
** If you choose FLEE your party will attempt to escape the
battle. If you are unsuccessful in your attempt the enemy
will attack first. you can't escape from boss battles.
*** If you choose STATUS you will view the status of the character.
|NAME Lvl ? status | As you can see there is a lot
|EXP ????? | of information on this page. I
|###### Attack ?? | put this on to be of help to
|###### HP ???/ ??? Defense ?? | | those who have the Japanese
|###### PP ??/ ?? Agility ?? | | version of the game but don't
|###### Luck ?? | | understand Japanese. ( By the
|CLASS ;;; + | way,that little drawing on the
| ;;; ;; | corner is thecharacter sprite,
| * * * * ;;;;;; ;; | cut me some slack.) Also, if you
|Djinn ?/? ?/? ?/? ?/? ;;;;;;; | press Select again, you will be
|Lv ? ? ? ? ;; | able to see a list of all your
|Power ??? ??? ??? ??? ;;;; | collected djinni.
|Resist ??? ??? ??? ??? ;; ;; |
<<<<<< D. DJINN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CODE : [DJNN] <<<<<<<<
Most RPGs have a twist in gameplay that seperate it from other
games. For Golden Sun it's the djinn system. This section of the
guide will cover the locations, usage and powers of the djinn in
the game. There are four types of djinn. One for each element.
Venus for Earth, Mercury for Water, Mars for Fire, and Jupiter for
When you find a djinn it automatically goes to the character
with the least Djinn, or the character of the respective element.
When you SET a djinn to a character, it can change the character's
class or give the character different psynergy. You can equip
different djinn to give yourself different psynergy based on the
situation. In battle the character may use the effects of the
Djinn that he or she has. The name of a SET djinn is written in
white in the Djinn menu.
If a djinn is given to a person but not equipped it is put on
STANDBY, in STANDBY you can't use the effects of the djinn during
battle, you don't get the benefits of equipping it. You may be
asking why anyone would use standby mode. I'll answer that question
in one six-letterd word "SUMMON", that's right, any djinn that you
have on standby can be used to send massive amounts of hurt into
enemies through pixely portable-gaming-device graphics. The fun
doesn't stop there, the more djinn you put on standby the more
summons you get. And there's more there are special tablets that
can be found in various caves and dungeons throughout your
adventure that will allow you to use special summons that fuses
different types of djinn to create a massive "pain-distributor".
Yay for pain.
I know you are in a hurry to go find all the djinn and go
medieval on everyone, but there is a catch: After you summon
djinn they go into recovery for a set time, in which you can not
use them. After it has recovered it will set itself automatically.
# #
##### V. CHARACTERS ############################### CODE : [CHCT] ##########
# #
This section cotains information on everyone that affect the
stroy of the game. It may contain spoilers, so read at your own risk.
Leader of your party. On a quest to light all the Lighthouses.
In the first Golden Sun you are out to stop him, in the second,
hear his side of the story and uncover greater facts. Venus Adept.
Felix's older sister, member of your party. She was kidnapped in
first Golden Sun by Saturos and Menardi to coax Isaac to follow
them with the Mars Star. Mars Adept.
Member of your party. She fell from the sky and was raised by a
man that found her. Doesn't know her origins and her true parents.
Mysterious Jupiter Adept.
Lemurian, member of your party. Sent on a quest by the king of
Lemuria, you will play a crucial role in his quest. The plot of
the game becomes clear after you join his quest. Mercury Adept.
Scholar, NPC. He was kidnapped along with Jenna in the the first
Golden Sun. Sent to Vale to research Alchemy by Babi. He wants to
see Alchemy released on the world. Likes to hear himself talk.
Menardi's sister. Vowes revenge against Isaac for the death of
her sister. Wants to see the Mars clan returned to their former
glory and her village saved.
# #
##### VI. ITEMS ################################### CODE : [ITMS] ##########
# #
This section contains information on Items found throughout
the game. This game has a lot of items so this will probably be
a long section.
# #
##### VI. WALKTHROUGH ############################# CODE : [WKTH] ##########
# #
Now to the part why most of you are here the Walkthrough. you
can navigate to the part you are in by using the search system. And
for the record North is up, South is down, West is <- , and East
is ->. Okay? Good. Now let's get started.
<|## VENUS LIGHTHOUSE ##################################### CODE : [VNSL] #|>
-------- CUTSCENE --------
JENNA: Are you sure we should be leaving like this?
JENNA: Once we go down those stairs, we can't get back into the lighthouse.
JENNA: Maybe I should have stopped my brother...
KRADEN: Jenna, is something troubling you?
JENNA: I just...
KRADEN: What is it? What's wrong?
JENNA: I have a bad feeeling... Like something terrible is going to happen.
ALEX: How unlike you, Jenna.
ALEX: Surprised to me?
KRADEN: A-Alex... Were you listening?
ALEX: Where's Felix? Why isn't he here with you?
JENNA: My brother? He left us.
ALEX: What can Felix possibly be thinking?
KRADEN: He was worrieed about Sheba. He went to check on her.
ALEX: He was supposed to be leading you out of here! I thought you would have
been far from this lighthouse by now.
ALEX: Why are you still here?
KRADEN: We tried to stop Felix from going back up to the aerie.
ALEX: How like him. Once Felix gets an idea into his head, he rarely
changes his mind.
JENNA: What were you talking about just now?
JENNA: What did you mean when you said...
"How unlike you"?
ALEX: I was merely surprised to hear you expressing such concern, Jenna.
ALEX: Nevertheless, I'm impressed Felix went back...
JENNA: Don't change the subject, Alex! What did you mean!?
JENNA: Are you saying that I'm insensitive!?
ALEX: If that's what you heard, then I must have misspoken. Accept my
KRADEN: Well, Jenna, I think Alex has said his piece on the matter...
JENNA: I'm not sure he has, Kraden.
JENNA: Who do you think you are talking to me like that!?
ALEX: I retract my statement, my dear. Forget all about it, Jenna.
ALEX: So tell me about this "feeling," Jenna...
JENNA: I'm just ... I'm not sure we should be leaving Venus Lighthouse yet...
KRADEN: What are you saying?
ALEX: You can't really mean to stay here...
KRADEN: Alex is right. It's far too dangerous, Jenna. We would only hinder the
JENNA: The others? Did Isaac follow us to the lighthouse?
KRADEN: It would seem so.
JENNA: He must be trying to stop Saturos and Menardi!
JENNA: If my brother goes back and finds Isaac, they're going to end up
ALEX: If the Venus lighthouse has not yet been lit, yes. Tey will fight.
KRADEN: Felix is aterribly rash young man, is he not?
JENNA: Why are boys such fools?
KRADEN: He may be rash, but Felix is no fool. His good qualities outweigh
his bad...
JENNA: That's why I think Isaac would understand if we just talked to him.
JENNA: Why didn't I think of this before now?
JENNA: Please... Can't we go back up and talk tp Isaac?
ALEX: I'm afraid that's not possible.
JENNA: Alex, why?
ALEX: He is an enemy.
JENNA: Isaac? An enemy?
ALEX: Our method's may differ, but you and I ultimately want the same thing...
KRADEN: To light the elemental lighthouses...
ALEX: Isaac and his friends would prevent this from happening.
JENNA: So that makes them enemies?
ALEX: But fear not... They won't be able to defeat Saturos and Menardi.
ALEX: So... Felix went back to the top of the lighthouse?
KRADEN: Why do you seem so pleased, Alex?
ALEX: Why shouldn't I be? After all, the lighthouse will soon shine brightly
once again!
JENNA: Alex, why do you want to see the beacon lit so badly?
ALEX: Oh, so it's my turn to answer questions, is it? Once Alchemy was
commonplace throughout this world... With its powers mankind worked
wonders throughout the land...
KRADEN: The lost age of man...
ALEX: I want to see that world restored once again, and...
JENNA: And what, Alex?
ALEX: We've spoken long enough already. Let us continue this another time. We
should leave the lighthouse now, before the beacon is fired...
KRADEN: I concur... Let's meet at the location we agreed on and wait for
JENNA: All right Kraden let's go.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene you take control of Jenna. Head through the door to your
left. In the next room, ignore the staircase and head through the southern exit.
Now if you want an item, head through the exit on the right side of the room.
You'll be in a room like this:
| |_| |_|_| | The platforms with the stars are the ones you have to
| | P | use to reach the staircase. Go through the staircase and
|_ _ _ |_____| find the Herb in the chest. Then go back to the room
|*| |*| |*| |*| | before the platform room.
|*| _ _ _|
|_ _ |_| |_| |_| Take the southern exit three times to find yourself
|*| |*| _| outside. Ooh, birds, uhh nevermind, head south to find
| _ _ _ |_| yourself in another cutscene.
| |*| |*| |_| |
|_____ _ _____|
| |*| |
_____| _ _|_____
| | |*|*| |
|__#__| _|__#__|
| | |*| |
| | | |
|_____| |_____|
-------- CUTSCENE --------
"?": There they are! Get 'em!
SOLDIER1: Iodem sent us to stand guard here, but...
I never thought we;d actually run into them.
MOB1: Scoundrels! What have you done with Sheba.
MOB2: Return her now, or you're really going to regret it!
SOLDIER1: Um... Aren't there supposed to be more of them?
SOLDIER2: Huh... Maybe they're just the first ones to come out...
MOB3: Great! That means we've got 'em outnumbered!
MOB4: We can probably take them don't you think?
SOLDIER2: Go fetch the other Tolbi soldiers still stationed in Lalivero...
SOLDIER3: Yes, sir!
MOB4: And we'll go tell the guys in the caves!
MOB5: Got it, Boss!
KRADEN: How unfortunate... It looks like an ambush. What should we do, Jenna?
JENNA: What do you mean? Look around... We'll have to fight them!
ALEX: Are you serious?
ALEX: Jenna are you really prepared to fight these men?
JENNA: We don't have any other choice. We have to...
ALEX: Well, then. Allow me to shoulder some of your burden.
KRADEN: ...Burden?
ALEX: We regroup along the road leading away from Lalivero. Do you understand?
KRADEN: You don't need to remond us, Alex. We know the place.
KRADEN: It's quite simple, Jenna. The meeting place is in the direction
opposite Lalivero.
ALEX: Follow this road west and take the path down through the canyon to the
On the other side of that cave, you will find a small peninsula called
We meet there.
ALEX: Thankfully only those workmen block your route.
JENNA: And fortunately...
KRADEN: They don't look too tough...
MOB1: Hello! We can hear you!!!
MOB2: That's just plai rude!
ALEX: Why don't the two of you escape and leave the Tolbi soldiers to me?
JENNA: The two of us? Alone?
ALEX: You can use Psynergy, can't you, Jenna?
JENNA: Um...Yes.
JENNA: Then you'll be fine.
ALEX: Then we shall reconvene at the peinsula.
SOLDIER1: Do you think you can take on Tolbi's finest on your own, little man?
ALEX: I do not wish to inflict unnecessary bloodshed.
SOLDIER4: Don't wish to... What's that supposed to mean?
ALEX: If you lay a hand on these two, I assure you that you will be made to
regret it.
ALEX: By advancing, I assume you mean to fight. Permit me to strike the first
SOLDIER5: What was "that"!?
SOLDIER4: I don't know, but whatever he did, it's out of our league!
SOLDIER5: You guys deal with him until backup arrives!
ALEX: Oh, so you're next?
MOB1: Hey, no need to worry about us!
MOB2: We're not soldiers... We're not anybody!
MOB: Seriously there's no way we're gonna face off against you.
MOB3: Let's get outta here!
ALEX: How undignified... and how shameful.
ALEX: Jenna now is your chance. Go to Idejima and wait for me.
ALEX: I'm not finished with you yet.
ALEX: you mentioned backup from Lalivero?
ALEX: Let's go meet them together, shall we?
SOLDIER5: Hey, pal! When they get here, you'll really be in for it!
ALEX: Do you honestly believe that even a hundred of you could stop me?
ALEX: How amusing... This I must see.
KRADEN: They're gone...
KRADEN: Come on, Jenna... Let's be going.
KRADEN: There's nothing standing in our way now!
JENNA: But...
KRADEN: What is it now?
JENNA: Ah... you're worried about hurting any innocents?
KRADEN: Well, just try to hold back when you're fighting.
KRADEN: Oh. You must be concerned about Felix. We can't do anything to help
him here.
KRADEN: Let's get going! To the peninsula!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After that long, slighty amusing, cutscene you get control
over Jenna again. So follow the path west untl you reach the man,
he feels confident now that Alex is gone so you have to battle
him. Fume, your first Psynergy should finish him with one hit.
After the battle head west to the next area.
<| ## SUHALLA GATE ######################################### CODE : [SLGT] # |>
Head up the staircases until you reach another ruffian. Take
care of him as you did the other, but I wouldn't rely too much on
Psynergy, you /might/ need it later. (hint hint) Head west to the
next area and climb down the first two vines. Try to enter the cave
and you will have to battle three ruffians. Use Flare, the second
Psynergy, often. Then attack normally when there are just one or
two of them left. Enter the cave and head down the staircase to
the next area. In this are you should use a few herb and heal
yourself (save a couple just in case). When you try to head East
you will be attacked by a Punch Ant. One Fume attack will kill it.
Kraden will say something about fighting being fun, even though he
never does anything. Inspect the purple gem near you to restore all
your PP. Follow the path and head through the southern exit.
<| ## IDEJIMA ############################################## CODE : [IDJM] # |>
-------- CUTSCENE --------
KRADEN: This is the place, isn't it?
IF YES/NO (doesn't matter, says the same things)
KRADEN: The peninsula at the end of the road to the west... That's what he
told us.
KRADEN: This must be Idejema!
KRADEN: Hm... Menardi said a ship would be here...
KRADEN: We ought to see if we can find it.
KRADEN: Jenna, it's over here!
KRADEN: At first glance it seems like a normal ship, but...
KRADEN: There's something odd about it...
JENNA: Kraden wait! Oh, I swear! You're like a kid with a new toy!
JENNA: Hurry up in there!
JENNA: What's wrong?
KRADEN: It's missing...
JENNA: What are you talking about?
KRADEN: The thingie... that makes it go.
JENNA: What do you mean? What's so important about this... thingie?
KRADEN: The boat can't move without it...
JENNA: That Menardi! She tricked us!
KRADEN: Tricked us?
JENNA: Yeah, by passing off this dud boat off on us!
KRADEN: There's no trick. If this boat is a dud, how did it get here in
the first place?
JENNA: Oh, right.
KRADEN: It must have been the orb...
JENNA: What orb?
KRADEN: Don't you remember that crystal Saturos was carrying?
JENNA: That big, black pearl thing?
KRADEN: I'm certain he could move the ship with it.
ALEX: Jenna, Kraden!
ALEX: There you are.
ALEX: I see you've found the boat.
ALEX: We set sail as soon as the beacon has been fired, correct?
KRADEN: Strange...
ALEX: What is it?
KRADEN: The beacon... it hasn't been lit yet.
ALEX: You're right... why is it taking so long?
JENNA: And why hasn't my brother returned?
KRADEN: They've done it, Jenna! They've lit the beacon!
JENNA: What's happening, Kraden!? Why won't the ground stop shaking?
ALEX: Strange... I think it might actually be getting worse!
JENNA: I think the lighthouse is collapsing! Look! The ground around it is
KRADEN: Mercury Lighthouse didn't react this way... What makes Venus different?
ALEX: The last tremor tore a rift in the Suhalla Range!
JENNA: How are we going to get back to Gondowan now!?
KRADEN: Idejima... It's drifting away from the mainland!
JENNA: But... What will happen to us?
JENNA: Oh, Kraden... How long will this island continue to drift?
KRADEN: I don't know... I wish you could tell me.
JENNA: Sheesh... You're no help in times like this.
KRADEN: Hey, I'm hungry...
JENNA: How can youeven think about food?
JENNA: I wonder what happened to my brother...
KRADEN: I can't be certain but it looks like they lit the Venus beacon.
JENNA: Yeah I know you don't have to tell me that. That's how we wound up
adrift at sea, right?
KRADEN: My, aren't you cranky today, Jenna!
KRADEN: Well, I suppose you're just worried about Felix.
JENNA: Issac and the others must have been at the lighthouse, too.
KRADEN: I suppose you're right...I miss them... Isaac... Felix...
ALEX: Come with me.
ALEX: There is something I wish to show you.
KRADEN/JENNA: Sheba! Felix!/ Felix... Sheba...
KRADEN: They... They're alive...
JENNA: They're really alive!
KRADEN: What is this? Alex, what happened?
KRADEN: I thought Felix and Sheba were still inside the lighthouse.
ALEX: It's miraculous...
JENNA: MIracle or no, I'm just hapy my brother's alive.
KRADEN/ALEX: What happened back there?/ ...
JENNA: Sheba...
KRADEN: Thank the elements, she's awake!
JENNA: Sheba are you all right it's me, Jenna.
SHEBA: Jenna?
SHEBA: What... happened?
KRADEN: It seems you drifted here with Felix.
SHEBA: With Felix...?
JENNA: Take your time... Do you feel all right, Sheba?
SHEBA: Where are we?
ALEX: Idejima. We were all to meet here...
But now, the island is floating away from Gondowan.
SHEBA: The island is moving?
KRADEN: I know it must be very hard to believe, Sheba.
JENNA: When the Venus Lighthouse was lit, a massive tremor tore us off the
ALEX: The ground beneath the lighthouse roiled, as though it might crumble
SHEBA: I remember now... And that's what carried us away from Gondowan.
KRADEN: But what happened to you, Sheba?
You were in the sea, and Saturos--
SHEBA: Saturos and Menardi are gone...
ALEX: What do you mean?
SHEBA: Another group came... they fought Saturos and Menardi and won.
JENNA: Was it Isaac?
SHEBA: Isaac... Yes, I think that's what they called him...
ALEX: You expect me to believe that Isaac and his companions defeated Saturos
and Menardi?
SHEBA: Have they really grown so powerful in so short a time?
KRADEN: But how did you end up in the sea?
SHEBA: When the beacon was lit, the earthquake knocked me off the lighthouse
JENNA: Then what's my brother doing here?
SHEBA: He tried to save me from drowning...
KRADEN: Felix jumped from the top of the lighthouse!? Dear me!
ALEX: Felix are you awake?
KRADEN: Ah! Felix, you're awake!
JENNA: Brother...
JENNA: Are you sure you should be standing up?
KRADEN: You don't seem very surprised to find yourself on a floating island.
ALEX: Felix, once you'd saved Sheba, you must have swum out here, correct?
ALEX: You must have seen that the island was floating when you were swimming.
JENNA: But what so we do now?
SHEBA: i have no idea. Nobody knows what lies beyond the Eastern Sea.
KRADEN: Unfortunately, I am a student of Alchemy, not geography...
SHEBA: What is it ...Alex?
KRADEN: What's the matter?
ALEX: Can't you see it?
JENNA: It's land! An island!
SHEBA: It's a little... big for an island.
KRADEN: That's no island... It's a new continent!
JENNA: We're saved!
KRADEN: So it would seem...
SHEBA: Wait...
JENNA: What is it?
SHEBA: We're going to pass north of the continent...
KRADEN: She's right!
SHEBA: I don't think we're going to make it!
JENNA: Oh, Kraden... Felix... What are we going to do?
FELIX: ???
KRADEN: Oh... This can't be good.
JENNA: What it?
SHEBA: It's ...a tidal wave.
JENNA: A tidal wave?
SHEBA: The earthquake must have caused it!
KRADEN: Oh... Oh my... It's coming right at us!
JENNA: Alex... How can you stay so calm at a time like this?
ALEX: At times like this, where would be the good in panicking?
SHEBA: we'll be washed away!
KRADEN: Help!!!
-------- CUTSCENE ---------
After that horribly long cutscene, the scene changes to the
island where everyone is unconscious. Move in any direction to
wake Felix up. You will be asked if you want to check yourself
for injuries. It doesn't matter what you answer, if you choose
yes Felix will wiggle around a bit and check himself for injuries.
Talk to Kraden and Sheba, then talk to Jenna. Answer yes to the
question, or try to leave her behind and she'll scold you then
join your party.
(She asks you if everyone is all right)
When you try to head north and you will trigger another
-------- CUTSCENE --------
KRADEN: By the way... Where has Alex gone?
KRADEN: he doesn't seem to be anywhere on the island.
KRADEN: You don't think he set out on his own, do you?
KRADEN: Then I guess there is no reason to look for him here.
KRADEN: Well, he's no longer on Idejima, at any rate.
KRADEN: He might have gone to look for a ship.
JENNA: Alex wants a ship?
KRADEN: Did you forget what he was saying?
KRADEN: He wants to return Alchemy to its former place in the world.
KRADEN: Then you know he wants to restore Alchemy to the world.
JENNA: By lighting the four elemental lighthouses, he might just succeed.
SHEBA: But why the ship?
KRADEN: The remaining two lighthouses are unreachable by land.
KRADEN: None remain to be lit across the Eastern Sea.
JENNA: So what should we--
KRADEN: We must go to the Great Western Sea...
SHEBA: The Western Sea...
JENNA: Is that where we are going, Felix?
KRADEN: Well said, Felix! And go there, we shall!
KRADEN: Don't be foolish, Felix. We must pursue Alex. We have to go there...
JENNA: That's right! our parents'lives depend on it!
KRADEN: What about you, Sheba?
SHEBA: What do you mean?
JENNA: It's ...not going to be an easy trip.
KRADEN: And there is no reason you should have to face danger... Right, Felix?
SHEBA: Then you should know my reason for traveling with all of you, Felix...
SHEBA: Felix remembers... I have a reason reasons to be traveling with you...
KRADEN: What do you mean, Sheba? What reason?
SHEBA: It's my destiny...
JENNA: This quest is your... destiny?
KRADEN: And you couldn't tell us about this earlier?
JENNA: but how can we trust you when we don't know why you're with us?
SHEBA: I'm sorry... But please, you have to take me! You must! You need me!
KRADEN: I don't understand. Why exactly do we need you?
SHEBA: You know that I'm an Adept,don't you?
SHEBA: I control the wind, as Felix already knows...
KRADEN: You knew that she was a Wind Adept?
KRADEN: Saturos must have mentioned it atop the lighthouse... I see...
KRADEN: Saturos must have known it, even though he never told you...
SHEBA: They saw that I was a Wind Adept right away...
SHEBA: They kidnapped me for my powers... They needed them on their journey.
JENNA: They would have needed an alignment that complimented their own.
SHEBA: They said they would need a Wind Adept in order to light Jupiter's
KRADEN: Ah, of course... And I suspect we'll need your power there as well.
SHEBA: So you see, you do need me.
JENNA: All right... I guess I understand now.
JENNA: But you want to know what she meant by destiny, too, don't you?
JENNA: I wish we could read minds like Sheba. Then we'd know...
JENNA: Oh, so it's just me? Too bad I can't read minds like Sheba, huh?
KRADEN: I'm sure she will tell us in her own time. Won't you, Sheba?
KRADEN: I think for now, that we should simply trust Sheba.
KRADEN: Now, I am quite famished. Shall we get moving?
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Once you FINALLY get control of Felix, head nortwest to the
next screen. Follow the dusty path to the town of...
<| ## DAILA ############################################### CODE : [DILA] # |>
One you enter this town you will see that it is flooded with
water. None of the questions the citizens ask you is important.
Also check the barrels at the south-western part of the village to
find a smoke bomb. A barrel in the house that's on top of the
stairs contains 12 coins. And a pot behind the house contains a
Herb. You can find a Sleep Bomb in a barrel near the exit inside
the store. You can rest at the inn for 6 coins. You should buy
what you need from the stores and stock up on healing items. Now
head out of the town through the southern exit.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
ECHO: Hey!
ECHO: You look like you already know a little about us, huh?
ECHO: See you know all about us, so you must be an Adept.
ECHO: Well you weren't very surprised when you saw me. Am I right?
ECHO: I thought so. I could tell you were an adept from a mile away!
ECHO: No Way! You? Surprised? Nah, I can't believe that!
I mean, look at you! You're an Adept!
ECHO: Even I know that!
ECHO: You look like you're new around here. Embarking on a dangerous journey
in a strange land?
ECHO: I thought so... Well, I'm looking for my companions... We were parted
when Mt. Aleph erupted.
ECHO: Would you mind helping me find my companions?
ECHO: Come on, take me with you. I'll even lend you and your allies my powers!
ECHO: You see the more djinn you have with the more powerful your Psynergy
ECHO: All you have to do is set us and unleash us ion battle!
ECHO: If you gather a bunch of us you'll have all that power at your disposal!
ECHO: So what do you say? will you be a pal and take us with you?
ECHO: I'm so happy! Oh, you won't regret this, I promise!
(CHOOSE AGAIN, must say yes, if you keep saying no he will automatically
join you)
ECHO: While I'm here, would you like me to give you a quick explanation about
ECHO: Well, that's it. Now, we're pals forever!
ECHO: Oh, yeah! If you want to learn more about Djinn, refer to the help,
ECHO: You and your friends should make sure you get the most out of us
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After that's over, head south until you reach a fork in the
road. Follow the western path until you are near a bridge. DON'T
cross the bridge and continue south over the trees until you reach
another bridge. Cross the birdge and follow the North-Eastern road
until you reach a building. Head inside it and you will find
yourself in the...
<| ## KANDOREAN TEMPLE #################################### CODE : [KTMP] # |>
It seems that you can't enter the temple, but never fear, it's
Psynergy to the rescue. FOLLOW the walla round to the west side of
the building. Kraden will say that there is something suspicous
about the pile of grass. So use, Sheba's WHIRLWIND technique, (you
know, the one with the tornado next to it) and clear the path.
Kraden will congratulate you and tell you to keep an eye out for
suspicious places.
Head inside the cave and follow te path until you reach a
strange bucket thing. Press up near it to climb. You wil come out
inside the walls of the temple. Head through the doors for another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MASTER POI: You there! Focus your mind!
MONK1: Did you see that, Master?
MASTER POI: No, no, no! You lack discipline!
MASTER POI: Now, you!
MONK2: How was that, Master?
MASTER POI: Improving ...slowly! Continue your meditation!
MASTER POI: Your turn!
MONK3: Master, have I done it?
MASTER POI: Not bad... You might stand a chance to succeed...
MONK3: I can do it, Master! Please, just let me try!
MASTER POI: Your skills lack polish... It may be dangerous. Do you still wish
to enter?
MONK3: Yes, I do! I do!
MASTER POI: If you fail, you may lose more than just your pride...
MONK3: I do not fear death, Master!
MASTER POI: Ho ho! Is that so?
MASTER POI: Very well, then! It is time for your trial, my son!
MASTER POI: Enter the cave, and ascend!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene heal yourself and head through the doors,
and enter the cave through the doors. This is your first real
dungeon and you want to get the most out of it, so heed my
As soon as you enter you will see that the path splits in
two directions. There is a tresure chest to the North BUT IT
CONTAINS A MIMIC! don't open it unless you are sure you can
beat it or you want some EXP. So head west, and follow the and
head down the staircase at the end of the path.
In this room head down the ladder in front of you. Note
this room you will have to come back here later to get a djinn.
Now head west, sticking close to the southern wall and talk to
the fallen monk. Now head east from where you are standing, by
GOING BEHIND THE PILLARS. now head up the ladder. Head south
and you will reach what appears to be a dead end. Now you have
to pillar-jump to your destination. You should jump in this
pattern from the first pillar:
_ _
|M| |N|
_ _ _ _
|L|K| |J| |I|
_____ _ _ _ _ _
|START| |A| |B| |F| |G|H|
¯¯¯¯¯ _ _ _
|C|D| |E|
Go to the next room when you reach the finish. You will see
that the path splits into two. Use the western path and head
down the stairs. In this room head down the ladder and make
your way to the south of the room. Now enter the water and hold
B to run while you make your way to the northeastern part of
the area. When you reach dry land head south and enter the
doorway to your
This room is amusing. If you want to get an item. Push the
pillar so that it rest on the Western platform. Now, stand on
the eastern platform and wait for the water to raise you to
the next level. Jump to the southern platform and open the
chest for a Mysterious Card.After you get the item jump on to
platform when it appears and be taken to the previous room.
Now push the pillar on the other platform and stand on the
Western platform to be taken to the next area.
In this area head west and up the ladder. Now head east
until you rech the tight rope.head toward it to get on top of
it. Walk to the next rope, but don't get on it. Go near the
pillar and use MOVE to push it to the right. Push the pilar
east until it covers the steam hole. Now go back and get on
the second rope and head east. DON"T GO DOWN THE lADDER IN
FRONT OF YOU. Follow the ledge to the right of the ladder
until you reach a dead end.jump to the platform to the left.
Head south a little and jump back to the platform on the
right, but this time behind the rock. Then head south a
little and jump back to the platform on the left, behind
the rock. Now jump to the left again. and go down the
ladder. Head out through the southern exit. In this room
you'll see a djinn but you can't get for you're ill-equipped.
So, ignore it and head south and go up the ladder. Go up
the staircase to the next room. Then up the second staircse
to your right.
In this room go around to the east side and up the
to move it out of your way. There will be a battle so you
should heal yourself. Head North and face the CHESTBEATERS.
This is your first Boss battle, it isn't too difficult if
you are at a pretty good level. Start out by unloading most
of your PP on triple attacks then focus on hitting them with
single target Psynergy. Fume and Quake are good for hurting
After the battle, a ladder will appear. Climb it and head
down the path. Exit through the southern exit and find
yourself in another
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MASTER POI: You have passed a very difficult test. You have pleased your
MASTER POI: Wait... You're not one of my students! Who are you!?
MASTER POI: How did you... come this far?
KRADEN: Ah, yes... How indeed?
MASTER POI: The rope is still on the floor.
MASTER POI: You must have come through the cave...
MAStER POI: That means...
MASTER POI: I must give you... the secret of Lash!
KRADEN: Master Poi... You seem perturbed.
MASTER POI: Oh, no... Not at all...
KRADEN: Felix, am I imagining it, or does he seem perturbed?
MASTER POI: I am not perturbed. Merely ...surprised.
MASTER POI: No one from outside the temple has ever passed the test. It's
KRADEN: What is this "Lash" ou mentioned a moment ago?
MASTER POI: Lash is a sacred power, passed down for years to the followers of
the temple.
KRADEN: A sacred power and it's called Lash, you say?
MASTER POI: And now, I must pass it on to you. It is our way.
MASTER POI: It is a gift to all those who pass the test, as it has been for
KRADEN: What type of poer is this Lash?
MASTER POI: Allow me to show you.
KRADEN: Lash looks quite a bit like Psynergy, doesn't it?
MASTER POI: Psynergy, hm? We call it spiritual strength, but it seems the
MASTER POI: I do not know of your Psynergy, but our power comes from within.
MASTER POI: This technique uses the spiritual to affect the physical.
MASTER POI: One with a strong spirit can lift and move heavy objects farther.
KRADEN: The distance changes with your level of power? Fascinating!
MASTER POI: Those who cannot pass the cave's trials are not worthy of this
KRADEN: Felix do you think this cave was designed to test one's control of
MASTER POI: Yes, yes! Well done, old man!
KRADEN: Who are you calling an old man!? You're no spring chicken yourself!
MASTER POI: You are quite mistaken... You should listen to the old man. He
speaks wisely.
KRADEN: Tha--HEY! Who are you calling an old man? You're no schoolboy
MASTER POI: I wondered if it would be right to allow an outsider to use this
KRADEN: You're ...not going to teach us?
MASTER POI: But I like you, so I will let you learn our secret.
MASTER POI: Please, follow me.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Once you have control over Felix, climb up the ladder and
inspect the crystal to receive the "Lash Pebble".
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MASTER POI: This is the power and the secret of our temple!
MASTER POI: If you are worthy you will use it with ease!
MASTER POI: When you see a rope, use Lash on it...
MASTER POI: Perhaps you will find this useful on your travels.
MASTER POI: Take this poewr with you and do good.
MASTER POI: I hope someday, my students will be worthy of this honor, too.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Now that you have the LASH you can get the djinn you saw
in the cave. Return to the cave by going down the long ladder,
where you fought the Chestbeaters. Use Move to push the pot
out of your way. Head south and down the ladder. Head east
and around the middle structure to go down the stiarcase.
Head down the stiarcase to your left. Head down the ladder.
Go to where you saw the djinn. Use Leash on the rope. After
you win the battle you will receive the Mercury djinn Fog.
Once you receive it you can exit the way you came or use
Felix's Retreat technique. Exit by going through the Western
door, in the room where you got Lash. Slide down the ledge and
exit the temple. The gate's should now be open.
Once outside, head back to Daila if you need to heal
yourself. Then head East at the road BEFORE the fork in front
of the town. Enter the cave that you see.
<| ## SHRINE OF THE SEA GOD ############################### CODE : [SOSG] # |>
Head down the ladder that you see in front of you. Try to
head to the other ladder that you see and you will be
interrupted by a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
RIKI: All right! I'm gonna throw the rope again!
TAVI: Just don't miss this time!
TAVI: Aww, no! You missed again!
RIKI: Sorry, Tavi... I can't do it!
TAVI: I thought I got lucky when that wave carried me up here...
RIKI: What are you crazy? It knocked you stupid for a good ten minutes!
TAVI: Yeah, yeah! Just find some way to get me down from here!
RIKI: Fine just don't jump down or do anything dumb, OK?
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene, go to the rope the kids were at and
use Lash on it.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
RAVI: Hey the rope!
RAVI: Awesome, Riki! Way to go!
RAVI: Who are you?
KEADEN: We're just passing through.
TAVI: How come you threw me the rope?
KRADEN: We'd heard that you needed some assistance.
TAVI: Well, whatever. Thanks anyway.
RIKI: Hey, Tavi!
RIKI: How'd ya get down from there?
TAVI: These guys threw me the rope...
RIKI: Really? These grown-ups?
RIKI: Well, whatever. Now we can go nab that critter we saw!
RIKI: What? What is it?
TAVI: That little guy's so fast, I can't catch him!
RIKI: Do you think we could catch him together?
TAVI: Well, yeah except that everytime I'm about to grab him, he flies off!
RIKI: So I guess it wouldn't matter if we worked together or not.
TAVI: Yeah, I guess not.
RIKI: Well, that's too bad.
TAVI: Hey, I'm really hungry! I haven't eaten since before I got stuck!
RIKI: Yeah, same here... My stomach's growling up a storm!
TAVI: Let's go home, Riki.
RIKI: Sounds good, Tavi.
KRADEN: They're gone...
KRADEN: Well, it was good of you to help them.
KRADEN: We should be going, too.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After that, head up the rope. Go East and through the opening.
Go East across the two logs until you reach the other side.
Ignore the staircase to the North. Try to cross the cracked log
and it will break. After you fall head up the ladder. The djinn
will run away. Follow him until you reach a staircase. Go through
the staircase. Go south, on the water, until you reach a junction
of three staircases. The two northernmost stairs lead to the same
place. Go there first. When you try to cross the bridge you will
see the djinn pass under you. So, go back to the junction and
take the southern staircase. Head North and the Djinn will flee
from you. Push the torch pillar between the two ledges, so that
the Djinn cannot pass between them. Now head toward it, wen you
have it trapped, it will battle you. After the battle you will
receive the Jupiter Djinn, Breath.
Now, exit the cave and return to Daila. Head to the east side
of the village and try to enter the house on top of the ledge.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
ALEX: Felix...
ALEX: Well, well... Our happy little family is back together again.
JENNA: Alex... Where did you go?
ALEX: To look for a ship, of course.
SHEBA: That's what Kraden said...
KRADEN: And did you find one?
ALEX: Unfortunately, there are none to be had.
ALEX: I spoke to the mayor, and he suggested that we try the large town south
of us.
KRADEN: Is that where you're going?
ALEX: Yes, Madra may have boats available. That would be the most logical move.
JENNA: So what do you think? Should we go to Madra with Alex?
ALEX: Ah... You ...want to travel wit me?
JENNA: What, you don't like that idea?
ALEX: Ah. Felix doesn't think it's such a good idea.
JENNA: You seem awfully pleased about that...
ALEX: No, that's not it. I'm just ...preoccupied.
SHEBA: Self-absorbed is more like it!
ALEX: I simply prefer to work alone.
KRADEN: If that's the case we'll let you be...
ALEX: Perhaps you will see me in Madra...
JENNA: Gah! The nerve of that guy!
SHEBA: Yeah, I know... Now, I just want to find a boat before he does!
KRADEN: Let's be on our way.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene head out of the village. Head south until
you come up on the fork in the road. Head est this time. Folloe
the trail until you see a plateu, head inside and find yourself
in the...
<| ## DEHKAN PLATEU ####################################### CODE : [DKPT] # |>
When you enter this are you will see staircasess in front of
you head up three of them until you reach an area with holes on
the ground. You can only walk on a cracked hole once. But, you
can jump over any other hole. If you want an item, fall down any
one of the holes. You'll be in another chamber. Take the southern
exit, NOT THE STAIRCASE. Climb down the vine and open the chest
to find a Full Metal Vest, hey that rhymes. Now head back to the
chamber and go up the staircase. Now head east to the next area.
Her you can only jump on the pilars once, then they crumble
beneath you. Get the Elixer,and when you fall climb back up the
vine. Pillar jump all the way to the right side. Head south and
follow the path until you reach anothe are full of holes. If you
want an Item fall from the North-western most cracked hole. Open
the chest to get a Mint. Now slide down, and head up the vines.
Go up the stairs to your left. Push the pillar to the left. Jump
across to the other side.
You will be back at the place from whence you fell. It should
look like this (excuse my sucky ASCII):
| R * |
| H # *R | R - rock
| R** | H - hole
| H x R* | # - Large crack
| R*H** | x - small crack
| #*R# |
| x * R | note: you can jump over holes
| R*R x |
After you pass that area head north to the next area. In this
area there are a lot of crumbling pilalrs, if you don't plan your
moves ahead you'll have to restart. First of all jump to the fitst
pillar you can jump to. Then jump to the platform ahead of it.Now,
you'll have two choices of where to go. If you want an item jump
to the Eastern pillar, then jump to the platform to the north of
it. Jump to the pillar to the east of the platform. Jump back the
platform. Jump back to the pillar to the east of the platform. It
should desintegrate. You are now freee to climb up the vine and
open the chest to get Themis' Axe. Now exit back to the previos
screen and come back. All the pillars should be restored. Go back
to the platform where you have two choices in which direction to
go. This time jump to the Southern pillar. Make your way to the
platform on the far left. Head north and jump to the pillar to
your right. Jump to the platform in the North. From there, jump
to the platform to your left. Follow the path to the next screen.
Continue along the path until you reach another area of holes.
Purposely fall down one. Exit throught the sothern exit. In this
room, go up the staircase at the end of the path. You'll be back
outside. Follow the path North and you'll find a djinn. It'll flee
when it spots you. Fall down the hole in front of you. Take the
southern exit to the next room.
Follow the path south and climb up the vines. Head North and
the Djinn will flee. Head East to the next screen. DON'T CROSS
THE BRIDGE WHEN THE DJINN RUNS! Go south from where you are and
climb down the vine. Go south on the ledge, and traverse the
tightrope. If you want an item push the pillar in front of you,
to the right. Climb it. Jump to the platform in front of you.
Use Lash on the rope and climb it. Open the chest for a Nut. Climb
down the rope and the pillar. Push the pillar to the north of you
off the ledge. Climb down the pillar. head south then folloow the
path. Climb up the long vine. The djinn will see you and flee to
the next screen.
In this screeen the djinn will run off leaving a crumbling
pilar for you. So, climb down the vines. Push the pillar near
you to the right. Climb up and jump to the platform. Jump to the
pillar to your right. Jump again to the second pillar. Then jump
back to the other pillar. It should crumble benath you, opening
a new path for you to follw. Follow the new path until you reach
another viney pillar. Push it to the left. Then climb it and jump
to the pillar to your right. The pillar will crumble beneath you.
Climb the vines and push the pilar off the ledge. Climb back down
the vines and go to the pillar you pushed. Use Move to move it to
the right. Now go back up the vines and use the pillar to jump to
the platform on the left. Go down the stairs.
Follow the path and go through the opening. You will see the
djinn here, but you can't do anything about it. If you look you
will see an exit at the South-East corner of the room. You should
traverse the room like so, use the numbers as your guide:
| R |
| R | R- Rock
| xRxx | #- Large Crack
| R D | x- small crack
| #Rx#R R | D- djinn
| 1 2 # | S- start
| R #x R | F- finish
| x R3 4 |
| Rx# R |
|R R 5 |
| R _F_|
| |S| |
¯ ¯¯
When you enter the next room , follow the path east and go
up the stairs. You'll find yurself back outside. Follow the
path and you will see another area of holes. Fall through the
hole that's way on the left. You will fall on the djinn and he
will drop an item. Go around and pick up the item. Be careful
not to fall down. Equip the item to any character and you will
have the Psynergy, Pound. Now head through the exit to the right.
In this chamber head out the soutern exit. You will see the djinn
in this room but don't go near it. Instead, climb down the vine.
Use Pound on the pilar next to the djinn. Now, climb back up the
vine and pursue the djinn. To get this djinn you will have to
defeat it. Once you defeat it the Mars djinn Cannon wil join you.
Now climb down the vine near you and head to the right side of
the room. Climb up the vine and use the southern exit. head up
the stairs to the left. Head up the other stairs to the left.
Once outside, follow the path south, don't be going up any stairs
now, you hear. Exit to the south and you'll be back in the overmap.
Go south and head to the boat that you see.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
KRADEN: Look... It's Menardi's ship!
JENNA: It doesn't look like they sailed here, though...
SHEBA: Of course not... They were killed at the lighthouse, weren't they?
KRADEN: Do you think it could have drifted here?
KRADEN: Yes, Felix that would have been logical...
KRADEN: How else could it have come to be here, Felix?
JENNA: If we had the thingie Saturos had, we could just take their boat.
SHEBA: For all we know, the orb is at the bottom of the sea ...with them...
KRADEN: There is no point in hanging around here all day.
KRADEN: Let's go see about finding ourselves a ship we can use.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Once you have control of Felix you can investigat the ship
but there is nothing there. From the ship head West along the
path until you get to a cave. Go inside and you'll be in the...
<| ## INDRA CAVERN ######################################## CODE : [INCV] # |>
Here is where you learn something that will make you so happy
you'll want to pissy your pants in giddy joy! Mwahahahahaha...
Headnorth until you reach the back of the cave. Use Move to push
the pillar to the right. Use lash on the rope and climb it.
Pillar jump to the platform wit the tablet. Inspect it! You can
now summon Zagan. To summon Zagan you need one Venus and one Mars
djinn on standby. Now leave the cave and head west, on the trail,
until you get to a fork on the dust path. You have a choice of
going, either East to the next town or South to the second djinn.
Let's get the djinn first. Head south and walk on the trees
until a face a djinn in battle. Defeaat it and The Venus djinn
Iron will join you. Now go back to the fork. Take the eastern
path this time. Head along the path until you see a town. Head
inside and you'll be in...
<| ## MADRA ############################################### CODE : [MDRA] # |>
Head up the steps, try to enter the gate and you'll be blocked
and presented with a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
GUARD1: You there! Hold your ground!
KRADEN: What seems to be the trouble?
GUARD2: Just wait there...
GUARD1: They don't look like they're Champa...
GUARD2: I agree...
GUARD1: Sorry for the delay. You may pass.
KRADEN: What were you checking us for?
GUARD2: Our town was sacked by pirates...
GUARD1: They'd come to free their leader, Briggs.
GUARD1: They came from the east, a small party, and we repelled them with
GUARD1: But then, foreigners struck from the west, exploiting a weak point
near our prison.
GUARd2: That's over now, though... Feel free to relax and enjoy your time
here safely.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene head inside the town. You can rest at the
inn for 12 coins then stock up on items and equipment. After your
preparations are complete. If you want an item, head to the top of
the inn. Walk on top of the stalls and open the chest for a Nurse's
Cap. Now return to the bottom level. Go to the West side of the town
and enter the building protected by two guards.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
GUARD: Admit it! You're one of the Champa, aren't you, Piers?
SHIN: Speak! Or let your silence condemn you!
PIERS: I told you already... I'm not a Champa.
SHIN: Then where did you come from?
PIERS: The heart of the Eastern Sea... If I told you where, you'd never believe
SHIN: Look at me when I'm talking to you! Are you trying to mock me!?
PIERS: I implore you, do not anger me.
SHIN: Oh, do you? So what's going to happen if I make you angry?
GUARD: Hey, Shin... Maybe you should go easy on him...
SHIN: Hey, it wasn't your girlfriend who got hurt!
PIERS: I'm sorry she was injured, but I cannot--
SHIN: I don't want your sympathy, freak! I want you to get angry for me!
PIERS: Stop, please... Even my patience has its limits.
SHIN: hey do you want to see what he'll do?
GUARD: I think we should just stop...
PIERS: if my words will not cool your temper, then...
KRADEN: Oh! That was Psynergy!
SHIN: Waaaaaaaaaahh!
GUARD: Did you do that?
PIERS: What did your friend expect?
GUARD: You monster!
PIERS: I... I am no monster.
GUARD: Help!!!
KRADEN: This man... He must be an Adept!
KRADEN: Of course! That was clearly Psynergy he just used...
KRADEN: You're right... We only know what we just saw.
KRADEN: Perhaps we should tr to learn a little more about him.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After you gain control, you should talk to Piers then use Mind
Read on him. He'll say something about you not being on of his
people. Then head outside.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
WOMAN: Has Piers escaped!?
WOMAN: Oh, I'm so releived... So Piers hasn't escaped?
MAN: If he had escaped, the elder would no longer be able to protect him.
WOMAN: but from the look of things, it seems there was a scuffle...
MAN: The cell is in disarray...
WOMAN: What happened in there, I wonder?
MAN: It seems Piers is a man of many mysteries.
WOMAN: Not the least of which being that boat he arrived in...
WOMAN: Oh, you there...
WOMAN: You look like traverlars.
MAN: Milady, now is not the time to be speaking with strangers!
WOMAN: It's all right... This one has such kind eyes.
WOMAN: When did you arrive? And where are you going?
MAN: My lady, please...
WOMAN: Are you ...going to Osenia.
WOMAN: I knew it!
WOMAN: No need to be shy, my friends.
WOMAN: One requires perpission to cross the bridge to Osenia, correct?
WOMAN: Then I hereby grant my permission to these four travelers!
WOMAN: Relay that message at once!
WOMAN: You may all continue your journey and cross into Osenia.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After that, you receive control of Felix. Now we have to
get an item. Head back to the entrance of the town. Head down
the first set of stairs. If you didn't notice before, there is
another path leading east. So head east and you'll see that
you're in a burial area. Head north of that area nd climb down
the ladder. You'll be in the...
<| ## MADRA CATACOMBS ##################################### CODE : [MDRC] # |>
Head throught the southern exit. Head you'll be in a chamber
where you have three ways to go, north and south. Head north.
Continue north in the path and climb down the ladder. Head out the
western exit. Now climb the vines that you can see to your left. Use
Move to pull the pillar into the hole. Go east and climb down the
ladder. Go through the doorway to the left. Jump to the platform
on the right side of the chamber. Head down the stirs to the north.
Go through the door. Open the chest and receive the "Tremor Bit".
Use Retreat and get out of there. Now headeast and follow the path
and you'll be in...
<| ## MADRA DRAWBRIDGE ##################################### CODE : [MDRD] # |>
-------- CUTSCENE ---------
GUARD1: Yeah, we heard about you already.
If you're going to Osenia, you'd better get moving.
GUARD2: Alhafra is up along the northeast of Osenia... You'll see it eventually.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Head north and follow the path and you'll come up on the...
<| ## OSENIA CLIFFS ######################################## CODE : [OSCF] # |>
Here you'll see that the pirate's boat has been capsized.
Now, if you want an item, follow the path North and Climb down
the rope. jump to the platform to the north. Jump to the platform
to the East. use Lash on the rope and climb it. Climb down the
vine below you, and open the chest for a "Pirate's Sword". Now
return to the entrance. Climb the vine to where you can see the
man and the woman standing. Jump to the large rock to your right.
Jump to the ledge to the right. Climb down the vine. Follow the
path East and out of there. Now follow the road until you reach a
fork. Go east into the...
<| ## YAMPI DESERT ######################################### CODE : [YMPD] # |>
Head along the path until you reach a fork. Head south and use
Pound on the pillar to gain access to the chest. Open the chest to
get a "Guardian Ring". Now head north and east to the next area.
Follow the path and you'll reach a crowd. Talk to the old man to
find out that this is the elder from the village you just acame
from. He's looking for Briggs to prove Piers' innocence. Now head
south down the path and head right at the fork. Head east to the
next area.
Use Pound on the first pillar you see to your left. You wil
reach a fork in the path. If you want you can use pound on second
pillar from the left to get an Antidote. After you get it head
east at the fork you just came from. Ignore all other paths and
the djinn there is no way you can get to it now. Head south,
then east to the next area. If you want to get the djinn now
return to that area, head south and use Pound on the pillar and
climb up the ledge.
In this area, head west until you rech the leftmost pillar.
Use Pound on it and head north. Head all the way east and use
Pound on the last pillar that you see. Head north then west and
use Pound on the first pillar that you see. Climb up the ledge.
Head left and jump to the pillar, then jump to the ledge to your
left. Head south then jump to the pillar to the east, then jump
to the ledge to the right. Head right a little bit, then head
south, when you can. (NOT DOWN THE SLIDE) Jump to the pillar to
the south, then jump to the pillar to the west, then jump to the
ledge to the west. Headsouth then jump to the pillar to the east.
Jump to the ledge to the east. Defeat the djinn to have the
Jupiter Djinn Blitz join you.
Get the Psynergy Stone that you see. Use Pound on the middle
pillar. Climb up to the ledge and head north to the next screen.
You will see something moving around under the sand. Use pound on
the pillar and follow the scorpion to the next screen.
This area will require a bit more timing. Use Pound on the
pillar ONLY when the scorpion is north of it. As in the scorpion
is heading in an up direction. Do I need to make this any clear?
Now this is probably the hardest area. The scorion makes two
revolutions here; a small one and a big one. Use Pound on the
eastern pillar when the scorpion is heading west and making a
small revolution.
The scorpion will head north and disappear into the sand. Make
sure you're at full HP, and all your djinn are on standby, before
following it. When you're ready head north an approach the circle
of stones. You'll automatically fall inside and have a boss battle
with the King Scorpion. Use Zagan a couple of time then unload most
of your PP using Psynergy attacks. Heal when necessary. He has
around 900-1000 hit points.
After the battle you will receive the Scoop Gem. Equip it to a
member of your party to receive the Psynergy; Scoop. Use your
newfound Psynergy on the circular sand thing under you. (You should
keep an eye out for circles like this. You can use Scoop here to
get items or open new areas.) Once you use Scoop on the circle step
on top of it. A fountain of water will lift you up and return to
the upper level.
Now head south to the next area. Head west to the next area.
Head south to the next area. Head south and east and jump to the
pillar to teh right. Heads south and slide down.head west to the
next area. Head southwest and use Pound on the pillar that you
see.Climb up to the ledge. If you didn't get the djinn refer back
to the guide, if you did head west to the next screen. In this
screen stick close to the southern wall until you reach another
Scoop circle. Use Scoop on it to reveal a ladder. Climb down the
ladder to reach the next area.
In this chamber, follow the path north and up the scond ladder.
Head south through the exit. Head right and up the first ledge.
Then, up the scond ledge. Head left and down the third ledge. Head
left and the crowd below will notice you. (I'm sorry I couldn't a
dd this to the CUTSCENE section but I don't know all their names.)
Anyway, they'll see you and say that since you made it up there,
there must be a path the missed. The Elder's son will find the
ladder and inform everyone. If you want to talk to them you can
go back up the third ladder, and down the first and second ladders.
But then go back to where you were and continue to the left. head
North to the next area.
There are a lot of Scoop circles here but only the southeastern
one contains an item. After you get the item head north and through
the exit. Head north and stand on the river of sand. When it carries
you far north and a little to the east, hold up and B to run into
the land. Headn north a little and dash to the right acroos the sand
and to the north of the rock. Stick close to the central platform,
and stay on the land, while following the path east and south.
Now jump onto the river and hold up to reach the strip of land
that contains the chest. Open the chest forn a Hard Nut. Now hold B
and dash to the land at the south. Head east and dash up to the land
to the north. Head nort on land. Dash to the right. Head as north as
you can on the land and dash to the left. Now head as north as you
can. (You should set Pound as a shortcut if you haven't already.)
Head onto the river and as you reach the pillar use Pound on it. Then
have the river carry you until you can get on the landto the left.
Dash between platforms again until you are back to the place where I
told you to prepare Pound as a shortcut. Now get on the river and
press B and up when you reach the place where you used Pound. Open
the chest for a Blow Mace. (Blow Mace, Hard Nut? Stupid, perverted
game designers) now let the river carry you. Head right at the second
chance you have to reach land. Go down the ladder, and south throught
the exit.
In this area, Follow the path north and east to the next screen.
Here, head down the ladder or fall from the sand fall. Either way,
continue east along the path on the bottom level until you reach
another ledge that you can climb. Climb up the ledge, dash across
the two sandfalls.If you want an item, ignore the ledge and head
south after you cross the second ledge. Use Lash on the rope and
climb it. Now fall from the upper level by using the sandfall
from the right side. DO NOT MOVE WHILE YOU ARE FALLING. You will
be held in place by a rock. Now you can head to the right and
south to open the chest to get a Trainer's whip. This item changes
your class, and gives you new Psynery, but you lose your old
Psynergy. Now fall from the waterfall and return to place where
you had a chice of going up the ledge or to the rope. This time go
up the ledge. Ignore the first sandfall thing. Go around unil you
reach the second sandfall thing. das to the east ledge. Be careful
to maker sure that you are as north as you can be so that you can
still pass. When you reach the other side, head east at the sandfall
and make sure not to press anything while you are falling. The rock
should secure you to from being carried away. Head right and you'll
reach a fork on the road. Take the north path, head into the city
that you see to reach...
<| ## ALHAFRA ############################################## CODE : [ALFR] # |>
Try to head to the center of the town and you'll be hit with a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MAN1: Finally! We're here!
MAN2: We-We're here?
MAN1: Where's the elder?
MAN3: He's coming now...
OLDMAN: Haa hoo hooo... Are we I feel like I jus walked 500 miles.
OLDMAN: I'm fine... I feel like I could walk 500 more!
MAYOR: So this Alhafra?
MAYOR: Madra is a pretty big place, but this town is huge!
ELDER: We didn't come to Alhafra to shop, Mister Mayor.
ELDER: We're here to bring in Briggs the Champa.
MAYOR: I know that!
ELDER: Then we should go straight to speak with Alhafra's mayor.
MAN1: Were in no shape to present ourselves to the mayor right now!
MAN2: Look Briggs is obvously not here, and besides, we already know Piers is——
ELDER: Silence!
ELDER: It seems Alhafra had felt the effects of the tidal wave as well...
MAN3: It looks like they suffered a great deal of damage...
ELDER: That would explan why Alhafra dowsn't have anyboats for sale, either!
OLDMAN: You now, just looking around, I get the impression that they only had
one boat to begin with!
ELDER: So if you really needed a boat the only way to get one would be to steal
Hmmm... but wouldn't that cause quite an uproar?
MAYOR: ...Which means the pirates must still be here, trying to get a boat!
MAN1: So, you think we've actually caught up with Briggs?
MAN2: No doubt about it!
ELDER: That's why I want to meet the mayor of Alhafra beofre the Champa steal
a ship.
MAYOR: Oh yeah... I get it now. In that case, let's go see Alhafra's mayor
right away.
MAYOR: Um... Say, excuse me...
MAYOR: Where would we find the mayor of Alhafra?
CITIZEN: Uh... The mayor?
CITIZEN: Jus keep going down this road. It's the last house. You can't miss it.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Once you regain control of Felix, hed near the place the
old guy led the other people. You should see someone behind the
trees. Approach him and he will run off. You can now head to the
inn if you want. Stay there for 21 coins. Head to the second floor
of the inn and head toward Alex, who is at the left side of the room.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
ALEX: So, you've finally come.
ALEX: I had had suspected we might run into each other again, since we both are
looking for boats.
ALEX: Unfortunately, the only boat this town possesses has already been sold.
ALEX: I am resting here in Alhafra a bit longer. I have traveled long and hard
and I am a bit weary.
ALEX: Perhaps we can get along until we both depart.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After regaining control, head out of the inn. Head down the
stairs near the mearchent selling wepons. Go east to the next screen.
You'll be in Eastern Alhafra... Head north and to the ship, and
you'll be "blessed" with another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
PIRATE1: It's... It's no use!
PIRATE1: The mast just won't budge, no matter how many people we get to help
PIRATE2: We're going to have to get all this junk off the mast first.
PIRATE2: If we could just get some decent footing we could have this thing
clear in no time!
PIRATE3: There's more to it than that, tough...
PIRATE4: We still have to do something about that rope over there.
PIRATE3: Untangling that'll be piece of cake, once we get a boat we can use...
PIRATE1: Oh, yeah... A piece of cake... Except for that huge rock over there!
PIRATE3: Oh, yeah... The rock...
PIRATE4: How are we supposed to get teh mast our from under taht thing? It's
PIRATE3: There's no way we're gonna move it by ourself...
PIRATE4: Well, either way, we can't do anything until Zack finishes the canoe.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After you regain control, amke sure you're prepared for a
boss battle. Head into the small building at the north. Head down
the stairs. Headsouth and you'llbe stopped by a ...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
BRIGGS: The mayor of Madra? Here?
BRIGGS: You're certain?
BRIGGS: How did he know we came to Alhafra?
PIRATE: He knew we needed a ship, and he knew we went east. It seems pretty
easy to me.
BRIGGS: Arr.. Well, yeah... When you put it in that way, it does make sense...
PIRATE: He was looking to find the mayor of Alhafra...
BRIGGS: He must be hoping the mayor will tell him where we are...
PIRATE: He'll probably tell the Ahafrans we're pirates, too, huh?
BRIGGS: Pirates!? That seems a little unfair!
PIRATE: What do you mean? We ...are pirates, aren't we?
I mean, we've taken all sorts of stuff that didn't belong to us.
BRIGGS: That's because everyone in Champa would starve otherwise! We don't
have any choice.
BRIGGS: And even then, it's never a lot.
PIRATE: What-What's not?
BRIGGS: The stuff we take we never take too much from any one town.
PIRATE: Yeah, I guess not..
BRIGGS: And why do you think that is?
PIRATE: Er... Why?
BRIGGS: Because you never can tell how these wealthy towns will react. It's
too risky, right?
PIRATE: Hey, yeah! Which is why we didn't steal anything from Alhafra...
BRIGGS: Right! That's why we avoid the risky town and just ake what we need
from the others!
PIRATE: See? That's why you're our captain, Briggs! You've got brains coming
out of our ears!
JENNA: Hmph! There's nothing brainy about that!
BRIGGS: Did you hear that? It sounded like a girl! Who's out there!?
PIRATE: What do you think you're doing?
SHEBA: Did you know that someone has been falsly imprisoned for your crimes?
BRIGGS: Er... What's your point?
JENNA: You have to come with us and attest to that man's innocence!
BRIGGS: And ...why would I want to do something like that?
KRADEN: I was hoping we could avoid anty ugliness, but you leave us no choice!
KRADEN: We'll bring you in against your will if we must, but either way your
coming with us!
KRADEN: Isn't that right Felix?
JENNA: Good for you! Let's teach these guys a lesson!
JENNA: After what they've done? Come on, we need to make them fess up!
PIRATE: You don't stand a chance! We're hardened criminal types! We eat punks
like you for breakfast!
BRIGGS: Watch yourselves, you self-righteous little brats! You're the ones
with a lesson to learn!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
As soon as the cutscene is over you'll enter a battle. The
Sea Fighter had around 200 HP. Briggs has around, maybe, 1200 HP.
He will call for help, so try to finish him off fast. (I defeated
Briggs before he had a chance to call in for reinforcements, but
there are a lot of pirates on the ground. Why?)
-------- CUTSCENE --------
JENNA: Well, that takes care of that!
SHEBA: And I'm willing to bet everyone Briggs has been harassing will be quite
happy to hear it!
KRADEN: This should set everyone in Indra at ease... They all seemed to fear
the pirate Briggs...
BRIGGS: We lost...
BRIGGS: Even pirates have honor... I'll go quietly. I won't make a scene just
because I lost...
BRIGGS: Go on... Hand us over to Madra or Alhafra or whoever...
JENNA: Good... First off, you can tell the Madrans that the man called Piers
is innocent.
BRIGGS: Fine. So, what, I just have to say that Piers isn't one of my men?
SHEBA: That's right you tell the Madrans that, and they can realease their
SHEBA: Saying Piers is innocent won't clear you of your own crimes...
KRADEN: We've secured Briggs's vow... We should take him to the Madrans...
CHAUCHA: Can't you find it in your hearts to forgive Briggs and his men?
KRADEN: And whoa are you?
CHAUCHA: My name is Chaucha. I am briggs wife.
JENNA: So, you're a pirate, too?
BRIGGS: No! Chucha hasn't done a thing! Let her be!
CHAUCHA: I know Briggs and his men hvae caused some great trouble with their
CHAUCHA: And I know their crimes cannot be ignored...
SHEBA: If you know all that, then how can you ask us just to forgive him?
CHAUCHA: The only reason Briggs became a pirate was to help the people of
CHAUCHA: We Champa are a seafaring folk. Our livelyhood depends entirely upon
the sea.
CHAUCHA: But in recent years, the sea has changed... We can't live the life we
once could.
BRIGGS: The oceans have warmed, and the fish have vanished from our waters.
CHAUCHA: The soil in Champa is rocky and barren. No crops can grow there.
KRADEN: No crops? So you have no grains? And no meat? It sounds like life in
Champa is hard...
BRIGGS: It's not hard! It's unbearable! Our children can't eat! Our village is
CHAUCHA: These men promised to return with food enough for all out people, but
they found none...
JENNA: So you became pirates...thieves...
SHEBA: We don't know where Champa is...
KRADEN: It sits on the southwest corner of Angara...
JENNA: Southeast Angara? Isn't that near Xian and Lama Temple?
KRADEN: You have a good memory! If you were to head south through the mountains
you'd find it.
JENNA: That's so far away...
BRIGGS: Well, yeah! You think we coulb be successful pirates so close to home?
CHAUCHA: If they raided any towns near Champa, it would be obvious to all who
the attackers were...
BRIGGS: And no one back home would forgive me if they knew. Not even my
MADRA MAYOR: But where does that leave us? Are we simply ot accept your looting
here on Indra?
ALHAFRA MAYOR: I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked!
ELDER: What's do shocking?
ALHAFRA MAYOR: It looks like they really are pirates, just like you said...
MADRA MAYOR: Mister Mayor, I am appalled that you could not take our word for
MAN: He probably wouldn't even have beleived we were from Madra if the Mayor
hadn't come!
ALHAFRA MAYPOR: Am I supposed to beleive the accusations of a complete stranger?
MAN: Is this your position, Mayor?
ALHAFRA MAYOR: How can I be expected to believe that a tidal wave could wash
Indra into Osenia?
ALHAFRA MAYOR: Or that a group of men could walk——on foot!——from Madra all the
way to Alhafra?
ElDER: It seems to me like you had forgotten about us altogether!
ALHAFRA MAYOR: I'm not sure you remember the last time we met. Do you?
MADRA MAYOR: We met when I was just a child... It must have been more than ten
years ago by now...
ALHAFRA MAYOR: Twenty years! It's been twenty years since I last saw you.
ELDER: Has it really beens so long?
ALHAFRA MAYOR: It's been a long time indeed!
MAN: I guess we can't blame you for forgetting his face.
ALHAFRA MAYOR: Don't be silly! I didn't forget his face! His face merely...
KRADEN: Ahem! Forgive my interrupting your interruption, but...
KRADEN: Would I be correct in assuming that I am speaking to the leaders of
Madra and Alhafra?
MADRA MAYOR: You are correct! I am the mayor of Madra.
ELDER: And I...
ALHAFRA MAYOR: I am the mayor if Alhafra.
ELDER: I am Madra's town elder.
MAN: And I am a close personal friend of Shin, whose lover was injured by the
KRADEN: I am the scholar Kraden.
KRADEN: He is Felix, the leader of our group.
JENNA: I am Jenna, Felix's sister.
SHEBA: I am called Sheba. I come from the town of Lalivero.
KRADEN: Now what errand has brought you all here?
MADRA MAYOR: We came for Briggs...
ALHAFRA MAYOR: The mayor of Madra claims——
MADRA MAYOR: We followed Briggs here from Madra.
MADRA MAyOR: Of course, we have good reason to suspect them of being pirates.
ALHAFRA MAYOR: Ahem! And I was honestly taken aback to hear a businessman being
ALHAFRA MAYOR: If they truly are pirates, then why would they go to the trouble
of buying a ship from us?
ELDER: Because the very funds they used to purchase the ship were pillaged from
our homes!
BRIGGS: If the ship was bought with Madran gold, then it belongs to the Madrans!
BRIGGS: What do you say? If you give them the ship, will that fix everyithing?
MADRA MAYOR: Then wehre will you go?
BRIGGS: I won't run and I won't hide. ...Actually, I don't feel up for much of
anything right now.
ELDER: Then you probably won't mind being locked up, will you?
CHAUCHA: Briggs...
BRIGGS: Don't worry, Chaucha! I'll be back!
BRIGGS: Take care of Eoleo!
BRIGGS: Your strange powers surprised me, but even without them, you would have
overwhelmed us.
MADRA MAYOR: We'll be taking that boat, then.
PIRATE1: You'retaking our ship!? Your worse than we ever were!
PIRATE2: Aren't you at least going to pay us for the boat!?
BRIGGS: Quiet! All of you!
BRIGGS: Do as you must, but I have on request...
BRIGGS: You have to let Chaucha and Eoleo stay in the boat until it's repaired.
ALHAFRA MAYOR: You haven't done Alhafra any harm, Briggs...
ELDER: At least keep him locked up until the boat is repaired...
MAN: And or prisoner, Piers... Is he one of your men?
BRIGGS: I don't know any Piers! Sounds to me like you've made a pretty big
ELDER: See! It's just as I said! Piers is innocent!
ELDER: You must return to Madra and free him immediately!
MAN: ...Me? What, alone?!?
MADRA MAYOR: Only two of us will remain here. You can return to Madra with the
MAN: Understood! We'll return immediately!
SOLDIER1: Can you came with us? ...Please?
ALHAFRA MAYOR: It looks like taht wraps this whole mess up...
ALHAFRA MAYOR: Let us return to my mansion for a nice cup of tea...
ALHAFRA MAYOR: You say your name is Kraden?
ALHAFRA MAYOR: Thank you very much for the help with Briggs.
ALHAFRA MAYOR: If you have time please come see me at my mansion before you go...
ALHAFRA MAYOR: It's nothing special, but I would like to tahnk you for
everything that you've done.
MADRA MAYOR: Why do I get the feeling that the mayor of Alhafra prefers to deal
with my father over me?
MADRA MAYOR: Thank all of you very much.
MADRA MAYOR: Due to your efforts, Piers is going to be realeased.
MADRA MAYOR: And now, this fine ship belongs to Madra.
MADRA MAYOR: None of this would have come to pass were it not for you. Thank you.
MADRA MAYOR: Unfortunately, I don't have any reward I can offer you here...
KRADEN: Oh, pish posh! We don't need any rewards, do we, Felix?
MADRA MAYOR: Ha! Your honest is refreshing, Felix!
MADRA MAYOR: That's as may be, but I still feel quite indebted to you.
MADRA MAYOR: So, what shall we do?
MADRA MAYOR: I know... Come to Madra after our boat has been fixed and we've
sailed home.
MADRA MAYOR: We are still recovering from the effects of the tidal wave so it
won't be much...
MADRA MAYOR: But we do want to give you some kind of reward.
MADRA MAYOR: Well, shall we be going?
CHAUCHA: I see, so...
CHAUCHA: Oh! N-Nothing. Never mind...
CHAUCHA: I do get to stay on the boat, right? At least until it's repaired?
CHAUCHA: Yes. That's where I'll be if you need me. ...With Eoleo...
SHEBA: I feel kind of bad for Chaucha.
JENNA: What can we do about it? After all she's the one married to a pirate.
KRADEN: So, what should we do now?
KRADEN: I suggest we try to find Piers. He could prove enlightening!
SHEBA: That's true... he seems to be a water Adept.
He might be able to tell us alittle about this lands...
JENNA: Do you think we should help them fix the boat?
KRADEN: Say, if we help with the boat, amybe they'll give us a ride back to
Madra! Good idea!
SHEBA: What do you say, Felix?
JENNA: All right! let's go see what we can do to get this thing sailing
JENNA: You're opposed to it? Well, since you seem to have your own ideas,
let's get going!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Once you finally have control of Felix, head south and use
Move to push the pillar to the right. Head inside and use Tremor
on the crate with the bread. When it falls inspect the bread to
receive Large Bread. Now head back up to the deck of the ship.
You now have free access to the parts of the ship you couldn't
access before. Head south and trigger yet another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
KRADEN: You so plan to help with the mast, right?
SHEBA: Not even Briggs and his pirates could fix that mast. how are we
supposed to?
JENNA: They need our help... We at least have to try...
JENNA: Isn't that right, Felix?
KRADEN: Well then we'd better get right to it, hadn't we?
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After that perfectly sized cutscene, head up the brown
steps to your right. Go down the long wood thing. Head south
and push the white thing into the water. Now use Move on the
crate and push it into the water. Now go back to the deck.
Head south of the log and use Move ont the white thing and
push it into the water. Now go to the north of the log and
push it from the north. Now go back down the long wooden
thing. This time, head north and walk on the tightrope.
Go back to the mast to the south. Jump to the deck of the
ship, from the opening. Use Lash on the rope. Climb it and
go around the large ledge. Climb down the vines and use
Pound on the pillar. Head south by jumping on the submerged
pillar and flotsam. Head south on the new area and use Move
on the large crate to push it to the left. Head south and
jump to the flotsam on the left. Jump on the various items
and make your way to the floating log. Climb upon the rope
and make your way tot he deck of the boat.
Head back to the place where you used Pound on the pillar.
Head south and return to the large crate. Use move to move it
to the left. Push it into the water. Jump to it andmake your
way all the way north on the debris. Head south at the cracked
rock and Jenna will say taht you've done all you can and there
is no reason for you to stay. So head back to the deck of the
ship. Try to head onto the pier and you'll be greeted by a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
KRADEN: Are you finished here, Felix?
SHEBA: Wait you wanted to do this, and now you're telling me we should just
give up?
JENNA: I just don't see how much more help we can be here, Sheba.
SHEBA: Oh, don't be ridiculous! We've already done so much.
JENNA: I know how you feel, but there's nothing else we can do right now.
KRADEN: So... Maybe we should start searching for another ship then...
KRADEN: ...Not that I was planning on "borrowing" the Madran's ship!
KRADEN: Although ...I did plan on asking them if we could use it once we got
back to Madra...
KRADEN: But it doesn't look like the ship will be leaving anytime soon.
KRADEN: So I think maybe we should just forget about that and start on our way
again, Felix.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene head out of the port and go to the
path where the pirate ran away when you first entered the
town. Follow the path north and enter the building that used
to be guarded. Head into the room directly north of you.
Talk to the old man to the right to enter a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MAN: I'm sure the mayor has his reasons for halting repairs on the sailboat...
MAN: The mayor feels that Madra should only get back what was stolen from them.
Nothing more...
MAN: But now it seems the Madrans area getting the better end of the deal...
MAN: The mayor thinks it's unfair that Madra should benefit while Alhafra
MAN: That's why he's keeping the pirate's money and using it to repair Alhafra,
not the boat.
MAN: If Madra wants their boat fixed they can just pay us to have it fixed.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Now talk to the mayor.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MAYOR: Briggs tells me there are huge towns on a continent that lies across the
Eastern sea.
MAYOR: He tells me that by trading with one another, all of these towns prosper
and grow...
MAYOR: I've made a decision... If Alhafrais to prosper, then we must trade too!
Trade and grow!
MAYOR: I'm going to build an entire trade fleet and make lots of money!
MAYOR: Still ...there must be other pirates and freebooters still roaming the
high seas.
MAYOR: Felix, Briggs told me you and your friends fought with great strength.
MAYOR: If you could lend me that strength, we would no need fear any pirates.
MAYOR: So if you'd just be wiling to help us out, our town could begin trading...
and prospering...
MAYOR: What do you say? Do we have a deal?
MAYOR: Great! Why don't you just saty here in Alhafra until we're ready for
our first trade run?
MAYOR: Ah, such a pity that you don't see the potential of this partnership...
I certainly hope you'll reconsider... We stand to make a lot of money...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Now, you're done with all you need to do in that town,
for now. But wait, at the bottom of a staircase in the town
you'll find a little boy. He says he is hungry. When you talk
to him the Main Menu comes up. Give him the Large Bread and he
will tell you about a cave underneath the mayor's house. But
that's for later. Exit the town. Follow the path south and into
the desert. From where you're standing head south. (note: YOU
have to take the long way through the desert if you want to
return.) Go down the sandfall. Follow the path through the cave
entrance. Head south and out of the desert. Follow the trail
south and ignore the bridge. (But note it's location.) Folow
the path south and enter the village of...
<| ## GAROH ################################################ CODE : [GARO] # |>
Head up the stairs and head west. Jump to the ledge to the
west. Head up the stairs and push the pillar down the ledge. Head
noth and slide down. Go up the staircases and follow the path. Jump
to the pilar, and head north. Push the pillar down and slide down
the ledge. Climb up the steps and head north. Head north and you'll
reach another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
???: Gaaaroooooo!!!
???: Aow-aow-oooo!!!
JENNA: What was that!?
???: Awoooooo!!!
WEREWOLF: Awoooooo!!!
WEREWOLF: Ah-ah-awoooo!!!
SHEBA: Eeek!
KRADEN: I don't believe it! Was that a——
JENNA: A what? Kraden, do you know what that thing was?
KRADEN: Well... Perhaps...
SHEBA: So, what are you waiting for!? Tell us!
KRADEN: I suspect it may have been...a lycanthrope.
JENNA: A lycanthwhat?
KRADEN: Just think of them as a race of people born with special powers...
SHEBA: Kind of like adepts, you mean?
KRADEN: Yes, that sounds right. Sheba, you've put it quite well.
KRADEN: Adepts borrow their abilities from the power of the elements...
KRADEN: While lycanthropes borrow theirs from the power of the beasts...
KRADEN: That is why they take the forms of animals...
KRADEN: They may look frightening...
but we must try to communicate with them.
KRADEN: Lycanthropes... Werewolves... A whole village in hiding.
JENNA: Is it just me..
Or does Kraden seem a little TOO happy to have found werewolves?
KRADEN: What? Me? Happy to find werewolves? You must be joking!
KRADEN: I would love to study them, but still...they do frighten me...
KRADEN: I guess I'm just curious about all of the secrets of these new lands...
JENNA: Any real scholar would be thrilled to explore a new land full of mystery,
SHEBA: So, are there werewolves only on Osenia?
KRADEN: Ummm...
SHEBA: If so, how could you even have know about them, Kraden?
KRADEN: Er... I, uh...
JENNA: Yeah... That is weird.
KRADEN: All right, so I lied!
KRADEN: I'm glad we found werewolves! There! Are you happy!?
KRADEN: And you know what!? I even want to get a close look if I can!
KRADEN: So let's go! Let's find us some werewolves!
-------- CUTSCENE -------
Boy, Kraden was pissed. :) Anyway, head into the town.
You'll notice that everyone is wearing hoods. They say that
they don't like taking off their hoods during a full moon. So,
head north, and up the stairs that are north of the well. You'll
see a elderly werewolf come out of an solid rock and retreat
when he notices you. You should now explore the town and the
caverns underneath it. After you're done head out of the town
and return to the bridge I told you to ignore before. Head west
and into the large pink rock known as...
<| ## AIR'S ROCK ########################################### CODE : [AIRS] # |>
To make thing easier for you, add Sheba's Whirlwind Psynergy
to the shortcuts. Go north until you reach a sign. There is a
big brown rock next to the sign. If you use Whirlwind on it, it
will amplify wind in the direction you're facing. You can use
this to clear your path of any sand blockades. Try it, use
Whirlwind on the rock from the south. Your path should be
clear. Head north and you'll be at a fork. Head east and south
at the second fork. Use Whirlwind on the rock from the north.
Return to the fork. This time head north. Follow the path north,
and you'll reach a large rock formation. DON'T open the chest,
it's a mimic. Head east and south. Follow the path unitl you
reach a fork. remember this place. Take the eastern path. You'll
reach another fork. Head north from the east side. Use Whirlwind
on the rock from the east side. Head back to the fork you just
came from. Head south from the eastern side. Follow the path
until you reach a place full of rocks. Stick close to the eastern
wall and head south. Use Whirlwind on the rock from the east
side. Head back to the rocky area. Head west to the other side
of the area and head south. Follow the path unitl you reach
another rock. Use Whirlwind on it from the south, TWICE. Head
back to the fork I told you to remember. Head south from the
left side. Follow the path unitl you reach the large rock
formation. Head south from the west side. Follow the path until
you reach a fork. Head west and ignore all paths until you reach
the eastern wall. Head norht and open the chest for a Cookie.
Then head south and follow the path until you reach the rock
next to the sign. Use Whirlwind from the east side. Head back
to the fork where near the chest. Head east, head south at the
first chance you get. Head west when you can, and follow the
path until you reach another Rock. Head south and open the
chest for a Smoke Bomb. Head noth and use Whirlwind on the
rock from the south. head back to the sign. Head north until
you reach the fork. Head west then south and follow the path
noth until you reach the large rock formation. Use Whirlwind
on it to clear a path for yourself. Head up the steps to the
next area.
Head west and up the ledge. Again, head up the ledge to
the west. (Remember: You can climb in all directions) Slide
down the ledge. Let the tornados generated by the Head carry
you to the ledge to the east. Slide down the ledge you are on.
Slide down the slide to your left. Head left and let the tornado
carry you to another ledge. Head east and push the log to the
right. Head as far east as you can and climb DOWN the ledge.
Head west and open the chest to receive the Storm Brand.
(Atk +60). Climb ack up the ledge. Head west and climb up the
ledge. Headto the right a little and climb down the ledge. Let
the tornado carry you to the next ledge. Climb up the ledge
above you. Then the second ledge. Push the pillar down. Now
let the tornado carry you to the ledge on the left. Climb up
to the next area.
Climb up the ledge to your north but be carefull not to let
the tornados touch you, or you'll have to restart the climb.
When you get to the top, head left. Slide down the ledge and
climb down the western steps. Head left and open the chest for
a Sleep Bomb. Then step on top of the Head and wait for the
tornado to carry you to the top. Then head east to the next
Head east and climb up the ledge. Climb up to the ledge that
contains two pillars. Use Move to push the western pillar to
the left. Get back on the steps and climb down to ledge right
below you. Head left and slide down. Head east and stand on the
Head. Let the tornado carry you to the northern ledge. Head
west and use Move to push the pillar to the left. Jump to the
other side and slide down. Stand on the head and let the tornado
carry you to very top. Climb up the steps that you see. When
you are on the ledge head west to the next area.
Follow the ledge and climb up the steps. Climb up the second
steps and use Move to pull the pillar between the two ledges. Now
climb back down. Head east to return to the former area. Climb the
steps and return to the ledge on the right. Head east and slide
down. Slide again using the slide near you. Now head left and
climb up the steps. Head as north as you can and get on the ledge
to the west. Head west to the next area. Head west and climb up
the steps. Climb up to the ledge on your right. Use Whirlwind on
the large rock and the path will
be clear.
If you want new weapons read on. If you don't skip to the next
paragraph. To get the item, return to the screen with the two
pillars. Go to the second ledge from the bottom and slide down.
Stand on the Head and let it carry you to the top. Then head left
and jump to the ledge containing the two logs and slide down. Climb
up the steps to your right and head west to the next area. head
up the ledge to the north. Then up the second ledge. Head north
and climb up the long ledge. Open the chest for a Fujin Shield.
Then return to the are with the large rock. Climb down the steps
and you'll be back in the large aea with many platforms. Head east
and slide down. Then slide down again. Then, head left and climb up
the ledge all the way to the north. Climb to the ledge and return
to the area with the large rock.
Take the western path and climb up the ledge to the next area.
In this area head north and use Whirlwind on the larger rock to
open a new path. Climb down and head inside. Go south and around
the room. Go up the ledge and down the stairs. Go through the left
doorway. Head north and down the ledge. Head to the left and push
the pillar onto the brown square. Go back up the ledge and return
to the previous room. Take the eastern door this time.
Follow the path and head north at the first place you can.
Follow the path and head down the ledge. It's puzzle time! You
should rearrange the pillars so they look like this:
__ __
_| W| | | KEY: W= Wooden Pillar
| PW|*P| W| P= Stone Pillar (raised)
|____| |__| *= Stone Pillar (lowered)
Push the western most pillar under the second pillar. Then use
Pound on the eastern moststone pillar. Push the easternmost wooden
pillar over the lowered pillar and climb back up the ledge. Head
north and jump to the norhtern most stone pillar. DO NOT JUMP TO
THE STONE PILLAR ON THE LEFT. Jump to the east and make your way
to the ledge on the right. Jump to the platform containing the
wind rock and use Whirlwind on it. Go throught the newly opened
path and climb up the ledge. Use Whirlwind on the rock from the
north. Head down the ledge and climb up the ledge to the southwest.
Make your way south and through the newly opened path. Follow the
path and climb down the ledge. Push the pillar to the square. Climb
back up the ledge and bactrack all the way to the first door. Now
head south an you'll see the pillar you just pushed. jump to
it, then, jump to the left. Head along the path and go down the
(NOTE: Remember this room. You'll heve to come back here if you
want to get a summon tablet.) Head north and go down the ledge.
Head east and up the other ledge. Go through the door way to the
right. Move the pillar that you see to the left or the right. A
path will be open, head through that path. Head south at the fork.
Push the pillar that you see one spot to the right. Go back to the
fork. Head north and follow the path. Go down the ledge. Head below
the pillar and use Move to push it one spot to the right. Now head
through the newly opened path and use Move to push the pilar back
to its original location. (MAKE SURE YOU ARE TO THE LEFT OF THE
SECOND HOLE) Climb up the ledge and jump to the pillar. Then, jump
to the ledge on the left. Head east and go through the door. Now
head south and go sown the ledge. Push the pillar that you see on
to the brown square. Then head up the ledge to the left. Head south
and push another pillar onto a brown sqaure. Now head back and jump
to the pillar that you pushed and jump to the ledge on the right.
Now head south and slide down. Climb up the ledge to the left and
go through the newly opened path between the rocks. Exit south to
the next area.
Here, by jumping, make your way to the ledge with the door. Go
through the door and you'll be in another area. Here, head north
and go down the first ledge you see. Use Whirlwind on the rock
from the east. Climb back up the ledge and use the swinging
platform to make your way to the other side. Climb down the ledge
and up the second ledge. Head north from wehre you are standing
and climb the rope to the other side. Push the pilar onto the
brown square. Go back over the rope and return to the ledge. This
time, head west and and north and go down the ledge at the end of
the path. Use Whirlwind on the rock from the north. Return to the
rope. Head south onto the swinging platform and make your way
south. Climb down the rope and head south and through the door.
If you want an item, head west and open the chest for an
Elixer. Otherwise, head north, through the doorway and down the
ledge. Head east. Jump on the four platforms until you can go
down. Head south until you reach another platform. Jump to it,
then jump to the east. Then, climb up the ledge. Head south and
jump to the pillar to the left. Climb down the ledge and use
Whirlwind on the rock from the south. Climb back up the ledge
and head south on the rope. Jump to the swinging platform and
head north. Traverse the rope, and head south and down the ledge.
Use Whirlwind on the rock from the east. Climb back up the ledge
and head west on the swinging platform. Then continue west and
jump to the wooden pillar, then, jump onto the rope. Head south
and through the doorway. Continue along the path, jumping when
necessary, and head out of that area.
Here, jump to the ledge to your right. Climb up the steps
and follow them down as far as you can. Climb down the stairs
to your right. Go around the room. Inspect the Psynergy stone
if you want to restore your PP. Then, head up the stairs. Here
head east and jump on the eastern most platform. Head south
and out the exit. Push the pillar that you see to the left
once. and return to the room you came from. head back to the
staircase , and jump to the pillar closes to you. head south
and jump to the ledge containing the pink tornado stone. Use
Whirlwind on it and stand on the head.
Now head north and use Whirlwind on the large pink stone.
If you want an item. Jump to the platform to your left. Use
Move to push the pillar to the left. Jump to the platform and
push the pillar onto the brown square. Jump to the pillar on
the south. Head counter-clockwise around the room and let the
tornado carry you to another ledge. Open the chest for a vial.
Use move on the pillar above you to push it to the east. Then
jump on to the platform and push the pillar onto the brown
square. Then head around the room clockwise and go up the ledge
and go through the western door. Head north and let the tornado
carry you west. Now jump to the pillar to your right, and head
Here, you'll find a statue that you can push. If you want an
item, push the statue all the way north. Head on the narrow path
and let the wind carry you to another ledge. Open the chest for
a Clarity Circlet. Then slide down and head south. Climb up the
ledge and jump to the east. Push the statue down four spaces and
get on the narrow path and let it carry you to the western ledge.
Head south and go through the doorway. Push the pillar into the
brown square. Go counter-clockwise around the room and jump the
platofrms until you are under the pillar. Use move to push it
onto the brown square. Then head back to the fork and head south
through the newly opened path. Head down the stairs.
Climb down the ledge. Head east and traverse the rope. Head
south and treverse the second rope. Climb up the ledge and
traverse the third rope. Head south and down the stairs. Now
follow the path west and use Whirlwind on the rock from the west.
Then go back and head across the newly opend path. Go down the
ledge. Head south and cross the narrow path. Go up the eastern
ledge and follow the path north, while hugging the wall. Push
the pillar onto the brown square. Then head back and go down the
stairs. Now head left and you'll be at a fork. Take the western
path and platform-jump to the chest. Open it for a Vial. Head
north and use Move to push the statue to the right. Then head
back to the fork. Take the northern path. Head north and go
down the stairs. Follo the path and exit the area.
Climb down the ledge and let the staute blow you to the
eastern platform. Climb the ledges to the north, unitl you get
to the very top. Jump to the pillars and enter through the
strange door. Jump to the platform at the direct center. They'll
dissapear after you jump on them. Now, head up the stairs and
inspect the tablet. Sheba will touch it then she'll learn Reveal.
Reveal let's you see thing that you could'nt see normally. Now,
jump to either the left platforms until you reach a dead end.
Use Reveal and you'll see that there is a platform on the center.
Jump to it and cross to the other side, and continue until you
reach the chest. Open it for a Psy Crystal. Return to the large
platform and this time take the right side. Use the same method
to return to the entrance. Then head outside. Use Retreat to
be take to the room with the giant head if you followed my
instructions. You can head outside and use Retreat again to get
out of there.
But we're going to get a Summon tablet. Make your way to the
tornado statue and stand on the small head.Let it carry you to
the top. In ths room, head up the ledge and go down the stairs.
Go through the eastern door. Follow the path and head south,
jump to the pillar and then jump to the west. Go down the stairs.
Follow the path to the north. Go down the ledge and up the other
ledge. Go through the door to the right. Push the pillar to the
left or the right. Head south at the fork and push the pillar
one spot to the right. Then, go back and head norht at the fork.
Climb down the ledge and up and use Move to push thepillar to the
right. Then, when you are behind the second hole, use Move to
push the pillar back to its original location. Climb up the ledge
to your right and jump on the pillar. Then jump to the east and
follow the path through the door. Let the statue blow you tot the
other ledge. Then go south and use Whirlwind on the pillar from
the north. Now head south and slide down the ledge. Climb up the
ledge to your left. Pillar-jump to the platform on the east. Then
head south and slide down the ledge. Climb up the ledge to your
left and follow the path south to the pillar. Push it down the
ledge and jump east to the tablet. Examine it to be able to
summon Flora.(2 jupiter, and 1 Venus) Now use Retreat. Head
outside and use Retreat again to get outta there.
<| ## GAROH REVISITED ###################################### CODE : [GAR2] # |>
Now, head back to Garoh. return to the place where you saw
the old werewolf. Use Reveal near the cave and enter. Follow
the path north and you'll enter a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
WEREWOLF: Haowooo!!!
WEREWOLF: Aow-aow-oooo!!!
KRADEN: Look! It's that werewolf!
KRADEN: He was right there!
KRADEN: let's go find him, Felix!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Follow the werewolf across the chasm. Head north throught
the door to the next area. Jump to the next ledge and follow
the path to reach yet another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
KRADEN: Felix, wait...
KRADEN: Where could that werewolf have gone?
KRADEN: Do you think we lost him somewhere?
KRADEN: That would be a shame...
KRADEN: I hope we didn't... Or rather, I'd be quite unhappy if we did...
???: Grrr...
JENNA: What was that?
SHEBA: It sounds like a wolf growling, didn't it?
KRADEN: My hearing is not so very good, but... there was something.
KRADEN: Perhaps we should search this area more thoroughly...
MAHA: There is no need...
JENNA: Look... He's using Psynergy.
WEREWOLF: Garrrrooow...
MAHA: Fear not... This child is harmless.
SHEBA: He does look kind of ...small...
WEREWOLF: Grrrrrrr...
KRADEN: Tell me, who are you? How did you come to be here?
MAHA: I should like to ask you the same question.
MAHA: Could it be? Do you outsiders possess the power to reveal the unseen?
MAHA: Of course... I was certain that you must.
MAHA: Impossible... Without Reveal, you could not have entered this cave.
WEREWOLF: Grawooo...
MAHA: Yes you are correct. They must have passed the challenge of Air's Rock.
JENNA: Er... How came that kid doesn't talk, like you?
MAHA: When we become werewolves, speaking the human tongue becomes more
SHEBA: But you can... You must be special, then...
MAHA: Hurh hurr hurr... "Special"? Perhaps. Why don't you just call me Maha...
MAHA: So... I assume you also can use Whirlwind...
MAHA: If you learned Reveal on Air's Rock, you must also know Whirlwind.
JENNA: That's right... I think we can tell Maha that we're Adepts.
JENNA: I don't think we need to hide the facts that we're Adepts from Maha...
WEREWOLF: Awooo...
SHEBA: What did he say? I don't understand...
MAHA: He wanted to know what an Adept is... A question I would like answered
as well.
KRADEN: Adepts tap the power of elemental energies to generate forces like
MAHA: Elementals... You mean the four elements, the powers of earth and fire,
water and wind?
KRADEN: That is correct. Thsese elements together comprise everyithing in our
MAHA: Interesting... Very interesting...
WEREWOLF: Awooo...
JENNA: Um... What did he say that time?
MAHA: He asked if there were no longer any need to hide from you...
SHEBA: ...Why did he have to hide here in the first place?
WEREWOLF: Aaah-Ah-Awoooh! Hawawoooh!
KRADEN: No doubt, most would find the sight of a werewolf most unnerving...
MAHA: You are, sadly, correct. Many consider ours an accursed race.
JENNA: And if they found you in your werewolf form?
MAHA: ...Once, our people were burned at the stakes as abominations...
They called this "purification."
KRADEN: Horrible...
SHEBA: But ...this little one... He won't get excited and try to bite, will he?
MAHA: Child, return to your home.
MAHA: Don't worry. We can trust them... Go back home now.
WEREWOLF: Aarrrooo?
MAHA: They are adepts, not unlike us werewolves... They guard an ancient secret.
MAHA: We can trust them. They will not betray us to the world.
MAHA: it has grown quite late.
MAHA: WHy don't you go to the inn and rest...
KRADEN: But then...
MAHA: I will not leave this place.
SHEBA: You aren't going home?
MAHA: When I learned Reveal, I lost my human form. The wild is my home now.
KRADEN: So, Master Maha, you always look this way?
JENNA: And the little one?
MAHA: The child changed because he looked directly at the full moon.
KRADEN: So, by tomorrow morning he will have returned to his human form again?
MAHA: Correct. Now, let us retire.
Felix and party stayed the night at the inn.
INNKEEPER'S WIFE: You folks didn't sleep much last night... You don't look like
you got any rest at all.
INNKEEPER: Master Maha told us all about you. Don't worry abou the bill.
it's on us.
INNKEEPER: Farewell, friends.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After that, head back to the place where you talked with Maha.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MAHA: Ah, you came...
MAHA: I've been waiting for you.
KRADEN: Would you mind telling me a little more about werewolves?
MAHA: You want to know the reason we possess the power to transform into beasts?
KRADEN: Ah... Well, I, er... Actually, yes.
KRADEN: Did you find it strange that we can change our shapes?
MAHA: Well, ummm... Yes.
KRADEN: But surely changing one's shape is not really that unusual.
KRADEN: What are you getting at?
MAHA: Think about the caterpillar for a moment.
When the time is right does it not transform into a beautiful butterfly?
JENNA: Well, yes. It's only natural...
MAHA: And the pill bug and hedgehog? Do they not change their shapes to protect
SHEBA: I have heard of these creatures, yes...
MAHA: And many amhibians possess the power to change color at will, correct?
MAHA: In light of all this, do you mean to tell me you find werewolves so
KRADEN: Hrmm, well... To be honest, I hadn't thought of it taht way before...
MAHA: Perhaps you simply did not give it enough thought.
KRADEN: How insulting! I sir... am a SCIENTIST!
MAHA: Indeed! A scientist? That is impressive.
MAHA: I have spent a great deal of time thinking about werewolves.
MAHA: For a time, I even felt cursed to have been born a werewolf...
MAHA: But after taking a more objectve look at nature...
MAHA: I realized weaker species have survived by evolving transforming.
Don't you agree?
MAHA: Think about it for a moment. Without changing their bodies with weapons
or armor...
Humans would be very weak creatures indeed.
MAHA: I beleive that evolving into werewolves is just one way for humanity to
KRADEN: But that's...
MAHA: Of course, there's no way I can prove this theory.
MAHA: But I felt taht our ability to use Whirlwind was evidence of this.
SHEBA: Whirlwind? Why?
MAHA: I had thought that only the people of Garoh could use Whirlwind.
MAHA: It was a gift known only to werewolves, to Garoh's pack...
KRADEN: And that only a chosen few couls use Reveal...
MAHA: But now I find that you, too, can use this... What does it all mean?
MAHA: Why are you able to use Whirlwind, and what is an Adept?
KRADEN: Master Maha, do you know of a continent called Angara? It lies far
north of the Eastern Sea.
MAHA: Angara?
KRADEN: In the middle of Angara, there is a peak called Mt. Aleph.
MAHA: Mt. Aleph? ...Then it's true! Our legends say this peak has stood since
this world began!
MAHA: If Mt. Aleph does exist, then perhaps our legends are true!
KRADEN: It does exist...
KRADEN: These two hail from the village at the base of Mt. Aleph, a vilalge
called Vale.
MAHA: They caome from Mt. Aleph!? Incredible!
KRADEN: And they are both Adepts. And while their powers may vary...
Everyone from Vale is an Adept ro a certain degree.
MAHA: Then, does it not make them like us in Garoh?
KRADEN: In Vale, the myths say that Mt. Aleph itself gave birth to the Adepts...
MAHA: This is not what the legends of Garoh tell us...
KRADEN: As a people they are wuite gifted ...but it goes far beyond that...
KRADEN: The mystical stones on Mt. Aleph... The Psynergy Stones...
KRADEN: They are closely linked to the powers of the townsfolk.
MAHA: "Psynergy Stones," you say?
KRADEN: If there were similar stones in Garoh, it might explain your powers as well.
MAHA: And what manner of stones are these Psynergy Stones?
JENNA: You've seen them, Maha! The shining stone at the heart of Air's Rock.
MAHA: I know the stone you speak of, but...
KRADEN: Air's Rock is quite far from Garoh.
MAHA: I don't see how it could affect the people here.
SHEBA: I wonder... Could it be the wind?
SHEBA: You probably figured it out for yourself already, Felix.
SHEBA: I guess I couldn't have expected you to understand, Felix...
SHEBA: There were strong winds blowing within Air's Rock... Those winds would
carry far...
KRADEN: Carry? Carry what?
SHEBA: Ugh! You're so dense! The power of the Psynergy Stone!
MAHA: How is that possible how could that stone's power be carried on the wind?
SHEBA: Do not belittle the power of the wind!
SHEBA: Given time, the wind can grind great mountains down into sand!
SHEBA: I mean, the wind at Air's Rock was strong enough to blow us off the
SHEBA: So why couldn't the stoe carry particles of the stone all the way to
MAHA: She's right!
KRADEN: She's right!
MAHA: Those particles from the Psynergy Stone must be charged with its power!
KRADEN: That explains why you're Psynergy is weker than that of Vale's people...
KRADEN: You've been exposed to smaller particles.
MAHA: The wind patterns might also affect who among us can use Whirlwind.
MAHA: Of course, this is all mere cojucture, but it does offer us some clues...
MAHA: Thank you, ummm...
SHEBA: It's Sheba. I'm pleased to meet you.
KRADEN: Oh, haven't we given you our names, Master Maha?
KRADEN: I'm Kraden.
KRADEN: This is Jenna...
KRADEN: And Felix.
MAHA: You must permit me to thank you for all that you've done.
KRADEN: No, no, please... We don't need any thanks...
MAHA: That's too bad... I was gonna give you this.
JENNA: It's a Djinni!
MAHA: A "Djinni"? Is that what you call them?
MAHA: When he is with you, he adds to your power. He is very helpful.
MAHA: I suppose you'll be cointinuing your journey now?
MAHA: So you eintend to travel by sea? That is a long journey...
MAHA: So, you still can't tell just what sort of journeys await you...
MAHA: In that case, I think you will get more use out of this Djinn than I will.
SHEBA: Another Djinni! Talk about lucky!
KRADEN: This is a great gift. We are quite thankful.
MAHA: You don't need to thank me. Just take care on your travels.
JENNA: Good luck with the... werewolf thing, Maha...
KRADEN: Well, Felix, we must be going now .
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Don't you wish you received a djinni after every cutscene... :P
Anyway, after you regain control of Felix head back out of the
cavern. If you want a weapon head to the weapon shop and go down
the stairs to the north. Now follow the path east and then go
around and to the south until you reach a circle of platforms.
Jump to one and use Reveal to reveal another platfom in the
center. Make your way to the other side and go up the stairs.
Go up the second set of stairs and you'll be outside. Follow
the path south. Ignore the rope and head south and open the
chest for a Hypnos' Sword. Then head back to the rope and
continue to the east. slide down and go south to exit the
Here go doen the staircases to you right. Push the log out
of your way and slide down. Go down the staricases. Push another
log out of your way. Slide down again and Exit south, out of the
In the Overworld, follow the worn path until you a (REAL)
fork. The southern trail leads to a town but the northern trail
leads to a djinn and a summon tablet. Follow the path until you
reach a place where the ground is dark green. Walk around that
area until you encounter a Mercury Djinn. When you defeat it the
Mercury Djinni Sour will join you. Now head north from the dark
green area and enter the cavern. You'll be in the...
<| ## OSENIA CAVERN ######################################## CODE : [OSNC] # |>
From the entrance, Head north and you'll be able to see
the summon tablet. Head east and enter the area with the "X"
on the ground. Use Scoop on the X to reveal a ladder. Go down
the ladder, head west and go up the other ladder. Folow the
path and examine the stone to be able to summon Megaera!
Now head out of the cave and return to the fork in the
path. Take the souther path and enter the town of...
<| ## MIKASALLA ############################################ CODE : [MKSL] # |>
This town is a djinn goldmine. If you want a djinn, use
Scoop on the place where you see a chick and a sheep raoming.
You'll reveal a ladder. Climb down and follow the path north.
Climb up another ladder, and exit south. Then follow the path
north and examine the djinni to receive the Mars Djinni Spark.
You will see a tresure chest to you right. If you want it head
back to the entrance of the town. Climb up the ladder on the
structure. Ignore the secod ladder and jump to the right.
Follow the path north and open the cehst for some coins. Here's
a neat little trick; if you use Reveal you can see which things
hold items, such as barrels and jars (but you probably already
knew that). Now exit the town.
Now head south and continue following the worn path. When
you reach a fork take the western path. (The other one is a dead
end.) When you reach a bridge, ignore it and continue along the
path. You'll see that you're back at the entracne of the Yampi
Desert. Ignore it and sooner or later you'll reach...
<| ## OSENIA CLIFFS/ MADRA DRAWBRIDGE ###################### CODE : [OCMD] # |>
Head to the other side using the same method as last time.
And exit out of there. Continue followinf the path and you'll
be in the Madra drawbridge. Head south and continue following
the path and re-enter the village of...
<| ## MADRA REVISITED ###################################### CODE : [MDR2] # |>
Head up the steps and you'll be stopped by a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
GUARD1: Hey! You lot! Hold it righ there!
GUARD2: Hang on, there's no reason to stop them. They couldn't be involved in
this mess...
KRADEN: If you're talking about the pirate incident, I believe we resolved that
to everyone's satisfaction.
GUARD1: This has nothing to do with the Champa this time, old man! This time,
the Kibombo attacked us!
KRADEN: "Old man"?!? Hmph!
KRADEN: Did you say you were attacked again? By the Kibombo?
GUARD2: Do you know about the Kibombo?
GUARD2: You must be pretty worldly, considering that they rearely leave the
heart of Gondowan.
GUARD2: Not many people do... They're a barbaric tribe from central Gondowan!
Watch out for them!
KRADEN: When did all this happen?!
GUARD2: Not too long ago...
GUARD1: Right after the mayor left, actually...
KRADEN: It was them, wasn't it, Felix?
KRADEN: Of course! They did seem to be acting awfully strange when we saw
them in that cave...
KRADEN: Surely you remember, Felix! The cave? Those strange men we saw in
KRADEN: Was anything stolen?
GUARD2: Only a single black orb... Everything else was untouched.
KRADEN: A black orb...
GUARD1: I'm afraid we don't have much more information than that.
GUARD2: You helped us with the Champa, so, I'll tell you what...
Maybe you can look around in the mayor's house. It's the only one that
was robbed.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene head out of town and follopw the path
west past the bridge until you get to a fork. Take the southern
path and cross every bridge that you see. Then follow the path
and you'll reach the...
<| ## GONDOWAN CLIFFS ###################################### CODE : [GNDC] # |>
Here, you see a dog. If you read it's thoughts it will tell
you to dig. So listen to the dog and use Scoop on the barely-
visible circle in front of it. You will reveal a jet of water,
which will give you access to the upper level of the area.
Thanks Dog.
Anyway, stand on the thing and wait for the stream to carry
you up. Then jump to the west. Slide down the ledge. Then jump to
the west. Head south and climb up the vine. Follow the western
path and climb up the next two consecutive vines. Head west and
slide down the middle slide. Jump to the west and follow the path
to the end. Use Move to push the stump into the water. Then head
back and slided down at the first place you can. Climb down the
vine to the south. Jump on the platforms like this:
_ _ _
|4| |3| |2|
@ | KEY |
_ |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
_ _ _ |1| | # - Vine |
|U| |V| |W| _ _ | |¯| - Rock |
_ |X| |Y| |Z| | @ - Stump|
|T| _ _ _ |_____________|
_ |N|M| |L| _ _
|S| _ |K| |J|I|
_ |O| _
|R| _ |H| _
|Q| |P| |G| |F|
|E| # <- START
_ _ _ _
|D| |C| |B| |A|
After that, climb up the vines and head north. Climb up
the second vine and head south. Jump to the west. If you want
an item, head norht and climb up another vine and follow the
path to a chest containeing a Sleep Bomb, otherwise, climb down
the vine to the south. Head west and up tow vines.
If you want a djinn, you should ignore the rope and clib the
vine near the rope. Then head east behind the tree and climb up
another vine. Follow the path and you will reach another vine,
ignore it. Head south and follow the path. Head south of the
puddle when you reach it. Then continue south until you reach
the djinn. defeat it to have the Mars Djinni "Kindle" join you.
If you want an item, head north back to the vine I told you to
ignore. Climb up and follow the path down another vine. Then head
east and go down another vine. From here head south, through the
trees and inspect the mushroom to receive a Laughing Mushroom.
Now, retrun to the place with the rope.
Head across the rope and climb down the vine. Follow the path
south and climb down another vine. Then follow the path to the
next area. you'll be out of the cliffs and back in the overworld.
Follow the worn path and you'll reach the town of...
<| ## NARIBWE ############################################## CODE : [NARB] # |>
First things first, if you want an item, head to the right
of the inn, you'll see a rope thing. Use Lash and climb up. Then
jump on to the pillar. Climb down the vines, and open the chest
for a Thorn Crown. If you want another item, head inside the
building where there is an old man behind a fenced area. Head
through the building and use Whirlwind on the leafy place on
the ledge. You will reveal a ladder. Climb up and use Reveal to
reveal a chest. The chest contains an Unicorn ring. Now head out
of the town.
If you want a djinn, head across the bridge southwest of the
town. Then follow the worn path all the way south and cross a
second bridge. Now head all the way south and wander around in
the forest area until you encounter a djinn. Defeat it to have
the Mercury Djinni "Chill" join you. (Wow, so many djinn in such
a short time.)
Now, return to the village of Narwibe and take the northern
exit. Head all the way north and enter the...
<| ## KIBOMBO MOUNTAINS #################################### CODE : [KMBM] # |>
Head up the first three staircases. Then, try to head up the
large staircase. You'll enter a...
------- CUTSCENE --------
GUARD1: Is the way clear?
GUARD2: This area is cleaar! The strange one has not been seen!
GUARD2: And there?
GUARD1: We have not seen the stranger near the village.
GUARD1: Do you believe he was truly headed toward Kibombo?
GUARD2: The guards here were recently knocked unconscious.
GUARD1: Correct. We are under orders to maintain astrict watch over the mountain
GUARD2: No one must be permitted into Kibombo until Akafubu has completed the
GUARD1: Then we had better hurry to find the one who attacked out guards.
GUARD2: Keep a good watch. Do not permit anyone to pass.
GUARD2: If anyone interrupts Akafubu's ceremony, he will hold you responsible...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
If you try to go up the stairs you will be returned to the
bottom of the stairs. What you need is stealth, but let's get
one thing straight, this ain't Splinter Cell. You can get seen
even, when the guards aren't looking at you. If you get spotted
by the guard at any point, you'll have to restart at the bottom
of the stairs. Instead of going up the stairs, head right and
push the first crate all the to the top-right corner. Then push
the second crate all one space to the left. Climb up the vine to
your left. Jump to the first crate, then the second, then onto
the ledge on the right. Climb up the second vine. Follow the
path and walk over the archway. Follow the path and push the
pillar down the ledge. Head left and climb up the vine. Follow
the path norht and up the stairs. Now carefully push the crate
all the way to the right. Climb up the vine and if you want an
item, slide down the ledge. Open the chest for a Disk Axe (atk +76).
Now, carefully push the crate to the far east. Climb up the vine
and use Lash on the rope. Head south and climb down the vine.
Push the pillar off the ledge. Then head back up the vine and
head north to the next area.
Here, if you want an item, push the crate onto the guard
when he is beneath the ledge, then, climb down the vine you
passed earlier. Open the chest at the left for a power bread.
If you want another item, head left and climb up the eastern-
most pillar. hed onto the ledge and use the two northern
pillars to jump to the ledge on the east. Push the pillar off
the ledge only when dog is north of you. Then, jump to the
east and climb down the vine, open the chest for a Tear Stone.
Now return to the entrance of the area. Climb up the vine and
head south to the previous area, then return to this area. If
you want you can drop the crate on the guard again, or you can
just use the pillars to the north of him to escape the area.
Return to the ledge where you dropped the pillar to block the
dog. Now climb down from the ledge and return to the lower
level. Head north, make sure to stay to the right. Then follow
the path right and use Whirlwind on the leaves.
Here, follwo the path around, and exit south. Climb up the
vines to your right. Folow the path west, and climb down the
vine at the end. Then, continue west and climb sown the second
vine. Climb down the four rows of staircases and jump across the
river using the rock. Then head south and west out of the
Head across the bridge and follow the worn path to the village
<| ## KIBOMBO ############################################## CODE : [KBMB] # |>
If you interrogate the villagers, you'll find out that Akafubu
attacked Madra because he needs a new jewel to complete a ceremony
in which he will prove to everyone he is a true witch doctor.
(Information Overload) Anyway, the ***hole townsfolk won't move
out of the way. So head to the entrance of the town and head
southwest and you'll see a rope coil. Be careful not to exit the
town. Use lash on the rope and climb up. Then jump to the red
pillar, and make your way to the ledge on the right. Now, head
north. There is a sanctum-dude at the end, talk to him if you
need to, or climb down the vine if you want to talk to another
person. Either way, jump on to the red pillar. Jump all the to
the west and you'll reach a dead end. But wait, jump on to
the roof of the house and then jump on to the ledge to the
left. Now head north to the next area and you'll reach a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
AKAFUBU: At last, the sacred night has come!
AKAFUBU: Tonight, Akafubu becomes the Kibombo's new witch doctor!
AKAFUBU: All of you, pray in the depths of your hearts for my success!
KRADEN: It looks like the initiation ceremony is beginning.
KRADEN: i'm not sure what will happen, but we'd better hurry, Felix.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Now, head north and you'll see Piers and reach another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
PIERS: Wh-Who are you?!?
PIERS: What... What are your intentions?
SHEBA: It looks like Piers has already forgotten us, huh?
JENNA: I know! We met Piers when he was in JAIL! And it's not like he had
lots of visitors, either!
JENNA: What, is he so obsessed with his black orb that he can't even
remember us?
PIERS: Wait a second... I know you...
PIERS: You're the travelers who came seeking me whwn I was in jail.
KRADEN: So, you DO remember!
PIERS: What are you doing in this place?
SHEBA: Actually, that's what we wanted to ask you...
JENNA: We were worried about you, Piers, so we followed you here...
PIERS: And that's what brings you to this dangerous place?
SHEBA: What's that supposed to mean?
JENNA: We came here to help you, Piers. Why are ou being like that about it?
PIERS: Tell me something... Exactly when did I ask you for your help?
AKAFUBU: I shall now present our jewel to the great Gabomba!
PIERS: !!!
AKAFUBU: O Great Gabomba! Please accept this, our humble gift!
AKAFUBU: Please, Great Gabomba! Accept this jewel!
AKAFUBU: Look! The Great Gabomba has noticed the light of the jewel!
AKAFUBU: Why, Great Gabomba?
AKAFUBU: Your prayers were weak! Open your hearts to the Great Gabomba!
AKAFUBU: Sing your praises and dance for the Great Gabomba until your prayers
reach his years!
PIERS: Akafubu is no witch doctor! He's an Adept!
PIERS: I may have to confront him to get my orb back... I may have to fight.
PIERS: I will do whatever it takes, but I will have my black orb again.
PIERS: It's no use. We can't get to Akafubu from here.
PIERS: This won't work, either... What are we going to do? We can't get over
JENNA: Piers's in trouble. Shouldn't we try to help him?
KRADEN: Maybe if we could do something about that stump, we could reach the
backside of Gabomba.
KRADEN: We've got to help Piers. Right, Felix?
KRADEN: Then hop to it!
KRADEN: What's all this now, Felix? Is it too much to ask that you help
Piers in his time of need?
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Head north, and climb up the vine for a Psynergy Stone. Now, sue Move to
pull the pillar of the ledge.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
PIERS: ?!?
PIERS: That power... Was that Psynergy?
PIERS: I knew it!
PIERS: Please, don't complicate things by lying... It must have been Psynergy...
PIERS: I should have spotted it at once! You're Adepts!
JENNA: Wait, so does that mean you're——
PIERS: Yes, my name is Piers, and I too am an Adept.
PIERS: To be honest, everyone in Lemuria is an Adept, and not just me.
SHEBA: What's Lemuria?
PIERS: Lemuria is an island that lies in the center of the Eastern Sea.
KRADEN: Wait a second... You said Lemuria? I've heard taht name before...
KRADEN: Of course! It was Lord Babi! he often spoke to me of Lemuria.
KRADEN: He said it was so advanced we can scarcely begin to imagine what it
was like...
PIERS: You are correct. My home was and is all that you say. Whoever told you
this knows much of Lemuria.
JENNA: But wait, if it's so far away in the middle of the ocean, how come anyone
knows so much about it?
PIERS: It is not easily reached, and we Lemurians seldom leave..
I cannot imagine how anyone could have learned anything at all about us.
PIERS: Except... Hold on a moment... Babi... I've heard that name somewhere
SHEBA: Well, yeah... Everyone knows about Lord Babi... He's the ruler of Tolbi...
PIERS: I've never heard of Tolbi. Until recently, I had never left my home of
JENNA: Piers, are you just playing games with us?
PIERS: Don't be foolish. What would I gain from lying to you?
PIERS: I'm being quite serious.
KRADEN: Piers is not playing games, Jenna. You can trust him.
PIERS: Thanks for believing me, master sage!
KRADEN: Please, call me Kraden, Piers of Lemuria.
KRADEN: And I am the one who should be thanking you!
KRADEN: You look puzzled, Felix. You are probably wondering what I'm talking
KRADEN: I thought as much...
KRADEN: Oh, good! Then I probably don't need to tell you...
JENNA: Wait, just because my brother knows what you're talking about doesn't
mean we do! Tell us!
KRADEN: If what Babi told me is true, Lemuria is all that remains of a once
great civilization.
PIERS: Your friend s correct.
KRADEN: In fact, the reason I was sent to Vale was somewhat relate to my
inability to find Lemuria itself...
SHEBA: I don't understand... What was in Vale that had anything to do with
KRADEN: Babi believed that, in Lemuria alone, the power of Alchemy remains
KRADEN: Lord Babi had need of Lemuria's Achemy, but despite our effort we could
not fnd the lost city.
KRADEN: Since we could not find Lemuria, Lord Babi sent me to unlock the secrets
of Alchemy myself.
PIERS: Ah, yes! Babu! If I recall correctly, a man named Babi came to Lemuria
long ago...
PIERS: He stole one of our ships and fled the isle...
KRADEN: Yes! That must indeed be the same Lord Babi who know leads the people
of Tolbi.
JENNA: No, I'm even more confused. This is making my head hurt...
JENNA: I mean, if Babi really stole a ship from your home, why would he be
trying to find it again?
KRADEN: I can't expect you to understand, my dear. Lord babi's reasons for
finding Lemuria are ...complex.
SHEBA: But if he already found Lemuria once, why doesn't he just go back the
same way?
PIERS: Once you have left Lemuria, finding it again is quite difficult, even
if you know where to look.
JENNA: Well ...why?
PIERS: The waters around Lemuria are wraped in a perpetual fog... It is very
difficult to navigate.
KRADEN: I remember Lord Babi once saying something to that effect.
PIERS: Even if one locates Lemuria, getting through the fog itself remains
quite a challenge.
SHEBA: I don't get it... Why can't you just sail straight through it?
PIERS: The ocean currents around Lemuria are swift and treacherous...
Only one who can sail a Lemurian ship can complete the journey.
SHEBA: But ...Babi stole a Lemurian ship from you, right? That means that he
can sail it...
You said yourself that he used it to flee the island!
KRADEN: Unfortunately, Babi was the only one of us who could use the ship.
PIERS: You see, Lemurian ships can only be helmed by Adepts...
PIERS: Which is why I have to get my black orb back! I must be able to captain
my ship!
PIERS: There may be something up ahead on this path.
PIERS: Then let's go...
KRADEN: Wait a moment, Piers...
KRADEN: We want to help you get your orb back.
PIERS: You intend to help me, Kraden?
KRADEN: I am on this quest for many reasons of them being that I wish to
see Lemuria.
KRADEN: If you would allow me, that is... I'd like to visit Lemuria myself.
PIERS: If this is something you would do for Babi, then I cannot permit it.
KRADEN: What? Why not?
PIERS: Babi is a thief. He is not well loved in Lemuria.
KRADEN: It is partially on behalf of Babi ... but there's more to it than that!
KRADEN: I want to go to Lemuria so that I can see the full power of Alchemy!
KRADEN: I want to aid Piers so that he will take us to Lemuria... What do you
say, Felix?
KRADEN: You'll do it!? Splendid!
KRADEN: Why, Felix? Why? Please, we simply have to!
JENNA: What's the matter with you, Felix? I don't see why we can't help
SHEBA: Yeah. I'm with Jenna on this one.
PIERS: I appreciate your offer, but...
JENNA: I understand, Piers... You're not sure if you'll be able to take us to
Lemuria, is that it?
SHEBA: Can't we talk about this later?
KRADEN: Yes, yes, of course! For now, let's just get that orb back for Piers!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene is finally over, you receive Piers. You can
now freeze puddles, but don't get you hopes up theres another
cutscene ahead. Follow the path north and climb down the vine at
the end. You can skip the cutscene ahead by using Scoop on the X
near you. This will bypass the long cutscene explaining the X.
(I'm sorry I couldn't write down the cutscene I accidentally used
Scoop on the X.)
Anyway, use Scoop on the X near you and climb down the ladder.
You'll be in the...
<| ## GABOMBA STATUE ####################################### CODE : [GMBS] # |>
Once you're down the ladder, follow the path and it'll take
you to a room with a ladder that leads to a ledge with tow red
gears. After the climb the ladder the only way to go back is to
slide down. Climb up the second ladder after apssing the gears.
In this area, from where you're standing head left and north.
Then go right until you reach a juction where you have four paths
to take. Take the first path if you want to fight a mimic. Take
the second if you want an item (Bone Armlet). The third is a dead
end. The fourth leads to the next area. Either way, take the fourth
one and climb up the ladder.
From where you're standing head all the way east and stick
close to the wall until you reach a rope coil. Use Lash when the
gear with the other hook thing is to the left. Now head south and
pass through the two red gears in the center of the room. Then
follow the path and go up the ladder. From where you're standing
head south all the way and jump to the ledge on the left. Then
follow the path to the west wall. Then head south and go up the
ladder to the next area.
From where you're standing, head all the way south and follow
the path till you get to a ladder. Ignore it and continue west.
Head north and follow the path close to the wall. Then you'll see
a rat jump around. Yes, a rat the size of a small dog. REMEMBER
THIS ROOM!!! Now, follow the path the rat took. (You can pass
between the blue and red gear.) After jumping to all the gears,
follow the path south and east. Head south of the southern blue
gear and climb down the ladder. In this room, head clockwise and
down the second ladder.
If you want an item (Elixer) take the left path. Otherwise,
take the right path. Head south then west to area of gears. Use
Pound on the pillar and then RETURN TO THE PLACE WHERE YOU SAW
THE RAT!!! (x_X)
Head west and south and jump to the other ledge. Then head
north and jump to the ledge holding the ladder. In this room,
head west and pass between the red and blue gears. Climb down
the other ladder.
Here, take the northern path and then take the leftmost of
three paths. Then follow the path to the other pilar. Use Pound
on it and the multi-colored gear will fall in place. Now,
that) Head all the way south of the room containing the two pink
gears. Climb up the ladder I told you to ignore before.
Head through the two red gears to the north. Head Northwest
and up the second ladder. Here, head to the east side of the room
and up another ladder. As soon as you enter this room you'll enter,
yet another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
AKAFUBU: Focus your energies!
KRADEN: Everyone! Look over here!
AKAFUBU: Let us now present ourjewel to the Great Gabomba!
AKAFUBU: O Great Gabomba! Please accept this, our humble gift!
AKAFUBU: Please, Great Gabomba! Accept this jewel!
AKAFUBU: Look the great Gamomba has noticed the light of this jewel!
AKAFUBU: You are still not pleased?
AKAFUBU: No! This time, he seemed almost like he might...
AKAFUBU: We must continue! Drums! More drums!
KRADEN: Ah! So that's how it works!
SHEBA: He's been failing because the conduit that channels his Psynergy is
JENNA: Should we reconnect the conduit so he can complete the ceremony?
PIERS: I won't help them, Felix! They're the ones who stole my orb from the
PIERS: I agree, Felix! Why should we help this pack of thieves?
KRADEN: Piers, I understand that you're angry at them, but it really is in our
best interest to help.
KRADEN: Think about it, Piers... Akafubu stole the orb solely to perform this
KRADEN: So, what do you think he intends to do with the orb?
PIERS: He means to give it to the great Gabomba...
PIERS: Oh! So ...if the ceremony succeeds, the orb will be taken into the statue...
KRADEN: And we're INISDE the statue! If the ceremony succeeds, we can go find
the orb!
PIERS: I...don't to help that Akafubu, but...
SHEBA: I don't like the idea of helping him any more than you do, but if we can
end this without a fight...
PIERS: You're right, Sheba. Let's see if we can't help him finish his little
KRADEN: It looks like the energy charge is supposed to run over these blocks.
KRADEN: If we can just move these around a little, that might be enough to
complete the circuit...
KRADEN: Ah! There we go!
SHEBA: These panels have arrows on them... What do you think it all means?
KRADEN: Look at the directions they point... I'll bet they will rotate the
PIERS: but how do we set the blocks back in place?
JENNA: Just Pound them in!
KRADEN: Won't that do the trick?
KRADEN: We just watch the path his Psynergy takes and move the blocks
AKAFUBU: Oh! The magic, the power of the witch doctor fills my body!
AKAFUBU: At the count of twenty, I shall present our jewel to the Great Gabomba!
AKAFUBU: Make your hearts as one, and dance for the Great Gabomba!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
This is the most challenging of all the puzzles you have faced
so far. First of all, set Pound to the shortcuts menu. What you
need to do is make sure that the red and blue sparks reach the
head at the center of hte room. You do this by clearing a way for
the sparks. Use Pound to raise all the brown paltforms. Step on the
platforms next to the pillar to spin the raised platforms. The
platform on the right spins the raised platforms clockwise, while
the platform on the left spins the raised pillars counter-clockwise.
When a raised platform is in a desired position use Pound to lower it
into place.
Use Pound on the pillas when you're ready. There platforms should
be in this position:
_ _
|2| Step on the clockwise spinning platform. Use Pound
_ on platfomr #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6. Step on the
_ _ |3| clockwise spinning platfomr again and use Pound on
|5| |6| numbers 7 and 8. Then, wait for Akafubu to offer the
orb to Gabomba again. After that you'll reach a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
AKAFUBU: Look! The Great Gabomba has responded to our gift!
AKAFUBU: Did you see it, people?
AKAFUBU: At last! The Great Gabomba accepts me!
AKAFUBU: I shall answer his call! I shall enter the Great Gabomba! Wait for me,
my people!
PIERS: The black orb... Where is it?
SHEBA: I saw it roll in there...
JENNA: It came in through there and rolled along this groove in the floor...
KRADEN: It vanished into that hole!
SHEBA: It looks pretty deep...
JENNA: Can you see it? Do you think you can reach it?
SHEBA: Hm... No, I can't even see it.
PIERS: It's no use... Now, I'll never see Lemuria again... I am lost forever
from my homeland!
SHEBA: Wait, hold on... I can see light on the other side of this hole...
KRADEN: A light?
KRADEN: There must be aroom on the other side of this statue...
AKAFUBU: Who... Who are you!?
AKAFUBU: What are you doing here? Are you Kibombo!?
AKAFUBU: What? Do you take me for a naive fool!?
AKAFUBU: Then what are you doing inside the Great Gabomba!?
PIERS: We've come to reclaim the black orb you stole!
AKAFUBU: Do you really believe I would permit you to take it!?
SHEBA: Hey, watch it! You wouldn't even be in here if it weren't for us!
AKAFUBU: What is that supposed to mean?
AKAFUBU: Why should I believe you? I am Akafubu, the chosen witch doctor of
JENNA: Yeah, we know... We saw your magic energy flowing psat us.
JENNA: See how this channel runs along the floor?
JENNA: Here, look... It runs all the awy over there!
JENNA: But the thing is, the circuit was broken right there.
JENNA: So we completed the circuit so that your magic energy could go where it
needed to go.
AKAFUBU: But...if you truly did this, then why? Why did you help me?
KRADEN: We were sort of hoping that we could take the orb if your ceremony
AKAFUBU: Ah, so you have taken the orb? Thne begone! You have nofurther business
PIERS: But...we didn't get the orb.
SHEBA: It rolled through this groove and right through this hole.
KRADEN: We saw a light through there, so we suspect there must be another room
behind the wall...
AKAFUBU: AKAFUBU: I might be able to retrieve the orb.
JENNA: DO you think that Akafubu wil really return the orb to us?
PIERS: Maybe we had him all wrong...
PIERS: I think Jenna is right. It sounds like he's going to return what he's
SHEBA: I thought Akafubu was an evil man, but I guess we were wrong...
KRADEN: you can never tell, Sheba...
KRADEN: We have little chioce but to trust taht he will return it. Come on!
KRADEN: Let's go, Felix!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Don't follow him in just yet. If you want to get a djinn, go
down the ladder to the left. Use Lash on the coil and climb down
the ladder to the south. Go north in this chamber and make your
way to the two vertical pink gears. Jump onto the western one and
let it carry you down. Here defeat the djinni to have the Venus
Djinni "Steel" join you. Use Lash on the coil next to you and
return to the room where Akfubu went inside. Follow him.
Follow the brown path until you reach a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
AKAFUBU: I have followed Oeia's istructions and entered the final chamber!
AKAFUBU: He told me that if I reached this chamber, I would become Kibombo's
witch doctor.
AKAFUBU: But what must I do here to become a witch doctor?
AKAFUBU: I do not know...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Go and inspect the statue.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
VOICE: Oh, young witch doctor... You have succeeded in your task. You have
found this chamber.
AKAFUBU: Wh-Who speaks?
KRADEN: It sounded like it was the statue of the Great Gabomba.
AKAFUBU: That's ridiculous...
VOICE: Akafubu! Your magic has grown strong! At last, you are worty of the title
witch doctor.
VOICE: I give you the feathers and gown that are the badges of your office!
VOICE: Akafubu, from this day forward, you shall be Kibombo's witch doctor.
AKIFUBU: I've done it! I've finally earned the right to be witch doctor!
AKAFUBU: At last!
VOICE: And there is one more thing that remains for me to give you...
VOICE: Akafubu... You hasty fool... I had something else to give you, and in
your haste, you left too soon.
VOICE: Say, you there...
VOICE: You! You! You, looking aroud there!
VOICE: I have magic for Akafubu, magic he wil soon need, ...but he is not ready
for it.
VOICE: As a result, I have decided taht I shall not pass this magic to anyone
just yet.
VOICE: Tell this to Akafubu: If he desires this new magic, then he must earn it
VOICE: IF Akafubu does not refine hi magical arts, he will never earn this new
VOICE: This power shall not be realized until he ceases living only for himself...
And instead lives his life to benefit others.
VOICE: Tell himn so!
KRADEN: I don't suppose you could just...give that magic to us?
VOICE: What do you mean?
KRADEN: I'm just asking if maybe we could earn that magic beofre Akafubu.
VOICE: The power can be claimed by another, but only if Akafubu lacks the will
to earn it himself.
KRADEN: Aha! So we CAN get it!
VOICE: Perhaps if he must compete for his power, he will focus and take his
office seriously.
VOICE: But before you do this thing, you must convey to Akafubu all that I
have told you.
KRADEN: Oh, of course! We wouldn't dream of cheating him... We will tell him
all you have told us.
VOICE: Follow that path and you will find a cavern...
VOICE: But now I shall sleep...until the time comes when I must anoint a new
witch doctor.
KRADEN: Felix... Go get Piers's precious orb.
KRADEN: Felix... Do you have any idea what this "Great Gabomba" really is?
KRADEN: If you have unraveled that which I cannot, then perhaps you are the
greater scholar.
KRADEN: You do not understand either? Then I do not feel quite so foolish...
KRADEN: But doesn't this witch doctor magic seem not unlike some kind of
KRADEN: Wouldn't it be quite fortunate if we were to get our hands on that power
KRADEN: Oh! You didn't need much convincing at all, did you, Felix?
KRADEN: Hrmm... You would feel guilty about taking it, eh, Felix?
KRADEN: I needn't remind you, but...
We're going to need every kind of Psynergy we can muster to complete
this quest...
KRADEN: Either way, Felix, we are, at the very least, obligated to deliver the
Gabomba's message.
KRADEN: We must fulfill our promise to the Gabomba.
KRADEN: Then, maybe we can come bcak inside this Gabomba statue some other time
to get it.
KRADEN: Right... Well, I guess that's that!
FATHER: You are a virtuous man, coming here to deliver this message. My son and
I thank you.
AKAFUBU: What do we have to be thankful of?
AKAFUBU: If they had just stopped me from leaving the Great Gabomba, this
wouldn't have happened!
FATHER: What!? If you had been more interested in your duty, you would not
have left so quickly...
AKAFUBU: But, Father! These people are trying to steal the magic of our people!
It should be mine!
AKAFUBU: Mine, I tell you! That powe belongs to me!
AKAFUBU: I;m going to be the one to get the Great Gabomba's magic! You'll see!
FATHER: My son, you have much to learn. He may look like a man, but before me,
he acts like a child.
AKAFUBU: See how he behaves when he gets excited?
FATHER: No matter what I say, he won't listen to me right now.
FATHER: I think he has had enough for today...
KRADEN: I see your point.
KRADEN: Well! I suppose we should be leaving then.
KRADEN: After all, our journey has only jsut begun. We cannot remain idle much
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After all that you'll be back in Kibombo. Equip yourself with
the latest wepons and armors. Don't bother going back inside the
Gabomba statue to enter the new are, you don't have the necessary
skills. Anyway, exit the town and return to the Kibombo Mountains.
<| ## KIBOMBO MOUNTAINS REVISITED ########################## CODE : [KMM2] # |>
Cross the river, and climb the first THREE rows of stairs. Then
head south and use frost on the puddle. Then go north and climb up
another flight of stairs. Then head south past the tree and jump
onto the ice pillar. Then jump to the east. Climb up the vine near
you. Use Growth on the little plant. (TO GET GROWTH, SET TWO VENUS
AND ONE MARS DJINNI TO FELIX.) Climb up the newly created vine and
defeat the djinni to have the Jupiter Djiini "Waft".
Now return past the tree and climb up the last flight of stairs.
You don't need to use stealth anymore so just follow the path out of
the mountains.
Follow the worn path past the village of Naribwe and to the...
<| ## GONDOWAN CLIFFS REVISITED ############################ CODE : [GND2] # |>
Followt he path and head up the vines, cross the rope. Climb
up the vine to the north, then up the second vine. Now follow
the path until you reach a puddle. Use Frost on it and then head
north and climb up the first vine you see. Head south and jump
onto the pillar, then jump on to the ledge on the other side.
Slide down. Ignore the second slide and follow the path aroud
it to get a Healing Fungus. Later on, you can go to Madra and
give trade this to a man for a Mars Dinni. Now go back and slide
down. Then follow the path and slide down again. Head east and
climb up the vine. Use Lash on the coil and climb down the
vine. Slide down and jump across the ledge. Then follow the path
out of the cliffs.
In the overworld, follow the worn path across the bridge, head
south and cross a second bridge. Follow the path and head across
the first bridge you get to. Then follow it to...
<| ## MADRA AGAIN ########################################## CODE : [MDR3] # |>
It seems things have calmed down again. If you interrogate
the villagers you'll find out that the mayor is back from
Alhafra, and that Isaac and co. came here and decided to follow
you into Madra. Plus, there is also a stange girl near the
Mayor's house who claims to be Menardi's sister.
Anyway, enter the mayor's house and reach a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MAYOR: Felix! You're back!
WOMAN: And you've brought Piers with you!
ELDER: Oh! Piers!
ELDER: Piers, I must apologize for the trouble we caused you. I'm sorry we lost
your jewel...
PIERS: Don't be. Everything worked out for the best.
GIRL: Piers, you said you were going to go to Gondowan. Did you make it?
PIERS: Yes, In fact, we have just returned.
MAYOR: And your jewel...
ELDER: You actually got it back from the Kibombo? Incredible...
PIERS: I was able to recover it with the help of Felix and his friends.
WOMAN: That's wonderful! I'm so relieved! I was worried that you might never
get it back!
ELDER: You didn't recover it from the Kibombo?
PIERS: That's not true sir. Felix and his companions helped me recover it.
WOMAN: Please! Don't startle me like that! I was afraid you might never get
it back!
KRADEN: That's why we came back... To let you know that we've recovered it.
Worry no more.
BOY: If you've already recovered your jewel, why don't you stay here for a bit
JENNA: Unfortuantely, we can't...
SHEBA: Hey, have you seen the girl out front?
PIERS: We must the island that is my home.
KRADEN: Piers, are you... Are you sure?
PIERS: After what we've been through, I feel I've learned a few things.
SHEBA: Like what!?
PIERS: Like...the fact that you truly are good people.
PIERS: And that you have gone to great lengths for no other reason than to help
those in need.
PIERS: I have come to realize that I, too, must do something to help where I
JENNA: Piers...
PIERS: I have amde my decision.
PIERS: And the sooner we depart, the better, right, Kraden?
PIERS: We shall set sail , Felix! To my ship! To the Eastern Sea!
WOMAN: Do you truly meanto leave so soon, Piers?
PIERS: I may yet again have reason to visit your town, but... yes, I must go.
ELDER: You seem quite busy.
KRADEN: It is their youth that allows them to be so busy.
JENNA: But we'll be back, I promise. maybe we'll be able to visit at a more
liesurely pace...
BOY: I'd like that...
GIRL: So would I!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene, head out of the house. (What about my reward?)
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MAYOR: Felix, wait!
MAYOR: I believe I promised a reward for helping with the boat, didn't I?
MAYOR: Imagine! You came all this way to put us at ease, and I totally forgot
to give his to you!
MAYOR: Well, you may have forgotten, Felix, but I have not.
MAYOR: Regardless, I told you that I would reward you when the boat was fixed...
That may take quite a while now it seems...
MAYOR: That being the case, I'd like to give you that reward now.
SHEBA: We can't accept it now, though, could we, Jenna?
JENNA: Madra is still in shambles from the disaster... We couldn't possibly
accept any gifts...
MAYOR: Nonsense! Misfortune or no, a promise is a promise!
Felix got the Cyclone Chip.
MAYOR: I'm glad that I was able to give it to you before you left.
MAYOR: Your travels seem to take you from danger into greater danger. Please
KRADEN: Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
KARST: ...Felix?
KARST: You... He just called you Felix, didn't he?
KARST: Why didn't I see it before? You are Felix!
KARST: Then Menardi should be somewhere around here, too... And yet...
KARST: You won't see Menardi or Saturos ever again. Isaac killed them.
They're probably at the bottom of the sea by now...
JENNA: Sheba! Quiet!
KARST: Hmph! I heard that, you wretched little thing!
KARST: Can it be true? Is my sister dead?
KARST: I can't believe it... No one has the power to defeat Saturos and my
KARST: Yet you all avoid my gaze... And that look on your faces...
KARST: No? Then where is she!? Show me my sister!
KARST: What is the matter? Is it so very hard? You were traveling with her——
bring her to me!
KARST: She would never have left you behind...and yet you are alone... So
it's true? She's...
KARST: Who is this Isaac?
KARST: What? You feign ignorance? Why? Would you protect him from my fury!?
KARST: Never mind. I believe I've heard some rumors of a traveler named Isaac
KARST: Is this Isaac the same one they've been speaking of? Is he pursuing you?
KARST: If that is the case, then this Isaac should show up here sooner or later.
KRADEN: How do you know it wasn't Felix wo defeated your sister?
KARST: What do you take me for? I'm a warrior, like my sister ...
I can gauge a man's strength at a single glance.
KARST: Even if you doubled Felix's power, he would still be no match for my sister.
KARST: And besides, I doubt Felix could find it in himself to betray my sister.
KARST: He knows that the lives of those he hold dear would hang in the balance.
KARST: But I must congratulate you on your sucess at both the Mercury and Venus
KARST: Although your sucess there now prevents us from returning to the Western
KARST: You would have failed, of course, had we not researched how to climb those
KARST: Oh, didn't Menardi tell you?
KARST: Regardless, Isaac won't be getting in my way.
KARST: You will have to find your own way to the Western Sea.
KARST: And if you make the journey, you'll have to light Jupiter on your own
as well!
KARST: We have our own work to do, and number one on the list is taking
care of Isaac!
Are we clear on this, Felix?
KARST: Aren't you an obedient boy... If you're worried you can't get it
done, we could help you a bit.
KARST: What's the matter? Afraid you can't perform your duties? We could
help you a bit...
KRADEN: No, thank you. I belive we'll just find Jupiter Lighthouse on our own,
if it's all the same.
KARST: I see. Just don't let us down.
KARST: We're going to find that Isaac...
KARST: I'm going to find this Isaac...
And I swear the last thing he sees will be Karst avenging the death of
her dear sister!
SHEBA: Wow. And I thought Saturos and Menardi had issues.
JENNA: We shouldn't take Karst too lightly...
PIERS: Wait a moment... Karst did say "we," didn't she?
KRADEN: Yes, Saturos and Menardi traveled as a pair. Perhaps she has a partner
as well.
SHEBA: We ought to warn Isaac that Karst is after him. Maybe we should try to
find him first.
JENNA: Belive me, I'd love to see Isaac again, but we just don't have time to
look for him. Plus...
KRADEN: Even if we did find them, I think there is a good chance we'd end up
fighting them.
KRADEN: What we are trying to achieve, they are trying to prevent... And they
will fight to stop us.
SHEBA: But, Jenna... Aren't you and Isaac an item? Couldn't you, you know,
do something?
JENNA: A... An item? No! I mean... It's not like that! Not...really...
JENNA: ...Stupid Sheba...
KRADEN: Ah! Well! Er, yes. For now, we should press onward to Jupiter Lighthouse,
like we'd planned.
JENNA: But...what about Garet and the others?
SHEBA: Don't you mean...Isaac?
JENNA: Sheba! Be quiet! Sheesh...
KRADEN: *Ahem!* Are you ready to listen yet?
KRADEN: They were strong enough to defeat Saturos and Menardi. They won't be
beaten easily.
KRADEN: We should continue on ahead, just as Saturos and Menardi would have,
OK, Jenna?
KRADEN: Sheba? Piers? Are you ready?
KRADEN: Then we should be going, right, Felix?
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene you should equip the Cyclone Chip to
somebody. Head inside the house right below the Item stall.
Talk to the old man and then use the Healing Fungus on him
and he will give you the Mars Djinni "Char" in return. Then,
head out of the town and head northwest across the bridge. Then
head north and cross another bridge. Then,Then follow the worn
path to Piers's ship. If you want an item, use frost on the
puddle near the ship, Climb up the vine to the north and jump to
the pillarm ten to the other ledge. Examine the box to get a
Cookie. Head onto the deck of the ship. Head near the door and
you'll reach another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
PIERS: At last, I'm back on my ship.
PIERS: Finally, I can return to my beloved Lemuria.
PIERS: Wait there a moment.
PIERS: To set sail, we must go down to the power chamber belowdecks.
PIERS: Let's head down.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Head into the cabin and you'll be inside the...
<| ## LEMURIAN SHIP ######################################## CODE : [LMSH] # |>
Once you're inside, head down the stairs to the right. Examine
the southest barrel to recieve an Elixer. Then go through the
northern door. You'll find that the eastern way is blocked off.
So head west. You'll se a squid-jellyfish thing. If you talk to
them you will have to fight them. When you win, they turn into
puddles you can freeze. So fight the first one. If you want an
item, head down the ladder, and fight another Aqua Jelly, then
use Frost on the puddle. Climb back up the ladder and jump to the
pillar and jump to the ledge containing the treasure chest. Inside
the chest is a potion. Regardless, head down the stairs on the east
side of the room.
Here, head through the door. In this room, you'll see lots of
Jelly on the lower level but you can't do anything about it. So
head through the eastern exit. Go through the other door. Here,
head north and climb down the ladder. You only need to fight the
two most southern Jelly. Freeze tose two puddles. Push the large
crate directly between those two pillars. Climb back up the
ladder and jump across the pillars and the crate to the other
ledge. Exit south.
You should push the crate to your left off the ledge. Go
through the eastern door. Here, you have to fight and freeze
every Jelly and puddle. First, climb down the ladder to your
right. Defeat and freeze the jelly. Climb back up the ladder.
Jump to the new pillar and onto the other ledge. Then jump
onto another ledge. Fight the two Jellies and freeze them.
Then return to the entrance of the room. This time head north
and climb down the other ladder. Defeat/freeze the jelly. Climb
back up the ladder and jump to the ledge on the right. Climb
down the ladder and defeat the other Jelly. Use Move and bring
the crate to the lowerleft corner. Climb back up the ladder.
Jump using the pillrs and crate to the ledge on the north.
Then jump the other pillar to the new ledge. Head north and
climb down the other ladder and defeat the last Jelly. Then,
climb back up the ladder and jump back to the platform in the
middle of two pillars. Jump to the new pillar and then jump
west. Head through the door and through the western exit.
In this room the jelly will see you and try to run, go
down the ladder and defeat/freeze it. Ten head back up the
ladder and head through the door at the left. Go through the
western exit.
Prepare yourself, you're going to have a boss battle. Head
down the steps and jump onto the boxes. Examine the Aqua
Jelly on the crate and it'll merge with all the other ones
and become Aqua Hydra! Defeat it and you'll be able to go
through the door on the north. Head through the eastern exit
and go down the ladder.
Here push the pillar to your right into the center square.
Use douse on it to lower it and open the door. Go through the
door and follow the path through the other door. You'll reach
-------- CUTSCENE --------
PIERS: How did all these monsters get on board? I could swear I locked the
door when I left...
PIERS: It doesn't matter. Once we get this ship moving, I'm sure they'll all
jump ship.
PIERS: OK, now, I must set the black orb in this pedestal.
PIERS: Take the tiller, Felix!
PIERS: If you hope to reach Lemuria, you'll have to learn a few things about
handling a ship.
I think we ought to sail the Eastern Sea until you get the hang of it.
SHEBA: Kraden, shouldn't we be heading straight for Lemuria?
KRADEN: Well, I suppose if we ave to learn to sail, it's better to d oit sooner
than later...
JENNA: I want to go to Lalivreo! And Tolbi! Oh! And Vale! Can we go to Vale?
PIERS: I'd love to see your hometown, Jenna! Shall we? Let's do ir! To Vale we
KRADEN: I don't think that's such a good idea.
KRADEN: I don't think that's such a good idea.
PIERS: Come, now! Why not?
KRADEN: Think abouth the roads we have traveled to get where we are...
SHEBA: I can't... I was never any good at geography.
KRADEN: Then allow me to explain...
KRADEN: The coastline of Angara, the continent in which Vale lies, is
surrounded by rocky cliffs.
JENNA: Oh... You don't think Piers's boat could land there?
KRADEN: And as for Gondowan, I would guess the people from Lalivero are
...looking for us.
SHEBA: He's right. Saturos and Menradi went a little wild in Lalivero, and you
were all with them.
JENNA: Oh... But Sheba can explain the situation for us.
Faran and the Laliverans would uncerstand, I'm sure.
SHEBA: And then they'd make me stay in Lalivero! Would you just leave me there,
JENNA: Oh yeah... Maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea after all...
KRADEN: Then it's decided!
PIERS: WHat's decided?
KRADEN: The sea is vast we can go whereever we please! So, let's explore a bit,
SHEBA: That's a great idea! We've already met werewolves and diescoverd new
I'm sure there's even more out there waithing for us to find it!
JENNA: Wow! This is going to be great!
PIERS: Hmmm.... The sea can be quite dangerous. It won't be my fault if somthing
happens, Kraden.
KRADEN: To the open sea, Felix!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene you finally receive control of the boat.
Here's a few tips: You will encounter monsters while in your boat.
You can enter rivers. You can get of your bat by pressing A when you
are on a beach. You can check the map to see where to go by pressing
R. Now, let's do some exploring!
FIrst of all press R to open the World Map. Sea the little island
Northeast from your current location? That's where we're headed. Get
going! Press A on the beach and enter the house to reach...
<| ## N OSENIA ISLET ####################################### CODE : [NOIS] # |>
The only thing you can do here is go in the house and check on
of the barrels on the west side for a Lucky Medal (Save them, you'll
thank me later). If you interrogate the people they'll talk about
sea monsters and whatnot, but the old man will tell you to "enter
the sea of fog... enter the currents from the direction of the
red rocks." Remember this. Well... You don't HAVE to remeber it,
since I'll tell you later... You lazy bastard, you...
Now return to your ship... Head east from the islet and go to
the cluster of islands on the eastern edge of the World Map. Once
you reach that area. Enter through the beach on the north side of
the island, near the smaller islands. You'll see a hut on a bridge,
enter it and you'll be in the...
<| ## APOJII ISLANDS ####################################### CODE : [APIL] # |>
Once you enter you can rest at the inn right next to you. There
is a "Multi-purpose" store right next to the inn. From the inn head
south and follow the path south to a dead end near a waterfall. Jump
to the north, and you'll see a man near a tear shaped rock. Use Douse
on the rock and Psynergy will flow into the water and to some head
statues far off. The man will thinkthat his wishes have been answered.
Now, return to your ship.
Head to the south side of the island. You'll see another beach.
Head into the island and follow the path to the center mountain. The
mountain looks strangely like a blue Air's Rock. Coincidence? I think
not. Anyway, enter it and you'll be in...
<| ## AQUA ROCK ############################################ CODE : [AQUA] # |>
Head north until you reach the five heads. Head west and follow
the path to a ladder. You'll see that two waterfalls that alternate
between flowings. Time it right, and pass to the left when the
waterfall is gone. Climb up the ladder. Head right across the
waterfall. Climb up the second ladder. You'll now have a choice of
two ladders to climb. Go up the ladder to the left. Watch out for
the water. If you do get hit, hold the D-Pad to the left or right,
so as not to get swept away too far. When you get to the ledge
containing the two red heads. Head to the far left side and push
the pillar in fron of the head on the far right, so that it blocks
the water from coming out. This will leave you free to climb the
ladder that was unpassable earlier. Then, use the ladder below you
and return to the junction where you had a choice of two ladders.
Choose the other ladder and climb to the top. You should be on
the right side of the pink head. Climb up the second ladder to the
next screen.
Climb up the ladder above you. Head east and go down the second
ladder. Hold B and Control Pad right and let the waterfall carry you
down. If you did it right you should be on a ledge to the right of
the waterfall with a chest. Open the chest for a Nut. Let the
waterfall carry you down. Go down the ladder to your right and use
Douse on the gray head, it will start spewing water. Head to the
left and jump down the waterfall (HOLD B AND DASH TO THE LEFT WHILE
FALLING). Now jump down the smaller waterfall. and follow the path
until you get to a fork that doesn't lead to a dead end. Take the
eastern path to reach another tear shaped rock. Use Douse on it and
the waterfall behind it start flowing upwards. Now, return to the
fork and this time take the western path.
You'll reach a junction of two ladders. The ladder on the left
leads you to an Elixer, you can get it if you want. But then, take
the ladder on the right. Here, what you do is, time it right and
just when the water stops falling, head into the small steps on the
left and the right and take cover. Continue tis until you reach the
top. Climb up the ladder between the two heads. Then head to the
left and push the pillar to the left once. Then return to the right
and climb up the small ladder. Step onto the waterfall and you'll
be carried up to the next area.
From where you are, head to the north and cross the waterfall (or
should I say water rise) to the right. South of you there is a blue
stone, move it onto the gray square. Head across the waterfall by
using the rocks as support and moving between them. Head north until
you reach a ladder, if you want an item run across the fall to the
chest and open it for an Oil Drop. Anyway, head up the ladder to the
next ledge. Here, head to the left and climb another ladder. Freeze
the puddle, and if you want a weapon (of course you do) go north and
freeze the two other puddles. Then, head down the ladder. Return to
the right and climb up the ladder. Head north and limb up another
ladder. Here, navigate around the rocks until you get the the
northeast side, jump across the pillars until you get to the ledge
containing the chest, open it for a Mist Sabre (atk + 110!). Now,
head to the southeast corner of te ledge and jump across the pillar
and climb down the ladder. Head left to the next area.
Here, head left and climb down the ladder. Use Douse on the tear
shaped rock. Now climb down the ladder and head to where the blue
circle in the middle of the lake is, jump into it. You'll be taken
to a cavern.
Jump across the floating platforms and exit south. There's a
Psynergy stone here, so take this oppurtunity to waste your
remaining Psynergy to heal your party. Then use the stone and
restore your PP. Then head to the right and jump onto the platform.
Follow the path to the ledge to your right. Go through the door to
the next room. In this room head north through the door to the next
In this room, if you want an item, head north and push the
first pillar you see ONE space to the right. Head right and,
without touching the steam, use Move and pull the other pillar
one space to the left. Right now, both pillars should be blocking
the steam. Now, while you are between the two pillars, use Move
and pull the western pillar to the right. Then head to the right
of the eastern pillar. Use move and push the pillar to the left.
Now, head up the ladder and use the pillars to make your way to
the left, open the chest for a Vial. Then, climb down the ladder,
and follow the eastern path and exit south.
In this room, use Move on the pillar to the right and push
it one space to the right to block the water. The water level
will go down, giving you access to the ladder. Climb down the
ladder and freeze all the puddles, there's only three. Now, head
back up the ladder and use the pilars to make your way to the
ledge on the right. Head south to the next room. In this room
head north at all the forks and you will reach an exit, gor
through it to reach the next room. In this room head to the left
and exit south, you'll be back in the room with the yellow
platforms. Head to the center ledge and use Douse on the rock.
A path will appear and give you access to the other exit. Follow
the path and go through the door.
In this room head left at the path and use the yellow
platforms to reach the ledge on the west. Then, head north and
jump onto the platform and then jump to the north. Follow the
path south until you see the stea, DON'T TOUCH IT! Instead, use
Move and push the wooden pillar one space to the right. Now, let
the steam carry you down. Jump onto the platform, then, jump to
the right and onto the ledge. Head north and follow the path and
exit south.
In this room, head down the ladder and push the northeastern-
most pillar ONE space to the RIGHT, and ONE space DOWN. Then, head
back up the ladder and use Douse on the gray head. The room will
fill with water, now you can use Douse of the rock. Follow the
path to the next room. Here, follow the path, jumping when needed,
and head down the stairs. Follow the path and head down the other
stairs. Head a little to the left and go up the other flight of
In this room, head down the ladder and follow the path south
until you reach the yellow platforms. Jump on the platforms and
follow the path and you'll reach the southern ledge. Go up the
ladder and exit south to the next room. There is a big waterfall
in this room. Run to the left from the northernmost point into
the waterfall until you reach the ledge on the right. Head south
until you reach a ladder. DON'T climb down the ladder. Make sure
you are above the two most southern rocks on the dry area. Then
head into the waterfall, (make sure that you fall off the ledge
only after you pass the first rock in the waterfall. If you did
it right you wil be wedged between two rocks. Now use Move on
the pillar and push it one space to the right. Then head back up
the ladder and return to the place where you entered the water.
This time, instead of falling so quickly, run to the east. You'll
fall on the pillar. Jump on the pillars head onto the ledge. Open
the chest for a Tear Stone. Then let the water fall carry you off
the ledge. You shoud be on the western ledge, now run aross the
waterfall and head down the stairs.
You will now be in a room with more yellow platforms. Jump on
them until you reach a fork, jump to the ledge south of you. Head
west and follow the path until you reach the exit. Head to the next
room. Climb down the ladder to your left. Head north and climb up
the ladder. Use Douse on the gray head. Jump across the platforms
to reach the ledge to your right. Climb up the second ladder and
exit north.
In this room, Jump to the yellow platform and then jump to the
right onto the ledge. Exit south. Climb down the ladder. Push the
blue rock one space to the left. Freeze the puddle and climb back
up the ladder. Use Douse on the head. Jump onto the platform and
jump in this order. South, west, west, south, west, west, north,
west, north, west, and north. Then open the chest for a Water of
Life. Then return to the entrance of the room. Exit and re-enter
the room. This time push the blue rock, two spaces to the west.
Jump on the platforms and follow the obviuos path and exit north
through the other exit.
In this room, jump on the pillars, and follow the path to the
ledge containing the pillar. Use Move and push the pillar one
space to east. Then jump onto the ledge and push the pillar onto
the circle. Head north on the platforms and exit the room. Here,
push the pillar onto the circle, and climb the ladder to your
left. Jump onto the pillar and (this is important) JUMP TO THE
NORTH and go up the stairs.
Now, cross the rope and climb down the ladder. Follow the
path all the way to the right. At the end, jump onto the ledge
closest to you. Follow the path to a new ledge, exit south. Guess
what time it is? Yup, lunch time... I mean puzzle time. I'm
hungry... To make this easy I'll put the instruction step-by-step.
There are three rows, remember that rows go from left to right
and X means a stationary pillar.
1) Climb down the ladder.
2) The room should look like this (I tried really hard to make it 3d):
__/E\___##_ <- Head
/ _##_\
| __/| |
| * /|#||___|
|* * ||#|/ <- Ladder
| | ······X·······
|____/ · ··· ·
· ·
·X·····1 2 ··· 3 ···
··· ··· ···
· ·
······· ·
·X· ·····X·
········ ···
3) Go to the third row and and make 1 and 2 switch places. It should look lie this:
__/E\___##_ <- Head
/ _##_\
| __/| |
| * /|#||___|
|* * ||#|/ <- Ladder
| | ······X·······
|____/ · ··· ·
· ·
·X·····2 1 ··· 3 ···
··· ··· ···
· ·
······· ·
·X· ·····X·
········ ···
4) Move 3 between the two southern-most X. It should look like this:
__/E\___##_ <- Head
/ _##_\
| __/| |
| * /|#||___|
|* * ||#|/ <- Ladder
| | ······X·······
|____/ · ··· ·
· ·
·X·····2 1 ··· ···
··· ··· ···
· ·
······· ·
·X· 3·····X·
········ ···
5) Move 1 to the northeastern corner. It should look like this:
__/E\___##_ <- Head
/ _##_\
| __/| |
| * /|#||___|
|* * ||#|/ <- Ladder
| | ······X·····1·
|____/ · ··· ·
· ·
·X·····2 ··· ···
··· ··· ···
· ·
······· ·
·X· 3·····X·
········ ···
6) Climb back up the ladder and use Douse on the gray head, then
go and use Douse on the tear-shaped rock. Follow the path to
the other ledge. Exit north.
Here, head north and go down the stairs. Push the pillar to your
right, down the ledge and jump across to the other ledge. Exit north.
If you don't want to waste your time, follow these directions word-
for-word. (Just pretend I'm Morpheus.) Head as north as you can, then
jump on tp the yellow platform closest to you. Then, jump to the ledge
on the south. Jump to the platform on the left and then jump north.
See that chest? Ignore it, it's a mimic. Follow the path and Exit south.
You'll be in the room with the Psynergy Stone. Take this opportunity to
heal yourself then exit south.
In this room jump all the way to the ledge on the west and open the
chest for a Lucky Pepper, then return to the tear stone. Follow the
glowing path west until you reach the ledge, DO NOT STEP ONTO THE LEDGE.
Instead jump south then east twice to reach the big central platform.
Climb up the ladder and open the chest to obtain the Aquarius Stone.
Climb down the ladder and make your way to the right side of the ledge.
Jump onto the platform and head back onto the sparkling path. Make
your way to the ledge on the right. Head south, go down the two
ladders and follow the path until you reach two doors take the left
door to the lext room.
Here, head south then west and jump onto the yellow platform.
Go north and exit north through the door, not the stairs. In this
room, head north and you'll see a column inspect it to see that you
can place something on it. Place the Aquarius Stone on it. The water
ahead of you will part letting you pass. Exit north.
In this room, head as north as you can, until you reach a
dead end. Go around the ledge that you are on and climb down the
ladder. Climb up the central ladder and inspect the tablet.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
PIERS: Water's strength, huh? That sounds like my sort of thing, doesn't it?
Piers tried to touch the stone slate.
Piers learned Parch
PIERS: What went wrong? What are we to do, Felix?
PIERS: Maybe our power is being tested.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Once the cutscene is over, face the water and open up the
Psynergy Menu and select Piers. Have him use Parch. The water will
evaporate letting you through. Climb down the ladder and up another
ladder and exit the room south. Exit the second room south too.
In this room, head south and jump onto the yellow platform.
Head east and exit north. Climb up the two ladders and head north
until you reach two doors. Exit through the southern door. Climb
down the ladder below you and head as north as you can, then run
across the waterfall so that you are on the ledge containing the
ladder. Climb up the ladder and head north, climb up the second
ladder and use Parch on the waterfall to dry it up. Now, climb
back down the two ladders and head up the "once-watery" waterfall
and defeat the djinn. Once you win you'll receive the Mercury
Djinni "Steam." Head south and climb the ladder to the west. Exit
Now, head south, down the two ladders and exit through the
door on the left. The body of water to the south contains a chest.
Use Parch to evaporate the water. Once you do, climb down the
ladder and open the chest for a Rusty Sword. Then head south and
climb up another ladder, then exit south. Use Retreat and
exit out of Aqua Rock.
Once you are in the overworld, head around the island to
reach the beach. Jump onto your ship. You can head around the
islands to the north to reach Apojii, there you can heal at the
inn, but our destination is Izumo.
From the set of island head Northwest, On the way you'll reach
a small island known as the...
<| ## SEA OF TIME ISLET #################################### CODE : [SOTI] # |>
There is nothing of much importance in this island. There is
just one house, and outside the house on the eastern side, there
is a barrel containing a Lucky Medal, if you go to the southeast
side of the island there is a lonely turtle who needs a friend...
Awwwww! Anyway, exit the island on your boat and head due north
until you reach the shores of...
<| ## IZUMO ################################################ CODE : [IZMO] # |>
For some reason this place reminds me of feudal Japan, hmmm...
Maybe it's the japanese names, and the japanese kimonos and the
Japanese music. Who knows? Anyway, if you inetrrogate the people
of the island you'll find out that there is a serpent that needs
an offering so that it can be appeased they decide who is to be
sacrificed through a lottery, and this time Kushinada name came
up, so she is to be sacrificed, but Susa her boyfriend is going
to save her. But, Kushinada believes that there will be a hero
that will come on the full moon and save her so she doesn't want
Susa to go.
WOW! That could be the plot of an entire game. That's a lot
of information but anyway head northwest and go up the stairs.
Head across the bridge and enter the large house, head around
the dancers and the drummers and talk to Lady Uzume, she'll
explain the situation. After speaking to her, head out of the
house and enter the house on the left. You will see a sobbing
womanm that's Kushinada. If you try to approach her you will
trigger a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Kushinada: Susa, don't come for me...
Kushinada: If I see you, I'll surely lose the courage to sacrifice my self for
Kushinada: If I run, Lady Uzume and all od Izumo will suffer greatly...
Please... Don't come for me.
Kushinada: Lady Uzume has foretold the coming of a hero and I believe her...
Kushinada: And I shall remain here until the coming of the next full moon...and
the hero.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene you are still not allowed to approach her.
So head out of town and go counter-clockwise around the island
to reach...
<| ## GAIA ROCK ############################################ CODE : [GAIA] # |>
This is the thrid "rock" dungeon so far. From the entrance
head north until you reach the door. But DO NOT enter the cave
yet. Instead, head west and go up the ladder. Push the log off
the ledge. Climb up the ladder closest to you. Head to the right
and climb down the other ladder. Use Move to move the log onto
the gray platform. Run all the way to the left and climb down
the ladder at the end. Now, run all the way to the right and
climb up the ladder. Jump onto the ladder and continue east.
Head up the two ladders to the next area.
Here, you are given a choice of two ladders to climb. If you
want an item, climb up the ladder on the right. When you reach
the vine keep heading up. Climb up a second ladder to reach
another ledge. Head left and climb down the vine, move left when
you are next to the ladder to transfer onto the ladder. Climb
down another ladder and open the chest for a Nut. Then head back
up the two ladders and the vine. Head left and slide down. Now,
climb up the ladder closest to you. Head al the way to the left
and climb down two ladders. Then head a little to the left and
face the vine. Use Whirlwind on it to make it swing to you then
swing to the other side. Head left and stand next to the rock
use Move to push the log one space to the left. Then swing back
to the other side. Head to the right and climb back down the
vine. Run all the way to the left and climb up the ladder and
the vine. Climb up the second ladder and push the log off the
ledge. Then, climb up the third ladder and the fourth. Head left
to the next area.
In this area, climb down the ladder closest to you. Then,
climb down the vine and the ladder. Head left and jump across
the gaps. Climb up the ladder and the vine. Head left a little
and use Whirlwind on the vine to swing to the next ledge. Now,
climb up the ladder and the vine. Then swing to the next ledge.
Climb up the two ladders to the next area.
Here you are given a choice of two ladders to climb. It seems
that they both lead to the same place. But THEY DON'T! Take the
ladder on the right. Head up until you reach a fork, then head
right and north, then left and north to reach another fork. Climb
left and follow the path north until you reach another fork. Head
to the left, and then climb straight up. If you didn't follow my
directions you would have seen that at some places, tiki heads
pop out of the mountain and knock you off the ladder. Now, climb
up the small ladder to your right. Go around the rocks and climb
another ladder. Head right and climb up another ladder. Go around
the rocks and exit east to the next area.
Here, head east and jump onto the log, continue left and head
southeast across the rocks to reach a chest, open it for an Apple.
Then, return to the entrance of the area. Now head south and climb
down the ladder. Head east and climb up the other ladder. Head north
and use Move to push the pillar all the way down. Now down the
ladder and up the other ladder. Head east and jump onto the log,
continue to the east and navigate around the rocks. Climb down the
ladder at the end. Head right and climb up the other ladder. Inspect
the altar, you'll sense something. Then use reveal and you'll see
that there is a dancing idol atop the altar. Inspect it again and
you'll recieve the altar. Now, use Retreat and return to the entrance
of the dungeon. Head north and enter the cave.
Once inside, you'll see that there is another altar. Inspect it
to open the menu, use the Dancing Idol and the two heads ahead of you
will move aside and reveal two doors. Head through the door on the
right. Follow the path and go up the stairs. Head south and follow
the path down the staircase. You will see an area of grass. Head to
the center of the grassy area and use Sheba's Cyclone to make moving
grass platforms levitate in the air. Then, head back up the staircase
and return to down the stairs from which you entered the room. Then,
follow the path and exit south.
You should be back in the first room with the two heads. This time
head through the door on the left. Follow the path until you reach the
stairs. Exit up the stairs. You will be back in the room with te grassy
platforms. Head to the south and stand below thw two rocks. Wait for a
platform to apporach you, then jump on. Then let it carry you all the
way to the way to the south. Jump to the right when possible. Let the
platform carry you south, the walk onto the platform on the right. Let
that platform carry you to the east. Then walk onto the next platform.
Let it carry you north. The walk on to the platform on the left. Let it
carry you on to the platform on the north. Then walk onto the platform
on the right. Let it carry you to the north and then jump onto the
ledge. Follow the path north and exit north.
Follow the path until you rach a fork. Head to the right and go
down the staircase. Use Cyclone in the center of the grass to see an
cutscene of the Serpent getting hurt by the sun. Inspect the altar and
use the Dancing Idol to make the western head move to the right. You'll
see the Serpent getting hurt again. Go back up the staircase and this
time take the left path at the fork. Follow the path and go up the stairs
at the end.
Head south, if you use Cyclone on the grass here, a Mad Plant will
appear. If you think you can handle it then feel free, it's quite
formidable. Exit south to the next area. Head down the staircase ad run
all the way to the right. Exit north. You'll find another altar and
another head. Use the Dancing Idol on the altar and you'll see the
Serpent getting hurt again. Exit south and head back up the staircase.
Climb up the ladder next to the exit. Climb north, then south, at the
fork climb south and then east, then head north and east. At the fork,
DO NOT take the central route, instead, head east until you reach a
large square of steps. Stick to the north and climb east until you
get to the end, then climb south of the ledge. Use Whirlwind on the
vine to your right and swing to the right. Go down the staircase and
exit north.
Here, you'll see a altar suspended on a web. Use Cyclone on
any of the grass and it'll fall to the level below. Head to the
north side of the path and slide down. Approach the altar and use
the Dancing Idol to make the head move to the right, and once
again, you'll see the sunlight hurt the Serpent. Now the only
thing left to do is fight the monster. You should take this
chance to heal. You can go back to Izumo and use the inn.
Anyway, use Retreat to return to the entrance of the "rock."
From the main room head north through the central path and
follow it to the end. Exit north. In this room there are two
logs that block the path you have to traverse. Head north and
use Move to push the first log TWO spaces to the north. Then,
use Move and move it ONE space to the right. Then head north
and use move to pull the second log ONE space to the right.
Then head directly south of the log. Below the rock. Use Move
and push it one space to the right. Head south of the log and
use Move to pull it one space to the south. Then use Move to
push the pillar one space to the west. Now the path is cleared.
Follow the path and exit north to the next area.
There is a plant at the center of the room. Use Growth
(Equip one Venus and one Mars Djinni on either Felix or Jenna)
To see which way you have to go. The first treasure chest you
find is actually a mimic. The second contains a Rusty Mace.
Keep following the direction each plant points in and you'll
eventually reach the Susa, the Serpent and a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
SUSA: At last... The serpent has finally had its fill. This is the chance I'd
hoped for.
SUSA: I will defeat you before the next full moon and rescue Kushinada myself!
SUSA: All right, you so-called guardian! Let's see what you've got!
SUSA: That's wierd... It didn't even react...
SUSA: Feeding the serpent Dragonsbane isn't weakening it enough for me to beat
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene, you regain control. SAVE your game.
Remember to switch back the djinn if you don't like the Growth
moveset. Set all your djinn on standby. And then talk to the
dragon to enter the battle. This Serpent has about 3500+ hp.
Get ready for a long battle. Watch out for his Toxic Breath,
and concentrate all your powerful moves on him. Don't hold back.
After the battle you enter another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
KRADEN: It looks like the dragon is in bad shape, but it doesn't seem like its
close to dying...
SUSA: Even though the serpent's been defeated, I can't rest!
SUSA: Be still, serpent, and I will grant you peace.
SUSA: And with this, Kushinada's life has been spared.
SUSA: You have my sincerest thanks.
KRADEN: Where are you going?
SUSA: To Kushinada, of course.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
As you try to leave another one of those stone tablets pop
out of the ground. Inspect it to have Felix learn Sand. Time to
test this out. Use Sand while you are standing on sand to melt
into the ground. Go to the sight ide of the pool of blue liquid.
Press A to imerge from the ground. Inspect the right side of
the puddle to recieve the "Cloud Brand" (atk +130). Now, exit
out of the room from where you came. Then use Retreat and head
out of there. Return to Izumo. Once you head out of the cave you
will see Susa on the ground. he will tell you that he is not dying
just tired. When you try to leave, he will ask you if you are
going to tell Kushinada that you defeated the Serpent. He'll say
that he wants you to say that, since that is what happened. Now
head out of there and return to Izumo. The townspeople are having
a festival to celebrate the defeat of the Serpent. If you want
an item, head to the house to the right of the item shop and
inspect the barrel to the north of the door to recieve a
"Festival Coat."
Now, enter Lady Uzume's house at the northwestern part of
the town. Head toward the group of people at the top the house
and you'll enter another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
UZUME: Warriors appeared from within Mt. Mikage?
MAN: Yes... After the serpent's roar, these warriors appeared.
UZUME: So it wasn't Susa who defeated the serpent, but those heroes...
MAN: It might have been...
MAN: Lady Kushinada, please forgive me...
KUSHINADA: I don't care who defeated the serpent... I'm more worried about what
happened to Susa.
UZUME: So, Susa never came down from Mt. Mikage?
MAN: He returned to the village after the heroes appeared, and he knew the
seprent was defeated.
KUSHINADA: Oh, Susa...
UZUME: Who are you?
UZUME: This is my home, and I am having a private conversation. Leave at once!
KUSHINADA: What is it?
MAN: There can be no doubt... These are the heroes who appeared on Mt. Miakage.
UZUME: Are you the ones who defeated the serpent?
KUSHINADA: So it was you...
UZUME: My apologies... You are welcome here.
KUSHINADA: Who are you?
KRADEN: I'm Kraden, and this is Felix.
KRADEN: Behind him is Piers.
PIERS: Pleased to meet you.
JENNA: I'm Jenna and this is Sheba.
KRADEN: We're on a quest. Our travels across the Great Eastern Sea brought us
KUSHINADA: You were seen coming down from Mt. Mikage. What brought you to such a
dangerous place?
SHEBA: To complete our quest, we need many types of Psynergy.
UZUME: Psynergy?
KUSHINADA: What is Psynergy?
KRADEN: Psynergy is many things... The power to move things with one's mind,
to heal, to create.
UZUME: All with one's mind?
UZUME: Tell me, is it something like...this?
UZUME: Is that the power you're talking about?
JENNA: That power? Lady Uzume?
UZUME: It's not mine alone. Kushinad and Susa posess it as well.
KUSHINADA: This is the power we posess. I assume you have something like it
KUSHINADA: So you call what we do "Psynergy," and you can do it, too?
KUSHINADA: I thought so. Only those who can wield the power can see it. And
you did see it, didn't you?
PIERS: Felix, there's no need to hide our abilities from them, is there?
KUSHINADA: So, you call what we do "Psynergy," and you can do it, too?
KUSHINADA: If you already have Psynergy, why do you need more of this power?
SUSA: Their powers are different from our own. There seem to be many forms of
UZUME: Susa!
KUSHINADA: So, you lived after all, Susa...
SUSA: Yes, I've survived, and I've made it home to you both.
SUSA: Thanks to them, actually...
UZUME: Felix, our gratitude to you and your friends grows deeper each passing
UZUME: Susa, you spoke of different types of power. Tell me, what did you mean?
SUSA: I can only describe what I saw, my sister. Ask Felix here about it.
KRADEN: Ah, yes. Psynergy... I have dedicated most of my life to its stufy...
KRADEN: The power of Psynergy comes from the four basic forces of earth, fire,
water, and wind.
These energies, the foundations of Alchemy, are called "Elementals."
KRADEN: You don't know Alchemy? The four elements?
KRADEN: Why, they're the very building blocks of all matter on Weyard.
SUSA: All existing matter comes from Alchemy and this Psynergy?
KRADEN: Yes, that's right. Everything you see around you is some combination of
these elements.
KUSHINADA: Does this mean that there are as many types of Psynergy as there are
types of elements?
KRADEN: That's right, Kushinada. You're a smart lass.
KRADEN: Mt. Mikage was a place of great earth powers. I'd imagine your powers
are earth based.
UZUME: That's right, but how did you know this?
PIERS: Kraden... Mt. Mikage is Gaia Rock, isn't it?
UZUME: ...Gaia Rock? Mt. Mikage is the sacred mount of our people!
SHEBA: Yes, but there are many mountains like your Mt. Mikage all acorss the
Eastern Sea.
Mt. Mikage is a source of earth power, and therefore, it must be Gaia
SUSA: You have seen other mountains like our Mt. Miakge?
JENNA: Yes! In fact, it seems that each of these rocks contain a different
elemental power.
KUSHINADA: And now, you are questing to gather the power of these elements,
UZUME: And you only defeated the Great Serpent of Miakge to accomplish this
UZUME: Regardless of your motives, you have saved us all.
UZUME: You took pity on Kushinada? You are very kind to help Susa, Felix.
KRADEN: You're...not implying that we defeated the serpent, are you?
KRADEN: It's true that we did fight the creature...
KRADEN: But without Susa's power, the battle might not have ended so happily.
SUSA: What... What are you-
PIERS: Susa had given the beast a lot of Dragonsbane in order to weaken it.
SHEBA: We could never have beaten the beast if it had not been in a...weakened
JENNA: We were victorious only because Susa risked everything to weaken the
UZUME: Susa, perhpas, after all, you are...
SUSA: No, I didn't...
SHEBA: Don't forget, Susa dealth the finishing blow, didn't he?
SUSA: Finishing blow? All I did was stab it with the Cloud Brand.
SUSA: That's right. Piercing it with the Cloud Brand was hardly a finishing
KRADEN: I disagree...
KRADEN: You weakened the serpent. You dealth the final blow. I'd say you were
KRADEN: So, Lady Uzume, wouldn't you say that Susa deserves the reward for this
KRADEN: Even Felix agrees, don't you, Felix?
JENNA: I do, too.
SHEBA: We weren't fighting in hopes of getting a reward, were we?
PIERS: We'll be satisfied just learning your Psynergy.
JENNA: Are you asking for a reward? That's just plain greedy!
SHEBA: We couldn't possibly take any sort of reward.
PIERS: Learning new Psynergy will be reward enough.
KRADEN: As you can see.
KRADEN: Now, it's about time for us to leave Izumo Village.
KRADEN: Yes, indeed! We're on our way to Lemuria.
KUSHINADA: You're leaving so soon?
KRADEN: We are in agreat hurry.
UZUME: Then you must return to Izumo someday.
JENNA: I'm sure we'll be back once our mission is completed.
KUSHINADA: Excellent! I shall accept that as your oath!
SHEBA: ...Oath?
SHEBA: Oh, by promising to return, we'll be ensuring that our wuest will end
PIERS: I understand... We must vow to return, everyone.
UZUME: We'll be waiting.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After you regain control, speak with Lady Uzume, you'll
notice that the main menu comes up, find and use the Dancing
Idol to give it to her. Once you give it to her she will be so
pleased she will give "Coal" a Mars Djinni. The when you head
outside Susa will tell you about the Cloud Brand. But you
already have it. Now, head acorss the bridge and head down the
stairs. Head behind the tree near you and head north and cross
another bridge to enter a ring of pillars. The pillar at the far
left is not atune to the other pillars. Use Move to pull
it to the right. Then use Reveal to reveal a ladder at the
center of the stones. Go down the ladder to enter...
<| ## IZUMO RUINS ########################################## CODE : [IZMR] # |>
Head south and stand on the sand. Use Sand and head south
past the pillar. Use Frost on the western puddle. Then return
north past the pillar and use Frost on the other puddle. Climb
the small ladder to the east and jump across all the pillars
and exit north.
Follow the path north, until you reach a fork. Head right
at the fork. Follow the path until you reach a ladder. Climb
down and use Pound on the pillar that's to the north. Then, use
Sand while standing on the sand, and head past the rocks to the
north. Now, head to the right and use Move to push the pillar
one space to the right. Then return up the ladder and back to
the fork. This time take the left path and follow it until you
reach the pillar. Jump across the pillar and jump down the two
ladders to the next area.
Climb down the large ladder, then climb up the small ladder.
Follow the path until you reach the two pilars. Jump across them
and open the chest for a Phantasm Armor. Then return down the
small ladder. This time, head south and use Pound on the pillar.
Then, head to the right and Climb up the first ladder that you
reach. Use Parch to evaporate the water. Head back down the
ladder and this time climb up the western ladder. Head north
and climb down the ladder and exit north.
Here keep heading north until you reach the ladder. Climb
it and examinet the tablet and you will gain the ability to
summon "Ulysses" (2 Mercury, and 2 Mars). Use Retreat and head
out of Izumo.
Now, head southeast back to the Apojii islands, you know the
one near the large water fall. Now, enter the islands through
the Northwestern Beach. Enter the town and then head south until
you reach the beach where the two kids are standing. Use Sand and
head past two rocks to the right. Then immerge from the sand and
head right to the next screen. Here, head south on the light blue
water and fall off the waterfall.
Once you fall down to the ledge below, head north as if you
are trying to climb up the waterfall. You'll enter...
<| ## APOJII ISLANDS CAVE ################################## CODE : [APJC] # |>
When you enter the cave, head north and use Whirlwind on the
third viney thing, from the left. Enter the door. Follow the path,
and exit south. When you are outside, talk to the djinn and "Haze"
will join you. No battle required.
Now, head back inside the cave and follow the path, back to
the first room. This time, exit our of the eastern exit. Once
outside, use Lash and climb up the rope. Now, exit out of Izumo.
Now, we have to retrace back to some old places and get some stuff.
We have to go back to Kibombo for some wwll earned magic.
Travel all the way directly right until you reach a continent.
Here land on the northern shore of the two shores. Head counter
clockwise on the path and enter...
<| ## DAILA (Revisited) #################################### CODE : [DLA2] # |>
Here, enter the Sanctum (The large building in the north of
the town.) Inside, head north and climb down the ladder. Use
Frost on the two most western puddles. Then climb back up the
ladder and jump on to the western pillar from the west. Then
make your way to the ledge containing the tear-shaped stone.
Inspect the stone to receive the "Sea God's Tear." You will
REALLY, REALLY need this so don't go selling it off. Now exit
the town from the south and follow the path east and enter the
cave. You'll find yourself back in...
<| ## SHRINE OF THE SEA GOD (Revisited) #################### CODE : [SSG2] # |>
You will remember that this is where you saved Riki and
Tavi. Well, now we're going to complete the whole thing. Anyway,
head north and go down the ladder. Then north and up another
ladder. Then keep heading north and use Lash on the rope.
Follow the path and exit north to the next room.
Here, had north and cross the two log bridges. Then head
south and try to cross the third bridge. When you fall, climb
up the ladder and continue to the east. Ignore the slide and
follow the path. Go down the stairs when you reach them. In
here, head south until you reach three staircases. Head up
the southernmost stairs. Now, climb down the ladder below you.
Head north until you reach a few puddles. Freeze them all and
then climb up the ladder to the right. Jump across the frozen
pillars and make your way to the ledge on the right. Then,
head up and exit north.
This room is not as hard as it seems. Just follow my
instructions. Run all the way to the left. Jump onto the
closest pillar. Then jump Up, Left, Up, Left. Walk onto
the ledge. Head up and walk onto another pillar. Now, jump
Up, Left, Down, Right and onto the ledge. Then, push the
pillar down one space. Walk onto the pillar and jump to the
right then up to the ledge. Now, just head right and go
down the stairs.
I this room, head north and climb down the first ladder
you reach. Follow the path south and climb up a second ladder.
Jump to the ledge on the right. Cross the first bridge. Then
as you try to cross the second bridge it will break. After you
fall, head to the right and use Lash on the rope. But DON'T
climb it. Instead, head south and the follow the path north
and go up the ladder. Open the chest for a "Rusty Staff". You
should have three "Rusty" items now. Don't sell them. Now
return to the rope I told you not to climb. Climb it and head
north. Cross the first bridge you reach. You will now have a
choice of two bridges. Intentionall step onto the northern
bridge, the cracked one. Letm it carry you down stream. Then,
walk onto the ledge to your right. Use lash on the coil and
climb up the ladder. Then head up the stairs.
Now, head to the east and climb down the ladder. Use Move
and move the pillar onto the circle. Head back up the ladder
and head down the stairs. In this room, walk onto the platform
to the left and jump Up, Up, and to the Left onto the ledge.
Then head north all the way and jump onto the pillar. Then keep
jumping down until you can go to the right. When you reach a
circle of stones, use Reveal and jump onto the revealed platform.
Approach the statue and use the Sea God's Tear. The ledge will
be raised to the next level.
When you are in the new chamber, climb up the long ladder to
reach a new golden room. jump onto the ledge to the right, then
again to the other ledge. Climb up the other ladder and you'll be
at the top of the tower. Head south and climb up the two ladders
and inspect the shining object for the "Right Prong". Now, use
Retreat and head out of there.
Now, return to your ship. Head counter-clockwise around the
shore until you reach an island between the two large continents
that only has one house on it. Ignore it, head behind the island
and land on the large beach. Head across the bridge. You'll reach
the Kibombo Mountains. Ignore them. Head across the bridge
and follow the path north to...
<| ## KIBOMBO/GABOMBA STATUE (Revisited) ################### CODE : [KGS2] # |>
Once in Kibombo, head north and enter the Gabomba Statue.
Once inside, head north to the next room. Head all the way to
the north and let the platform carry you down. After that, head
north and climb down the ladder. You will be in the...
<| ## GABOMBA CATACOMBS #################################### CODE : [GMBC] # |>
Head south and climb down the ladder. You will see that there
is a rock right next to the ladder. Walk to the north of that
rock, hugging the ledge you just got down from. When you reach a
dead-end use Cyclone and you will be carried to the level below.
Talk to the djinni you see and defeat it to recieve the Venus
Djinni "Mud." Now head to the left and slide down. Head south
and climb up the ladder. Head to to the north and head up the
Head to the left and use Cyclone on the large patch of grass
to be carried to the next level. From there, head to the left and
follow the path. Take a right at the fork. Exit through the door.
Head north and use Cyclone on the patch of grass to recieve a mint.
Head north and climb down the ladder. Head south along the path and
use Clyclone on the patch of grass at the end. Use Frost on the
revealed puddle. Head back up the ladder and head south until you
reach the ledge near the Frost pillar. Jump across the pillar and
onto the other ledge. Head north to reach a circle of grass. Use
Reveal and climb down the staircase that appears.
In this room, head to the left and into the water. About halfway
in the water, head north, behind the long rock. Now, keep heading
north. There are paths behind rocks. Remembre: Keep holding the B
Button to run, this gives you an advantage over the currents. When
you reach the very top. Head to the right. (It may seem like you
are at a dead end, but there is a path below the rocks.) Once you
reach dry land, head all the way to the west, then all the way
south. Use Cyclone on the southern-most grass to reveal a puddle.
Use Frost to freeze it. Now, return to the where you entered the
water. Continue to the right. On the dry land, head to the west
and climb up the ladder. Follow the path along the wall and jump
onto the pillar and then the ledge. Head up the stairs.
Here, climb down the ladder, and head north. If you use Cyclone
on the grass, a Mad Plant appears. Fight it if you want. Anyway,
head north and climb up the ladder to enter a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
GABOMBA: By reaching this place you have proven your power.
GABOMBA: By rights, Akafubu should bear this power...
GABOMBA: But I shall keep my promise and bestow it upon the one to reach this
place first!
KRADEN: I am grateful for your promise...
But I am worried that we have donw Akafubu and the Kibombo a great
GABOMBA: Akafubu has not honed his own powers, and the fault lies with him
GABOMBA: And yet there is a hint of truth to what you say...
KRADEN: Then what are we to do? Does this mean we won't receive your magic?
GABOMBA: As I have said, I will give the power to you. Your concern is
GABOMBA: But I must add some small conditions to out agreement...
KRADEN: What kind of conditions?
GABOMBA: You must not ...mention this to Akafubu.
GABOMBA: Akafubu was plainly ill prepared for this test. He will lose heart if
hears what you have done.
GABOMBA: And yet... the Kibombo have need of this ill-prepared leader...
GABOMBA: If Akafubu ever reaches this place, I shall teach him the magis as
GABOMBA: Promise that you will not tell Akafubu that you learned this magic.
Can you do this?
KRADEN: Of course!
GABOMBA: And now I shall sleep. Farewell, successor to the witch doctor.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After that, go up and grab the book. It is called the
"Tomegathericon," does this have a hidden meaning or is it
just a stupid name? This is the third class changing item you
should have so far. (You know, the Card, the Whip, and now,
the Tome) Now, use Retreat to exit the Gabomba Statue. Then,
exit Kibombo and return to your ship.
Head south and around the small island with the one house.
Then head northeast/north until you reach a large beach on a
new continent to the north. Open your map if you are confused.
It is the only continent to the north that has a snowy place.
Once you reach the beach, follow the coastline to the east
until you reach...
<| ## CHAMPA ############################################### CODE : [CHMP] # |>
If you're wondering, yes, this is the home of Briggs the
pirate. From where you are head to east and climb up the steps.
Use Reveal neat the tombstones to reveal a chest. Open it for
a Viking Helm. Then return down the staircase. Head to the left
and go up the path.
*** If you used a password from Golden Sun 1, then you will probably be
stopped by Feizhi. That is if you saved the guy that was under the
rock in Golden Sun 1. If she stops you she will mistake you for Isaac.
She wants to thank Isaac for saving Ulmuch from the rock. So she asks
you to tell him how she feels, and gives you a Golden Ring that you
have to give him. After she leaves, don't forget to get the ring.
Head into town, there is nothing here, the item shop on the
north-east side of the town has some good wepons and armor. Then
head out you will be stopped by Alex and a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
ALEX: I see you've caught up with me again, Felix.
SHEBA: Alex!
PIERS: Alex? Who is Alex?
KRADEN: Alex is a Water Adept. We had been traveling together, but he left us
when we landed on Indra.
PIERS: A Water Adept?
ALEX: Ah, and I see you've made a new friend! You have been busy, haven't you?
ALEX: And you've found yourself a new Water Adept! Do you mean to cast me
away, like old trash?
ALEX: Please... It's quite obvious that you have decided to replace me with
a new Water Adept.
I expect you thought you'd never see me again!
JENNA: What do you want with us now, Alex? Or did you forget you were the one
who abandoned US?
ALEX: My dear Jenna...
ALEX: Have you come to despise me so, after all we've been through?
SHEBA: That's right, Felix! Why should we care about someone who just left
us behind like that!?
SHEBA: Duh! You're the one who left us. It's pretty clear who despises whom
around here.
ALEX: My, aren't we a bitter bunch? And I was just trying to help you with you
with your little task.
KRADEN: We have no need of your help. We can light the lighthouses without you.
KARST: Oh... Can you really?
SHEBA: Karst!
KARST: That's right, Karst! I'm flattered that you remember!
JENNA: What is this, Alex? What's going on?
ALEX: Ah, how can I explain this...
AGATIO: What's going on is Alex is demonstrating his remarkable foresight once
ALEX: Oh, have you not had the pleasure of an introduction?
KARST: He stayed back at the ship when I saw them in Madra.
AGATIO: I am Agatio.
AGATIO: Let's see... That guy's Felix, and the girls are Jenna and Sheba, which
AGATIO: They look like an unreliable bunch of ragamuffins.
ALEX: Yes, they are rather useless, aren't they? That's why I finally had to
abandon them, of course.
ALEX: But now, I believe I may have been...hasty in my judgment.
AlEX: You are Piers?
PIERS: H-How did you know my name?
ALEX: How soon they forget! We met before, when you were being...detained.
ALEX: Who could forget the amatuer Adept changing water to ice in that strange
little town?
KRADEN: Ah! You saw that! That must be how you knew Piers was a Water Adept.
ALEX: In fact, I was even thinking of borrowing his ship at one point.
JENNA: You would steal someone's boat? That's so typical, Alex!
ALEX: You wound me, Jenna... I only meant to borrow it.
SHEBA: Whatever you might have meant, that doesn't make it right!
ALEX: And just when I was about to seize the opportunity, you had come back.
PIERS: You mean from Kibombo...
ALEX: I was mere moments too late.
KRADEN: Isn't that a shame.
ALEX: Still, because of that, I did meet Karst and Agatio, so perhaps it was
my fate...
JENNA: Can't you just stop talking about yourself for one second, Alex?
KARST: Enough of your childish gibes! Alex, I want to know what makes these punks
ALEX: Because they brought us the orb that Akafubu had taken. That shows some
AGATIO: How so?
ALEX: The Kibombo are wuite warlike... or were, at any rate. Recovering the orb
was most likely not easy.
KARST: They were just typical vilagers, easily frightened with a small display of
ALEX: No... They would have used less abrupt than those you favor...
AGATIO: Oh? What methods would those be?
KRADEN: Alex said it clearly enough. We wouldn't terrorize people into doing
what we wanted.
KARST: Enough of this!
KARST: Stop changing the subject! When are you going to light the remaining
AGATIO: Yes! Our patience is beginning to wear thin!
KARST: If you waste any more of our time, we'll take those Elemental Stars and
do it ourselves!
AGATIO: If we had a Wind Adept like Sheba and the elemental stars, we wouldn't
need you.
SHEBA: Excuse me?
ALEX: I am, of course, opposed to their line of thinking.
ALEX: My experience with Saturous and Menardi suggests that, while they were
fierce warriors...
They are somewhat lacking when it comes to solving the mysteries of the
KARST: You mean to say that they failed to solve riddles?
ALEX: Miserably...
AGATIO: Are you suggesting that they were simple brutes, incapable of logic
and intelligence?
And are you saying the same of us!?
ALEX: I'm afraid so...
KARST: Alex... Whose side are you on?
ALEX: I am on no one's side. My only concern is to see the lighthouse beacons
lit once again.
AGATIO: So you meant to leave the task to Felix?
KARST: Then why have we come all this way looking for Felix?
ALEX: I merely wanted to confirm that he and his companions had not forgotten
their quest.
AGATIO: Is that truly all?
ALEX: I also wanted to introduce Felix to the two of you.
JENNA: Why would you want to do that?
ALEX: With Saturos and Menardi gone, you probably felt very little pressure to
complete your task.
I cannot have that.
SHEBA: What do you mean by that!?
ALEX: With Saturos and Menardi gone, I felt another pair might... How shall I
put this...
Provide you with the proper incentive to complete your task.
PIERS: Is that some kind of threat.
ALEX: Take it as you wish. I just wanted to provide you with the proper
KARST: So, what? You've used us to your satisfaction, and now, our role is
AGATIO: You only wanted us around to flex a little muscle and scare them into
action? Fine.
AGATIO: I suppose we will let you go today...
KARST: But we will always be nearby... pushing you to make your way to Jupiter
Lighthouse swiftly.
ALEX: I look forward to seeing you soon, Felix, somewhere very near Jupiter
ALEX: Kraden, am I right in recalling that you pursue this quest on behalf of
Tolbi's ruler, Babi?
KRADEN: That is true. I'm studying Alchemy because Lord Babi has ordered it.
KRADEN: What about it?
AlEX: Ah, what a pity. It would seem all your studies... have been for naught.
KRADEN: What are you getting at, Alex?
ALEX: Only that it seems your Lord Babi has at last succumbed to the ravages of
KRADEN: Lord Babi is dead?
ALEX: Oh, so you didn't know?
SHEBA: Lord Babi? Dead? Could that really be true?
JENNA: Alex! How would you know such a thing?
ALEX: Do not mistake me! We had no hand in Babi's passing.
ALEX: However, the people of Tolbi may be under the impression that our
prescence led to his death.
PIERS: Alex! Cut the melodrama and get to the point for a change!
Alex: Simply put, I would reccomend against traveling to north Gondowan for a
ALEX: I just thought it might be better if you focused on your quest, instead
of exploration, for now...
SHEBA: How kind of you.
ALEX: Take it as you will...
AlEX: Very well. May we meet again.
JENNA: So the only reason Alex came here was to threaten us?
SHEBA: And to bring us news of Babi's death, despite the fact that we asked
for no such news!
PIERS: Perhaps he had his own reasons for telling Kraden...
SHEBA: What do you mean, Piers?
PIERS: If Kraden undertook this quest on behalf of Babi, then he no longer has
any need——
JENNA: Oh. Of course! I hadn't thought of that. Your orders were to find
Lemuria, right, Kraden?
SHEBA: That's right. But if Babi really has died, you're free to go wherever
you will, Kraden.
KRADEN: That's not true, Sheba.
KRADEN: Certainly. my original reason for researching Alchemy was for Lord
PIERS: "Was for Lord Babi"? That's the past tense! What are your reasons now?
KRADEN: This is no longer solely for research.. I do this because of what I've
learned on this quest.
JENNA: Your research?
SHEBA: What you learned on this quest?
JENNA: I'm not following you at all!
SHEBA: I don't understand a word of this.
KRADEN: Of course you don't! Feilx is the only one I've spoken to about any of
JENNA: What!? You knew!?
SHEBA: That's not fair! Tell us!
KRADEN: Please, Felix... Let's not say too much about it just yet.
KRADEN: Felix is right. Now is not the time to tell you about it at all...
KRADEN: It's...far too complicated.
JENNA: Well, when WILL you tell us?
KRADEN: I am sure we will tell you once we get to Lemuria.
SHEBA: Do you promise?
KRADEN: I promise...
KRADEN: Piers? You don't mind waiting?
PIERS: I cannot read minds, like Sheba, but I have a guess at what you're
KRADEN: A guess? What do you mean?
PIERS: You are a great scholar, Kraden, are you not?
PIERS: I believe your theiry is correct. And to prove it I want to return to
Lemuria as soon as possible.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After all that, you finally regain control of Felix. Head out
of town and return to your ship. Head north along the coast until
you reach another beach. Get off and head north. Enter the tower-like
structure and you'll find yourself in the...
<| ## ANKOHL RUINS ######################################### CODE : [ANKL] # |>
Here, head north and enter the inner court throught the
broken wall. Head north and enter the main structure. From the
entrance jump to the platofrm on the left. Then, head north and
jump right to the small platform on the right. Now, jump to the
platform on the north. From there, jump to the large platform to
your left. Use Whirlwind on the center bush to reveal an exit.
Head north to the next room.
In this room, you'll see a series of stone heads at the north
part of the room. Run to the left and jump onto the second ledge.
Use Move and pull the center part of the head so that it drops
below. Enter the newly revealed exit and open the chest for 210
coins. Now, exit the room. This time run all the way to the right
and use Move on the last head. Enter the room and open the chest
for some Crystal Powder. Exit the room. This time, enter the head
right next to you. Use Whirlwind on the bush in from of you. Enter
the room and follow the path until you reach a series of stones,
a pillar, and a tresure chest. Head to the north of the pillar.
Use Move and push it onto the circle. Now, return to the room with
all the heads. Run all the way to the left and enter the first stone
head. Use whirlwind and head north to the next room. Use Sand, while
standing on the sand, and head north until you can emerge. Open the
chest for a nut. Then, use Sand and head south out of the room.
Return to the room with all the heads. Exit south through the door
directly below the first stone head.
Head south and then jump onto the platform to your left. Then
to the second platform, then to the third. Go up the stairs. Follow
the path until you reach sand on the gound. Use Sand and follow the
sand-path to a treasure chest. Open the chest for a "Thanatos Mace"
(atk +125). Then use Sand and return to the area directly to your
left. Exit north to the next room.
Here, head north and follow the path until you reach a stone
statue that is incomplete. Push the piece of the statue, that is
on the ledge you are standing, onto the stone head. It will spew
out sand. Then exit south and return to the room that had the mace.
Use sand on the small snad-path and head south. Follow the path
and return down the stairs.
Jump across the two platforms, then, head north until you
reach the door, but DON'T go through it. Instead, jump to the
platform on the left. Use Whirlwind on the bush and head up
the stairs. Then, follow the path and exit north to the next
area. Here, climb down the vine. Head across the sand and open
the chest for some Power Bread. Then use Sand and head north
through the little opening. Emerge and climb up the vine, now,
head up the stairs.
From the entrance head south and follow the path to the exit.
Head north to the next room. In this room, head north, and jump
onto the platform to your right. Then continue north and jump to
the platform to the left. This for is important remember it. Head
left at the fork and use Move to push the pillar one space to the
left onto the circle. Then return to the previous room. Once you
are back in the previous room, head north and return to the
entrance of the room. Then head left and follow the path until
you reach a fork. Follow the path south and open the chest at the
end for 385 coins. Then return to the fork and exit north. Use
Sand and pass the stones and open the chest for a Vial.
Then head south and exit the room. Return to the entrance of
this room and head back south again. Then exit through the door.
Head north, by jumping and return to the fork I mentioned earlier.
This time, take the eastern path and exit south.
In this room, head south and step onto the swith on top of
the staircase. Then, quickly run to the right and wait for the
statue to spew sand for the second time. Step on the switch
when you can. Then, head up the staircase to the right and up
the stairs to the next room. In this room, head to the left,
then, follow the path south, jumping on the platforms when
required, and exit south to the next room. Here head south and
slide down the slide to the below level. After you fall, move
the pice of the statue near you, onto the statue. Then, head to
the left, and push the pillar onto the circle, but DON'T climb
down the vine. Instead, exit north through the door above you.
Here, head all the way to the left and use Move to push the
pillar onto the circle. Then exit the room and return to the
previous room. Climb down the vine that I mentioned earlier,
the one at the south-western corner of the ledge. Enter the
door to your right. In this room, follow the path, jumping
when necessary, and make your way to the staircase. Go down
the staircase. Here, use Sand and head south past the blocks.
Exit south. You'll find yourself back in the room that has
all the stone heads. Head to the right side of the room and
exit through the southern door, (not through the head). In
this room, follow the path clockwise, ignoring the bushes
and jumping from platform to platform. Until you reach sand
on the ground. Use Sand and head north past the wall. Emerge
and head up the stairs.
Here, head counter clockwise and use Whirlwind on the
left bush and open the chest for a "Muni Robe" then head along
the path and exit south. Head down the vine and head north,
until you reach an incomplete statue. Ignore it, instead, jump
to the ledge to your left. Climb up the vines and head up the
stairs. In this room, head north and use Sand to get past the
blocks. Head to the right and use Whirlwind on the first bush.
Open the chest in the room for a "Sylph Feather". Then follow
the path to the right and then exit south.
Here, run down the stairs as fast as you can and run to to
the switch to the northwest. Step on it to lower the blocks.
Then, just head up the staircase and exit north. If you fail,
just exit and re-enter the room. Follow the path until you
reach three bushes. Use Whirlwind on the bush all the way to
the right. Enter the room, then, head north and push the pillar
onto the circle. Climb down the vine and jump to the ledge to
your left. Open the chest for a "Potion". Then, return to the
previous room. Head to the left and go down the stairs. Head
south, then, follow the path east and exit north.
In this room, head north throught the obvious path and
push the pice of the statue onto place. The statue's eyes will
turn green. Then, head south and exit through the door. Follow
the path in this room, and exit up the stairs. Here, follow the
path counter-clockwise and exit south. Go down the staircase and
up the other staircase and exit south. Here follow the path
until you are back at the sand. Use Sand and head south through
the blocks. Head south and go down the stairs.
This are is very inportant. Climb down the vine. But DON'T
jump onto the ledge to your right just yet. If you do the statue
will charge toward you and push you back a few areas. You can one
of two things:
1. Set Sand to one of the hot keys.
2. Jump onto the ledge with the statue.
3. Let it push you south.
4. Use Sand when you are directly over the pit of sand.
5. Let the statue pass over you.
1. Ready your had over the <- button on the D-pad.
2. As you jump on the ledge, hold <- while you are in the air.
3. If you did it right you will make the statue move, but be out of it's way.
4. Jump back onto the ledge after the statue is out of your way.
5. if you didn't do it right, just use The Safe Method as you are being pushed.
Anyway, after you get past the stone head. Use Sand on the
strip of sand and head north past the wall. Then climb up the
vine and head left. Go up the stairs. Climb up the other stairs
to your left. Then, head south and follow the path until you reach
some sand. Use move and push the pillar onto the circle. Then
exit south.
In this room, you'll see a "circle" of blocks and a piece
of the statue inside it. Use Reveal near them to reveal a hole,
then use Move and push the piece onto the hole. Then head north
and go down the stairs. Here, push the piece of the statue onto
place. Then, head back up the stairs. Exit this room, also.
Here, head north and use Sand to get past the blocks. Climb
down the stairs. In here, head to the left and exit south. Then,
head south and climb down the vine. Then the other vine. Then
head south and step onto the sand. Use Sand and climb up the
sand-fall. Then head onto the ledge on the right. Head to the
right and climb down the vine, climb to the right, then climb
up and head up the stairs.
Follow the path south, then left, then exit south. You'll
reach another room with a sand-fall. Climb up all the way and
head to the ledge on the left. Climb up the vine and you'll
find yourself outside. Head counter-clockwise around the ledge
and up two consecutive vines. Inspect the sparkling object to
receive the "Left Prong". This is one-third of an item that
you will need to defeat a boss. Now, use Retreat and head out
of the ruins.
*** Now we have to get the last piece of the Trident.
Return to your boat. Open world map. If you look to the
southeastern corner you will see a small snow-covered island
below the Osenia Continent. That is your destination. ***
After that extremely long, 8-minute trip land on the beach
of the island. Head to the northwest corner and enter the town
and you'll be in...
<| ## E TUNDARIA ISLET ##################################### CODE : [ETND] # |>
This islet consist of just four people and two penguins.
Talk about desolate. But there is djinni here. So head north.
You'll see a penguin and a house. On the left side of the
house you'll see some logs. Head directly south from the logs.
Stand at the edge of the ledge and wait for the iceberg to
float close to you. Then jump down. (The best way to do it is
to hold down the direction you want to jump to.)
When you are on the first iceberg, jump to the left. Then
to the left again. Then jump to the left again. Then jump to
the south. you will now have a choice of two icebergs. jump
onto the northern one to the left. Then jump onto the left
and walk onto the ledge. Climb up the ladder and head north.
Go behind the log and push it down from the ledge. Now return
to the first penguin through the icebergs. Cross the log and
reach the female penguin. Use Move and push the female penguin
next to the male penguin. They'll be so happy that they'll give
you a "Pretty Stone". Don't sell it. you'll need it to get a
You know what, I think I'll dedicate a section to fiishing
up some sidequest and getting some djinni. If you don't want
to complete this just skip it and go to the next section just
use this code: [SKIP]
### OPTIONAL QUESTS ### Djinn Collecting & Weapon Forging #### CODE: [CMVT] ###
This section of the guide consists of finishing up some
sidequests and gathering as many djinni possible so that you
are best prepared. Just remember that you are not required to
do any of these things. But they do prolong the length of the game.
### OPTIONAL QUESTS ### Yallam ############################### CODE: [CMVY] ###
To get Flower, a Venus Djini, head north/northeast from
E Tundaria Islet. If you check the map you will see that that
there are two beaches separated by a river on the southeastern
side of the Osenia Continent (The large continent just above E
Tundaria Islet). Land on the left beach. Head north and cross
the bridge. Follow the dusty trail and cross another bridge.
Head north and enter...
This place is important. Here, you can forge your items.
Head up the hill on the west side of the town and cross the
bridge. Enter the hut and talk to the man that is on the bed
to forge your items. Here's a list of what items can be forged
into what.
- Robber's Blade (atk +101)
- Demon Mace (atk +115)
- Glower Staff (atk +126)
- Faery Vest (Use to restore 200 HP, Def +38)
- Floating Hat (Def +34, Luck 1.2, Wind Resist +20)
- Spirit Ring (Restores 160 Hp to all allies)
- Cloud Wand (Staff, atk +98)
- Pure Circlet (Def +29, Water Resist +20)
- Astral Circlet (Def +32, Max PP +15)
You can forge your items, but that's not why we are here.
If you do, leave the town and come back and your item wil be
forged. But you have to pay 10,000 coins. Now, after you're
done with everything, exit the town from the north. Follow the
dusty trail, until you cross a bridge. Then, head east until you
### OPTIONAL QUESTS ### Taopo Swamp ########################## CODE: [CMVS] ###
From here, run right to the next area. Head across the
planks. Use Move and pull the stump toward you. Jump onto the
place the stump was on. Head north and jump on to the other
boardwalk. Head up and use Whilrlwind on the leftmost bush. Enter
the chamber. Head north. You will see a blue sparkling object
between two rocks. Use Scoop and dig it out to recieve a "Tear
Stone". Now exit the chamber.
There is a staircase to your right. But if you move too much
in the water you will sink. You have to use the patch of bubbles
that are on the water to pass. Head down the stairs, step onto the
first patch. Head south and step onto the second patch. Head norhwest
and step onto the path to your right. Then head southwest and step
onto the other patch to your right. Head south and step onto the
path just below you. Go around the planks right next to you and
step onto the sixth patch. Head around the reeds and onto the
southwestern patch. From there, head south around the ledge and
onto the eighth patch near the stairs. Head up the stairs and west
to the next screen. Head tp the left and open the chest for a
"Cookie" and return to the previous area. Now, every time you
sink, you will return at the bottom of this staircase.
Head down the stairacse. Head north and walk onto the patch.
Head around the reeds and step onto the northeastern path. Head
around the boardwalk and step onto the patch to your right. Now
head south and step onto the first patch you reach. From there,
head directly east and step onto another patch. From there, head
northwest and step onto the first patch you reach. Then head
directly east and step onto another patch. From there, head
directly north onto a patch. Then, southeasat around some rocks.
Then head directly southeast and climb up the ladder.
From there, head north and use Whirlwind on the bush. Enter
the cavern. You will be inside Taopo Swamp.
From the entrance head north and go down the stairs. Then,
head directly south and go down the stairs to your left. Now
follow the path and use Cyclone on the large patch of grass and
inspect the ground for a "Bramble Seed". Now, head back up the
Now this time, head to the right where the steam is blowing.
Time it right and wait until steam stops blowing and time it right,
then head to the right past them. Continue east and use Move to
push the pillar onto the circle. Now, continue east a little then
head north and follow the path, ignoring all staircases, until you
get to more steam. Time it right, and head all the way west. When
you get to the pillar use Move and push it onto the circle. The
built up pressure and will push the djinn down to the level below.
Now, you should see that there is a slide directly south of
the pillar. DON'T USE THAT ONE!!! Instead, use the slide right
next to it. The It should be the second slide from the left on
the ledge you are standing. Do you understand? Number two, not
number one!
After you have fallen, head to the left and jump onto the
other ledge. Interact with the djinni to start a battle. Defeat
it to receive the Venus Djinni "Flower". He can heal the whole
party, yay! Now, slide down the slide below you. Head all the
way to the right and follow the path and climb up the stairs at
the end.
Now, head to the left and go down the stairs. Head down the
stairs and climb down the other stairs. Head all the way south
and use Scoop on the shiny blue object between the rocks to
receive a "Tear Stone". Now use Retreat and head out of the
Outside the cavern you will see a plant to your right. Use
Growth (Equip one Mars Djinni and one Venus Djinni to Felix) on
it and climb up the vine. Head north and slide down. Then slide
down the slide to your left. Use Whirlwind on the bush near you,
and enter the cavern.
Head north and go down the stairs. In this room, head south
until your reach a fork. Head to the right and exit north.
Follow the path and head around the rocks when the steam stops
blowing. Continue to the left until you reach a slide and a hole
on the ground to the north of the slide. Set Douse and Frost to
the hotkeys. Use Douse on the hole when the steam stops blowing
and as soon as you can use Frost. Then you have about 6 seconds
to climb up the ladder to your right, jump onto the pillar and
then jump to the ledge to the north. Now, head to the right slide
down from the ledge. Continue to the left and climb down the
In this room, head south and use Lash on the rope coil. But
DON'T climb it. Instead, continue to the right and head down the
You will now find yourself in a room full of magma. Head south
and you will see a glowing red rock. Use Douse on it to cool it
off. Then use Move and push it onto the magma. Walk onto the stone
and jump to the south. Then walk onto the ledge. Now, head south
until you reach a fork. Take the left path and exit south.
You will be in a room with lots of stepping stones. They look
like this:
_________________________ ____
| |E| |
| | | |
_ | | | |
/ E\ __ ___ | | | |
| \ / \S/ \ | | \_ |
| | | 5 6 7 | | | \|
\ | |23 4 | | | ||
| _ \S/| # 89| /| | || ________
/ / \ |1 # # | ||F |R || / LEGEND \
/ / \_/ # A|\ || | /| /__________\
|/ # # || / | | | | // \\
# # ## # # # \|__|/ | | | ||# - Stone ||
B | \| ||R - Red ||
# # # ______D___| || || Rock ||
\__ # # # _| C __/ | ||T - Chest ||
| ___ _| ___/\ ___| | ||E - Ent./ ||
T \___ _| | |_| \/ | || Exit ||
\____R__| |_|| | | \\__________//
________| |__| |_________________| \__________/
First of all make your way to point C. You will be at a
fork. If you want an item head to the left and jump to the
ledge on your right, then continue to the left and jump to
the other ledge. Use Douse on the red rock (you do not have
to be directly next to it) then use Move and push it onto
the magma. Now return to point 4. From 4 head south and jump
right, down, left, down, left, left, left, left, down, and
onto the ledge. Head to the right and open the chest for a
Vial. Now, head back to point C.
At C, head onto D and jump north onto the ledge. Head
north and step onto F. Use Douse on the stone and use Move
to pull it toward you. Jump onto the place on the ledge
where the rock used to be. Then head north to the next area.
In this area, head north along the path until you see a
large rock atop a pillar. Use the Tremor Psynergy to knock
it into the lava. It'll divert the lava allowing you to pass.
Head north and go around the large ledge. Use Douse on the
red rock. Then push it onto the lava. After it drifts to the
left, head left and step onto it. Then, jump onto the ledge
below. head to the right and pass north through the newly
opened passage on the northeast corner of the lake. Head
north and go down the stairs.
Here, use Douse on the rock and push it south. Now head
through the small passage to your right just above the blue
stone. Exit south. You will be back in another lava chamber.
Follow the path north and exit south at the end of the path.
You will now be in a room with many stones. Use Douse on
the central red rock. You will see the light transfer
elsewhere. Use Reveal near the light to reveal shining
object. Inspect it, then use Scoop when the menu shows up.
You will receive some "Star Dust" for your troubles.
Use Retreat and head out of the cavern. Then use Retreat
again and head out of the swamp. Make your back to Yallam if
you want to Forge some items. But then, you should return to
your boat.
### OPTIONAL QUESTS ### Trading Sequence ##################### CODE: [CMVQ] ###
Another optional quest in this game is the trading
sequence. If you have played any Zelda game then you probably
know what I am talking about. If you haven't you realy should
play at least one. Anyway, the trading sequence is a quest
where you bring trade certain items with people in exchange
for another item that you take to someone else. You do this
until you get the item that you want. In this case, we want
a djinni.
First of all here is a little chart to follow if you already
know the locations of all the islands.
____________________ _____________________ ________________________________
| || || |
| WHAT? || WHERE? || HOW? |
Pretty Stone E Tundaria Islet Help the female penguin reach the
male penguin.
Red Scarf SE Angara Islet Make your way up to the birds
nest and give it the "Pretty
Milk N Osenia Islet Use Sand to reach the cow and give
it the "Red Scarf".
Li'l Turtle West Indra Islet Make your way to the dog and give
him the milk.
-Djinni- Sea of Time Islet Set "Li'l Turtle" free by giving
him to the larger turtle.
First of all, head to E Tundaria islet. Go nside the town
and head north. You'll see a penguin and a house. On the left
side of the house you'll see some logs. Head directly south
from the logs. Stand at the edge of the ledge and wait for the
iceberg to float close to you. Then jump down. (The best way
to do it is to hold down the direction you want to jump to.)
When you are on the first iceberg, jump to the left. Then to
the left again. Then jump to the left again. Then jump to the
south. you will now have a choice of two icebergs. Jump onto
the northern one to the left. Then jump onto the left and walk
onto the ledge. Climb up the ladder and head north. Go behind
the log and push it down from the ledge. Now return to the
first penguin through the icebergs. Cross the log and reach
the female penguin. Use Move and push the female penguin next
to the male penguin. They'll be so happy that they'll give you
a "Pretty Stone".
Now, head to SE Angara Islet (The islet is to the northwest
of the large foggy area on the east side of the map. Enter the
town, you will see that there is not much here. Head to the
right and go up the stairs. Ignore the first crate you reach
instead go up the other stairs to reach the second crate. Use
Move and push it off the ledge. Go to where it fell. Use Move
and push it directly south of the first crate. Right next to
the ledge. There should be a dull spot on the ground for
indincation. Then head back up the stairs and push the other
crate onto the crate south of it. Then use Frost on the puddle.
Head back up the stairs and step onto the crate. Jump onto the
frozen pillar and climb up the vine. Head north and climb up
the other vine. Follow the path to the bird's nest. Use Mind
Read on it to trade your "Pretty Stone" for a "Red Cloth". Now
exit the island and return to your ship.
From SE Angara Islet, the island you are on, head directly
south until you reach N Osenia Islet. Enter the house atop the
island. You will see that there are just some people and a cow
here. Head to the bottom left corner of the area near some pots
behind a tree and use Sand. Head north and use Mind Read on the
cow. Answer yes when it asks you if you are giving the cloth.
Answer yes to trade the "Red Cloth" for some "Milk". Head back
under the pots through the sand and exit the islet and return to
your ship.
Now, open your map. If you look to your left you will see
two large continents they are separated by a large. At the
middle of the river is West Indra Islet. You will know you are
in the right place because there is just one house on the islet.
Enter the house. Head north along the boardwalk. Head left at
the first fork. Then follow the path until you reach another
fork. This time take the path on the right. You will see a hut.
But DO NOT enter it. Instead keep heading right and jump onto
the pillar to your right. Jump onto the other boardwalk and
head down the steps. Head north around the boardwalk and use
Mind Read on the dog. He will trade you the "Milk" for a "Li'l
Turtle". Now head out of the island and return to your ship.
Now, head to the Sea of Time Islet. It is the island
south of Izumo. Southeast of the foggy area. Once you reach
it head into the house. Once there, head directly south and
go down the stairs. Head to the right and climb uo the other
stairs. Head up the steps to enter the house. But DO NOT enter
it. Instead head into the area with all the pots. Head south
down the steps and then head south down the stairs. Follow the
path south down the third stairs and use Mind Read on the large
turtle he will ask you if you would set the "Li'l Turtle" free.
Answer yes and he will show you his secret spot on the other
side of the island. Enter the cavern once you reach it to be
### OPTIONAL QUESTS ### Islet Cave ########################### CODE: [CMVI] ###
Once inside, follow the path and go down the stairs at
the end. Here, follow the path until you reach an are with
a large circle of inscriptions. Head to the left and step
onto the log. Hold left and it will carry you to the left.
Then, open the chest for a pair of "Turtle Boots" then,
head back across the log. Head to the right and jump onto
the platform, then, jump onto the ledge to the right. Exit
north through the door.
In this area, follow the path and step onto the log.
Head to the right. Then, after the log stops. Follow the
path north to another log. Head to the left. Follow the
path and exit south. Head to the left and step onto the
log. Head to the left and open the chest for a "Rusty
Staff". Head back to the previous room. Step onto the log
and head to the right. Then follow the path south and jump
onto the platform. The continue south and step onto the
log. Head north and defeat the djinni to have the Venus
Djinni "Meld" join you. (If this is your sixth Venus djinni,
and you equip them all to Felix he will replce his his
Ragnarok Psynergy with the more powerful Odyssey. This
also counts for Piers' Diamond Dust which will be replaced
by Diamond Berg.) Now, use Retreat and head out of there.
Now use Mind Read on the turtle to head back to the main
island. Now return to your ship.
Head to Madra. It's located between the two continents on
the southeast corner of the map. If you don't know how to get
there, head to the continent to the right and land on the upper
right corner. You will see two beaches separated by a river.
Land on the western beach. Now follow the path to the left and
make your way to Madra. Once you are in Madra. Head up the
stairs and go north until you see a ladder and a little girl
standing next to a hole on the ground. It's to the right of
the inn. Head down the ladder, and down the other ladder to
be back in the...
### OPTIONAL QUESTS ### MADRA CATACOMBS ###################### CODE: [CMVM] ###
You'll remember that you have been here before. Well now
we're going to complete it.
Climb down the ladder and exit south. Follow the path and
exit north to the next area. Then follow the path and climb
down the ladder. Use Reveal near the door and press the switch
where the sign used to be. Enter the area.
Follow the path north. Head left when you can and head
north at the first chance you get. Use Frost on the puddle.
Then continue north along the path until you reach a pillar
covered in vines. Push it onto the circle. Then follow the
path south until you reach a treasure chest. Open it for an
"Apple". Then continue along the path and push the other
pillar onto the circle. Now, return to the viney pillar.
Climb up the side and jump to the ledge to your right. The
follow the path to another pilar. Use Move and pull it off
the ledge. But DO NOT HEAD TO THE LEFT! Instead, head to the
right and step onto the GRAY ledge, not down the vine. Jump
to the right. It may seem like you are at a dead end, but if
you look closely you will see that there is another ledge
camouflouged to the wall to your right. Jump onto it then
onto the other ledge. Follow the path south and jump onto
the pillar. Then to the left. Then head left and jump
onto the other side of the ledge. Use Lash on the rope
coil and climb up. Slide down the ledge only ONCE. Follow
the path to the right and north the jump onto the frozen
pillar. Head north a little and jump onto the ledge to
your left. Then head to the left and follow the semi-hidden
path. At the end, climb down the vine and open the chest
for a "Mist Potion". Then head back up the vine and
return through the path to the ledge near the frozen pillar.
Head through the door.
Enter the golden door. Head to the norther area of the
room and use Tremor on the bookcase from the left. The
treasure chest will fall to the bottom level. Then return
to the large area. Return to the place where you go the "Mist
Potion" but DO NOT climb down the vine. Instead, head to the
right and slide down the ledge. Now follow the path to the
right, then north, then all the way to the left. Then head
north and enter the door. Head to the right side of the room
and enter the door. Head north but DO NOT go down the stairs.
Instead, keep heading north and go up the stairs. Follow the
path to the left side of the room and head down the stairs.
Open the chest for a "Lucky Medal". Reutrn back three rooms to
the central room of the building. This time take the central
path through the ladge golden doors and open the chest for the
"Ruin Key". Then take the door on the right and head down the
stairs. Inspect the door to bring up the menu. Then use the key
to open the door. Head north and examine the stone tablet. You
will now be able to summon Moloch. Now, use Retreat and head
out of there.
That's it for now! There are other side quests but you don't
have the necessary powers. So if you're ready head back to E
Tundaria Islet.
<| ## TUNDARIA TOWER ####################################### CODE : [TNDT] # |>
From E Tundaria Islet, head to the west on your boat until
you reach another island. From the beach head all the way to
the right. You'll be running for a long time. When you reach a
fork, take the northern path to reach the tower. But DO NOT
enter the tower yet. Instead keep going along the path until you
reach a dead end surrounded by mountains. There is a djinni in
this area. Move around until you encounter it. Then return to
the tower and enter it.
Head north from the entrance and enter the large building.
Once inside, use Parch and dry up all the water on the right
side of the room. Head down the stsirs and head through the
door. Follow the path south and jump to the ledge on the right.
Then, jump north to the other ledge. Continue along the path
and jump to another ledge. Head north and go up the stairs. You
will now have a choice of two exits. Head south and take the
southern exit.
In here, you will find a large are of ice. Climb down the
ladder ahead of you. It is hard to show the method in ASCII
art so I will just explain it in steps.
1. Step onto the ice, you will be carried to the left.
2. Head south.
3. Head left.
4. Head north.
5. Head right.
6. Head north.
7. Head right and open the chest for a mint.
(If you know how to get back, then you can skip the following
steps and returnto the previous room.)
8. Head left.
9. Head south.
10. Head right.
11. Head north.
12. Head right.
13. Head south.
14. Step onto the dry land.
Return up the ladder and to the previous room. This time
take the northern exit. You will see that there is a long
sheet of ice here. If you take the dry path above the ice. You
will find a treasure chest containing 365 coins. Then step
onto the ice and head left, (like you have any choice). Then
follow the path and exit south. In this room, head to the left
side and jump to the ledge below. Then exit south.
Here, climb down the ladder. This is the other side of the
room you were previously in. Once again, I will explain the
process step-by-step.
1. Step onto the ice, and let it carry you to the left.
2. Head north.
3. Head left.
4. Head south.
5. Head right.
6. Head north.
7. Step onto the dry land to your left.
Climb up the ladder and go north to the next area. Now,
head north and go up the stairs. You will now have a choice
of three staircases, remember this room. Take the stairs left
on side of the room. Head to the left and use Pound on the
frozen blockade, then head along the path and exit north.
Here, head north and use Pound on the leftmost pillar. Head
along the path and open the chest for some "Crystal Powder".
Then head south a little and climb up the ladder. Use the
pillar as platforms and make your way to the ledge containing
the chest, open it for a "Hard Nut". Now return to the room
with all the stairs.
This time take the central staircase. Head south along
the ice sheet and you will fall to an area containing a
djinni. As before, I will explain the process step-by-step.
1. Head to the left and step onto the ice.
2. Head up.
3. Head right.
4. Head up.
5. Head left.
6. Head south.
7. Head right.
8. Head up.
9. Head right.
10. Follow the djinni and head right. Defeat it and have the Mars djinni
"Reflux" join you.
11. Head left.
12. Head south.
13. Head left.
14. Head north.
15. Head left.
16. Head north.
17. Head left and step onto the dry land. Follow the path and exit the are.
Then head along the path slide down the ledge.
Now, you should be back in the room with all stairs. This
time take the eastern-most staircase. Then, climb up the ladder
near you and follow the path south down another ladder. Head to
the left and cross the sheet of ice. Then, continue left and
head up the stairs. Now, follow the path north and exit south.
Head down the ladder. You will see a sheet of ice separated
by a ledge in the middle of the room. In the sheet of ice on
the left side of the room, you will see a single pillar. Use
Move and push it to the left. Then. Go to where it is and push
it to the north. Then go to where it is and push it to the
right. Now, go to the other side of the room. You will see
three Poundable pillars. Use Pound and crush the two right-most
pillars. Then go up near the ladder to the right and use Move
to push the pillar to the south. Then push it to the left. After
that, push it to the north. Then climb up the ladder to the right.
Step onto the pillar and use Move to pull the other pillar onto
the circle. Then return down the ladder and climb up the ladder
on the left side of the room. Step onto the pillar on the right.
Jump to the ledge on the right. Push the pillar to the right. Enter
the door. Follow the path in the new room and go up the stairs.
Now follow the new path and enter the door when you reach it.
You'll be in a room with areflective surface to the north.
If you look closely you can see a Reveal circle there. So use
Reveal near the glass to reveal a passageway. So head north and
climb the ladder. Now, follow the path and climb up the other
ladder. Use Move and push the pillar of the ledge. Then continue
up the other ladder and inspect the object on the altar to receive
the "Burst Brooch" which bestows Burst on the person it's equipped
to. So, climb down the three ladders, and you'll notice that there
is a brown cracked door directly south of the pillar, use Burst on
it and head up through the newly opened passageway. Now use Retreat
and head out of the tower. Then, reenter the main building.
This time use Parch and dry up all the water to the left. Then
enter the door. Follow the path south and enter the door when you
reach it. You'll be in another room with a reflective wall. This
time, use Burst and clear your path. Head north and exit north.
Then head to the right until you reach a fork. Head south, and
go to the other room. Open the chests for a "Sylph Feather" and a
"Lucky Medal". Then return to the previous room. This time, take
the northern path at the fork. Follow the path and exit south. Open
the two chests for a "Vial" and a "Lightning Sword".
Now, return to the first room of the tower, the place where you
evaporated the water. This time take the central door instead of
going down the stairs. You'll find something trapped in a large
piece of ice. Use Burst on it to free the object it. Inspect it to
receive the "Central Prong". Now use Retreat and get out of the
tower. Return to your ship.
We have to got to Alhafra now. Alhafra is on the continent to
the north of Tundaria, the continent you are on now. It is the town
where you fought Briggs. Anyway head to the northern side of the
continent where Alhafra is, Osenia. You will see that you cannot
access Alhafra by boat. Anyway, head to the north-west corner of
the continent and you will find two beaches separated by a river.
Land on the beach to the right. Then follow the path to the right,
head across the bridge and, once again, enter...
<| ## ALHAFRA (Revisited) ################################## CODE : [ALF2] # |>
Once you're inside, head to the right side of the town and go
down the stairs east of the item shop. Head to the right and exit
the area.
Climb up the stairs, and head to the north. Climb up the plank
onto the ship. If you haven't already fixed the ship, then return
to the first Alhafra section and look it up. Anyway, head to the
southeastern corner of the boat. Jump on to the portion of the
mast to the right. Climb down the rope. use the various floatsam
to make your way to the dry land. Then follow the path until you
reach the cracked rock. Use Burst and shatter it. Now, return to
the top of the ship. If you try to exit the ship, you'll enter a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
SAILOR1: Hey! That block on the mast has disappeared!
SAILOR2: Hey! Now, we can raise the mast and use the sail again!
SAILOR1: Hey, mate, let's go tell the mayor the good news!
SAILOR2: Yeah, let's do that!
EOLEO: Baba Babubu!!
CHAUCHA: What is it, Eoleo? What are you so excited about?
EOLEO: Baba babubu!
CHAUCHA: It's true! The block that was pinning the mast down is gone!
CHAUCHA: You were the ones who did it, weren't you?
CHAUCHA: I knew you would do it someday.
CHAUCHA: But, of course, I also knew that you didn't do it for your benefit.
CHAUCHA: Still, Briggs will be pleased when he hears about this.
CHAUCHA: Well then, let's go tell him!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
Once you regain control, try to exit the area and you'll reach
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MAYOR: I still just can't quite believe that the stone block on top of the mast
has totally vanished.
SAILOR1: I'm telling you, Mayor, I saw it with my own eyes! ...I mean, I didn't
see it! It's gone!
SAILOR2: If you don't believe us, you can go see for yourself!
MAYOR: What?
MAYOR: Whoa, hey!!
MAYOR: It's gone! That huge block is really gone!
OLD MAN: Excellent news, Mayor!
MAYOR: Unfortunately, the mayor of Madra will probably try to take it from us
MAYOR: But that can wait. Who was able to move that block?
MAYOR: Felix!
MAYOR: Felix, did you do this?
KRADEN: Surprised to see us, Mayor?
MAYOR: Did you do this?
KRADEN: We left Alhafra some time ago, but we just returned and destroyed the
stone block.
MAYOR: Exploring? What brought you back to Alhafra right now?
KRADEN: Felix had a hunch that we might be needed here.
OLD MAN: Mayor, not to interrupt, but shouldn't we begin repairs on your ship
MAYOR: Yes, yes... You're right, of course.
MAYOR: Gather the townspeople and get them to work on the mast.
SAILOR2: Yes, sir! We're on our way!
SAILOR2: We shouldn't need too many people to raise the mast!
MAYOR: All right. I'm counting on you.
MAYOR: Destroying that stone must have been quite a challenge.
MAYOR: Why don't you come back to my manor to get some rest?
KRADEN: You're too kind, Mayor. We'd be happy to...
KRADEN: We could use the rest, Felix. We should accept the mayor's offer.
KRADEN: Thank you again, Mayor. You keep a fine house.
MAYOR: Don't be silly. You've done us a great deed.
MAYOR: It was the least I could do.
SHEBA: Even if he gets the boat fixed, I don't think he's going to hand it over
to Madra...
JENNA: I agree... He's being way too nice for me not to be a little suspicious
of him...
MAYOR: I'm sorry, did you girls have something you'd like to share with us?
MAYOR: I see!
MAYOR: Jiya, how are repairs coming along? Things seem to be moving slowly down
JIYA: Milord, these things take time...
SOLDIER: Sir, there's a problem!
MAYOR: Calm down, man! You're a soldier! What are you so flustered about!?
SOLDIER: Briggs destroyed the prison and escaped with his pirates!
MAYOR: What, were you asleep while this was going on?
SOLDIER: Don't... Don't be silly!
JIYA: How could Briggs possibl break out of our prison? It's one of the
strongest in Osenia!
SOLDIER: I don't know what happened, but before I knew it, they'd smashed a
hole in the wall!
SAILOR: Mayor! The mast has been raised!
SAILOR: Hey, what's up?
SAILOR: Wait, you're supposed to be guarding the prisoners... What happpened?
MAYOR: It appears that Briggs has escaped.
SAILOR: That's no good...
JIYA: What are you standing around for!? Search the area! Find Briggs at once!
SOLIDER: It...might not be that easy...
SAILOR: He is a pirate, after all... A famous one!
JIYA: Enough of that! Move it!
MAYOR: Regardless, I'm going to go inspect my boat...
MAYOR: Oh, and Felix and his crew were there, too, weren't they?
MAYOR: I treated you like a guest in my home...
MAYOR: Usually, one feels a certain obligation to those who do them such a kind
service, am I right?
MAYOR: So, don't just stand there! Return the favor and find me Briggs!
JIYA: Come on! Hurry up! Let's go! Move it!
MAYOR: Let's go see that boat.
PIERS: The mayor of Alhafra certainly does know how to look out for his own
interests, doesn't he?
SHEBA: That's one way of putting it!
JENNA: So what do we do? Do we go after Briggs?
SHEBA: Don't feel like you have to do them any favors!
SHEBA: That's right! Why should we help the mayor, after the way he treated
KRADEN: Felix can decide for himself what to do...
KRADEN: At the very least, I want to go see the sailing ship now that it's
KRADEN: Let's just go outside and take a good look.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutsene, head out of the mayor's house and head
to the dock in Eastern Alhafra. Head up the stairs and head north.
You'll enter another cutscene.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
JIYA: Briggs!!!
MAYOR: Briggs, where are you taking my boat?
JIYA: He's attempting to steal it! Thief! Thief!
BRIGGS: Did you call me a thief?
BRIGGS: I paid for this boat, fair and square. I'm no thief.
CHACUHA: You're the thieves! You tried to take our boat away, after we paid you
so much for it!
MAYOR: ... ...
BRIGGS: You're the ones who stole OUR boat!
KRADEN: Ahoy, Briggs!
BRIGGS: Uh-oh... It's Felix!
CHAUCHA: You're not afraid of them, are you?
CHAUCHA: Look how far away they are... There's no way they can catch us now!
BRIGGS: You're right... They're stuck on the land, and we've got this boat!
CHAUCHA: They can't catch us... What would they do, swim?
BRIGGS: Hah! You're right! They can't board us from way over there!
CHAUCHA: Wasn't there something you wanted to do the next time you saw Felix?
CHAUCHA: Don't tell me you forgot... It's all you ever talked about when you
were in jail!
BRIGGS: Oh yeah... I alomost forgot.
CHAUCHA: So now's your chance! Do what you swore to do!
BRIGGS: Bleah!
CHAUCHA: Is that the best you could come up with?
BRIGGS: But, Chaucha, they're an awfully tough bunch...
CHAUCHA: See? It's that attitude right there! That's why you'll never amount
to anything!
BRIGGS: You know what? You're right!
BRIGGS: Hey! Felix! You guys take care!
And keep Alhafra safe from thieves and pirates! And poilticians, too!
KRADEN: What!?!
BRIGGS: I doubt we'll ever meet again, but if we do, remember this!
BRIGGS: Neener neener neener! Neener neener neener!
BRIGGS: Neener neener bleah!
CHAUCHA: That may have been a bit much. If you make him mad, he might chase us
right back to Champa.
MAYOR: What!!! You let Briggs get away!
MAYOR: You and your friends talk a good game, but when trouble happens, where
are you!?
MAYOR: Well, isn't this a fine mess!
MAYOR: My prize ship, stolen by a bunch of filthy pirates scum!
MAYOR: Get up!
MAYOR: They're gone, and you let them escape!
MAYOR: You guys have royally blotched this one. This ruins everything!
MAYOR: You all ought to be ashamed! All of you were cowering, while I was the
only one to stand up to them!
MAYOR: All of you!
MAYOR: I'm going back to my manor!
MAYOR: And you, Felix. I am extremely dissapointed in you.
MAYOR: There will be no reward for you, Felix!
MAYOR: You let that Briggs steal MY ship! You're lucky I don't lock you up in
his stead!
MAYOR: Bah! I've had enough of this! Don't just stand there with your mouths
gaping! Get out of here!
MAYOR: We dont have a boat, so there's no reason for anyone to be here at the
port. Return to town.
KRADEN: What an awful person. Do you supose he's always this self-centered?
KRADEN: Yes, he's terribly irritating. You're quite right, Felix.
KRADEN: You can stay calm after listening to that windbag? That's quite
mature of you.
KRADEN: I'll wager Briggs is returning to Champa, personally.
KRADEN: Well it doesn't matter. I think I've had enough of this town. Shall we
be leaving?
KRADEN: Great! Let's leave as soon as possible, shall we?
KRADEN: Ah, yes, well... If you still have business to attend to here.
KRADEN: All right. But the sooner we leave, the better. Lead on, Felix!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
If you were paying attention you would know that the mayor
refused to reward you. Well, you can find your own reward.
Return to the main part of the town. Then, head to thel left
of the item shop and go up the stairs. Follow the path and
ignore the stairs, head to the left. You will see a guard.
Earlier in the game, it would have been required for you to
give his son the bread. But now that Briggs has escaped you
are free to enter. Head to the north and enter the...
<| ## ALHAFRAN CAVE ######################################## CODE : [ALFC] # |>
In the first chamber, head north and go down the stairs.
Then head all the way south and ignore all other routes and
ladders, cross the bridge and go through the exit to the next
room. Here, head to the left and use Pound on the pillar. Head
south and go down the ladder. Use lash on the rope coil and
climb up. Open the chests, to receive: 123 coins, "Ixion Mail",
and a "Lucky Medal" from left to right, respectively. Now return
to the previous room. Climb down the blue ladder that is near
the entrance. Follow the path until you reach a puddle. Use
Frost and freeze it. Now, return back up the ladder.
Jump to the ledge on the right, from the ledge near the
ladder. Follow the path across two bridges. After the second
bridge, jump south the pillar below you. Then jump the ledge
to the left. Follow the path all the way to the right. Open
the three chest for: 777 coins, a "Potion", and a "Psy Crystal"
from right to left, respectively. Then slide down the ledge.
Follow the path south and exit. Then exit south in this room
also. You'll be in a prison cell. If you inspect one of the
jars you will find a "Power Bread". How's that for a reward.
Now, exit the cave. You can't use Retreat, exit the old
fashioned way.
Now exit Alhafra. Now, return to your ship. What I don't
understand, is how did Briggs get past the unpassable rocks
that surround Alhafra. Oh, well. Now, we head to Champa. If
you forgot where, Champa is, it is on the northern-most
continent. At the end of the long beach.
<| ## CHAMPA (Revisited) ################################## CODE : [CHM2] # |>
From the entrance of the town, head north. Climb up the
stairs and follow the path. Climb up the three staircases.
Head to the right try to go up the stairs and you'll be
interrupted by a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
PIRATE1: Whoa! You... You're Felix!
PIRATE2: What? Really? It's Felix?
PIRATE1: You're awfully persistent, aren't you?
PIRATE2: Briggs, get outta here! Felix is here to finish you off!
BRIGGS: What was that!? Felix? Here?
BRIGGS: Oh no! It's really him! I've got to get out of here!!!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the short cutscene, follow Briggs into the cave.
Head north and follow the go up the stairs near the two
pirates. Then, in this room, head north and go up the stairs.
Now, head south and go up the staircase in the center of the
room. Here, follow the path all the way to the north and exit
I reccomend that you save your game here. You'll thank me later.
Head to the right side of the room to reach another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
BRIGGS: Hold it right there!
BRIGGS: So, Felix, you've come.
BRIGGS: Don't assume I'l go so easy on you this time!
OBABA: Is that boy him? The "mighty warrior" you told me about?
BRIGGS: I told you he didn't look like much, Grandma...
BRIGGS: Weren't you even listening to me?
OBABA: All you told me is that his name is Felix and that he is a "mighty
warrior." Hmph.
OBABA: He doesn't look like the sort of person who's interested in stealing our
jewels, though.
BRIGGS: But that's not the point, Grandma!
BRIGGS: If you don't destroy him now, he's going to take me far away, and you
won't ever see me again!
OBABA: Oh, now he doesn't look like the kind of boy who would do that...
BRIGGS: If he takes me away, poor Eoleo will be sad! What do you say about
that, huh?
OBABA: Oh, that's just not fair. You know I can't deny my darling great-
OBABA: I don't see why I should be the one to get you out of this mess, but I
can't bear to see Eoleo sad.
BRIGGS: Grandma, please!
OBABA: Oh, all right. Listen, you have no idea what you are geting into. I
think you'd better leave.
Answering yes to this question will give you chance to save your game
and get ready for a boss battle. You should answer yes. Then return to
the right and answer no when she asks you again.
OBABA: Ah, you've made a good decision. You seem like a reasonable boy.
Reasonable boys live longer.
OBABA: Stubborn, are you? Ah, well. If that's the way it's going to be, get
ready for your medecine!
OBABA: Heart of the earth, fury of the forge's flame, grant me power!
(BOSS BATTLE: Avimander, HP: ~3500)
OBABA: My salamander! You... beat my salamander...
OBABA: I thought he was unbeatable... How could this be?
OBABA: How did you do that? What... What are you?
BRIGGS: Grandma, what's going on!? I thought you were going to protect me!
OBABA: What do you mean, what am I doing? I've done everything I can!
BRIGGS: Grandma!!! He's going to take me away! He's a bad guy! You have got
OBABA: I'm sorry, Briggs, but you'll have to fight him yourself.
BRIGGS: Wha-What!?
OBABA: You heard me. I'm through pampering you. You have to get out of this
BRIGGS: But...Gtrandma... Look at him! I mean, look what he can do!
OBABA: I know dear, but there's nothing I can do to help. You don't want him to
take you away, do you?
BRIGGS: But...what about poor Eoleo?
OBABA: *Sigh* All right, all right.
KRADEN: Um. Excuse me... There seems to be a small misunderstanding.
SHEBA: Yeah! I don't like standing here listening to a pirate call US the bad
OBABA: Pirate! My Briggs?
JENNA: He stole a ship from Alhafra and escaped from their jail! A ship WE
helped fix!
OBABA: Briggs, is that true?
BRIGGS: Aw... But Grandma, they...
PIERS: We should tell you, we're not here to take Briggs back to Alhafra.
KRADEN: So you've decided you don't want to run errands for the mayor of
SHEBA: Good. That greedy bag of hot air can do his own dirty work, for all I
SHEBA: Felix, I know you can't mean that. We didn't come to Champa for that
bloated gasbag.
OBABA: Briggs... Piracy? Why?
BRIGGS: Grandma, it's not what you think! These guys, they...
OBABA: Briggs, you just hush up!!! ...It all makes sense now. The gems, the
food, your absence...
BRIGGS: What do you mean? What makes sense?
OBABA: They're telling the truth! And you, Briggs! You've been lying to me this
whole time!
BRIGGS: You're going to take their word over your own grandson's?
OBABA: You got that right! I should have known better than to beleive you, you
CHAUCHA: He only did it for Champa!
BRIGGS: Chaucha!
BRIGGS: You came!
CHAUCHA: I heard Felix had shown up looking for you. I was worried...
OBABA: What do you mean, Briggs did it for Champa?
OBABA: All of that food... Stolen goods?
CHAUCHA: No, we paid for everything we brought back with us.
OBABA: But you stole a boat to do it, didn't you?
BRIGGS: Grandma, we found those jewels ourselves, and we paid Alhafra well for
that ship, didn't we?
OBABA: Your story has the ring of truth to it.
BRIGGS: Thank you, Felix. Your honesty speaks well of you.
OBABA: So he's lying again?
BRIGGS: Dang it, Felix. I'm not lying!
CHAUCHA: We...were pirates, for a short while. Until we found the jewels.
CHAUCHA: But if it were not for our efforts, Champa would have starved away
long ago.
OBABA: But that doesn't excuse resorting to piracy!
BRIGGS: Hey, it's not like we were doing it for the money! We wanted to save
CHAUCHA: Those jewels we found are very valuable. We intend to repay each town
we...borrowed from.
CHAUCHA: Isn't that true?
CHAUCHA: What's the matter with you!? You said on the boat that we would repay
every last town!
BRIGGS: Oh yeah... You're right... We really ought to try to make amends for
what we've done.
CHAUCHA: That's the truth, Grandmother. Can you find it in your heart to
forgive your only grandson?
OBABA: All right, all right. I'm too old for grudges. But what about Felix?
CHAUCHA: What do you say, Felix? Can you forgive my husband?
KRADEN: I agree, Felix. If each town is repaid what was stolen, I see no
reason for complaint.
KRADEN: I don't know, Felix. We didn't come to capture Briggs. Why should we
CHAUCHA: Do you hear that? They forgive you, too. That means you can leave Eoleo
with nothing to fear.
BRIGGS: I... I don't know what to say...
CHAUCHA: You know, you look a little strange...
BRIGGS: Oh.. Oh, really?
CHAUCHA: You havent caught a cold, have you? Do you have a fever?
BRIGGS: What are you talking about?
CHAUCHA: No, I'm positive... You look flush, too... You'd better lie down before
it gets worse.
BRIGGS: She...worries about me.
CHAUCHA: Hurry up and get into bed so you can get some rest!
CHAUCHA: Oh, for goodness' sake! You don't want to give them your cold, do you?
Come on!
OBABA: So...what brings you to Champa?
OBABA: I mean, you didn't come here to catch Briggs, from what I gathered...
OBABA: Ah, well... To be young and foolish again.
If you ever need to consult with me on any number of subjects, you're
welcome anytime.
-------- CONSULT --------
After the cutscene, talk to Obaba and you'll automatically
give her a pice of the trident. She'll ask you if you think
she's gonna pull a fast one on you. It doesn't matter what you
answer. Then talk to her two more times and she'll ask you if
she's gonna toss them in the furnace. It doesn't matter what
you answer. Then after some cool effects the trident will
appear. Use Reveal and step onto the bridge and get the "Trident".
Now head out of the cave and exit Champa. Now, we are going to
From Champa, haed southeast to the foggy area. Enter it from
the SOUTH. You'll see two rocks at the entrance. Enter it and
you'll find yourself in the...
<| ## SEA OF TIME ########################################## CODE : [TSOT] # |>
You'll see that there are strong currents here. One move
and you have to start over. So hold up on the d-pad, and enter
the whirlpool (don't let go of the UP button). You'll be
carried to an area with a small volcano. Now, circle around
the volcano. You'll see that the as you orbit around it it'll
start sparkiling. As soon as the the current to the right
dissapears, head to the right and enter the whirlpool. Try
to make your way to the calm area to the right of you.
Then just hold up on the d-pad and enter the currents.
Don't let go of it. Soon, you'll be carried to another
volcano to the north.. Circle around it. When the curent
to the north dissapears, head to the north and pass it.
You'll be near a star-shaped rock. Now, make your way to
the left. The D-pad trick won't work this time. You have
to time your self and watch the position of the boat on
the current. When you reach the volcano, circle it. When
the current to the south disappears, head south and step
onto the whirlpool.
Make your way south to the calm area. Head to the left
and step onto the whirlpool. Make your way to the volcano.
Circle it until the current to the south dissapears. Head
south and pass it before it reappears. You'll see that
you're near a moon-shaped rock. Now head directly south
from the rock and circle the volcano until the current
to the left dissapears. Now quickly head to the left and
enter the whirlpool. Make your way to the calm area to
the left.
From the calm are, hold UP on the D-Pad and enter the
whirlpool. DON'T let go of the button. You will be carried
to the north to another volcano. Orbit it then quickly
head north when the current dissapears to enter the next
Here, save your game. Prepare yourself for a boss
battle. Set all your djinn on standby. When you are
ready, simply head north and enter the whirlpool. Make
your way to the calm area to the south. NOTE: Before
you go any further, you should equip the Trident on
Felix, though it is not necessary to equip it, you
can't hurt ut without using the Trident. will help
you. Then follow the path and enter the current.
You'll enter a boss battle with Poseidon.
HP: ~5000
SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: Protected by shield. Shield can be broken only
by using the "Trident."
STRATEGY/TIP: Keep you HP up!!! Keep using the trident on him, you can use it
from the item menu if it's not equipped.
You'll see that if you try to attack him your attacks
won't have any effect. Use the Trident from the Item Menu
on him first to break his shield. Then unleash everything
you can on him. He can attack twice on the same turn so
watch out. Water Grave can inflict cruel amounts of damage
to your party. It's pretty hard, but not extremely hard,to
defeat him.
After you defeat him, several boulders will arise from the
water. Head to the north and exit the area. You'll be back in
the Overworld. Head to the north and enter the island, you'll
finally find yourself in...
<| ## LEMURIA ############################################## CODE : [LEMR] # |>
You'll notice that you are still on your boat. You will be
in the canals. Follow the path north and you'll reach the dock.
Head to the right and you will be back on the deck of your ship.
This is a chance to get some items. So head to the left and
enter the door on the deck of your ship.
In the Lemurian Ship, head to the left and go through the
door. Follow the path to the west and jump over the puddle. Head
south and go down the stairs. Go through the door. You'll be in
a room with many crates atop the water. Make your way to the door
on the northwest corner of the room. Use Parch and dry the water.
Climb down the ladder and open the chest for a "Mist Potion".
Use Retreat, head out of the ship and return to the deck.
Head south across the bridge and follow the path. Climb up
the staircase at the end. Use Move and push the statue to the
left. You'll enter a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
LEMURIAN1: Why, that was Psynergy, wasn't it?
LEMURIAN2: Are they Adepts?
LEMURIAN1: Who ARE you!?
LEMURIAN2: Are you the ones who defeated Poseidon?
LEMURIAN2: That's quite something! Who are you, that you could defeat that
LEMURIAN2: But clearly, you are here, and the beast is gone...
LEMURIAN1: If you are strong enough to defeat Poseidon, you are too dangerous
to enter Lemuria.
LEMURIAN2: The king's orders are clear! We cannot grant you entry.
KRADEN: King? Who is your king?
LEMURIAN1: His Highness, King Hydros, of course...
LEMURIAN2: His Majesty has ruled over Lemuria for centuries.
LEMURIAN1: King Hydros has decreed that Lemuria must be kept safe from
dangerous outsider.
PIERS: You say that we are dangerous, but do you include me as well?
LEMURIAN1: Did you join them in battle against Poseidon?
LEMURIAN2: Impossible! Everyone knows you possess great courage, but you still
are a mere Lemurian!
PIERS: Such comments do us all a gread disservice! I battled fiercely alongside
my friends!
PIERS: Leave our landing to me.
PIERS: You have my word that we shall create no problems during our stay.
Will you not permit us to enter?
LEMURIAN1: Piers, I know you are a man of your word, but the king's orders must
LEMURIAN2: You understand that we cannot simply ignore the king's orders, don't
you, Piers?
PIERS: What is King Hydros doing...
KRADEN: So, you people really take your king seriously, don't you?
LEMURIAN1: Insolet pup! Do not dishonor the king of Lemuria! We are peaceful,
but quick to anger!
KRADEN: Pup? I must be twice your age! Who are you calling "pup"?
LEMURIAN2: You wish to see Lemuria, and yet you know so little of us! I am far
older than you. Show respect!
KRADEN: Pah! Older that me?! Inconceivable!
PIERS: Er... Actually, Kraden, these two are peraps older than all of you
PIERS: Babi must have spoken of this to you. In Lemuria, time passes quite
KRADEN: Ah... Well... I suppose I recall something of that sort or anoter...
But to imagine for a moment that these two gentlemen are older than
I am? It's still a bit much!
KRADEN: But perhaps I was rude, and I hope you accept my apology. My ignorance
misled me.
LEMURIAN1: Well, just as long as we're clear on that.
LEMURIAN2: But if you're fighting is as skilled as your wordplay, then perhaps
you aren't so dangerous to us.
LEMURIAN1: I agree. Perhaps His Majesty will provide an exception in their case.
LEMURIAN2: King Hydros might be willing to reverse his order if we confer with
him, wouldn't he?
LEMURIAN1: We shall speak with him at once!
LEMURIAN2: King Hydros has been seeking news from beyond the Sea of Time. He
will want to see you.
LEMURIAN1: Wait here.
KRADEN: How long do you think we'll be waiting?
PIERS: Good point. Time means little to most Lemurians.
Mere moments to us could seem like a lifetime to outsiders.
LEMURIAN1: You seem young to me, and yet you are probably an old man among your
I would imagine that you have probably done enough waiting in your
LEMURIAN2: King Hydros instructed us to be kind to the elderly at all times.
LEMURIAN1: They seem trustworthy enough... Shall we let them in?
LEMURIAN2: I can see no reason not to. We won't get in trouble, will we?
PIERS: I will be with them! Now, please, let me walk the streets of my home
once more!
PIERS: I beseech you!
LEMURIAN1: Then we place our trust in each of you. You may enter. But...don't
do anything rash!
LEMURIAN2: If you cause any trouble, we'll hunt you down and exact swift and
terrible vengence.
LEMURIAN1: Do we have your word?
KRADEN: Ooo! Ooo! Finally! What could be waiting for me in Lemuria? I can't
wait another moment!
KRADEN: We have come a long way to see Lemuria. I won't have anything ruin it
for me now!
PIERS: Oh, hush. I'll keep a close eye on them. You have nothing ot fear.
LEMURIAN2: Very well, Piers. We place our faith in you, then. Enter freely and
LEMURIAN1: You must already be aware this, but you are not permitted to enter
the palace.
LEMURIAN2: If the king were to find out about this, we'd be in big trouble.
PIERS: Don't worry! I won't let that happen.
KRADEN: Is this Hydros really so fearsome?
PIERS: Fearsome isn't the right word... King Hydros has lived longer than
anyone. He is most wise.
PIERS: While everyone respects him and holds him in great reverence...
It would be a mistake to call it fear.
PIERS: I certainly do not fear him. The king... He...
KRADEN: He what?
PIERS: You will understand once you meet the king yourself.
PIERS: But that does not matter now. Let's go!
PIERS: To Lemuria... The city you've all been longing to see...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene, exit north. Head to the right and
go up the stairs. Then, head up the other stairs. Head north
and you will see a fountain. If you inspect the water,
everyone's HP and PP will be replenished. Talk to the person
directly in front of the fountain to try your luck at the
Fountain Game.
The object of the game is to throw either coins od Lucky
Medals and try to have them land in the center ring. Here's
a chart of the prizes you can win. The first time you hit the
center ring with a Lucky Medal, a Summon Tablet appears. You
will then have the ability to Summon Eclipse.
________ _ _______ _______ ___________________________
/ ______ \ | | RINGS | COINS | L. MEDALS |
/ / ____ \ \ |¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
/ / / __ \ \ \ |P|Ring 1 | 20 |Summon "Eclipse"/Hestia B. |
/ / / / \ \ \ \ |R| | | |
5|4|3|2| 1 |2|3|4|5 |I|Ring 2 | 10 |Mighty Axe/ Aegis Shield |
\ \ \ \__/ / / / |Z| | | |
\ \ \____/ / / |E|Ring 3 | 2 |Minerva Helm/ Erebus Armor |
\ \______/ / |S| | | |
\________/ |_|Ring 4 | 1 |Crafted Gloves/Floral Dress|
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* Note: When you use the Lucy Medal, anything past ring four is
either a Leda's Bracelet, a Psy Crystal, or a Crown of
Glory. And it is possible to get more than one item. In
the testing process, I received the Hestia Blade three
consecutive times.
After you'r done with the game. Exit the Spring of Lemuria
and go up the stairs to the left or the right of it. Head north
and Kraden will drag you to the outer courts of the the palace.
From there, head north and enter another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
KRADEN: This place is remarkable... Truly Remarkable...
GUARD1: Who goes there! I've not seen you in Lemuria before!
GUARD2: Wait a moment...
GUARD2: You must be the travelers who arrived with Piers. Is your name Felix,
GUARD1: Piers? You mean Piers, the Lost One?
PIERS: Have I earned a title in my absence? Well, worry not! Piers is lost no
PIERS: I seek counsel with King Hydros. Has His Highness been told of my
GUARD2: Word was sent, but I do not know if it has reached the king.
PIERS: What do you mean?
GUARD1: Lord Conservato is meeting with His Highness as we speak.
PIERS: Not Conservato...
PIERS: What's wrong, Piers? You don't look pleased to hear that name...
PIERS: Kraden... What do you think of what you have seen of Lemuria?
KRADEN: It is a magnificent city! Or do you mean the castle? Both are
PIERS: And you, Felix? Do you agree?
PIERS: Any newcomer to our town would doubtless feel the same at first.
PIERS: Ah! Yes, you marvel not at its present condition, but at the greator
splendor of its past!
PIERS: In ages past, Lemuria was a far lovelier, more grand, and more lively
PIERS: His Highness, the king, tells of days gone by, of a more brilliant
Lemuria long before my birth.
PIERS: Over the countless years, our people have lost vigor, enthusiasm,
Lemuria has fallen into slow collapse, a city that has lost its spark...
PIERS: Lemuria as you see it is only a shadow of the city of legend.
KRADEN: If only I had the chance to see the city in all its splendor. But how
does Conservato figure in?
PIERS: King Hydros believes that our decay is related in some way to Alchemy.
KRADEN: Alchemy!?
PIERS: King Hydros wants to find a way to stop the ruin of Lemuria.
GUARD1: If there were anything we could do to help stop it, we would.
GUARD2: But the senators are unwillig to take action! They're stubborn, and
they fear any change...
KRADEN: Senate? What is a senate?
PIERS: The senate is a group of elders who determine policy in Lemuria.
GUARD1: Lord Conservato holds the highest office in the senate.
GUARD2: The senate usually opposes any new ideas or proposals introduced before
PIERS: Word of our arrival will never reach the king as long as Conservato has
his ear.
GUARD1: And his conversations with the king are incredibly long.
GUARD2: We have no choice but to wait patiently here.
PIERS: Why don't we spend our time looking around Lemuria until then...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene, head south until you reach the central area
of the town.
Enter the house on the left. Talk to the man in the room.
He will ask you if you are the travelers that came with Piers.
Answer yes and you'll enter a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
PIERS: I am sorry it has taken me so long to visit, Uncle.
UNCLE: Piers! You are alive!
PIERS: Yes, I've managed to survive against a great many trials.
KRADEN: What a fascinating coincidence!
We've stumbled across Piers's uncle's house!
UNCLE: I must thank you all for looking after my nephew.
PIERS: This is Felix and Kraden. They are my friends, and have aided me
UNCLE: If my sister could only hear how timid young Piers has become a mighty
PIERS: Where is my mother? We've been so busy since we arrived that I haven't
had a chance to see her.
PIERS: Now that I think about it, this place is a mess. What happened? Mother
is always so neat...
PIERS: ...No! She hasn't...fallen ill again, has she?
KRADEN: There is still illness in Lemuria?
PIERS: My mother was born with a weak heart...
UNCLE: Piers... I'm sorry.... Your return comes too late...
UNCLE: After the tidal wave washed you to sea, your mother suddenly fell
UNCLE: The shock of losing you was too great for her poor heart.
UNCLE: She held out hope for your safe return until the very end.
UNCLE: Perhaps your mother gave herself up to ensure your survival...
UNCLE: Does that not sound like your mother?
PIERS: Where is she now?
UNCLE: She rests in the cemetary now. Check the headstones... You will find
KRADEN: What should we do, Felix? Should we follow Piers?
KRADEN: After all we've been through, the least we can do is offer Piers our
KRADEN: You're right. Piers probably needs some time alone right now.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After that depressing scene, try to head out of the room,
and you'll be in yet another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
UNCLE: Wait...
UNCLE: I ask that you leace Piers to his mourning for now...
UNCLE: Now he is struggling with the loss of his mother. He needs time.
UNCLE: You came to Lemuria to learn more of Alchemy, did you not?
UNCLE: I suspected as much. Piers was right to bring you here.
UNCLE: Piers told me his secret... The mission he was given by His Highness the
UNCLE: Even had the tidal wave not carried Piers off, he would have left us...
Such was his fate.
UNCLE: You look confused... Piers told you about this, did he not?
UNCLE: Of course... he must trust you a great deal.
UNCLE: Curious... I can't understand why he would do that...
UNCLE: If Lord Conservato had not led the senate to oppose him, he would have
left sooner.
UNCLE: I wonder what news Piers has brought with him.
UNCLE: Either way, I do know why he has brought you here.
UNCLE: Felix... Don't tell me that he hasn't at least told you that much!
UNCLE: You say he's told you, but you look rather confused.
UNCLE: Did Piers tell you nothing before bringing you here to Lemuria?
UNCLE: Unfortunately, I know a little more than that...
UNCLE: While Piers confronts his sorrow over the loss of his mother, you have
some time...
UNCLE: I shall write you a letter...
UNCLE: So that you can see Lunpa...
UNCLE: Lunpa has locked himself in his tower and rarely comes out, but if I
send him this, he will see you.
UNCLE: All I need is a bird to carry it to him in his tower.
UNCLE: There, you should be able to see him now.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After you regain control, head out of the house. Head south,
on the stone path, head to the right. Across the hallway of
pillars, you'll know you're in the right place beacause you
will see a chicken nearby. You should see a weed near the
chicken. Use Growth (Equip at least one Mars and one Venus
djiini on either Felix or Jenna, respectively)it. Climb down
the vine. Head south past the cow and use Cyclone on the
grass to find a "Hard Nut". Then, return to the north and
return up the vine.
Head to the right and inspect the door. Lunpa will come
out and tell you that the door is broken. You have to use the
second floor window. So Use Lash on the rope near you and
climb up to the second floor. Enter throught the window.
In this room, you'll see a ladder to the north. DO NOT
climb up the ladder. Instead, if you look to the left and
the right of the ladder, you will see two exits, take either
one. Head down the stairs and you'll enter another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
LUNPA: Honestly, I'm amazed that anyone can travel so far across the world in
this age.
LUNPA: Say Piers isn't with you! Er...why not?
SHEBA: His mother passed away... He's gone to visit her grave.
LUNPA: Of course... his mother... He loved her dearly. A terrible loss... It
must be hard on him.
LUNPA: Well, Piers may not be here, but we still have much to discuss.
LUNPA: If Piers brought you, you must be working to break the seal on Alchemy,
LUNPA: Ah, Piers has done quite well in finding you!
KRADEN: What mission could the good King Hydros have assigned to Piers?
LUNPA: What? Piers has told you nothing of his mission?
LUNPA: ...Really?
LUNPA: So you actually have nothing at all to do with Alchemy!?
JENNA: Our parents were kidnapped by the Fire Clan, far to the north.
We are onlt firing the lighthouse beacons to gain their freedom...
LUNPA: King Hydros told me that Venus and Mercury have been ignited once again.
Was that your doing?
LUNPA: I'm afraid I know nothing of any northern "Fire Clan."
LUNPA: But that doesn't explain you, sir. You're clearly not related to these
two. What are your goals?
SHEBA: Kraden joined us on this quest on behalf of Lord Babi of Tolbi.
LUNPA: ...Babi?
LUNPA: I only know of one man named Babi... But it couldn't...
KRADEN: Master Lunpa, the Babi we speak of is the same man you knew long ago.
LUNPA: Ah! So...he's still out there, living in the outside world?
KRADEN: Well, that might not be the most accurate way of putting it.
LUNPA: Most...accurate? My, you certainly have an odd way of turning a
KRADEN: He was living, yes... Until recently, that is...
LUNPA: So, Babi passed away... But only recently, you say?
KRADEN: When he finally ran out of his mystic draughts, his spirit began to
LUNPA: Then...I no longer know anyone in the world outside.
JENNA: But... Aren't you Lunpa, the Righteous Thief?
LUNPA: I was called that once, long, long ago. Why do you ask?
JENNA: I'll bet there's still one person in the outside world whom you still
LUNPA: Who would that be?
JENNA: There's a town called Lunpa in northern Angara. A man named Donpa lives
LUNPA: I settle that village! And Donpa... He is my son...
KRADEN: Now, your grandson, Dodonpa, rules over your village.
LUNPA: Rules? Rules is an ill-sounding word.
JENNA: But it's an accurate one, Lunpa. Dodonpa is an evil thief, who has
caused much trouble in Angara.
LUNPA: What has become of my son? How could he permit such a thing to happen?
KRADEN: Master Lunpa, don't you have any idea how old Donpa is?
KRADEN: He is as I am. An old man... He may be older even than I.
SHEBA: If this news outrages you, why don't you go and set Dodonpa straight?
LUNPA: If only I could...
JENNA: Is this the only reason we're here? To bring news of the outside world?
LUNPA: You are kind, Felix, but there are much more important matters at
LUNPA: Yes, yes... I am sorry we were sidetracked. We have so much more to
KRADEN: But before we begin, there is one thing I must say...
KRADEN: You don't mind do you, Felix?
KRADEN: Clearly, your judgement on this matter is fogged, Felix. I must
KRADEN: I knew you'd agree.
KRADEN: I have discussed this with none but Felix, but...I have my own reasons
for this quest.
SHEBA: What do you mean?
KRADEN: Only that I have my own reasons for wanting to see the beacons lit
JENNA: Why are you telling us all this now?
KRADEN: Because I feel this quest is deeply linked to Lemuria.
KRADEN: I thought it odd that Lord Babi should order me to research Alchemy.
SHEBA: Hey, wait a minute... Is this what you promised to tell us once we
reached Lemuria?
KRADEN: Yes, yes... May I continue?
KRADEN: Long ago, before Alchemy's power was sealed...
There were many civilizations as advanced and cultivated as Lemuria.
KRADEN: At the moment that Alchemy was sealed away, most of those civilizations
began to wane...
Until eventually, they vanished.
KRADEN: I have formed certain theories now, suggesting that this may be related
to the seal on Alchemy.
JENNA: Let me get this straight... You felt you couldn't tell us this until we
were in Lemuria?
SHEBA: And you only wanted to come to Lemuria to test you theories and see if
they were thue...
JENNA: But even if everything you said IS true, what does it all mean?
LUNPA: If your theories are correct, the world itself will wane and vanish...
Won't it, Kraden?
LUNPA: Piers never spoke if this to you, did he?
LUNpA: If you came up with this theory on your own, you are indeed a wide
We would do well to trust you.
KRADEN: What do you mean?
LUNPA: King Hydros and I, as well as others in Lemuria, hold the same beliefs
that you do, Kraden.
KRADEN: You do!?!
LUNPA: Civilizations thrive by building upon the knowledge of the past.
LUNPA: Knowledge gained in one generation should be taken even furthere by the
Thus, knowledge and learning contnue to grow. This is the natural course
of civilization.
LUNPA: But where is the world today?
LUNPA: The great civilizations of old have all withered and vanished. We are
all isloated and alone.
LUNPA: You have encountered many cultures in your travels.
Are any of them capable of building the great sanctums and lighthouses
you have seen?
LUNPA: No, they are not... but this is not the only sign of the decay you have
LUNPA: I think it best that you hear the rest directly from His Majesty, King
LUNPA: Yes, Kraden! We shall go to visit the king!
KRADEN: Ah, but King Hydros is in counsel with lord Conservato. We might not be
allowed in.
LUNPA: Conservato? That fool. He refuses to acknowledge what he can see with
his own eyes!
LUNPA: I will meet with the king and press our evidence upon Conservato. Come
with me!
LUNPA: Gah! Stupid door!
LUNPA: Pah! At last, you are open!
LUNPA: To the king's chambers!
SHEBA: Lunpa ought to be as old as Lord Babi was, but he has so much energy!
JENNA: He's got a fire in him.
KRADEN: I do wish I could have heard more about Lord Babi, though.
KRADEN: But come, Felix! To the king's palace we go!
---------- CUTSCENE --------
Once you regain control, head out of the house and head to left
and return to the palace grounds. Enter the palace.
Head north until you reach the fountain. Take the path on
the right and enter the room. Open the barrel on the upper-right
corner of the room to get a "Lucky Medal". Then return to the
fountain and take one of the staircses next to it. Head north
and the guard will ask you if you are Felix. Answer no and you
will not be granted passage. Answer yes, however, you will be
taken to a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
HYDROS: It would seem the warriors of which you spoke have arrived.
LUNPA: So it would, You Highness. I shall call them to us immediately.
HYDROS: There is no need, Lunpa. Let us go to them.
CONSERVATO: Hydros! Would you see me dishonored thus? They ought to present
themselves to us!
HYDROS: I do not go to present myself to them, Conservato. I am merely going to
where they are.
I have something that I wish to show everyone.
CONSERVATO: Regardless of your resons, sire, I will not go to them!
HYDROS: Do as you will, Conservato.
HYDROS: However, WE shall go.
HYDROS: I heard of your arrival. it is quite remarkable that you were able to
reach Lemuria. Welcome.
PIERS: Allow me to introduce my companions. This is Sheba...
PIERS: Jenna...
PIERS: Felix...
PIERS: ...And Kraden.
LUNPA: Kraden is the one who told me of the outside world's civilization, of
their condition...
HYDROS: Ah, Kraden! Lunpa describes you as a remarkable scholar. Your research
impressed us.
KRADEN: Thank you, Your Highness.
HYDROS: Your theories are correct. Our world is now on a path of destruction.
CONSERVATO: And who has decided this? You, Hydros?
CONSERVATO: Some civilizations have vanished, surely, but that is the way of
the outside world.
Look around you: Lemuria remains unchanged!
HYDROS: Don't delude yourself. Lemuria has been in slow decline for ages now,
but that can wait.
HYDROS: My most trusted scholars have researched this conclusion after
extensive research.
HYDROS: I sent Piers to confirm this for me...
CONSERVATO: So you admit it, Hydros! you violated the directive of the senate!
You used the tidal wave as your chance to send Piers away, despite
our commands!
PIERS: You are incorrect. The tidal wace carried me away by chance alone.
HYDROS: Conservato, you must know that the tidal wave was caused by Poseidon's
HYDROS: Only a fool would have chosen to send a man to sea if he knew that this
would have happened.
KRADEN: What was it that you intended to have Piers confirm?
HYDROS: This map shows the ancient world, when Lemuria still traded with people
on the many continents.
CONSERVATO: It was a great age... A time when the world shined brightly.
HYDROS: And the map Lunpa had with him when he arrived in Lemuria 150
years ago...
LUNPA: I used this map to sail around the world. It is quite accurate.
KRADEN: In-Incredible!
HYDROS: You understand, Kraden...
SHEBA: What do you understand?
KRADEN: Well, unless my eyes deceive me, the continents have shrunk since the
golden age...
JENNA: That's insane!
LUNPA: It is not insane! It is true!
HYDROS: Perhaps this will make the point more clearly. Look at these two maps
side by side.
KRADEN: There's no mistaking it. The continents on Lunpa's map are clearly
CONSERVATO: Lies! Nothing but lies!
CONSERVATO: What do you hope to gain from fiosting these lies upon out people?
CONSERVATO: You know well that I hope to gain nothing more than the truth,
CONSERVATO: And who do you expect will believe such nonsense?
HYDROS: If you do not believe the evidence before your eyes, what do you
HYDROS: Do you believe the Lemuria map to be accurate to this day?
HYDROS: Tell me, Piers... You were able to investigate this matter, were you
PIERS: Thanks to Felix and my companions, I was able to travel much of the
Eastern Sea.
HYDROS: And what did you find?
PIERS: I found, in truth, that Lunpa's map is the more accurate of the two.
PIERS: However, the world seems even smaller than it appears on Lunpa;s map...
CONSERVATO: What are you saying?
KRADEN: Time itself has stopped...
KRADEN: Think of Weyard as a living, breathing being, possessing its own life
KRADEN: The four elements are the nourishment needed to susteain this being.
LUNPA: Kraden... This is exactly what king Hydros himself has said to me!
HYDROS: Ever since Alchemy was sealed away, the world has been cut off from its
It has gone into a state akin to hibernation.
KRADEN: By using less energy, Weyard prolongs its life...
HYDROS: Yet when hybernating, the being has only stopped its own clock... not
the flow of time around it.
KRADEN: When a bear sleeps through the winter, it needs only wait for the
spring to come...
When it awakens, it can nourish its weakened body again...
PIERS: But if spring never comes, the bear will eventually die...
LUNPA: Weyard is wasting away, its continents shrinking, because its spring has
never come.
CONSERVATO: Hydros, how can you make such outrageous claims? The world is not
HYDROS: Tell me, Conservato, why do you think Poseidon has returned?
CONSERVATO: Do you have the answer, Hydros?
HYDROS: The elemental lighthouses...
HYDROS: Felix and his companions have lit the beacons on both Mercury and Venus
CONSERVATO: What!? have you any idea what will happen if you set that evil
loose upon the world again?
CONSERVATO: You know that it could bring about the destruction of the world,
and yet you did it anyway?
CONSERVATO: When the four beacons are fired, Alchemy will be released, and
our world, destroyed.
CONSERVATO: My lord, you cannot possibly intend for these people to light the
remaining beacons!?
HYDROS: I do ndeed, Conservato, and I also fear the possibility that Alchemy
will destroy the world.
HYDROS: But I cannot stand by, knowing as I do that the world will wither and
die if we do not act!
CONSERVATO: This is madness, Hydros! Does the threat of Alchemy mean so little
to you?
Would you put the world in even greater danger to satisfy your
CONSERVATO: With only two of the beacons lit, I assume you intend to send Piers
out again?
PIERS: And I will go, Lord Conservato. Felix has need of my power!
CONSERVATO: Then go, Piers... Bug if you do, say farewell...for you will never
be able to return.
You will be banished from Lemuria forever.
CONSERVATO: You know our laws. Are you prepared for the outcome?
CONSERVATO: I myself am disgusted by the whole matter. U take my leave of you,
CONSERVATO: But I warn you... I will NOT permit you to go through with this
KRADEN: What will you do, Your Highness?
HYDROS: I knew this outcome was inevitable.
HYDROS: But I could not sit silent while our world drifted down the path of its
HYDROS: I want you to light the remaining becons before you return.
SHEBA: That's what we inted to do, but we cannot leave the Eastern Sea...
HYDROS: I have already heard of this problem from Piers...
LUNPA: This is something I found by accident in some ruins back in my days as a
HYDROS: I'm not sure what it is, but it seems to contain some powerful Psynergy.
PIERS: Seems to? You are not certain?
HYDROS: It is a Psynergy that we Lemurians are unable to use.
HYDROS: I understand that you travel with many differnet kinds of Adepts, do
you not, Felix?
KRADEN: If we include Piers in our numbers, we have one Adept for each of the
four elements.
HYDROS: Then at least one of you should be able to use the Psynergy that this
LUNPA: King Hydros believes the item can only be used by one who wields
Psynergy of the earth.
HYDROS: If I am not mistaken, it is a powerful Psynergy we call Grind.
HYDROS: If you master this Psynergy, the reefs that block your way shall pose
no trouble anymore...
LUNpA: With Grind, you should be able to creat a path by which you can sail
into the Western Sea.
HYDROS: Go, brave Adepts! By your hands may the remaining lighthouses burn
bright once more!
LUNPA: That Psynergy is quite powerful. It can only be trusted to a very few
LUNPA: That His Highness has given it to you should illustrate how great his
expectations are.
LUNPA: I have no doubt that your journey will be fraught with ever-increasing
LUNPA: But we are counting on you, Felix.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After you regain control, open the chest to receive the
"Grindstone" which bestows Grind upon Felix. Only Felix, no
one else. Now, leave the palace. If you want you can go to
the Lemurian Spring and play the fountain game before you
leave. But after you are done, head back to your ship.
Head onto the deck and talk to Kraden, he will ask you if
you are heading off now. Anser yes to enter a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
SHEBA: Umm.. Piers?
PIERS: Yes, Sheba? What is it?
SHEBA: There's something I've been meaning to ask you... Something I have to
PIERS: Ask me, Sheba.
SHEBA: You and I look roughly the same age, but how old are you, really?
PIERS: Is that you question, Sheba? It's not important!
JENNA: It is to me. If you are much older than us, then I'm afraid we've not
shown you the proper respect.
KRADEN: She's got a point.
PIERS: Don't worry about such things. Please, treat me as you have all along.
KRADEN: No, that won't do. You have to tell us.
PIERS: What!? Come now! This is silly!
SHEBA: No, Piers! Tell me!
PIERS: You're afraid you haven't shown me the proper respect, and yet you mane
demands of me?
JENNA: Come on, Piers... You can tell us. How old are you really?
PIERS: This has nothing to do with respect! You just want to know how old I am,
don't you!
SHEBA: Hee hee!
JENNA: Heh heh!
KRADEN: Oh ho ho ho!!!
PIERS: I knew it! Come on, Felix! Can't you get them off my back?
FELIX: ... ...
PIERS: You're in this too, aren't you Felix? I've had it with your conspiracies!
I will not tell you!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the coutscene you'll be back in the sea out side of
If you want a djinni, then reenter Lemurai and head up the
channel. You'll find a large rock. Use Grind and enter the
new path. Follow the path to the next area. Head through the
path until you reach the right place and are able to exit
your ship. Exit your ship, then follow the path throught what
seems to be the path to Lemuria. You'll find some pillars
blocking your path, so exit south. And you'll be in...
Climb down the stairs and head all the way to the left.
You'll see one piece of grass behind a wall. Use Cyclone
and a Mercury Djinni will come out and run to the right.
Follow it, it's hiding behind the statue so use Tremor on
the statue to scare it out. Inspect it and the Mercury
Djinni "Rime" will join you no battle required. Now head
out of there and out of Lemuria.
Head south and re-enter the Sea of Time. Head south and
go to the left. You will see a path blocked by a large stone.
Use your new Psynergy, Grind, and it'll dissappear. Then
follow the path and exit left. Use Grind on the other stone
that blocks your path and head south. Enter the southern
current and you'll be carried out of there.
After you are out of the Sea of Time, head directly west.
When you reach the large continent, head directly south down
the large channel of water. Until you reach the Gondowan
Cliffs. Use Grind on the rock and head south. Exit the Cliffs.
Congratulations!!! You have gained access to the western
area of the world. Now, you have a lot more things to do. But
the enemys you face are a lot stronger.
IF you haven't already captured the djinni "Chill" head
south and go around the coast to your left. You will soon
reach two beaches. Land on the eastern bridge. There is a
djinni in this area. defeat it to receive the Mercury djinni
Then head up around the coast, go to the north-western
continent and open the map. You will see that a beach on the
southwestern side of the island on a piece of land that jutts
out from the main are. Land on that beach and enter the...
<| ## HESPERIA SETTLEMENT ################################# CODE : [HESP] # |>
Head north and go up the stairs. Then head all the way
to the right and climb up the vine. You will see a djinn on
a ledge. Head to the left and use Growth on the vine. Climb
up and head to the right. Use Move and pull the crate down
one place. Then, push it all the way to the left, push it
down off the ledge. Then return down the vine you climbed
earlier. Head to the right and push the crate off the ledge.
Then head down the vine below you. Use Move on the crate and
push it to the right. Head back up the vine and jump onto the
crate. Then head up and climb up the ledge. Climb to where
the djinni is and inspect it. The Mard Djinni "Tinder" will
join you. If you want you can climb up the ledge to the right
and enter a cave to find 186 coins. There isn't much to do
here. So, return to your ship.
In your ship, head to the southern part of the continent.
You will find a river that separates two beaches. Head up the
river and you'll be in a large lake. Head to the northwestern
part of the lake and you'll find a fork of two paths you can
take. Take thr river on the right and follow it to the end.
Enter the cave and you'll be in the...
<| ## SHAMAN VILLAGE CAVE ################################# CODE : [SHVC] # |>
Head north and you'll reach a junction of three paths.
The middle path leads to a djinni, but you can't get it
without the Psynergy Lift. The door on the right leads to
a dead end for now. So, head to the left and use Whirlwind
on the bush. Climb up the ladder and exit to the north.
Head all the way to the north. Jump across the ledge to
the east and continue along the path and exit south.
Push the pillar off the ledge. Jump to the right and
follow the path. Climb down the ladder, and exit south.
Follow the path to the northwest and enter the village to
be in...
<| ## SHAMAN VILLAGE ###################################### CODE : [SHMN] # |>
If you want an item, head into the inn. Head to the left
and go down the stairs. Head south and exit the inn. Follow
the path and jump to the other ledge. Use Growth on the weed
and climb up. Head north and open the chest for a pair of
"Spirit Gloves". Then head return to the entrance of the
town. You wil notice that no one in town will talk to you.
So head north and cross the bridge. Cross the bridge to
the left and go up the steps. Try to enter the house and
you'll be interrupted by Moapa who will get mad and ask what
you want in this town. He'll ask you if you have anything
to say. So go up to him and you'll see that if you talk to
him the Menu shows up. From the item menu use the "Shaman's
Rod" and right away you'll enter a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MOAPA: That's the Shaman's Rod!
MAN1: We thought it was lost forever... It once belonged to the gread Hoabna.
MAN2: Hoabna's staff was a gift from his great friend in Contigo, Yegelos.
When Yegelos gave it to him, Hoabna accepted a great responsibility...
MOAPA: He vowed to care for the sacred tresure of Contigo, the Hover Jade...
When the Shaman's Rod returns to us, we are charged to give the bearer
the Hover Jade.
MOAPA: Have you outlanders come to claim the Hover Jade?
KRADEN: I suppose we have, yes.
MOAPA: That's a shame. We'll never give the Hover Jade to you!
KRADEN: But...we brought you the Shaman's Rod... What's stopping you from
giving us the jade?
MoAPA: Hoabna handed the Hover Jade down from generation to generation for our
MOAPA: We are to return it to the descendants of Yegelos. And you are clearly
not from Contigo.
SHEBA: That's preposterous! We returned your rod! We've come so far already!
JENNA: What difference does it make if we're from Conigo or not!?
PIERS: Make no mistake about it. We are the intended recipients of the stone of
KRADEN: Is there some way we can get out hands on the Hover Jade?
MOAPA: No. You ask the impossible.
MAN1: What about...the test? Would that be a bad idea, Moapa?
MAN1: You know, Trial Road? Only Yegelos could walk that path.
MAN2: The way of the vansihing sand!
MOAPA: Yes, if you outlanders intend to claim the Hover jade, you must fetch it
and bring it here!
MOAPA: If you people have the courage, follow me!
SHEBA: If you'd told us there was a test to begin with, we'd have been out of
your hair by now.
JENNA: What kind of test is this?
KRADEN: I understand that you're a little concerned, but unless you try it,
you'll never know!
KRADEN: Give it your best, Felix!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After youi regain control, follow Moapa and his men to
the right across the bridge and north to another area. Now,
follow the path and exit north. You will see Moapa waiting
for you near a Whirlwind Stone. Use Whirlwind and you'll
enter a cutscene.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
JENNA: You can do it, Sheba!
SHEBA: Leave it to me, Jenna! This will be a breeze.
MOAPA: I don't believe it. They did it! The sand vanished!
MAN1: The legends... They were all true!
MAN2: She's the one! She must have come from Contigo!
MOAPA: She's the one that did it? but she's...just a girl!
SHEBA: Well, you wanted the sand to vanish, so...
PIERS: Can we have the Hover Jade now?
MOAPA: Nope, you still can't have it.
JENNA: What? Why not?
MOAPA: That was just a test to see if you earned the right to take the test to
earn the stone.
KRADEN: So, there's more that they ahve to do before you'll give them the stone?
MOAPA: You will have to reach the end of Trial Road.
MAN1: The girls, too? Surely you can't make them...
MAN2: It thought that only the chosen hero could travel the road...
SHEBA: What, are you saying I can't be the chosen hero?
MOAPA: The heroes have always been a man, ever since the time of Hoabna. It is
the way.
SHEBA: I don't like your attitude, mister! I can be every bit as heroic as some
MAN1: That may be true, but you must respect out customs.
MAN2: It's the same in Contigo, you know. If you don't like it, take it up with
KRADEN: Hold it, hold it... Moapa, what were you just saying about Trial Road?
KRADEN: If we reach the end of Trial Road, won't our names join the ranks of
your heroes?
JENNA: Kraden's right... It shouldn't matter if a girl does it... All that
matters is taht we finish!
PIERS: If you give us the chance, we will prove it to you.
SHEBA: Unless you're afraid that a girl like me might become your town's newest
MAN1: Have they earned the right? Shall we let them onto Trial Road?
MAN2: I don't like the way these outsiders were talking to me.
MAN1: I think they need to learn exactly what it takes to be a hero around here!
MAN2: Yeah, if these guys are so stubborn, let's give them a shot! They'll
probably give up!
JENNA: You said it yourselves. Were too stubborn to quit.
SHEBA: Yeah. If you want us "outlanders" to leave, you'd better give us a
chance to walk Trial Road!
MOAPA: Trial Road is a difficult one... When you reach the top, a terrible
battle awaits you.
MOAPA: It's difficult enough for me. I expect you will find it quite impossible.
Still interested?
MOAPA: You seem confident, but it is your ignorance speaking.
MOAPA: So... You are not as sure of yourselves as you first seemed.
MOAPA: But I will permit this. Follow me, and I shall explain.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After you regain control, head to the north and enter,
yet another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MOAPA: Listen carefully to me.
MOAPA: This cave provide you with an opportunity to practice your skills.
MOAPA: Legends say that Yegelos and Hoabna once fought here. These columns
commemorate this.
MOAPA: They raced one another to the summit...
MOAPA: And there, they fought with all their might on the peak of the mountain.
MOAPA: In honor of their great battle, the leaders of Shaman created this trial.
MOAPA: The rules are simple.
MOAPA: The room is filled with traps and snares. Use the power of Contigo to
avoid them.
MOAPA: This road has four doors. To open them, you will need to place items in
these chests.
MOAPA: The foor is triggered only when the treasure chests are filled to the
correct weight.
MOAPA: Try putting heavier items, like wepons and tools, into the chests, or
the doors won't open.
MOAPA: If you reach the door after your opponents do, you will be at a serious
MOAPA: You see, it will take twice the weight to open the doors.
MOAPA: Stand on the switch, and the number of chests you need to fill will
MOAPA: If you are last to each of the four doors, you will lose eight items to
the chests!
MOAPA: If Trial Road proves too uch for you, press this button.
MOAPA: This ends the battle, though a true hero would not surrender so easily.
MOAPA: In order to reach the battle at the summit, you cannot fail of Trial
MOAPA: Do you understand?
MOAPA: Then you understand the trecherous path of Trial Road. Will you
**(CHOICE: YES or NO)**
**IF YES**
**MOAPA: You have heard the rules, and you wish to continue. You have
been warned.**
**MOAPA: Choose the road of your liking. It matters not to us.
**IF NO**
**MOAPA: You have chosen wisely, and for your wisdom, you must leave
Shaman Village.***
MOAPA: Would you like me to explain it to you again?
**(CHOICE: YES or NO)**
**IF YES**
**MOAPA: Do all outlanders share your thickwittedness?
**IF NO**
-------- CUTSCENE --------
OMG!!! Felix said "Why?"!!! We're all going to die!!!
Ummm... right. Anyway, after the cutscene, head to the left
and climb up the ladder. Head south and open the chest for
a "Hard Nut". Then head down the ledge and return to the
starting line. I'll put up a section for this. Now, SAVE
<| ## TRIAL ROAD ########################################## CODE : [TRLR] # |>
Okay, when you are ready, step onto a road, I will explain
both paths. Then as soon as the countdown begins, hold the B
Button and hold it for dear life. Run straight ahead and enter
the cave.
-Room One-
Head north and use Sand while standing on the sand. Head north
then head right at place where the sand hits the ground. Head
south and climb up the vine. (OR you can head straight up the
sandfall and land on the ledge to the right. Use Whirlwind on
the bush to reveal vien that leads to the same place.) Walk
across the tightrope and head north. Go up the vine then head
north and step onto the square near the door. Put an item in
the chest. Go through the door.
*Option Item*
If you want an item, head left at the fork instead of right to
get a "Potion".
-Room Two-
In this room, head north and push the small log to the north.
Then push the log near it to the left. Then head to up and
climb up the vine. Head to the right and climb up the other
vines and make your way off the ledge. Then push the yellow
pillar to the Right one space and Up two spaces. The push
the log that is to your left onto the water. Step onto it,
then jump onto the land on the right. Then, climb up the two
vines and head north. Step onto the square, and go through
the door.
*Optional Item*
If you want the item in this room, as soon as you push the
first log into the water, push the small log to the north.
Then push the other large log to the right into the water.
Then go and open the chest for a "Vial".
-Room Three-
Here, head north and use Whirlwind on the pillars covered
by leaves on the right. Then, push them both to the north
as far as they will go. Then return to the south and climb
up the vines on the right side of the room. Head to the
north and step onto the pillar you recently pushed. Then
jump to the left. Climb up the vine and head north. Step
onto the square, put an item, and head through the door.
*Optional Items*
After you push the pillar to the north and climb up the
vine leading to the door, head aound the rocks and climb
down the vine that is near the chest and open it for a
-Room Four-
Head north, you will reach a yellow pillar, you will also
notice that water is spraying out of holes near it. So
push the pillar two spaces to the north. Climb up the vine
to the right. Hold Left and as soon as the water appears
you will jump to the left. Use this method to make your
way to the ledft of the left. Then head north and climb
up the vine. Then, head north and make your way to the
door. Step onto the square. Put an item in the chest and
go up the stairs.
*Optional Item*
As soon as you climb up the second vine that leads to the
door, head to the rigth and climb down a third vine. Open
the chest for a potion.
Head to the left and climb up the vine. Then jump to the
right, to begin your battle with Moapa.
-Room One-
Head north and use Pound on the gray pillars that are up.
Push the two yellow pillars onto the place where the gray
pillar used to stand. Then climb up the vines. Quickly
jump soouth to the yellow platform. Then jump across all
the platofrms, then follow the path to the door. Step on
the switch. Put the items required in th chests and head
through the door.
*Optional Item*
Push the middle, leafy pilar onto between the ledge
containing the vind and the ledge containing the chest.
When you cluimb up the vine, jump to the left and open
the chest for a "Vial".
-Room Two-
Head north until you reach four pillars, then push the
two bottom-most pillars up FOUR spaces. Then head south
and climb up the vine and jump across the pillars. Head
north and step onto the square, place an item in the
chest and go through the door.
*Optional Item*
When you reach the are with all the pillars, puah all the
pillars all the way to the south. Then climb up the vine
and jump across the pillars. Open the chest for a "Vial".
-Room Three-
Head north and you'll see two crumbing pillars. Use Burst
on one and jump across the ledges. Climb up the ladder at
the end and step onto the square. Give up the items and
continue forward.
*Optional Items*
To get the first chest, slimply head up the vine to the left
and open the chestnfor a Nut. Then, use Burst on the western
pillar and jump across the ledges, climb up the long vine and
head to the left, climb down the small vine and open the chest
for a Potion. Then head back down the vine and use Burst one
the eastern pillar. jump across all the ledges and climb up
the vine. Climb down the small vine and open the chest for a
-Room Four-
Head to the north, push the torch one space to the right to
melt the ice pillar. Then push it back to the left. Push both
yellow pillars all the way to the north. Then head south and
jump over the place where the frozen pillar used to be. Head
north and climb up the vine. Jump to the right across the
pilars and climb up the other vine, head north and put your
item(s) and go up the stairs.
*Optional Item*
As you are pushing one of the pillars to the north, just grab
it when you can.
Climb up the vine to the left and jump onto he ledge to your
left to begin the the fight Moapa.
--- MAPOA/KNIGHT x2 ---
HP: MAPOA - ~3000
KNIGHT - ~2000
STORY PROGRESSION: Receive the Hover Jade after victory.
STRATEGY/TIP: Concentrate on defeating Moapa first, you can treat his two
lackies as common enemies. If you cast Psynergy or Summons,
common sense dictates you should direct the strongest blast
toward him. Also, be sure to keep your HP level out of the
danger zone.
After the battle you will receive the "Hover Jade" and
Kraden will suggest that you go back to town to rest. You will
wake up in the inn. Now that we can enter people's houses, from
the inn, head all the way to the right and cross the bridge.
Enter the gray house and go up the stairs. Head north and go
up the stairs. Exit south. Follow the path until you reach a
dead end. Use Move and push the pillar behind the rock, off
the ledge. Now head south and slide off the ledge. You will
see a fortuen teller here, he will tell you absolutely not
to go south. Now head to Moapa's house.
Enter it and go down the stairs on the upper right corner
of the room. Head south and exit the house. Use Lash on the
nearby rope coil. Now follow the path all the way to the
Jupiter djinni "Aroma". It will join you without battle. Now
exit Shaman Village. Return past the Shaman Village Cave and
back to your boat.
In your boat, exit the lake from the south. Go around the
coast counter-clockwise until you reach another river that
is separating two beaches. Head up that river until you reach
a fork. You will see that one path of the fork leads to a dead
end. There will be lone mountain to the north of that fork.
In the land to the left of that mountain is a djinni. It's on
the forest area right next to the mountain. Wander aroud that
are until you encouter a Venus Djinn. Defeat it and the Venuis
Djinni "Petra" will join you. Now, return to the sea.
Head south to the continet below you. Land on the westernmost
beach possible. follow the path to the right. Take the path
that is ABOVE the first mountain you see. Follow it all the
way to the right until you reach a forest area in a dead end.
Wander around until you encounter a Mars djinni. Defeat to
have the Mars Djinni "Core" join you. Now, return to yor boat.
Head counter-clockwise around the continent until you reach
two beaches separated by a river. Head up the river. There is
only one path you can take. Most of the paths on the forks
that you reach lead to dead ends. Now, follow the river until
you are back in the sea. You will notice that, now, you are
behind the barrier reefs. So, follow the path in the sea until
you reach...
<| ## ATTEKA INLET ######################################### CODE : [ATKI] # |>
When you reach this palce you will be on your ship as you
were in Lemuria. So, head south and climb down the ledge. Follow
the path to the left. You will reach some people that are guarding
a giant wing. They say that the wings are part of a prophecy.
They are going to attatch it to a ship when Mt. Jupiter is in
flames. (I wonder which boat that could be...) Anyway, continue
to the left and exit the area.
Head to the left, right before you reach the exit, you will
notice that there is a path between the trees. So, head north
and climb up the ledge. Follow the path to the right and climb
down the vine, open the chest for a "Vial". Now, return to the
previous area. There is nothing left to do here, so exit from
either the west of the north.
Head to the right, follow the worn path until you reach a
giant crater and...
<| ## CONTIGO ############################################## CODE : [CNTG] # |>
Remeber all those seemingly useless Game Tickets you got
for buying and seling new items? Well, this is the place to
use them. Visit the gray stalls if you want to play the mini
games. I won't bother explaining them, since you can only win
coins. Anywaay, once you are done with everything. Go east
on the path above the Item shop. You will be in...
Head to the right and follow the path, you will be in an
area where laborers are fixing a gint wing. You will see some
sanctum dudes. Yup, sanctum dudes. Head up and use Reveal on
the center door. Head up and open the chest for some forgeable
"Dragon Skin". Now leave the sanctum and return to the entrance
of Contigo. From the entrance, head to the right and you will
find a patch of grass that has a hole in the center. Use Scoop
on the hole and the Venus djinni "Salt" wil join you. Now head
out of Contigo.
Once in the overworld, head Northwest and follow the worn
path until you reach...
<| ## JUPITER LIGHTHOUSE ################################### CODE : [JPTL] # |>
YAY!!! Our first lighthouse! Head north, go past the naked
statues and and enter the main structure. YAY!!! More naked
statues! Head north and go left through the door. Follow the path
and exit south. Head south and you will be at a fork of two path.
Head down the eastern path and use Cyclone near the grass to
reveal a "Mint". Then, return to the fork and take the western
path. Use Cyclone near the purple thingy and you'll be taken to
the sublevels.
Head north and follow the path until you reach a fork. The
southern path leads to a patch of grass that hides a Mad Plant.
Fight it if you want. Then take the northern path and you will
reach two doors. Take the western door for a Psynergy Stone.
You should fight the Mad Plant, heal yourself then take the
Psynergy Stone. Then take the western door. Climb down the
ladder to the north. You will see a starnge purple thing. (You
might have seen it before if you took the left path at Trial Road)
Stand on the purple circle at the end of the thing and use Hover.
You will be momentarily hovering over the ground. Quickly walk
onto the ledge to the right before the platform beneath you
dissapears. Then, head south to reach another purple Cyclone
thingy. Use Cyclone and be carried up to the upper levels.
Head north along the path until you reach a simple pillar
puzzle. Just push the yellow pillar onto the purple circle and
the two gray door will open up. Head north through the opened
gray door and exit the room.
In this room you will see FOUR naked statues. Woot. (Someone
call the censors.) Head to the left and go through the door to
the north. Head up and climb down the ladder. Head to the right
and you will see that the last white thing is off the circle.
Use Move and push it to the left; onto the circle. Then head
back up the ladder. Go through the stairs to the north.
This room has a long awaited log puzzle. You will see four
___ __ _____
_| |_| | / KEY \
_| |_#_| |__| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
| |_| |_| | | #- Entrance |
|_| S |__ | Numbers- Logs |
| 11111 | | S- Stones |
_| I S S | | I- broken |
| | | | pillars |
|_| 4 | | E- Exit |
| 4 | | |
| I222224 | |_______________|
| 433333_|
| SI I S|
| S SS |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|_ _|
Push the northernmost pillar (1) UP. Head south and push
the western pillar (2) UP. Then, you will notice that there is
a space between the northern pillar (1) and the broken pillar
foundation (I), head left. Head down and push the vertical
pillar (4) to the LEFT. Then head to the right and push the
eastern pillar (3) UP. Then return to the left and push the
vertical pilar (4) back to the right so it falls in the water.
Then step onto it and jump onto the ledge with the treasure
chest, open it for a "Eurinyes Tunic." Then exit south through
the door.
You will be on a ledge with a Purple thing. Use Cyclone to
be carried to the upper ledge. Then, head through the door.
Head to the left, ignore the purple thing, and exit south.
You will be outside, follow the path and go through the door.
Head north and go up the stairs. Here, go through the door on
the left. Follow the path to the north and jump onto the ring
of platforms. Use Reveal to show a center platform Then jump
to the right until you reach the other ledge. Then go up the
nearby stairs.
You will be in a platform room. Don't ask, I'm not going to
bother trying to covert this place to ASCII. Just follow my
Jump to the platform on the right. Jump RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN,
RIGHT, RIGHT onto the ledge. Then, jump DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, LEFT,
DOWN. Slide down the ledge.
Now head to the left and push the northern yellow pilar all
the way to the left. Then push the pillar to the south, one
space to the left. Then head to the left and push the western
pillar all the way to the north. Then climb up the ladder to
the west. Head north until you reach a staircase. IGNORE it.
Jump to the platform on the right. Jump DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT,
onto the ledge. Open the chest for a "Meditation Rod". Then
return back along the platforms to the ledge which contains
the staircase I told you to ignore. Go up that staircase.
Slide down the ledge. Head to the right sidde of the room
and go up the ladder. Follow the path to the south and exit
the room. Head south and go up the staircase to the left. Then
follow the path south and exit the room.
You will be outside the lighthouse again. Head to the left
and go up the stairs. Follow the path to the left and go up
then down the other stairs. The continue to the left and go
down the stairs and through the hole in the wall. Inside, head
north and go down the stairs.
Head south and slide down the ledge. Head to the right and
approach the ladder. A voice will say: "Holder of the star...
Show the power of Anemos!" So, go up the ladder and use Hover.
You will supply enough power to make the white platforms float.
Jump to platform on the right and make your way to the ledge.
Head north and go through the DOOR not the stairs.
In here, head north and go down the ladder. Head to the
southern center area of the room and use Hover on the purple
circle. Then quicly walk to the left. Pick up the item on the
ground to receive the "Red Key", slide down the ledge. Head to
the northern ceter are of the room and push the grounded
platform onto the circle to the north. Then climb up the ladder
to the right. Jump onto the platform and make your way to the
ledge on the left. Go down the stairs.
You will be back in the platform room. Head south on the
ledge you are on, ignore the ladder and head south through the
exit. You will be back outside, head south and push the white
platform one space to the right. Then head back up to the north
and step onto the purple switch. Now return to the south and
go past the gray bridge and head back into the lighthouse.
Inside, head north until you reach the end of the ledge.
Jump to the platform on the right and make your way to the
northern, center ledge containing the staircase. Go down the
Head south and go around the structure on the ledge that
you are on. You will find some floating platforms to the right.
Jump onto one and use Reveal to reveal another platform in the
center. Then make your way to the ledge on the right. Head
south and open the chest for a "Psy Crystal". Now, return to
the ledge in the center of the room. This time take the left
path and jump onto the ring of ledges. Use Reveal and make your
way to the ledge on the left. Then, follow the path south and
exit the area.
Head south and go down the stairs. Exit this room, too. You
will be back outside again. Head north and go through the door.
Inside, head up and use Cyclone on the purple thingy. You will
be taken to an area with a red door. Inspect it to open up the
menu, use the "Red Key" from the item menu and the door will
Head north in the new path and exit south. Head acorss the
bridge, but watch out, there is a head near the end blowing
whirlwinds that will bring you back to the beginning of the
bridge. Use the blocks to take cover. After you make it past
the head, go through the door at the end of the path.
You will be back inside the lighthouse. This room has a
statue of an archer. Head north past it and exit the room.
In this room, there is a Mimic to the left. It has over
1000 hp, fight it if you want. Then head to the right and
go up the stairs. Head to the left and go through the door.
This room has some logs, but it is not a puzzle. Head to
the right and push the horizantol pillar down. Then head to
the north and go up the stairs. This room is tied to the
previous room, if you fall through the cracked squares, you
will land in the previous room. As you can guess, the object
is to try to make it to the center cracked tile so that you
fall near the item in the previous room.
Head to the right and pass the first cracked tile. Now
you have a choice of two paths, take the path that you see
that doesn't have a cracke tile. Now, you are at another fork.
If you want 306 coins, go up the path and get it from the
chest, but you will have to fall down. If you don't want
the coins, head south past the statue and exit the room.
Go up the stairs to the right. Go through the door on the
left. Head to the north in this room and go through the
You will see that this entire room is made up of cracked
tiles. Do not step on just any dark tile. You have to step
on the lone tile in the southern center area of the room.
Follow my directions:
-Head to the right and step onto a cracked tile. Make your
way to the purple Hover circle. Use Hover while on top
of it and hold DOWN on the D-Pad. You should land right
below the dark tiles. Then purosely step onto the lone
dark tile that is southwest of you.
You will land in the previous room. Step onto the dark
tile, and you will be taken to the other tile room. Step onto
the dark time ahead of you. Pick up the item on the ground
after you fall to receive the "Blue Key". Head south and
push the log that is blocking your path to the south, then
head up the stairs to the north of the room.
You will be back in the first tile room. Once again, make
your way back to the southern statue and exit the room. Then,
RE-ENTER the previous room. Head to the left and use Move to
push the yellow pillar off the ledge. Then head to the right
and make your way to the entrance to the north. but DO NOT go
down the stairs. Instead head to the left and make your way to
the path near the wall. Head south and jump onto the pillar,
then head up and get the "Mist Potion" from the chest. Then
fall to the previous room, return to this room again, and exit
it from the south past the statue. Go up the stairs to the
right, through the door on the left, and up the stairs to the
north, to be back in te large tile room.
This time, head to the left and step onto the purple thingy.
Use Hover and head south. Then head to the left and use Move to
push the yellow pillar onto the purple switch. A door to the
south will open. Now, carefully make your way to the hover
circle on the RIGHT. If you fall, you have to restart the
process. Use Hover on the circle and head to the south. Then
head directly south, past the open door. But WATCH OUT, there
is a trap tile right in front of the stairs. Head past it and
go up the stairs.
Head south and go through the door. You will be back outside,
head to the left and go up the steps. You will see that there is
a block behind the archer statue. Push it onto the hole. Push it
onto the hole to complete the current and the archer will shoot
a arrow into a statue's... Never mind. Head back down the steps
and reenter the lighthouse. Go down the stairs and purposely fall
through the hole near you.
After you fall, exit south in this room. Then go down the
stairs. Through the other door. Down the stairs to the north.
Through the southern exit in the log room. Down the stairs to
the right, through the souther exit, south past the archer
statue, and back outside the lighthouse again. Head to the
left and let the one of the whirlwinds carry you to the right.
Then go through the door to enter the central tower.
Inside, follow the path and use Cyclone on the swirly thing.
Then head to the north and take the door to your right, when you
reach it. Then use Cyclone again and go though the door near you.
You will be back in the log puzzle room. Head to the north and
push the log to the north. Then head around it so that you are
to the north of it. Then head to the left and go down the stairs.
Head south and go down the ladder. Go all the way to the
right and move the grounded platform onto the purple circle.
(I made you do this before, my mistake. Sorry.) Then head
back up the ladder and jump onto the platoform. Make your
way to the left and go up the stairs. Head to the south,
jumpng when necessary, and exit south. You will be on a
ledge with a block. Push it off to the left and slide down
the ledge. Then, use Move and push it onto the hole to
complete the circuit.
Then, step onto the circle and use Hover. Head to the
left and make your way onto the ledge. Then step on the
other circle and use Hover to make your way to the long
pole where the purple balls are going up. (That sounds
wrong.) You will be carried up the upper levels.
At the top, jump to the platform on the right. Then
make your way to the ledge. Climb down the ladder and
head to the left. Use Move to push the grounded platfrom
onto the circle. Then return back up the ladder and make
your way to the ledge on the left. Head south and open
the chest for a "Potion", then return to the ledge on
the right. Head south and exit the room. Head to the
right and go through the door.
You'll be in an are with a blue door and a cylone pad.
IGNORE the door. Use Cyclone on the pad. Follow the path
to the right and go through the southern door. You will
be outside the lighthouse. Head down and push the purple
block onto the hole, lightning will strike it and the
current will be filled up with purpleness. Then head back
inside, head to the left and use Move to push the pillar
off the ledge. Step onto it and use Whirlwind on the
chain to make your way to the ledge on the left. Then
head around the ledge and use Whirlwind on the chain
again. Then head south and go past the first exit you
You will be back in the rod room again, use Cyclone,
head through the door. Go down the stairs in the log room.
In this room, DO NOT jump across the platforms, instead exit
south on the ledge. Head to the right side of the room and
use the two hover pads to reach the blue rod. Then make your
way to the ledge on the right. Exit south. Then go through
the door on the right. Use the "Blue Key" on the blue door
and head to the right. Exit south.
You will be back outside, use Hover on the circle near
you and the statue will blow you to the right. You will be
on the eastern tower. Head to the right and enter the
lighthouse. Go past the archer statue and through the
door. In this room, head up and go throug the door in the
center of the room.
You will see a djinni in this room. Head up and use Hover
on the active Hover pad. Head to the ledge on the right.
Push the L shaped block off the ledge. Then slide off the
ledge. Push it all the way to the left and onto the first
whole you reach. Another Hover pad will be activated. Use
Hover on it and head to the platform to the northwest. Use
Move and push the block off the ledge. Slide off the ledge
and push the new - shaped block onto the hole next to it.
You will see a pillar come up. Head all the way to the right
and use Hover on the rightmost pad. Use Pound on the pillar
and all the blocks will come up. Slide off the ledge.
It's time to get a djinni. Push the "L" block once space
DOWN, and three spaces to the LEFT. Push the "-" block five
spaces DOWN, and three spaces to the RIGHT. Then use Hover
on the newly activated pad and head onto the ledge containing
the djinni. Defeat it and the Jupiter djinni "Whorl" will
join you. Now, slide off the ledge. Gp back to the pillar
and push it down.
Now, return the stones to their original places. The
"-" block to the northern hole, and the "L" into the
eastern hole. After the blocks are in place. Head to the
northwestern block and use Hover to reach the ledge on
the left. Go up the stairs.
Here is another puzzle, use Pound on the pillar and
move the block that come up four spaces to the RIGHT, and
then one space UP. Go up the steps, jump to the right and
climb down the ladder. You will see a layout like this:
: | : _____
:|¯| _ _ _ |¯| _ : __/ KEY \___________
:|_|---(_)(_)(_)---|_|(_): | _ |
: | _ | _ _ | | : | (_) = Hover Pad |
: | (_)---(_)(_)----| : | |¯| |
: | | | | : | |_| = Block |
:(_)---(_)------(_)---(_): | |
:... ...: | : = Move Boundary |
: : | |
: |¯||¯||¯||¯| : |____________________|
: |_||_||_||_| :
If you want an item arrange the blocks as such:
: | :
: | _ _ |¯| |¯| _ :
: | _ | |¯||¯| | | :
: | (_)---|_||_|----| :
: | | |¯| |¯|:
:... ...:
: :
: :
: :
Then climb back up the ladder and jump across the block.
Push the block onto the hole, jump onto the platform then
make your way to the ledge with the treasue. Open it for
some "Water of Life". Then return to the pilar and Pound it
down. Put the block between the ledges and jump across climb
down the ladder and rearrange the block like this:
: | _ :
: | | | _ |¯| |¯| _ :
: | |¯| | _ _ | | :
: | |_|---(_)(_)----| :
:|¯| |¯| _ _ :
:... ...:
: :
: :
: :
Then return up the ladder, put the block into the hole and
jump onto the platform. Make your way to the ledge and exit south.
Push the pillar onto the purple switch. Then head up the
stairs to your right. Go around the block and make your way
to the stairs at the north side of the room. Go up to the next
This room is another tile puzzle. Head to the left and
follow the path until you are directly north of the square
hole. Then quickly run south past the stone head, don't let
the whirlwinds touch you, but don't run too far. Walk past
the cracked tile just below the square hole. Then make your
way to the statue. Stand in front of it and let the whirlwind
carry you to past the rectangular hole. Then walk past the
gray cracked tile and head south along the path until you
reach the staircase. Go up to the next room.
Holy Crap!!! If this doesn't cause a seizure, nothing else
will. You will notice that you are standing on a hover pad. Use
Hover and move to the left. Look at your shadow, if your shadow
is in the front on the area of the statue it will blow a
whirlwind at you causing you t fall through the cracks. Head
as far left as you can, while you are still ON the purple pads.
Then hold B and run to the north. If you did it right, you will
pass the statue unharmed. Then the second statue, head to the
north and pass the statue by, going around the rods from the
left. As in you run to the left around the rod. (Yes, for a
while you are going to be off the pads). Then run to the right
onto the ledge. Open the chest for a "Phaton's Blade" then slide
off the ledge now you can safely walk back to the entrance.
From the stairs, head to the right. Use the same methods we
used last time. Control your timing and watch your platform. I
can't give you any more advice than that. After you reach the
ledge exit the room. In here, head all the way south and you'll
be outside the lighthouse.
Just as before, climb up the steps to the right and move the
block onto the hole. The archer will fire an arrow that will
make the statue levitate and carry the large stone up. Now,
return inside the lighthouse.
Head north and go down the stairs. Slide down the ledge and
purposely fall in a hole. Head south and go around the wall.
Purposely, fall down a hole. Go down the stairs that are at the
soutern end of the room. Here, if you haven't already, push the
pillar onto the switch. Head across the bridge and go down the
stairs. Exit south. Go pas the the archer and exit the tower.
Once outside, head to the left and use Lash on the rope.
Climb down and go through the door. Follow the path to the
right and use the chains to make it all the way to the left
side of the room. Then head all the way to the south past the
swirly pad thingy and exit the room. You will be outside and
also in a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
MIA: Ahhhh!!!
MIA: Noooo!!!
IVAN: Garet!
KRADEN: Is that... It's Isaac and the others!
PIERS: Isaac? Isn't he a friend of yours, Felix?
KRADEN: They both came from Vale, and regardless of what isaac believes,
they must be allies now!
KRADEN: Don't be that way! you two have much in common, even if you are at
odds right now...
JENNA: But Isaac and the others came all this way just to try and stop is!
SHEBA: But didn't you hear that? it sounded like a cry for help... What if
they're in trouble?
ISAAC: Hang on, Mia! Don't worry, Garet! Everything will be fine!
MIA: Don't worry about me... I'm fine, but Garet...
MIA: Garet, you're only using one arm to hang on... What's the matter?
GARET: I don't know... I think I hurt my arm when I fell... It's totally numb!
I can't move it!
MIA: You shouldn't have tried to save me when I fell into that hole...
GARET: Oh, Mia, don't balme yourself... I wasn't going to leave you down there!
MIA: It's no use! I can't pull you up, Garet! I'm not strong enough!
MIA: Isaac, please! You're got to save Garet!
ISAAC: This doesn't look good... We have to save Garet, and fast!
AGATIO: No, I'm afraid you won't be doing that...
IVA: Who are you!?
KARST: Me? Why, I'm Karst.
AGATIO: And I'm Agatio.
ISAAC: If you're not here to help my friends, then get out of my way, so I can
do it myself!
KARST: Your friends will have to take care of themselves. You have a litle
debt to repay.
IVAN: Debt? What are you talking about? We've never even seen you before!
AGATIO: Regardless, you have done Karst here a great wrong, and you're
beginning to bea hinderance to us.
ISAAC: Wait a second... You two look familiar somehow... Do you know Saturos
and Menardi?
KARST: So, you're not such a fool after all, Isaac! You are right. We are of
the same clan.
The Fire Clan, from the frozen land of Prox, far to the north!
IVAN: Prox? Never heard of it.
AGATIO: That doesn't surprse me. Our town hangs on the brink of extinction.
AGATIO: And the seal placed on Alchemy is responsible!
ISAAC: What are you saying? That doesn't make any sense.
KARST: It matters no! For soon, Prox will recover its lost power...
AGATIO: We shall bring Prox back from he edge, and then all the people of
Weyard will kneel before us!
IVAN: You think we'd let you, after hearing all that nonsense?
KARST: See! You're a hindrance!
ISAAC: And Felix was trying to help you?
AGATIO: Actually...we don't know what Felix's objectives are.
KARST: And we don't care, as long as he lights the beacon on Jupiter Lighthouse.
IVAN: Then get out of our way! We're here to stop Felix!
IVAN: Move or we'll have to move you ourselves!
AGATIO: Did you hear that, Karst? They actually want to fight?
KARST: You mean to tell is that you would leave your friends...hanging?
ISAAC: So this was all part of your plan?
IVAN: Cowards! Stop playing dirty and fight fair!
AGATIO: If you really are the brats who killed Saturos and Menardi, them you've
earned some new foes!
KARST: But answer me this: would you still vry fould if you were fighting us
four on two?
IVAN: That's why you were waiting up here? To set a trap and make Mia and Garet
AGATIO: We didn't plan on snaring both of them, though... That WAS a pleasent
ISAAC: So that's the deal, is it? You came up here to fight up?
KARST: Oh, did you figure that out all on your own? Impressive! I'm quite fond
of intelligent boys...
IVAN: I hope you don't think we're afraid of a fair fight, two on two...
AGATIO: A fair fight?
KARST: I'm sorry if I misled you, but we have a third... A Water Adept... Alex!
KARST: Alex? ...Where is he?
AGATIO: What's wrong, Karst?
KARST: It's Alex! He's gone!
AGATIO: What!?
ISAAC: Alex!
IVAN: Alex?
KARST: Did anyone see where he went?
AGATIO: Forget about him! Honestly, I was planning to do the same to him that
I'm about to do to them!
AGATIO: My only regret is that I won't be able to wipe that sneering smile off
his face.
KARST: Well, take out all your agression on these brates... You'll feel better!
KRADEN: Felix! Agatio and Karst are attacking Isaac and the others!
SHEBA: Do you think Isaac and Ivan can handle them without Mia and Garet's
PIERS: I'm disgusted that karst would set a trap for the. It's dishonorable!
JENNA: What is Garet loses his grip while they're still fighting?
KRADEN: There's still time! We have to help Isaac!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene, head throug the door near you. Inside
the lighthouse, go up the stairs to the north. Go throug the
door on the left. Head to the north and jump onto the ledge.
Use Reveal and make your way to the right. Head up the stairs
to the north.
In thie platform room, jump to the ledge on the right and
make your way to the ledge on the right. Then on the ledge,
jump DOWN onto the platform. Follow the path to the ledge and
slide down. *****SAVE YOUR GAME!!!!*****Head all the way to
the left and climb up the ladder. Try to head to the left and
you'll enter another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
ALEX: Ah, Felix... I've been waiting for you.
ALEX: Have you come here to light the beaon?
ALEX: And you're sure that's ALL you're going to do?
ALEX: Hmph. They consider you their enemy, and yet you pity them.
ALEX: I saw you watching when Isaac's friends fell into Karst's trap.
ALEX: I know you, Felix. I know that if you leave Isaac behind, you'll regret
ALEX: You're not like me. You can't simply discard someone who is no longer of
use to you.
ALEX: Well, you'd better hurry if you still hope to save them.
ALEX: There you go! Consider it a gift. You can still make it. Go on...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
That was unusually nice for him. Isaac talking, Alex worrying,
Garet dangling; what's happening to the world? Anyway, head to the
south and exit into another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
IVAN: Isaac... I'm sorry... I can't take any more...
ISAAC: Keep it together, Ivan!
AGATIO: Ha! You're a fool! Never let concern distract you in battle!
KARST: We did it, Agatio!
AGATIO: It was close, but we did it.
KARST: Heh... He's no warrior. His concern for his friend gave us the
opportunity to strike!
AGATIO: What's this? He's still alive!? Even after that blow?
KARST: It would be a shame if you and I ever had to regret letting him alive...
KRADEN: Isaac! Watch out!
KRADEN: He's still alive! If we're going to act, Felix, we have to act now!
SHEBA: They're going to kill Isaac!
JENNA: No, they aren't! I'm not about to let that happen!
PIERS: None of us are, Jenna!
AGATIO: Felix? What's going on?
KARST: Be grateful! We just did you a favor!
AGATIO: I understand that when Venus was lit, the ground shook so fiercely
that the very earth split.
Curious that it hasn't here!
KARST: You haven't lit the beacon yet, have you? And after all we've done to
help you!
KRADEN: We're going to light the becon right now...
AGATIO: If that's true, then you'd better go do it!
SHEBA: But we're not leaving Isaac behind.
KARST: Oh, great... Are you going to betray us now?
KARST: Typical. And you're going to try to stop us from finishing them off,
aren't you?
KARST: Don't lie... We can see it in your eyes. We can see what you truly
mean to do.
PIERS: If you're only here to clear the way for us to light the beacon, then
your work is done.
AGATIO: Isaac has proven to be a greater foe that we'd imagined. We can't let
him live.
KARST: Consider how powerful these two were without the aid of a Water Adept.
We have to finish them.
JENNA: IF you want then, you're going to have to face us first!
KRADEN: You're both quite badly injured... You're in no shpae to fight all four
of them.
I think it would be best if you left now.
KARST: We haven't much choce...
AGATIO: Karst, no!
KARST: Agatio, if we fight Felix now...we'll be destroyed.
AGATIO: Isaac killed you sister! Where is your anger!?
KARST: I am filled with rage, but not so much as to be blinded by it.
AGATIO: What, then? Do we give up?
AGATIO: Fine! But this is not the end.
KARST: Do with Isaac as you will.
AGATIO: But swear this oath to us: if we leave now, you will light the beacon's
AGATIO: I don't care if you want to help Garet or not! The lighthouse comes
AGATIO: We do not have time to wait for you to save Garet!
KRADEN: Go, Felix. I will tend to Garet.
KARST: And be sure to bring with you the Mars Star that Isaac carries on him.
KRADEN: How did you know about the Mars Star?
AGATIO: Did you think this was about nothing more than revenge? Alex told us
about it!
KARST: Take the Mars Star, or we'll be forced to make you!
AGATIO: Do not force our hand on this!
ISAAC: Go on, Felix. Take it.
ISAAC: I don't know why you're doing this, but I trust you... Take the Mars
KARST: That's betterm Felix. We'll be waiting for you on the aerie.
PIERS: Felix, wait...
PIERS: We cannot trust them. Take me with you...
SHEBA: Good thinking. If somehthing happends up there, you'll be safer with
JENNA: We'll be fine. Take Piers with you...
KRADEN: Listen to the others... Safety in numbers, as they say...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene, you will be inside the lighthouse with
just Felix and Piers. Head to the north and go up the stairs. Go
to the right and jump onto the platform. Make your way to the
ledge on the right. Follow the path to the south and exit the
room. Go up the stairs to your left. Run all the way to the
south and exit the room. You will be at the aerie. Go up the
steps and Karst will yell at you for being late. Agatio will
tell you to light the beacon. Head up and you will be asked if
you want to throw the Jupiter Star in. Do it and you'll enter
yet another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
PIERS: I've heard tales of this...
PIERS: But I had no idea it would be so spectacular.
PIERS: We have ignited the beacon... The third lighthouse is lit... Now, let
us go...
KARST: I don't think so...
AGATIO: You see, you've betrayed us once already...
KARST: We simply can't trust you anymore...
AGATIO: And now that Jumpiter Lighthouse is lit, I'm afraid we have little use
for traitors.
KARST: Poor dear... You look puzzled. Would you like to know why we don't need
KARST: I'd be happy to tell you. Mars Lighthouse is in Prox.
KARST: Figured it out, have you? Yes, Mars Lighthouse is in Prox.
PIERS: What are you doing!?
KARST: Your job is done now.
PIERS: We're not done yet...
AGATIO: We've got the Mars Star! We don't need you anymore!
KARST: You know what that means, of course, don't you?
KARST: Exactly! That means it's time to die, Felix!
KARST: No? Well, how can I put this? It's time to die!
PIERS: But what will happen to Felix's parents?
AGATIO: We keep our promises! Once all four lighthouses have been lit, we shall
release them!
KARST: We would never do anything as terrible as breaking our word... as you
have done so casually.
AGATIO: But if you're dead... Who will come to take them home from Prox?
KARST: I guess they'll just have to spend their remaining years in the frozen
wastelands of the north!
AGATIO: Don't worry! They'll be fine! Now prepare for the end!
----- BATTLE -----
You will enter battle with Agatio and Karst. You have to
try to survive for two turns. After that Jenna will appear and
provide back up. The battle will resume for two more turns then
Sheba will appear and provide backup. Now, you have to beat them,
use everything you have and destroy them, be sure to heal. Get
Agatio first because one of his attacks does massive damage.
He has about 4000 Hp and Karst has about 3000 Hp. Also Karst
has an attack that uses up some of your djinn so that they are
in Rest mode. After the battle you will get some forgeable dark
----- BATTLE -----
PIERS: We did it... We beat them...
JENNA: Barely...
SHEBA: What should we do with them?
AGATIO: Finish us!
KARST: But think what happens to your parents if neither we nor Saturos and
Menardi return?
JENNA: Are you saying your people will kill our parents if you don't return to
Prox? I doubt that!
AGATIO: Well then, I suppose you'd better finish us off, like I said.
KARST: What's the matter? Are you going to do it or not?
ALEX: No, Felix! Don't!
ALEX: You've made the better choice, Felix.
JENNA: When did you get here, Alex?
ALEX: If Karst is not bluffing... If you kill them, all your efforts have been
for naught.
ALEX: Do you understand, Felix? If that happens, Isaac will suffer the same fate
you do...
SHEBA: Alex! What are you doing!?
ALEX: I have revived them.
JENNA: Why!? Are you going to make us fight them again?
ALEX: Don't worry, Jenna. Look at them... They can barely walk right now.
PIERS: Still, that doesn't give you the rigth to...
ALEX: If you're not going to finish them off, you'll be leaving them here,
won't you?
AGATIO: You're not going to help us defeat these brats?
KARST: You'd better not be expecting a big thank-you for this, Alex!
ALEX: Of course not, karst. I would never ask for your gratitude.
KRADEN: What's keeping Felix and the others?
ALEX: We should be going before Isaac and the others arrive.
SHEBA: If they're coming up, how do you plan on avoiding them on your way down?
ALEX: Do not worry about us... We'll just take the elevator.
ALEX: Now that hte lighthouse has been lit, it should be fully operational
KRADEN: Oh! You're looking better!
ISAAC: Felix, Jenna...
JENNA: Isaac... Garet...
GARET: Man! They got away! What a bunch of jerks!
ISAAC: All right, Felix! We want to know what's going on!
KRADEN: It's all quite complicated, Isaac. There are a number of eextenuating
GARET: What are you talking about, Kraden?
IVAN: Look, I don't think any of us are in any shape for another fight right
ISAAC: What do you mean, Ivan?
IVAN: I'm just saying we should get ourselves back to Contigo and sort things
out there.
KRADEN: That's a sound plan, Ivan... I fully agree.
ISAAC: You're right. We can't fight rigt now. Let's head back to Contigo.
What do you say, Felix? Can we talk there?
ISAAC: We'll be waiting for you... So don't think you can sneak off again!
JENNA: He's right, Felix. It's time we explained ourselves to them. We
should go to Contigo.
JENNA: We'll be there, Isaac. I promise. I hope you can still trust me.
ISAAC: I've never stopped trusting you, Jenna. I'll be waiting for you in
ISAAC: We'll be expecting you. Don't think you can sneak out of this! You
owe us an explanation!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After all those cuscenes and battle you finally regain control.
Then head out of the light house and return to Contigo.
<| ## CONTIGO Revisited #################################### CODE : [CNTR] # |>
Once you are back in Contigo, enter the house on top of the
hill in the northwest corner of the town. Once inside you immediately
enter a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
ISAAC: I'm glad you kept your promise, Felix.
GARET: All right, let's hear what he has to say for himself!
JENNA: What can we sat, Isaac? Has Felix ever harmed you? Have we ever fought
against you?
SHEBA: Felix's been avoiding you, but he never had any intention of fighiting
you or anything...
MIA: And he defenitely helped us out back at Jupiter Lighthouse.
IVAN: Isaac's been worrying abouy Jenna nonstop since this noghtmare began!
How could she run away from him like that?
PIERS: She was afraid that if we met, we would be forced to fight... She didn't
want that.
ISAAC: I know that, now... But it doesn't explain why you're doing this...
KRAdEN: Felix betrayed his hometown, Vale... That's why he hasn't been able to
face Isaac.
KRADEN: Felix hoped to play the villian alone, without getting Jenna or me
GARET: He betrayed Vale? Kraden, what are you talking about?
KRADEN: He conspired to steal the Elemental Stars and fire the beacons of the
four lighthouses.
MIA: That's what Saturos and Menardi were trying to do...
IVAN: Why were you helping them?
JENNA: Our parents' lives were at stake! We had to help!
GARET: Parents? But ...your parents died three years ago, in that storm...
KRADEN: That night, Saturos and his men had raided Sol Sanctum... The strom was
their doing.
JENNA: Garet, you saw two two strangers that night——Saturos and Menardi.
They were the only survivors of Saturos's raiding party.
KRADEN: They had failed to solve the mystery of Sol Sanctum. In doing so, they
triggered the strom.
JENNA: Everyone thought that you were killed by that boulder, Felix.
I can't tell you how glad I was to find you were alive!
KRADEN: In fact, nobody was killed by the boulder that day!
ISAAC: So that means...
IVAN: Wait a minute, Kraden... Did you just say that nobody was killed by that
MIA: But what about Isaac's dad? And Jenna and Felix's parents? I thought they'd
died that day!
ISAAC: I'm not so sure now...
KRADEN: Yes! If Felix survived, Kyle and the others may have as well...
MIA: Why didn't you tell us? We could have worked together to save your parents,
couldn't we?
IVAN: Except that we had only just begun our journey, and wer simply weren't
strong enough.
IVAN: He's right. They were too powerful then... It would have been
KRADEN: There's more to it than that. He has another reason to light the
lighthouse beacons.
KRADEN: Unless the lighthouse beacons are all lit, Weyard will eventually be
ISAAC: Destroyed? Why?
PIERS: King Hydros, ruler of Lemuria, says that our world is steadily
SHEBA: Elemental energy drives the growth of civilization. Without it, we and
our world will wither.
MIA: All that because the lighthouses aren't illuminated?
KRADEN: According to my reasearch, that seens to be the case.
GARET: But...once the lighthouses are all lit, you said the world would end
KRADEN: That...might be true, too... But if we do nothing, the world will
definitely end.
ISAAC: Wait for the end of the world to come or wind up accidentally triggering
it ourselves...
What a choice...
KRADEN: Nothing is certain. There is no way to prevent the world from reaching
its natural end.
KRADEN: However, we can fight to save the world from withering away due to the
actions of men.
GARET: And, Felix, you knew this? You were helping them because you knew what
was happening?
GARET: You're a lot smarter than I remember you being...
GARET: You just figured it out along the way, huh? That's still pretty darned
ISAAC: Why did you wait so long to tell me? I would have helped you...
KRADEN: You wouldn't have done it before, Isaac...
It would have meant violating the sacred teachings of Vale.
HAMMA: Now that we know all of this, shouldn't we be going?
MIA: Hamma!
HAMMA: Hello again...
KRADEN: Hamma! You...know Isaac? And his companions, too?
ISAAC: We met at the temple on the edge of the Lamakan Desert...
HAMMA: I'm Hamma, descendant of the Anemos.
HAMMA: I was born in Contigo, and I inherited the power of the Anemos.
GARET: Hey... We just got into Contigo, and we found out this is where Ivan was
MIA: Yeah... We also learned that he's got a a sister!
SHEBA: Sister... You don't mean...
HAMMA: That would be me, yes.
HAMMA: Not now, Ivan... This isn't the time.
HAMMA: Three lighthouses have been lit... The elements have been throuwn out of
HAMMA: Jupiter is growing stronger, and the north growns colder with every
passing moment.
HAMMA: You must hurry to Mars Lighthouse. Ignite its beacon, before all of
Weyard freezes...
JENNA: Mars Lighthouse? Agatio has the Mars Star. He's on his way to light it
HAMMA: I doubt they will be able to light the Mars beacon...
PIERS: Why's that?
HAMMA: There is a powerful force that does not want to see Mars rekindled.
HAMMA: You will fail as well...unless you pool your strengths and fight as one.
KRADEN: This is bad. We have to!
HAMMA: I had hoped that you would feel that way...
HAMMA: I've prepared a gift for you, to aid on your way to Mars Lighthouse.
HAMMA: I must leave you now, but we will meet at the inlet.
JENNA: I'm sorry we left Venus Lighthouse without seeing you... I'm sorry for
making you worry...
JENNA: Maybe when this is all over, we can all go on a trip together.
SHEBA: Hey, Jenna, you sure seem calm, considering that we're racing to meet our
MIA: I'm just relieved that we've sorted our differences...
PIERS: Me too, Mia... We could not have stood divided against a common foe.
GARET: Yeah, I guess I'm a little happy that we're not going to have to beat
Felix up.
ISAAC: Listen, this is Felix's quest now... We're just doing what we can to help
JENNA: Aren't you happy?
KRADEN: Everything's finally come together... This is how it was meant to
be, Felix.
KRADEN: Don't worry about the future, Felix... Enjoy this brief moments
KRADEN: But Hamma's waiting for us. Let's go to our ship!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene Isaac and Co. will join you. Be sure to
check their equipment and stats. And remeber to EQUIP!!! You can
also customize your party now... So if you need to level up Isaac
and co, be sure to do that...
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have the Psynergy Force from the GS1 then
you can find a djinni. Use Force on the stump behind the inn and
the Mars Djinni Shine will pop out. Inspect him to acquire him.
If you don't have Force, then tough luck, you should have supported
Nintendo, you heathen.
When you're done, head out of the town and return to your boat...
At the Inlet, head south. If you try to go to the left, you
will be stopped by two sailors who urge you to hurry and get to
your boat. They want to see it fly. IF YOU WANT A DJINNI READ ON:
before you enter the Inlet, you will see a boulder nearby. Firstly,
use Cyclone on the small grass behind the boulder. Then use your
newly acquired Lift psynergy on the boulder. Inspect it to have the
Venus djinni Geode join you. So head to the right and enter the
Inlet. You wil notice there are a pair of wings on your ship. So
climb up the ledge and approach Hamma, you will enter another
-------- CUTSCENE --------
HAMMA: I've been waiting for you, Felix.
HAMMA: Take a look at your ship.
HAMMA: Now that you have been given wings, all obstacles in your path will
vanish forever...
HAMMA: However, it is not the wings that grant your ship the power of flight.
HAMMA: Psynergy is the force that powers the Wings of Anemos.
HAMMA: If this ship is to fly, you will need to focus the power of your minds...
HAMMA: You have recently visited Shaman Village recently, have you not?
HAMMA: Now is the time to make use of the powers you acquired there.
HAMMA: Now... Use the power of Hover to raise your ship!
HAMMA: At first, you may not want to move your ship too high or too far...
HAMMA: It will be difficult at first, but that is to be expected... After all,
this id your first flight.
HAMMA: But your quest should not demand much more of you...
HAMMA: Now, be confident and set sail!
HAMMA: All of Contigo is watching... Show them your power, and make your vessel
(Head onto your boat)
SAILOR: Hey, wait!
SAILOR: Master Hammet requested that I deliver this to Isaac, and I totally
forgot about it!
HAMMA: Well, you'd better hurry.
SAILOR: I'm supposed to deliver this to Isaac... It's not too late, is it?
HAMMA: On my way here, I stopped in Kalay briefly to speak with Master Hammet.
HAMMA: He was quite upset that you hadn't returned to visit him so that he
could thank you.
HAMMA: So he requested that I take this with me to Atteka.
HAMMA: It is a gift of thanks from Master Hammet. Take it, please.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
As you approach the helm, Kraden will ask you if you're
setting off. In the ocean, you will see that your boat will
fly if you hold down the B button, so head south and fly over
the reefs and enter another...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
IVAN: We did it! The ship took off without a hitch!
GARET: Yeah, but...shouldn't it be flying a little higher than this?
MIA: Hamma told us that we wouldn't be able to fly very high until we were more
familiar with Hover.
ISAAC: Let's see how far we can take this thing!
JENNA: Sheba, what's wrong? You don't look happy...
SHEBA: Do you remember on Idejima, when I told you I had my own reasons for
joining your quest?
KRADEN: You were so secretive! Are you going to tell us now?
SHEBA: ... ...
JENNA: You've gone quiet again... It's OK... You don't have to tell us if
you're not ready yet.
SHEBA: I thought that if I went to Jupiter Lighthouse, I would learn who I
ISAAC: I remember the people of Lalivero talking about how Sheba fell from the
SHEBA: All my life, I've been looking for the answer... Where was I born, and
why was I abandoned?
PIERS: You knew Felix was going to Jupiter Lighthouse eventually, and so you
went along with him.
MIA: But you didn't find any answers, did you, Sheba?
IVAN: I'm sorry, Sheba... I was so excited to find Contigo that I didn't
consider your feelings.
GARET: What? Why is everyone so down all of a sudden?
SHEBA: ... ...
GARET: Faran raised Sheba like his own daughter. He's cared for her ever since
he first found her!
SHEBA: Yes, that's true, but...
GARET: But you can never be his real daughter, is that it?
JENNA: Garet! You don't have to be so blunt about it!
MIA: No, he's right... I'd want to know my real parents, no matter how caring
Faran might have been.
GARET: You think so? If it were me, I doubt it'd bother me at all...
KRADEN: Sheba, you may not know this, but you and I are very similar...
SHEBA: What do you mean?
KRADEN: Well, it's not exactly the same situation, but...
KRADEN: I was born in a poor village. My memmories are hazy, but I still
remember it.
KRADEN: I was only four when Babi took me under his wing.
KRADEN: You see, even though I was young, I was quite intelligent. Babi had
heard about me...
ISAAC: And Babi took you to Tolbi to further your education, to raise you as a
KRADEN: I was separated from my parents so early in my life... I've never known
the comforts of a true home.
SHEBA: Faran has always been like a father to me... I must have been very lucky.
KRADEN: I should say so.
SHEBA: Thank you, Kraden... I feel better now...
KRADEN: I'm glad I could help.
KRADEN: Well, we should be going... Let's hurry on, Felix!
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscene, you regain control of your vessel.
Here's a few tips while using the flying boat:
1. You can pass the reefs.
2. You can fly over land.
3. On land you can't pass mountains, trees, or cliffs.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want a djinni then follow the
following direction: Fly over the second barrier reef and
follow the coastline of the continent to the east. When you
reach two beaches separated by a river. Fly over the southern
river and follow the dusty trail while ON YOUR BOAT. Cross
the river and continue along the path and cross a second river.
Then get off your boat and enter...
<| ## ATTEKA CAVERN ######################################## CODE : [ATKC] # |>
We're here to get a summon tablet, so head to the right and
you'll eventually reach a dead end. From there, use Parch while
facing the water to evaporate it. Then head to the left side of
the room and climb up the ladder. Follow the path and go down
the second ladder. Head south and climb up the ledge with the
tablet. Inspect it and you will be able to summon Coatlicue (3
Mercury and 3 Jupiter). Who restores all HP for all characteres!!!
Now return to your boat.
<| ## SW ATTEKA ISLE ####################################### CODE : [ATKI] # |>
In this island you can find a djinn if you haven't transfered
data from your old game. On this island head south and climb down
the vines. Push the pillar off the ledge. Then head back up the
vines and push the crate off the ledge by by pushing it off the
western edge. Then return back down the vines and jump across the
platforms and open the chest for some forgeable "Dragon Skin". For
the djinni head to the north of the place where you pushed the
crate and use Lift on the boulder, jump across the boulders and
get the Jupiter djini without a fight, but ONLY if you didn't
transfer data.
<| ## KALT ISLAND ########################################## CODE : [KLTI] # |>
All right, head to the northernmost snowcovered island, enter
the one-housed village and right away you'll see the djinn. If you
head to the right you'll see a frozen bridge. Here's the instructions:
1. Head left.
2. Head down.
3. Head right.
4. Head up.
5. Head left.
6. Head up.
7. Head right.
8. Head up.
9. Head left.
10. Head up.
11. Head right.
12. Head up.
13. Head left.
14. Head down.
15. Head left.
Then climb up the ladder and use Lash on the coil. Climb up and
head to the right go down the ladder and talk to the djinn. The
Mercury Djinni Gel will join you without a fight. Then return to
the frozen river. If you want an apple you can go: Right, Down,
Left, Down, Left and use Catch to get it. Then return to your ship.
That's a long title! Oh, well...
Head to the Shaman Village which is on the continent to your
southwest. If you go up the southernmost river and follow it to
the center of the continent you will reach the Shaman Village
cave. Enter it and head north you will be stopped by three
knights who introduce themselves as the three knights who
Isaac beat in the Colosso in Tolbi. They think that Isaac
cheated in their match, because there was no possiible way
that he could have won. Teach them a lesson. After an extremely
easy battle (HP: >1000) they will realize the error of their
ways. They will ask you to forgive them and leave you the Golden
From there, head up and enter the door directly to your
north. Use Lift on the eastermost boulder. Then head north and
jump onto the ledge to your left. Then head down and use Lift
on the boulder. Return back to the entrance of the room, but
DON'T exit. Use Lift on the westernmost boulder and head north.
Use Frost on the Puddle and continue north. Use Whirlwind on
the bush and climb up the ladder. Then jump to the left and
make your way to the side of the ledge facing the frozen pillar.
Jump across to the other ledge and head south and jump onto the
ledge with the djinni. When you approach it, it will run off to
the other ledge. Follow it and it's path will be blocked by a
boulder. Defeat it to have the Mercury djinni Eddy join you.
Eddy? Why Eddy? I guess the game developers were running out of
Anyway, return to the place in the room where you used
Cyclone. From there head to the right and follow the path
south to the next room. Use the pillar to jump across to the
ledge on the right. Head to the right and exit the cave. Head
to Shaman Village.
In the village head all the way to the north and enter Trial
Road. Take the left path and enter the Road. When you make it to
the top, use Hover on the purple pad and walk to the left. Enter
the cave and use Lift on the boulder. Then follow all the stairs
down and go through the door. Then follow the path and you will
be back outside. You will be an area with a djinni, but it seems
that there is a geyser blocking your path. So use Reveal and jump
across it, defeat the djinni to receive the Jupiter Djinni Gasp.
Now return to Shaman Village then go back to your boat.
<| ## TREASURE ISLE ######################################## CODE : [TRSLI] # |>
Treasure Isle is located on the Eastern Sea. It is the
northernmost island sorrounded my rocks. You can get to the
eastern sea by passing through the Gondowan Cliffs. Treasure
Isle is COMPLETELY unnecessary for beating the game. But I
STRONGLY reccomend you go there. There's a TON of rare items
and weapons. Especially swordys, shiny shapr swordys. The
boss at the end is tough, but it is an extremely good place
to level up. If you don't want to come here, just skip to the
next station. And you should only come here if you have Isaac...
When you reach the island you will have to circle around
the rocks and land on the beach. Enter the cavern...
When you enter, head north and you will have a choice of
four doors. Head through the westernmost door and open the two
chests for 161 coins and a "Lucky Medal". The two nearby rooms
contain empty chests. So ignroe them and head all way to the
right and head through the door.
Jump across all four green platforms, (The 6 treasure chests
are empty.) and step on the switch. All the plateus will rise
from the ground. From there use Grind on the plateu to your
right. Jump across the platforms and exit south.
In this room, jump across the platforms and jump to the
solid ground. Then jump to the right on to the other ledge.
Head around the rocks and jump north platform. Jump across
all the platforms until you reach the area with the log.
Push the rock so that it is to the righ of the switch, like
^ ^ ^ ^
^ # ^ -> ^ # ^ ^ = Rock
^ # S ^ -> ^ S # ^ # = pillar
^ ^ ^ ^ S = Switch.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Then head back across the platforms, use Grind on the plateu
if you stepped on the switch, Then use Move across the rock
to push the pillar onto the switch. When the pillar rises,
head to the left side of the room and climb up the ledge and
walk across the tightrope. Jump across the plateu to the other
ledge. Climb down and jump across the pillars to the exit.
In this room, head to the north and step onto the switch.
Three plateus will rise from the water. Use Grind the right-
most plateu and head north. Climb up the ledge with the
tightrope and cross the rope. Then head to the left and climb
down the ledge. Open the chest for a "Jester's Armlet". Go
back up the ledge and cross the rope. Climb down the ledge
and continue to the left. Use Move and push the pillar one
space to the left. Then jump onto the ledge with the pillar
and push it onto the groove. Then head north and exit the
In this room you have two choices, first head south (the
chest is a mimic). Then exit south. Jump across the two
platforms and use Move to push the pillar one space to the
left. Jump onto the ledge and push the pillar onto the
groove. Head south and jump onto the platform, then head to
the left and climb onto the ledge. Jump across the plateu
and climb down the other ledge. The contents of the chest
are (from top to bottom, left to right) "Sylph Feather",
"Rusty Axe", "Star Dust", 911 coins, "Psy Crystal", and
a "Cookie". Climb back up the ledge and exit the room the
way you came.
This time in the fork room take the northern path and
go down the stairs. Head south and use Lift on the boulder.
Head north and head west along the path and open the chest
for a "Iris Robe". Then head south and follow the path.
Use Lift on the boulder when you reach it. Then exit
through the north.
In this room you have three boulders blocking your
paths. Use Lift on the central boulder and head north.
Climb up the ledge when you can and jump to the ledge to
your right. Walk across the rope and open the chest for
a "Fire Brand" which uneleashes Purgatory and it's +176.
Cool, huh? Then return back across the rope but don't
climb down the ledge. Instead jump to the ledge on the
left get on the rope. But DON'T cross it. Instead get
of the rope and land to the left. Then jump to the ledge
on the left. Cross this rope south and defeat the djinni
to have the Jupiter djinni Gale join you. Then exit the
room, and re-enter.
This time use Lift on the western-most boulder. Head
north and use Lift again. Head north and jump to the
ledge on the right. Then jump again to the right. Follow
the path and use lift on the boulder. Head south a little
and jump to the ledge on the left. Then climb up the
ledge and jump to the left. Go across the rope and jump
to the ledge on the right, then again to the right. Climb
down the ledge and exit south. Push the pillar onto the
groove. Then return north to the previous room. This time
take the northern room.
Head north and you'll reach a fork. Take the eastern
path and follow it and go through the door at the end.
This room contains a boss... Head north across the
platforms and approach the tablet and the Star Magician
will ask you to prove your worth... So prove it.
HP: Star Magican ~ 7500
Refresh Ball ~ 400
Guardian Ball ~ 400
Thunder Ball ~ 500
Anger Ball ~ 550
DIFFICULTY: 5/5 this guy is hard!
STRATEGY/TIPS: This guy is hella hard, be sure to take out the Refresh ball
so that he can't heal. He can also attack 2/3 times a turn.
Make sure you conetrate on him and his Refresh Ball. Be sure to
bring Mia around to use Pure Wish often. And remember Refresh
ball heals, Guardian ball beefs up defense, Thunder ball attacks
with mostly Jupiter Psynergy, and Aner ball attacks physically.
Be sure to attack his balls constantly. (o_0)
REWARD: The extra strong Azul Summon.
After the extrememly hard battle, (where you prbably
leveled up 20 times) you get to get the Azul summon (4 mercury,
3 Venus). Now use Retreat and return to your boat.
<| ## YALLAM Revisited ##################################### CODE : [YLM2] # |>
I bet you're forgeable items are piling up, so you should
take a little trip to Yallam. If you want to that is, if you
don't, then skip this section. You can get to Yallam by flying
over the reefs that surround the northeastern-most beach on
the southeastern most continent (The one that is not covered
by snow). Here you can forge your items but while you're
there and ONLY IF you have the Force Psynergy, you can get a
powerful new weapon.
On the left side of the Blacsmith's house there is a log,
use Force to topple it, then head to the north of it and
jump south onto the broken log. Then jump to the left and
use Cyclone to reaveal a hidden ladder. Climb down to enter
a hidden cavern. Go through it and open the chest to get
the Masamune, which doesn't look Japanese at all... :P
You can forge your items here if you want. Then you should
return to your boat. Check the Forged Items section if
you want to see the chart. Return to your boat.
<| ## MAGMA ROCK ########################################## CODE : [MGMA] # |>
Now, head back to the Western Sea through the Gondowan
Cliffs. Now open your map. You'll see a large continent on
the center of the map. It contains Kibombo if you're unsure
which it is. It was the continent on the west while you were
passing through the Gondowan Cliffs. It's shaped like South
America... How clear do I have to be, people! If you still
don't understand, it's the large central continent, longer
than it is wide, with three small islands on the southern
tip. Okay? All right, if you look at the center of that
continent, you'll see one large river that braches off to
four tributaries. Head onto that river from the two beaches
on the west side of the continent.
Follow the river north as much as you can, until you
are blocked by some rocks. Now, get off your boat and onto
the land on the left. Head north along the trail and you
will be near Magma Rock.
As you know, this is your last elemental dungeon,
so let's cherish the moments. *Plays cheesy flashbacks*
All right, head north and use Lift on the boulder. Continue
up and when you reach the door to the cavern, DO NOT enter.
Instead, head up the ladders around the door. When you
reach the top of the ledge, you will be at what seems to
be a dead end. But if you head east, you'll see a head,
we'll call these Magma heads from now on. Climb onto the
ledge with the magma head and use Burst on it. It'll shoot
a fireball to the crumbly pillar, breaking it. Climb down
the ledge and climb up the ledge where the pillar was
destroyed. Then head to the left and push the pillar
onto the gray groove. Climb up the ladder near you and
slide down the slide to your left.
Now, use Burst on the head and quickly climb up the
ledge near you. Jump onto the head, when its head rises
up, quickly jump onto the ledge to your left. Then safely
climb down the ladder and then up the ladder to safely
reach the other side. Climb up the small ladder and push
the pillar onto the groove. Then climb up the ladder onto
the next area.
If you want an item (Oil Drop) head to the right and
climb down the ladder. Then, climb UP the ladder to the
right. Use Burst on the head to the left. Now head to the
right and you will have a choice of two vines. Use Growth
on the vine to the right. (To get growth equip at least
one Mars djinni on Felix or Isaac.) Then climb up. Climb
up the second ladder and head left. Slide down the ledge
and use Burst on the head. Then slide down the ledge.
Now, use Growth on the vine near you and climb up.
Once again, use Burst on the head and jump onto its head
to let it lift you up. Once at the top, jump onto the
ledge on the left. Push the pillar onto the groove. DO
NOT climb up the ladder, it leads to a dead end. Instead,
head to the left and exit the area.
Here, you have a choice of four slides. If you want
383 coins, slide down the third slide from the left. Then
open the chest. Slide down and use Burst on the head and
head up. Climb up the ladder to return to the junction of
slides. This time slide down the second slide. Use Lash
on the rope and climb up. Jump onto the ledge with the
magma head and use Burst on it. Then quickly slide down
the western most slide and jump onto the ledge on the
right. Quickly climb up the ladder and jump onto the top
of the head. When it lifts you jump to the ledge to your
Here, climb up the ladder onto the ledge. Head to the
right and climb down the ladder. Push the pillar onto the
groove. Climb up the ladder, but DO NOT exit the area.
Instead, climb around the pilar and back onto the ledge.
Head to the right and climb up the other ladder and exit
the area.
On the ladder head left, when it forks. On the ledge,
head to the left and jump onto the western ledge. Climb
up the ladder on the middle of the ledge. Then, use Move
to push the pillar, one space to the right. Then return
down the ladder. Jump back east to the other ledge. Then
climb up the ladder to your north. Then up the second
ladder. From there, jump onto the crumbly pillar to your
left. Jump three times until you are on the wooden pillar.
Then jump back onto the crumbly pillar. Head south from
there and use Burst on the head. It'll desroy the pilar
that blocked your path when you entered the area. Now,
walk across the rope and slide down the ledge. Then head
to the right and jump back onto the eastern ledge. Climb
down the ladder and climb up onto the ledge where the
pillar was destroyed. Push the wooden pillar onto the
groove. Then head to the east and exit the area.
In this area, climb up the small ladder near you and
head to the right. Climb down two consecutive ladders and
you'll be back in the previous area. Head to the left and
push the pillar onto the groove. Then continue on to the
left and open the chest for a Salamander Tail. Then return
to the previous area and head to the east and climb up the
ladder and return to the top.
This time, head up the ladder where you can see the
two heads playing catch with a fireball. Watch your timing
and head up, stick to the left side of the ladders. One
good thing about this is that once you are hit by a fireball
from a certain head, those two heads become deactivated.
Now continue up the ladder to the next area.
Here, head all the way to the left and climb up the
ladder. Follow the path all the way to the end and climb
down the ladder. Use Burst on the head and... KABLOOOOIIEEE!
...Right. Now, return back up the ladder and head to the
left, climb down the first ladder you reach and head through
the new opening.
Once inside, head north and go through the door. Then
go through the second door ahead of you. Then, head north,
go around the ledge and exit south. From there, head south
and if you did not transfer djinni from GS1 you will find
a mars djinni here. If it's not there, then you do not
have to worry. Head north, and jump onto the ledge with
the magma head that is near the door. Use Burst on it and
it will cause the large head to spew out magma. Now head
through the door near you to the previous room. You will
see the platform floating around the magma. Jump onto it
when it gets close to the eastern ledge, then jump onto
the western ledge when you get close to it. Then head
north and exit south.
Here head west, (the souther path leads to a dead end),
and follow the path until you reach another fork. This
time take the eastern path (going south leads to a dead
end), and exit south. You will be back in the big room.
Now, go through the door near you and open the chest for
a "Lucky Medal." Then return to the big room. Head all
the way south near the edge of the ledge and push the
switch to open the dam gates. =) After the lava is gone,
head north and climb down the ladder. Head south and
push the yellow pillar onto the groove. Then head to the
northwest corner and go through the door.
Here, head north and go down the stairs. Then climb
down the two consecutive ladders. Head south and exit
to the next room. In this room, head south and you will
be given a choice of two doors. Go through the northern
door. Follow the path and push the yellow pillar south,
onto the groove. Then return to the previous room.
This time take the southern door and follow the path
to the end. Climb up the ledge at the end. Defeat the
djinn to have the Mars Djinn Fury join you. Now return
to the first room, with the big head. Climb up the first
small ladder and use Burst on the magma head. After the
magma level rises, follow the path east, DO NOT EXIT THE
ROOM! Instead, jump onto the ledge with the switch. DO
NOT step on it. Carefuly, make your way across the dam
gate (no pun intended) , and cross the rope. Then head
west and exit south.
You will see a floating platform in front of you,
you can use it to get a "Mist Potion", but after you
get it, head south and jump across the pillar to the
eastern ledge. Head south and exit the room. Here,
head all the way to the right and jump onto the
platform when it gets close to you. Let it carry
you to the right and jump onto the ledge. Then head
to the east and exit to the next room.
In this room, head north and use Burst on the
crumbly pillar. Then jump onto the moving platform,
on the west side of the room, when it gets close to
you. When you get close to the ledge with the magma
head, jump on. Use Burst and jump back onto the
platform. Then jump to where the second pillar was
destroyed. Make your way back to the place where you
destroyed the first pillar and jump onto the platform
to your right. When you can, jump to the eastern
ledge. Then, head north to the other room.
Here, jump onto the ledge with the switch, and this
time, step on it. After the magma is gone, jump back to
the eastern ledge and head north and go down the small
ladder. Once again, exit south to the next room. Climb
up the ledge near you and climb down the eastern side.
Head south and go down the stairs.
Now, climb down the ledge and head south. Go through
to the next room. Head to the left and go through the
door. Head north and go through the door. Then, continue
to the north and jump to the ledge with the door. DO NOT
go through the door yet. Instead, head left and use Burst
on the head. Then head south and jump onto a platform. Now
just keep holding LEFT. I gutantee, that you will be taken
to the western ledge. When you are on the ledge, head
south and exit the room.
Here, follow the path south and go through the door
at the end. Step on the switch and return to the previous
room. Head north and use Whirlwind on the chain. Then
jump to the other ledge. Jump across the ledges then
climb down the ladder when you reach it. REMEMBER THIS
ROOM! Then, head to the left and go north though the door.
Here, head east and go up the ladder. Open the
chest for a "Salamander Tail" then return to the
entrance and head north through the door. Here, head
left and push all the pillars to the right, onto the
groove. Then head to the east and go through the northern
door. Open the chest for a "Golem Core" and return to the
previous room. This time, exit south through the door.
Push the yellow pillar onto the groove and climb the
ladder. Go through the door near you. Head north and
jump across the ledge. Head west and use Burst on the
head. Once again, jump onto a platform. This time head
left until you see a yellow pillar. Jump onto it. Jump
across all the pillars until you reach the ledge. Head
south and go throug the door.
Head to the right and jump onto the platform. When
you can, jump onto the platform to the right. Head south
and go through the door. Now head to the left and exit
south through the door. Then go to the right and jump
onto the platform then hold down RIGHT until you reach
the other ledge. Go through the door near you. Now follow
the path and push the yellow pillar off the ledge. Head
north and go through the left door. Head north and go
through the door. Follow the path north and jump across
the ledge. Go through the door. Jump across the ledge
and step onto the switch. Then return to the previous
Here, jump back across the ledge and exit south. Then
head down and exit south again. Here step onto the yellow
pilar and jump to the ledge on the left. Climb down the
ledge and go down the stairs. You are in the ground floor
of the dungeon. Push the yellow pillar off the ledge.
Climb down the ledge and jump across to the other ledge.
Go through the door.
Here head up and jump to the ledge on the right. As
you move on, an eruption will cause debris and fire to
fly to diferent areas, blocking your path. And no, Douse
and Lift won't work. So head to the right and jump to
the ledge. Then jump right to the other ledge. Then
right again. Then jump up, up, left, left. You will not
be able to move any other way, except up. So head north
and go through the door.
Here, head north and jump across the yellow platforms
and enter the structure. Then head north along the
platforms until your reach the Psynergy Tablet. Inspect
it and Jenna will state that it must be her turn and she
will learn Blaze. Then head to the left and jump across
the platforms. When you reach the ledge with the pillar
and the flame, use Blaze on it from the LEFT. Once the
pillar sinks you can use the platforms to head out of
Once you are out of the structure, head south and
make your way to the room with all the debris and the
fires. Return to the entrance of the room, where the
pillar is and use Blaze on the first fire on the first
ledge, from the RIGHT. Then use Blaze on the fire that
you caused. Then, go through the newly opened passage
and follow the path back out. Jump across the ledges
and inspect the rock. You will receive the Magma Ball.
This is important! Don't sell it. Now use Retreat to
leave the cavern, then use it again to leave the
Once you are out of there, there is just a few
more places left to go.
<| ## GONDOWAN SETTLEMENT ################################## CODE : [GNDS] # |>
To get to Loho village, from Magma Rock, follow the
southwestern trail, on foot and you'll reach the Gondowan
Settlement. Head to the left side of the fence and use
Cyclone to reval a ladder. Climb down and open the chest
for some Star Dust. Then head to the cemetary on the
right side of the settlement and use Reveal. Inspect the
sparkling tombstone and get the Lucky Medal, you old
graverobber, you.
Then return to the area around Magma Rock and go back
to your boat.
<| ## LOHO ################################################# CODE : [LOHO] # |>
To get to Loho, on your boat from near the bridge near
Magma Rock, head south while hugging the western side of
the river bank. Then when you are on the open sea, head
north while hugging the coast of the continent. Ignore
the first beach, and the second beach until you reach
an extremely small beach with a village near it. Enter
the village.
It seems you have entered the middle aged, large
bearded village with people who suffer from dwarfism
and male-pattern-baldness. It seems the women are still
okay though. If you head to the right side of the
village you will find a cannon. But it seems they have
no ammunition, but you do. Inspect the cannon to bring
up the menu, from there use the Magma Ball. The cannon
will fire at the wall starting a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
BALDY1: Is everyone all right?
OLDY: Did you hear that? That sound was incredible!
BALDY2: What do you think you're doing, making all that noise?
BALDY1: Hey, look at that!
BALDY1: What are you looking at? It wasn't me! It was the wall! Look at the
OLDY: The wall... It's gone!
BALDY2: Well, it's mostly gone, yeah... You can get through to the other side
BALDY1: How did you manage to break down the wall?
OLDY: Ah, never mind... Wat's important here is that we can dif on the other
side of the wall now!
BALDY2: Yeah, who cares how it happened? We can dig again!
BLADY1: Well, you did what we asked, so the cannon's all yours!
BALDY2: Hmmm... It's gonna be tough carrying that thing around...
BALDY1: Those guys are new in town, aren't they? Do you think they came from
Atteka or Hesperia?
OLDY: I don't know, but I can tell you they came by boat...
BALDY2: Yeah, I saw one anchored off the beach!
OLDY: That boat's your, isn't it?
OLDY: Well, why don't you let us get that cannon onto your boat for you, hm?
OLDY: Look, the only way to get here is by boat, and I see a boat right
Don't tell me it's not yours!
OLDY: I don't know why I'm offering, but why don't you let us put it aboard
your boat for you?
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After they carry off the cannon, you are free to explore
the rest of the town. Head north through the broken wall. Use
Lift on the boulder. You will see something nder it. Use Scoop
on it and you'll find a Golem Core.
Then, head up the vine to your left. Follow the path south
then jump to the roof of the building where you can see the
djinn. Inspect it and the Jupiter djinn Lull will join you.
Now exit the town and return to your boat. Outside the town,
the townspeople will tell you that they've installed the
But ___DO___NOT___ enter your boat yet. We are going to get
another summon tablet.
<| ## ANGARA CAVERN ######################################## CODE : [ANGC] # |>
To get to Angara Cavern, head south from Loho and follow
the worn path, across two bridges, continue north until you
reach the cavern.
Inside the cavern, head north and go down the staris. Keep
going down stairs until you reach a door. Head through it. In
this room is a Carry puzzle. Head north and push the first crate
one space to the right. Then use Carry and move it up one space.
Then go south and jump to the ledge to your right. Jump to the
other ledge and climb up the ladder. Push the crate all the way
to the left. Then use Carry to move it off the ledge. Then, go
to where it fell. Use Carry and move it on top of the other
Return up the ledge to your right. Jump across the crates and
inspect the tablet to be able to summon Haures (3 Venus, 2 Mars).
Then return to Loho and your boat.
<| ## NORTHERN REACHES ##################################### CODE : [NRTH] # |>
To get to the northern reaches, sail north from Loho
beach. Ignore Kalt island until you get a small passage
between rocks. You will switch to your boat just like in
the Sea of Time.
In here, as you go up, you'll reach a fork. You now
have the choice of going east of west. Head east, now
you'll have a choice of three forks. Take the central,
northern path. Then you'll be at another fork. This
time take the southern route. Follow it until you get
to a giant ice wall. Don't worry about getting lost.
All the other paths just lead to dead ends.
As you approach the ice wall, they will talk about
what to do. But you have friggin cannon, you know what
to do. Head north and get your boat between the two
small icebergs. Piers will say that this is the best
place to fire the cannon, so say yes and fire it. Now
in a pretty cutscene, the boat heads off for the
northern sea.
<| ## PROX ################################################# CODE : [PROX] # |>
As you head up, you'll see that the river has frozen over,
so head north until you get to a village and you.
Welcome to Prox, where it is so cold that even the flags
have frozen over. Now head north and enter the main part of the
town. As you can see, this town is goth. If you talk to everyone,
you'll find out that they're not such bad people. They even
warned the elders of Vale about what was happening to the world.
Anyway, head to the right, in front of the bridge, you'll
see a boulder. Use lift and enter the frozen river, head all the
way to the right and use Scoop on the black thing on the ground
to get some Dark Matter. Then return to the bridge and head north
from the boulder onto the norther part of the icy river through
the break in the fence. Head north, going around rocks and fences
to another area. As you go north you'll hit a Venus Djinn and push
him north, follow him and all you'll find is a pile of snow. Use
Scoop on it and the Venus Djinn Mold will join you without a
battle. Then return to the previous area.
Now, head to the right side of town and go up the stairs
to the north, walk across the bridge and follow the path
north. In this area, head to the west and go up the steps to
enter the house, but a cutscene ensues and the couple
discusses how the set your parents free and now they're
nowhere to be found. They might have gone to the lighthouse.
(Bum Bum Buuum!) So head back across the bridge and this
time take the eastern route. You'll eventually reach a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
PUELLE: We can't wait for Agatio and his men any longer...
PUELLE: If we wait much longer, this wind and snow will make it impossible to
reach the lighthouse.
PUELLE: I'm going to the lighthouse... Will any of you come with me?
MAN: Puelle, I can't let you go on your own...
MAN: If something were to happen to you, who would lead our village?
MAN: Please, you must let us go in your stead.
PUELLE: How can you expect to accomplish what Agatio and Karst could not?
MAN: They may have been more powerful than any of us, but we can't just stand
MAN: They're not coming back, just like Saturos... You have to let us try.
ELDER: I can't. I can't allow it.
PUELLE: Listen to your elder... He speaks wisely.
ELDER: I'm speaking to you too, Puelle.
ELDER: If Agatio and Karst cannot do the task, how can you, a single man, hope
to do it?
PUELLE: What are you saying? If we stand around debating, our town is doomed for
ELDER: We can't risk sacrificing more lives.
PUELLE: So, we must sit here and wait for a miracle to come.
- Head north and approach Puelle.
ELDER: You... Felix, it's you...
PUELLE: I'd heard that you had returned to us... You look so much stronger than
when you left.
ELDER: It seems he has brought some allies with him.
KRADEN: Yes... I am Kraden.
ISAAC: My name is Isaac.
ELDER: Isaac... Isn't that...
PUELLE: That is the name of the one Agatio said had killed Saturos and Menardi.
KRADEN: Isaac, stop that...
KRADEN: You are correct, but Isaac had reasons for fighting them.
KRADEN: Saturos and Menardi had invaded Vale, stolen its sacred treasure,
triggered a volcano...
KRADEN: You cannot blame Isaac for pursuing them and fighting to regain what
they had stolen.
ISAAC: We only wanted to stop them... We didn't think they'd fight us to the
ISAAC: They flung themselves into the opening of Venus Lighthouse's beacon...
MAN: Did...Saturos and Menardi put up a good fight?
ISAAC: I'll bet you thought you didn't stand a chance against them, huh?
MAN: You were probably tense the whole time...
MAN: Saturos and Menardi had a job to do... That was all.
MAN: If I'd been in your shoes, I'd have done the same thing... I can't blame
MAN: And in the end, you were stronger than the were... You should be proud of
ELDER: I am sad that they lost their lives in their quest, but there was no
avoiding it.
PUELLE: What has happened cannot be undone. We should cooperate to find a way
to sace Weyard.
KRADEN: We understand that Agatio and Karst have made for Mars Lighthouse and
not returned.
ELDER: Then all that remains for us is to wait until Gaia Falls carries us all
to our doom.
ISAAC: It seems that Mars Lighthouse is as dangerous as all the rest.
PUELLE: We have only a few soldiers remaining, and none who can make the climb
to the aerie.
KRADEN: Only Saturos and perhaps Agatio were strong enough to reach the top...
ELDER: And none of them can help us now.
ISAAC: You think we can do it?
ISAAC: I agree, Felix...
ISAAC: Felix, what are you thinking?
KRADEN: We climbed three lighthouses already... What's one more? Let's go to
Mars Lighthouse!
PUELLE: They've proven themselves strong enough! I say we trust in Felx to do
ELDER: This is an unexpected turn of events, but yes, I think you can light the
KRADEN: Off to the Mars Lighthouse! Let's go, Felix! Come on, Isaac!
PUELLE: There is one thing I don't want you to forget.
PUELLE: In order to light the beacon at Mars Lighthouse, you will need to have
the Mars Star.
ELDER: Ah! And Agatio and Karst have the Mars Star now!
PUELLE: You must find Agatio and Karst, and you must take the Mars Star from
ELDER: Thanks for your help. The future of Weyard rests in your hands.
-------- CUTSCENE --------
The future of Weyard is in your hands, so no pressure, it's
just the fate of the world. Anyway, head north and exit Prox.
<| ## MARS LIGHTHOUSE ###################################### CODE : [MARS] # |>
From Prox, head north and enter the Mars Lighthouse. If you
get lost on the way, consider yourself an official idiot. No
longer an amateur idiot.
Once you are in the area outside the lighthouse, head north
climb up the ladders near the steps and go up the staircase and
open the chest for an Apple. Then return to the entrance and
enter the lighthouse.
Inside, head north, go around the rocks and ice, and make
your way to the staircase. But DO NOT go up the stairs. Head to
the right, behind the ice, and go through the door. Then, head
west and go through the other door. You will be back in the
first door. Now, head to the west and go through the door.
Head to the west take the western path and head south. Go up
the stairs to the next room.
Here, follow the path until you reach a pounadable pillar.
Use Pound on it. Then, head south and follow the path through
the door. Go through the eastern exit in this room. You will
see Mars djinn that's out of your reach. Ignore it for now.
Instead inspect the ice to your right to bring up the menu.
Use Grind on it and it'll dissapear, leavig a crack on the
large sheet of ice below.
Then go back to the previous room, head through the
western exit and go down the stairs in this room. Then head
north and right and go through the door. You will be back in
the first room. Head to the right and go throug the door.
You are in the room with the large ice. You know what to do.
You don't!? Well, use Burst!!!
Then, head throug the door. Inside this room, head all
the way to the west and go up the steps to go throug the door.
Here, you will see some statues blowing fire. DO NOT get
touched by the fire, it will hurt your party and knock you
off the ledge. IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a second part to
this puzzle, not only do you have to avoid the flames, you
have to push the dragon statue that's on the left side of
the screen to the right. Time it right and use it as a
barrie when you have to. I can't offer you much more help
than that. Here's a hint: When you use Move, all the statues
stop moving while you are pushing the dragon. And no, using
Halt won't work, don't try it.
Once you move it all the way to the right, place it on
the square in front of the last statue. Then head to the
right, and go down the stairs, NOT THE SLIDE!!!
Once you are in the new room, go down the steps and
head left to the frozen area. Slide LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN
and LEFT, to get to the other side. Then, head to the left
and go through the southern exit. Follow the path south
until you reach a torch on fire. When you are to the north
of it, use Blaze on it to transfer a flame to the southern
torch. Then return to the preivious room and the frozen
area. Now, head RIGHT, UP, and RIGHT again to return to
the other side. Then follow the path to the right and exit
south. In this room, head south, but DO NOT go down the
steps, yet. Insted, head to the right and go through the
Here, head to the right and go up the ladder. Use Blaze
on the torch from the right side, then climb down the ladder
and go through the cleared exit at the southern end of the
room. Now, head to te right and go through the first door
you reach. Go through the door and open the chest at the end
for a Orihalcon. Then exit the room. Continue to the right
and go through the door at the end.
In this room, you will see a fireball going past the
middle frequently. You will also see three paths to take.
Take the western path first. On the path you will see some
Poundable pillar behind some rocks. Use Pound on them until
you get all of the ones on the left side. Then retrn to the
door, this time take the eastern path. Do the same thing as
before until all the pillars are pounded in. Then return to
the door, and this time take the central path. Use the small
openings between the rocks as refuges. Until you make it to
the top. Then go through the door to the east.
Now, follow the path west and go through the exit. You
will be in a big frozen room. IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you do
anything, use Move and push the dragon statue to your left,
to the west. Then head SOUTH, LEFT, SOUTH, LEFT, NORTH, RIGHT,
NORTH, LEFT, SOUTH, LEFT, SOUTH and inspect the djinn. Defeat
it to have the Mercury Djinn "Balm" join you. Then head north,
go up the steps and the stairs.
Here, slide down the ledge and open the chest to receive
the "Teleport Lapis" which let's you use Teleport. Now, stand
on the large circle on the ground and use Teleport to be
transported to the southern area. From there, head all the to
the left side of the room and go up the steps. Head through
the door. You will have to make your way past the flames
again, after you do, head down the stairs.
You will be back in the room with the small frozen ice
puzzle, this time, take the southern exit, right below you.
Follow the path south and go down the steps. Use Burst on the
large cracked ice. Then head back up the steps to the right.
Head left and go thorough the newly opened door. You will be
in what seems to be a dead end, but remember: WHEN YOU SEE A
use Reveal to show a Tepeport pad. Use Teleport.
You will be on a ledge. DO NOT SLIDE DOWN!!! Instead, head
up and go down the stairs. Here, head south and go down the
steps. Head all the way to the left and climb up the ladder
to the ledge, open the chest for a "Valkyrie Mail." Head back
down the ladder and to the right up the steps. You will see a
slide on the ledge. But bedore you get started, set Pound to
either L or R. Then slide down the ledge.
As soon as you step on the switch, the torch head will
start moving, so Run to the left and use Pound on the pillar,
then keep heading left and use Pound on the second pillar.
Then enter the frozen area, head LEFT, UP, and LEFT. Use
Pound again on the third pillar. Then go SOUTH and RIGHT.
You will now hava a choice of two pilars, use Pound on the
northern pillar. Then continue to the left and use Pound on
the final pillar. Then head through the door. OR, VERY, VERY,
VERY IMPORTANT AND USEFUL NOTE: You could slide down the
ledge and when you step on the swith. DO NOT MOVE, DO NOT
GET OFF IT. In a few moments a Giant Fireball will clear
everything. So, either way works.
After you go through the door, you will be in a room with
a teleport pad. Ignore it. Head trough the door to your north.
Here, follow the path, and go through the door at the end.
Here, head to the left and climb up the ladder. Use Move and
push the statue onto the square. Then return to the room with
the teleport pad, the one I told you ignore. Use Teleport on
the pad.
You will be in the room where you pushed the statue. Now,
climb up the ladder to your north and follow the path to the
southern exit. Then follow the path and exit the eastern exit.
Now, this is a big puzzle. Head down the steps. Head to the
left side of the room, but DO NOT go down the stairs. Instead,
jump to the platform to your south. Now, jump SOUTH, RIGHT, head
up a little and jump RIGHT, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, RIGHT,
head a little to the right and jump NORTH, NORTH, NORTH. Open
the chest for a Sol Blade (atk + 200) which has the strongest
summon in the game (next to the rare Excalibur summon). Then
slide onto the ice, and purposely fall off the ledge. Then head
back up the ladder, on the north side of the room.
This time, jump onto the platform on the left side of the
room. Jump, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH and SOUTH. Then finally,
exit south to the next room. Here, follow the path and go through
the western door. Then, head north and go down the stairs. Go
south through the exit. Go west and through the door. In this
room, head north and you will see two torches. Use Blaze on the
eastern torch from the right. Then Save your game. SAVE YOUR
GAME!!! Set your djinn, whatever you have to do, do it now.
Once you are ready, use Burst on the crack. The two Flame
Dragons will attack you, they have over 5000 HP each, so it
shouldn't be so difficult. After the battle the two dragons
will turn into... AGATIO AND KARST??? (Bum Bum Buum!) I think
it's time for a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
AGATIO: Why... Why am I lying here?
AGATIO: Wait, I think I remember... We were going to light the beacon...
KARST: But the lighthouse was frozen. We wandered lost inside, trying to find
the aerie...
KARST: We must hurry... If we delay, Prox is destroyed.
AGATIO: Ir's no use... I'm absolutely drained... I can't even stand.
KARST: And the cold... Why am I so cold? We of the Fire Clan are meant to be
immune to the cold...
AGATIO: I feen the cold too, Karst... I... I'm afraid we're going to die up
KARST: I can feel it now... The long, dark sleep creeping into my soul...
AGATIO: Wait... I think I remember...
AGATIO: The eye... It told us that we lack the will to go any farther.
KARST: The eye... I remember now... I felt its gaze pierce me to the core, then
all went black...
AGATIO: That's right... And I remember fighting against Felix...
KARST: I do, too... Was it a dream? An illusion?
AGATIO: Felix? Is that you?
AGATIO: Amazing... Then our luck hasn't entirely run out yet...
AGATIO: How can you play games with us like this?
Regardless, it's amazing that you're here... It means our luck hasn't
entirely run out yet...
AGATIO: Felix, you must complete our quest... Please... You have to light the
KARST: We can't even stand... We're in no condition to go on. Light the beacon
for us... Please.
AGATIO: You'll need the Mars Star. Go on... take it.
KARST: Please hurry... If I can just see the light of the beacon, I'll know that
I haven't died in vain.
AGATIO: We're counting on you...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
After the cutscne, talk to Agatio, to receive the "Mars
Star." A voice will say: "You who hold the star, open your
heart and listen... If you wish the reach the heavens, give
your star to me." So go to the statue and inspect it to bring
up the menu. Go to Felix, and choose the gray Mythil Bag. If
he doesn't have it, check someone else... Use the Mythril Bag,
and all the ice wil melt and turn to magma. Now, use Retreat
and return to the entrance of the lighthouse.
Head inside the lighthouse, this time head to the left and
go up the steps. Use Blaze on the torch from the south. It will
crack the large ice on the right side of the room. Then head
down the steps, go to it, and use Burst on it. Now, head through
the newly opened door. Head all the way to the right and head
north, go up the stairs. Follow the path to the left and exit.
Inspect the djinn here and defeat to have the Mars Djinn "Fugue"
join you. Then use Retreat again and re-enter the lighthouse.
This time head north and go up the stairs in the center of
the northern wall. You will be in a room with a platform puzzle.
Jump to the platform to your left and then jump SOUTH, SOUTH,
up the stairs.
In this room head up the large steps to your left and a
voice will say: "You who hold the star, open your heart and
listen... If you wish to scale the heavens, set the four
spirits aflame!" You will be shown four doors. You will
some pictures on the wall, corresponding to the element it
leads to. Dragon for fire, fish for water, bird for wind,
and man for earth.
--- WATER ---
I like fish, so let's go with fish first. Enter the door
on the wall with the fish. Follow the path and exit south. You
will be back outside, climb up the two sets of steps and follow
the path west. Go through the door at the end. Then, follow the
path and go up the stairs. You will be in a big ice puzzle room.
and NORTH. Go down the stairs.
This room has a pipe-pushing puzzle. Head to the right side
of the room and use Frost on the puddle. Then push the pillar
near it to the east. Then head to the left side of the room and,
while touching the wall, head south. You will see two pipes. Push
the norther pipe to the north. Then use Frost on the puddle near
you. Then go back up north to the pipe that you just moved and
push it south. Then head back down and push the southern pipe to
the north. Then head back north and go up the stairs. Head onto
the ice and fall off. Then head to the east and go up the steps.
Then on the ice, head LEFT, SOUTH, RIGHT, NORTH, RIGHT, and NORTH.
Climb up the ladder and use Blaze on the torch from the right, so
that you blow the flame to the statue. The fireball will clear
the area.
Then climb down the ladder and fall off the ledge via the
ice. Climb back up the steps and this time, head LEFT, SOUTH,
RIGHT, SOUTH, and LEFT. Exit through the exit. In this room,
follow the path and go through the southern exit. You will be
back outside. Head up the steps and go north. Use Blaze on
the blue flame and you will light the fish beacon.
Now, return to the room with all the doors. No, I will not
explain how to so such a basic thing.
--- FIRE ---
This time take the door with the dragon symbol on the wall.
Follow the path and exit south. Once outside, go up the steps
and head to the east. DO NOT go through the door yet, instead,
head to the to right around the tower and open the chest for
"Alastor's Hood". Then go through the door.
You will have two choices of paths, jump to the ledge on
the left. Use Burst to destroy the wall and jump onto the
platform. Then, jump LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, NORTH, NORTH, NORTH,
RIGHT, RIGHT, NORTH, and NORTH onto the ledge. Step on the
switch to acrivate the statue. Then return to the entrance
of the room.
This time jump to the eastern ledge. Use Burst on the wall
and head north. Jump onto the platform and jump RIGHT, RIGHT,
LEFT onto the ledge. Go up the steps and use Blaze on the
torch from the north. Then return to the entrance of the
This time use Burst on the central wall. Head north and
jump onto the platform. Then jump NORTH, RIGHT, RIGHT, NORTH
and climb up the ladder. Then head to the left and climb down
the ladder. Jump across the platform to your left and go up
the stairs.
You will be in another pipe-puzzle room. Head south and
push the pipe you see to the north. Then head east and you
will be at a fork. Head south and follow the path down and
up the steps. Then use Move to move the dragon statue to the
left. Then return to the fork. This time, head north and go
through the steps. At the end of the path use Move and push
the statue one space to the left. Then return to the fork.
Take the southern path again, but DO NOT go down the steps.
Instead, keep heading north along the path, (NOTE: See the
statue that is blowing fire. Remember it!!!) go down the
steps at the end and come out the othe side. Head south and
push the pipe south. Then follow the path, DO NOT go down any
steps. Follow the path until you reach the statue I told you
to remember (The norther fire blowing statue.) Now, head
behind it and follow the path through the steps. Then head
south and exit the area.
You will be outside. Head up the steps and head north.
Use Blaze on the fire to activate the dragon symbol. Then
return to the previous room, head left and push the pipe to
the west. Then return to the room with the all the doors.
--- WIND ---
Head up the steps near the fish wall and enter the door
with the bird symbol. Head to the west and exit to the next
room. Outside, head up the steps and goall the way to the
west. Enter the tower.
Once inside, you have two choices, Head to the west and
use Cyclone on the pad. You will be carried up to the next
area. Head north and you will have a choice of two pads.
Use Cyclone on the western pad. Here, DO NOT slide down the
ledge. Use Move and push the statue one space to the right.
Then slide down the the ledge. Then slide down the ledge.
Head all the way to the right and climb up the ladder. Use
Cyclone on the pad. Then head south and sue Cyclone on the
second path. You will be back in the first room, head all
the way to the left and use Cyclone on the pad. Then head
north, you will be back at the fork. This time use Cyclone
on the left pad.
In this room again, head north and climb down the ladder.
Head along the path and you will see a circle of blocks. Use
Reveal then use Cyclone on the pad that you see. Then head
to the right and use Cyclone on the other pad. You will be
on a ledge, to your north you will see a flame-throwing
head. When it starts to head up on it's circuit. Run up to
the blocks at the end of the pad and use Move on the block
with the "_|" symbol so that it falls to the hole. Then
purposely let the flame touch you so that it pushes you off
the ledge. Then, follow the path to the west. Climb up the
ladder when you can and carefully use Hover on the purple pad.
Walk over the statue and walk onto the ledge in the middle.
Then head south and use Cyclone on the pad.
As soon as you land, head to the left and open the chest
for a Psy Crystal. Then stay away from the front of the
head. As soon as it fires the fireball, run south and use
Reveal at the end. Jump onto the central platform and jump
to the ledge to your right. Exit south and you will be
You know what to do... Head north and use Blaze on the
fire. Then return to the room with all the doors.
--- EARTH ---
This time, head up the steps and enter the door with the
human symbol on the wall. Head to the right and exit to the
outside. Head all the way to the right and enter the tower.
Once inside, you will see three statues. Stand on the ledge
that is sticking out in front of them and use Move to move them.
NOTE: Only ONE is correct. I'm not gonna tell you which it is...
All right, stop your whining. Head to the easternmost statue and
move it to the left or the right. Head through the door. This
room has and open door and four doors to choose from. Head to
the western most statue and use Move to push it aside. Head
through the door, then go up the stairs.
In this room, IGNORE THE LADDER, for now, head south and
jump to the ledgemwith the two crates. If you look at the
northern wall, you will see two places where the two crates can
fit. So move them in front of the holes, then use Carry and move
them onto the holes. Now, jump back to the western ledge and
climb up the ladder. Head to the right while pushing the crate.
Then when it covers the head, head to the tightrope and walk
south on it. When you get to the end, push the statue off the
head. Then set Sand to one of the short cuts. When the first fire
head is moving to the west. Use Sand on the small square of Sand.
When it is to your right, emerge and head to the left. When you
see the second head moving left. Use Sand on the square. Then
when it is to your right emerge and run to the left. DO NOT slide
down the ledge. Instead, climb down the ladder. Jump across the
platforms and onto the other ledge and exit south.
You will be back outside. You should know what to do by
know, head north use Blaze, yadda yadda yadda. Now return to
the room with all the doors. When you get there a voice will say:
"You have proven your worth! The heavens await you!" and then a
Teleport pad will appear. So, head to the pad and use Teleport on it.
then, after you SAVE YOUR GAME, save it AGAIN!!! Then head to
the left and jump across the platforms. Jump onto the ledge and
follow the path until you reach a...
-------- CUTSCENE --------
???: Betrayers, you have arrived!
GARET: Who said that!?
MIA: The wind's too strong! I can't see anything!
SHEBA: I heard it too, but I don't see anyone else up here!
PIERS: Felix! Quick! Cast the Mars Star in before anything has s chance to stop
???: So, you are still intent on lighting the beacon of the Mars Lighthouse?
ISAAC: Who said that!?
???: Have you forgotten me so soon, Isaac? And you, Garet?
IVAN: It seems to know you, Isaac... Do you have any idea what it is?
???: Then search your heart, boy!
KRADEN: That voice...
GARET: It's...the Wise One!
KRADEN: Isaac, since when are you on a first-name basis with the Wise One?
JENNA: It must have been... Isaac, what happened in Sol Sanctum after we were
ISAAC: When Saturos and Menardi stole the Elemental Stars, they triggered a
volcanic eruption.
The Wise One prevented Mt. Aleph from erupting so that Garet and I could
IVAN: But...wait, Mt. Aleph DID erupt! There was a huge explosion! We saw it
all the way from Vault!
GARET: But it would have erupted with us still inside... There was no way we
could have escaped in time.
ISAAC: The Wise One held off the eruption until we could escape... He even
halted the lava flow.
MIA: I can't believe it... Nobody has enough power to do that...
GARET: I know it sounds weird, but I was there, and it happened, so you'll just
have to believe us!
PIERS: If it can do all that, this Wise One seems more like a god than an Adept!
WISE ONE: I did not just save you. I also tasked you with recovering the four
Elemental Stars.
WISE ONE: Why have you disobeyed my command? Why have you come to light the
JENNA: Because Prox will be destroyed if we don't! We can't let that happen...
WISE ONE: Prox? They have brought this disaster upon themselves.
SHEBA: Are you saying we should just abandon them to die? What did they do to
deserve that!?
WISE ONE: The people of Prox have committed and unforgivable sin. The must pay
the price.
ISAAC: For lighting the lighthouses? Is that their sin? Does that warrant total
MIA: If we don't light the beacon, Gaia Falls will eventually erode away all of
PIERS: We have fought for so long to save all the people of our world, and now
you would stop us?
SHEBA: Gaia Falls is growing. It's consuming more and more with each passing
JENNA: How can you just allow the world to crumble into nothingness?
SHEBA: The seal needs to be broken! The world will be destroyed if it's not!
WISE ONE: You have learned far too much.
KRADEN: Wise One! You can't continue to protect the lighthouses! You know what's
KRADEN: It's your duty to protect all of Weyard! If Weyard is destroyed, you
will have failed us all!
JENNA: Why don't you answer us, Wise One?
WISE ONE: If Alchemy is unleashed, mankind may well destroy all of Weyard itself.
KRADEN: But we can combine our strengths, ensure that Alchemy not be used for
WISE ONE: It is inevitable. In time, one man will seek to rule over all. It is
human nature, inescapable.
WISE ONE: And it shall come sooner than any of you think.
KRADEN: Why do you say that?
WISE ONE: The Water Adept who climbs toward the peak of Mt. Aleph even as we
Is he not a friend of yours?
WISE ONE: Alex is his name. Surely, you have not forgotten him?
JENNA: Alex!? What would he be doing on Mt. Aleph?
WISE ONE: He understands far more than you do. He knows that when the four
beacons have been lit...
Their light will gather at Sol Sanctum.
KRADEN: But what would he gain from being there?
WISE ONE: When the final beam of light reaches the peak of Mt. Aleph, the Golden
Sun shall rise.
KRADEN: The Golden Sun!? What is that? And what would Alex want with it?
WISE ONE: When the four beams merge into one, they form a golden light, bathing
Mt. Aleph's peak.
IVAN: Is... Is that Alchemy? I mean, pure Alchemy made real, at the heart of
its power?
KRADEN: And it's that light that gives shape to the Stone of Sages?
WISE ONE: This has been Alex's one true desire from the very start.
PIERS: Alex planned all of this? Then he must have been after this power all
GARET: We've been duped! He used us all! Oh, you'd better believe he's not
getting away with this!
MIA: Alex... How could he do this? He's... He's one of my own people! I feel
ISAAC: None of that matters right now. We still have to light the beacon. We
don't have any choice.
ISAAC: If we don't do it now, Prox will be destroyed! Felix... We have to,
SHEBA: You bet we do! The Wise One will have to deal with Alex on his own.
SHEBA: Felix! We don't have a choice! The Wise One will have to deal with
Alex himself.
WISE ONE: I cannot interfere in the actions of mankind.
JENNA: If you can't interfere, then how about getting out of our way so we can
light the beacon, huh?
IVAN: Ooo... Good one, Jenna!
GARET: I don't like doing exactly what Alex wants, but it's looking like we've
got no choice...
ISAAC: Don't worry, Felix! Just throw the Mars Star into the
beacon's well! Now!
(Felix walks up but is stopped by the Wise One)
GARET: The Wise One himself said he's not allowed to interfere! You're all
PIERS: Wise One! Didn't you just say that you aren't allowed to interfere with
our actions?
WISE ONE: That is correct. I cannot stop you.
WISE ONE: But...what if some miracle were to occur, one that prevented you from
igniting the beacon?
PIERS: Miracle? What are you talking about? What kind of miracle?
WISE ONE: If you can defeat a miracle, only then can you ignite the beacon's
KRADEN: The Wise One is up to something! Be wary, everyone! We don't know what
he's capable of!
--- Doom Dragon appears ---
SHEBA: A three-headed dragon? THAT'S your miracle?
PIERS: So you would have us fight for our future? Fine, then fight we shall!
GARET: What's he thinking? We already beat a two-headed dragon. How much tougher
can this one be?
MIA: I don't care how many heads it has. Nothing's going to stop us now!
IVAN: Let's do it! For Prox! For the future of Weyard!
KRADEN: Wait a second... Wasn't that two-headed dragon actually...
So that means this three-headed dragon must be...
KRADEN: Felix! NO! You mustn't fight that dragon! It's--
GARET: Too late, Kraden! We can't get away from it now!
KRADEN: Felix, don't! Stop!!!
---DOOM DRAGON--- (Final Boss Fight)
HP: 23000
Difficulty: 5/5
Strategy: This guy(s?) is the last boss. He can attack you about four times a
turn... He also has some devastating attacks and high defense. His
Cruel Rain attack is, well... Cruel. Another annoying attack is
Djinn Blast which drains all your djinn and puts them in recover
mode. After you do about 5500 damage, you will destroy one head,
then if you do 4500 more damage will kill the second head, then
after 7500 more damage you will fell it. Be sure that you had the
Sol Blade equipped on someone, and also it would help if you got
the Masamune. I equipped it on Jenna and she did about 1450 worth
of damage with the Rising Dragon unleash. Also, I got really lucky
and Felix used Megiddo with the Sol Blade 4 times in a row. So,
if you don't think you're strong enough, you should do some
levelling up. Or just pray, pray for the love of Weyard that you
will survive to see the end of the cutscene.
--- VICTORY ---
IVAN: ...Who are they?
KRADEN: That's what I was trying to warn you about!
KRADEN: It wasn't just the dragon that you killed...
GARET: I remember you warning us, but it was too late for us to stop...
MIA: Kraden, what do you know? Why were you trying to stop us from fighting
the dragon?
KRADEN: It was the Wise One's final trap...
IVAN: Trap? What do you mean?
KRADEN: The Wise One knew he couldn't stop you, so he played a cruel, wretched
trick on you instead.
ISAAC: Kraden, I don't understand... What are you trying to tell us?
JENNA: Sheba, let's see who those people are while they try to sort this out.
KRADEN: No, Jenna! Don't look! You mustn't look! It will only bring you pain...
SHEBA: What are you talking about, Kraden? They can't hurt us anymore... We'll
SHEBA: What's the matter, Jenna?
JENNA: It..can't be... How? How...
ISAAC'S FATHER: Nnn... Uhnnn...
MIA: What is it, Isaac?
ISAAC'S FATHER: Uhhh...unnnn...
GARET: Isaac! I... I know that guy! That's your dad!
SHEBA: Then...does that mean...the other two are...
JENNA'S FATHER: Hhnnnng...
JENNA: Mom... Dad...
PIERS: I'll heal Jenna's parents! Quickly, Mia! Tend to Isaac's father!
KRADEN: If only... If only I'd realized sooner...
--- NEXT SCENE ---
SHEBA: What's the matter Piers? Why did you stop? Jenna's parents need you...
IVAN: Don't give up, Mia. You can't! You have to save them...
MIA: It's no use, Ivan... I'm tapped...
PIERS: I am, too... And even if I weren't, it's just too late...
JENNA: What are you saying!?
JENNA: They're not... They can't be...
PIERS: That's not what I'm saying, Jenna... I...
JENNA: I finally found them... I was going to be with them again... For the
first time in years...
SHEBA: Jenna...
JENNA: Please... It can't be...
JENNA: Mom... Wake up! It's me... It's Jenna! ...Don't leave me...
KRADEN: Jenna, you must prepare yourself for what comes next...
KRADEN: Being transformed into a dragon, fighting in that form... This requires
tremendous power.
JENNA: What are you saying, Kraden?
KRADEN: In fighting you, your parents were forced to use every last ounce of
their energy.
JENNA: The don't have the strength to...
KRADEN: Even if they had won the battle, they would not have survived. You
cannot blame yourself...
GARET: You monster!!!
GARET: Why did you do this? Why did you make us fight Jenna's parents?
SHEBA: You're no god! You're no protector! You're evil!
PIERS: You don't understand the pain you have caused, Wise One.
PIERS: You have no idea the damage done to a child who learns she has destroyed
her own parents.
ISAAC: That's enough...
ISAAC: I knew what I was doing the moment I raised my sword.
ISAAC: We defied the wise One in order to save the world. Our parents would
ISAAC: Don't you think so, Felix?
JENNA: You're right. It hurts, but it's true. We didn't do this for
ourselves. We did it for all of Weyard.
JENNA: I agree with my brother... But it does no one any good if we don't
complete our task.
GARET: We still have a chance to save Prox.
SHEBA: Perhaps we can't save your parents, but we can save countless others.
IVAN: Kyle and the others saved them, too... They sacrificed their lives so that
we could go on.
PIERS: I never imagined that my actions would help to save the world...
MIA: Even though lighting the beacon may create wars and strife, I regret none
of this.
KRADEN: there's little time left, Felix ... Use the Mars Star and light the
--- You gain control of Felix ---
Approach the hole and you will be asked if you want to throw in the Mars Star.
If yes: Felix throws in star cutscene continues
If no: You can, um... well there's not much to do up here.
--- After the star is thrown ---
MIA: The beacon is lit!
IVAN: And to think, I joined this quest hoping to prevent exactly this from
SHEBA: And I began this quest as a prisoner, taken against my will.
PIERS: And if that tidal wave hadn't sent me far off course, I wouldn't even
be here now.
GARET: How many lives have been taken and changed forever just to light this
JENNA: Mom... Dad... Weyard is safe now.
???: ~You're right! I hear voices, too!~
???: ~I told you... I told you I could hear them!~
ISAAC: Who said that? Where are you?!
???: ~We're in Imil! We're at the base of the Mercury Lighthouse!~
MIA: You... You can't be!
--- Mercury Lighthouse ---
MIA: ~You.. You can't be!~
BOY: Hey! I know that voice! It's Mia! I just know it! Mia!!!
MIA: ~It's you!~
GIRL: Of course it's us! We can hear you, Mia! You're all right! I'm so happy!
OLD LADY: Who are those two kids talking to?
OLD MAN: I don't know. They've been standing here telling everyone to leave
the lighthouse.
...Weird couple of kids if you ask me!
MIA: ~How is it that we can hear you?~
GIRL: I don't know, but he told us we'd be able to talk to you if we came here
MIA: ~He? Who is "he"?~
GIRL: I don't know... We were all sleeping, and he came to us in a dream...
He said "Go to the lighthouse!"
MIA: ~The lighthouse? Why?~
GIRL: He said that we have to deliver a message... He was too busy to do it
MIA: ~What message?~
GIRL: We have to warn everyone to stay clear of the lighthouses!
MIA: ~What's going to happen?~
GIRL: I don't know, but he told us to warn people away from Mt. Aleph as well!
GARET: ~But who is "he"!? You still haven't told us!!!~
GIRL: You're a meanie! I don't tell meanies anything!
MIA: ~Don't pay attention to him... It's me, Mia... Can you tell me who spoke
to you?~
GIRL: I told you, I don't know, but he looked like a big rock...with a big,
rocky eye!
SHEBA: ~The Wise One!~
--- Mars Lighthouse ---
SHEBA: What could he be doing?
KRADEN: Of course! I understand...
KRADEN: The Wise One said that when all four lighthouses have been lit, the
Golden Sun will shine...
KRADEN: When that happens, Mt. Aleph and the lighthouses will probably become
quite dangerous...
PIERS: So the Wise One is warning people in dreams, telling them to seek refuge?
GARET: Why would he do that!? You saw what he did to us... He can't be up to
anything good...
HAMMA: ~Have you not learned? One's actions do not always reveal one's true
IVAN: Hamma... Sister...
ISAAC: Master Hamma! Did you receive a message, too?
HAMMA: ~Yes. I was called to Jupiter Lighthouse in a dream.~
HAMMA: ~You have completed your quest, but I see it comes with great loss...
Your suffering has been almost unbearable.~
JENNA: Master Hamma... My parents...
HAMMA: ~I know, Jenna, and I am sorry. But do not give up hope for the just
JENNA: What do you mean, Master Hamma?
HAMMA: ~Appearances can be an illusion... The Wise One has a caring heart.~
GARET: He forced us to fight Isaac's and Jenna's parents! What's so "caring"
about that!?
HAMMA: ~If the Wise One were truly evil, he would not be warning me of danger
in my dreams.~
GARET: Well, I... I guess not... But then, what's he up to?
HAMMA: ~We do not have time to discuss it right now.~
KRADEN: She's right.
If the Wise One said it's not safe to be near the lighthouses, then I
think we should listen.
HAMMA: ~I am heading for safety, too. All of you must get away from the
lighthouse now.~
KRADEN: Hurry, everyone! Let's go!
JENNA: What about our parents?
ISAAC: We can't leave them behind...
PIERS: I understand how you feel, but we won't make it if we have to take them
with us!
IVAN: Make the decision, Felix! Should we take them with us?
(Beacon Flares)
(Beacon Flares)
GARET: It's too dangerous... The Golden Sun is forming!
PIERS: A ray of light is emanating from the beacon... from the Mars Star.
SHEBA: What will happen?
KRADEN: The power of Alchemy will be unleased upon the world!
MIA: We must take Isaac's father and Jenna's parents and flee!
GARET: Stop it! Let go of my wrist!
ISAAC: Garet, get a grip! No one's touching you!
GARET: I'm serious, I...
MIA: The beacon!
PIERS: Jenna... We have to move your parents!
JENNA: Mom! Dad!
IVAN: What's happening?
KRADEN: There's no time for questions! Just carry them! Carry them and go!
--- Prox ---
ELDER: Thank you, Felix. And you, too, Isaac and Kraden.
ELDER: By igniting the Mars Lighthouse, you stopped Gaia Falls from devouring
our town.
ISAAC: We're just glad to have helped save Weyard...
PUELLE: You've been through many trials, more than any of us can ever know...
KRADEN: We had no idea what to expect when we lit the final beacon...
LADY: When we saw the flash of the beacon, we had no idea what
you're suffered to light it...
ISAAC: I thought we were done for... There was no way we could escape with our
parents' bodies.
KRADEN: Well, at least, not if we hadn't pulled together and overcome our
BLUE HAT MAN: That light was brilliant!
KRADEN: You know, I shall always regret that I didn't get to look upon the
beacon's light from afar...
ELDER: I understand your regret... As a scholar of Alchemy, you would have been
most impressed.
ISAAC: I saw the beams of blue, red, and purple all streaming out toward the
WOMAN: That's the direction in which Vale lies, is it not? Was the light headed
to your hometown?
ISAAC: Indeed it was. The Wise One said the beams were going to merge into one
above Mt. Aleph.
ELDER: The orb of golden light we saw... that was shining directly over Vale?
KRADEN: Yes. That was the Golden Sun forming over Mt. Aleph.
PUELLE: If I remember the tales correctly...
The Golden Sun is the blsast of light emitted at the very moment the
Stone of Sages forms...
KRADEN: Such legends exist even here? I wish that I'd known that sooner!
ELDER: I fear for Vale, to think that all this energy is being released over
your hometown.
ISAAC: We're all worried about that. We're hoping we can return to Vale as
quickly as possible.
PUELLE: Oh... Is there nothing we can do to convince you to stay?
ELDER: We had hoped you might stay in Prox a while, but that sounds unlikely...
ISAAC: Don't worry... We plan on returning as soon as things quiet down, don't
ELDER: Our village will not soon forget that you saved us from the edge of
destruction. Do visit us again.
ELDER: You have just completed a long and difficult journey.
Perhaps when you are older, and you look back on your youth, you will
remember us fondly...
KRADEN: When that time comes, I may no longer be in this world.
PUELLE: Don't say such things... I'm sure a long life awaits you.
KRADEN: Well, I suppose we should be departing for Vale soon.
ISAAC: You're right, Kraden... If we don't, you-know-who might start causing
ELDER: At least some of your cares have been remedied...
You must be glad to know we've brought all three back from the brink
of death.
PUELLE: I would have not thought it possible had I not seen it.
KRADEN: Even I do not fully understand it...
KRADEN: But their can be no doubt. The fire Psynergy released by the beacon
rekindled their spirits.
KRADEN: I hadn't expected so much Psynergy to be released by the lighthouse's
KRADEN: I have no real explanation, other than that their life force had not
been full extinguished.
It was a miracle, but the fire Psynergy seems to have recharged them
Old Prox: And had your parents not been Adepts, the wave of Psynergy would have
passed them by.
JENNA: Isaac! What's taking you two so long? Don't keep me waiting!
KRADEN: Uh-oh! It's Jenna... We're late, and she looks rather displeased with
ISAAC: Should I let her know we're leaving now?
ISAAC: I'm sorry! We're almost done. Can you wait for us at the village gates
with the others?
JENNA: I'm serious! If I have to wait much longer, you're not going to be
ISAAC: I'm sorry, Jenna! It sounds like things are going to take just a little
bit longer...
JENNA: Well, I'm not going to wait much longer! If you don't come soon, we're
all leaving without you!
BLUE HAT MAN: I'll wait outside with them.
ISAAC: I don't think they want to wait anymore, Felix. We're all set to head
KRADEN: They have no patience whatsoever. Ah, well... I suppose it is time to
PUELLE: May your journey home be safe and uneventful...
ELDER: We shall never forget what you have done for Prox.
--- You gain control of Felix ---
After you gain control of Felix, you should head outside.
Head all the way to the south and exit to the next area. Then
head toward Jenna to begin the converstaion again.
JENNA: What took you so long? Mom and Dad are tired of waiting for you...
JENNA'S MOTHER: That's not true, Felix. You take as long as you need to say
farewell to the people of Prox.
JENNA'S FATHER: Don't worry about us, Felix... Puelle and the others took good
care of us.
JENNA: Don't tell him that! we'll be stuck here forever!
SHEBA: You look like you're feeling back to your old self, Jenna!
PIERS: You were weeping such mournful tears after the battle...
JENNA: What!? As if! You can't prove anything!
MIA: Go easy on her. You have to remember, she thought that both of her parents
had died.
JENNA'S MOTHER: Oh, you were crying, Jenna?
JENNA: No! I said... I said I wasn't!
GARET: Now you've got me thinking about my family... I didn't think I'd miss
them this much...
IVAN: I only hope that they're all safe back in Vale...
ISAAC: I just want to be home again... I want to see how my mother is doing...
ISAAC'S FATHER: Don't worry, Son. I'm sure Dora's doing fine. She's a strong
ISAAC: But the last time I saw her, she look so sick, so weak...
Even if nothing happened in Vale, I'm still worried...
ISAAC'S FATHER: Don't worry, Isaac. I'm sure she's in wonderful shape.
I think she'll be surprised to see me!
KRADEN: Sorry to keep you all waiting. At last, the time has come for us to
return to Vale...
KRADEN: As soon as we leave Prox, we'll head toward Angara, and from there, to
JENNA'S MOTHER: I can't wait to see this winged ship of yours! It sounds
JENNA'S FATHER: I remember so little of our trip to Prox... This is really my
first voyage on a ship.
ISAAC'S FATHER: I've heard that the wind and waves make the boat rock... I hope
I don't get sick...
KRADEN: This ancient ship of ours actually flies above the ocean... It's quite
a cozy ride.
ISAAC: It looks like we've go an exciting last trip ahead of us, doesn't it?
ISAAC: Wow... Setting out like this takes me back to our own quest's start...
It was long ago.
ISAAC: I'm still worried about my mother, but I'll try to put it aside and
enjoy the trip.
JENNA: If you keep talking like this, we'll never go anywhere! Let's go Felix!
KRADEN: What's the matter, boys? Are you reluctant to depart?
KRADEN: It's hard to believe that our quest is almost at its end. I know how
you feel.
KRADEN: After all we've been through, you can't possibly be nervous about
his small trip!
ISAAC: I just hope that Vale cameout of this in as good condition as Prox did...
KRADEN: We won't know until we get there.
GARET: I can't stop thinking about how my parents are doing...
KRADEN: Were the both of them in Vale?
JENNA: Can't you make a guess, Kraden? Will Vale still be standing when we
KRADEN: Not even I know that...
GARET: I can see it in your eyes, Kraden! You think something's happened, don't
KRADEN: It's a possibility... One that can't be ignored...
ISAAC: If it's not there, then what's the point of even going back?
KRADEN: Is that really how you feel, Isaac? What about you, Felix?
KRADEN: Have you already forgotten what we just discussed? You ought to
refresh your memory!
KRADEN: You remember, don't you, Felix? Think about it for a moment, Isaac.
GARET: What do you mean?
KRADEN: Our conversation with Hamma after we ignited the beacon...
JENNA: Don't you remember us talking to the children of Imil at the base of the
Mercury Lighthouse?
ISAAC: When they were warning people away from the lighthouses?
KRADEN: Yes. The Wise One instructed everyone to seek refuge.
GARET: Yeah, so what about it?
KRADEN: You still don't see, Garet?
KRADEN: Even if Vale were destroyed, I'd expect that the villagers have all
escaped to safety.
JENNA: I guess that's true... They might still be all right.
GARET: That's true... So whetever happens, my family's alive!
ISAAC: I'd forgotten about that... Thanks, Kraden.
JENNA: Garet, can you make sure everyone else knows that?
KRADEN: OK, let's go. the both of you! We have to catch up to everyone.
ISAAC: Kraden...
ISAAC: Why did the Wise One change our parents into a dragon? Why did he make
us fight them?
I mean, we almost killed them... He tried to make us kill our own
parents. Why?
KRADEN: Do you think that he intended for them to die from the start?
KRADEN: I cannot speak for him, but I think he knew that they would be
revived by the beacon's light.
KRADEN: Ah... you don't understand why he put you through all this if he knew
they'd survive...
KRADEN: We cannot hope to fathom the motives of a being as all-powerful as the
Wise One...
ISAAC: You don't know either, Kraden?
KRADEN: I can only hazard a guess... The Wise One... wanted to test you.
ISAAC: What do you mean, test us?
KRADEN: I cannot tell you more... It is up to you to find the answer.
KRADEN: Will we use Alchemy to wage war, to raise armies?
Or will we use it to grow wise, to rise above our petty feuds and
perform great deeds?
KRADEN: You were willing to sacrifice everything for your quest. I'd say you've
risen to the challenge.
KRADEN: Oops! Is everyone else that far ahead of us?
KRADEN: We'd better hurry and catch up to the others before they leave us behind!
KRADEN: After all, I'm not terribly intered in trying to walk all the way back
to Vale.
KRADEN: If you feel the same, then we'd better be hurrying.
KRADEN: Isaac! Felix! We're off!
--- CREDITS ---
ALEX: The Golden Sun... The very quintessence of Alchemy's power! It's beginning!
ALEX: Wait for me! Please, wait! Wait until I reach the summit of Mt. Aleph!
--- MORE CREDITS (With various scenes) ---
ALEX: At last! I have it! Eternal life...and limitless power!
ALEX: At last, the power of nature is mine to control as I will!
ALEX: Rise, storms! Rise up and unleash your might upon Vale and the foothills
of Mt. Aleph!
ALEX: That's odd... I should have limitless power... So why can't I call up a
simple storm?
ALEX: Wh-Who are you?
WISE ONE: I am called the Wise One...
ALEX: The Wise One? Vale's protector?
WISE ONE: You wish to have limitless power?
ALEX: Wish to? I just got it!
WISE ONE: No. Your power is nearly limitless, but it has boundaries.
ALEX: Nearly limitless? You speak in riddles. Can't you see? The power is mine!
WISE ONE: Yes. You also have nearly endless life. And your Psynergy is...
somewhat stronger.
ALEX: If you are trying to anger me, have a little tast of exactly how much
power I have attained!
ALEX: Look at me! My body is brimming with power!
ALEX: How!? What's going on? I should be all-powerful! How can you defeat me?!?
WISE ONE: You are not all-powerful, Alex. Your power has its limits, as does
your life.
ALEX: This cannot be! Who is responsible for this treachery? Who has robbed me
of my dream?
WISE ONE: I, the Wise One, imbued the Mars Star with some of the power of the
forming Golden Sun.
It rests even now in the hands of young Isaac.
ALEX: Why?
WISE ONE: The heavens and earth are changing, Alex! You must flee now!
ALEX: Wha-What!?
WISE ONE: Mt. Aleph will soon be drawn into the heart of the earth! You must
flee or join it forever!
ALEX: Flee?! I can't flee! I can't even move!
WISE ONE: Ah, yes. You now see the limits of your power. If you are swallowed by
the earth, you may not survive.
ALEX: If you survive, perhaps we will meet again someday...
--- NEXT SCENE ---
JENNA: Finally! We've reached Vale.
GARET: ... ...
SHEBA: What's the matter, Garet? You're finally home again. Aren't you happy?
IVAN: Garet's just worried about what's happened to everyone in Vale.
MIA: So it's just over that last hill?
PIERS: I can't wait to see what your hometown looks like.
KRADEN: It's beautiful... I'm sure you will like it, Piers.
JENNA'S FATHER: I'm...just going to close my eyes. Someone tell me if it's all
right to open them.
JENNA'S MOTHER: Me too... Would someone else see how things are?
ISAAC: I'll go. Come with me, Felix.
ISAAC'S FATHER: How's it look, Isaac?
ISAAC: I'm almost there...
ISAAC: It... It can't be...
JENNA: What is it, Isaac? ...Felix? Say something!
FELIX: I'm sorry, Jenna, but... Vale...Mt. Aleph... They're gone!
GARET: What!?
JENNA'S FATHER: This... This is terrible.
JENNA'S MOTHER: Is that Mt. Aleph?
ISAAC: Mom...
GARET: Mom... Dad...
JENNA: Isaac... Garet... What can I do? What can I say to comfort you?
JENNA: They're here somewhere... They have to be here...
PIERS: What can we do? How can we help them now?
KRADEN: I don't know... Call out to them... Such a tragedy...
FELIX: I'll call them...
FELIX: Isaac... Garet...
FELIX: I understand what you're feeling. I've felt it, too.
FELIX: But standing here won't bring them back.
FELIX: Let's go back to Vault. We can rest there and think...
ISAAC: ... ...
GARET: Your family's safe, Felix. You don't have anything to worry about
GARET: But what am I supposed to do? ...I'm all alone now.
SHEBA: Aw... Poor baby...
JENNA: Sheba, what's gotten into you? How could you say that to Garet?
MIA: Tee hee! I wonder...
GARET: Sheba, Mia!? You think this is funny!? I've lost everyone! My whole
???: Garet! Don't be so sad!
ISAAC: ???
???: I'd thought you might be a little more confident after all your adventures!
???: Ha ha! I've got to see my brother crying!
GARET: !!!
GARET'S FATHER: So you made it back, Garet... I knew it would take more than
this to beat you, Son.
GARET'S MOTHER: Welcome home, Garet...
OLD MAN: You look surprised to see us, Garet.
ISAAC'S FATHER: How did you survive?
GARET'S SISTER: The Wise One warned us of danger. He guided us here to safety.
OLD WOMAN: Everything was destroyed... Our homes, our town...
KRADEN: but the Wise One saved you all?
GARET: I'm... I'm not alone!
KRADEN: If you all made it out, did Dora as well?
ISAAC: ...Mom...
IASAAC’S MOTHER: Welcome home, Kyle... Isaac...
ISAAC'S FATHER: You survived!!!
IASAAC’S MOTHER: So did you...
Saves the game as clear data, which is no longer playable. Choose
where you want to put this carefully.
You don't save, and the game resets. Be careful; if it resets you
have to start from the last place you saved.
--- Quest Over ---
# #
##### VIII. CODES & SECRETS ######################### CODE : [CDSC] ##########
# #
-At the beginning of the game, when you are naming Felix, press SELECT three
times to name, Jenna, Sheba, and Piers.
-To name the chracters from Golden Sun, press UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT,
LEFT, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, and SELECT. You will hear a tiny beep
that will tell you that you put in the code in right. You will now be able to
name Garet, Mia, and Ivan. Note: This only works if you're playing a un-linked
# #
##### IX. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ################ CODE : [FQSA] ##########
# #
Q. When/How/Where do I get Piers?
A. You recieve Piers after you go to Alhafra and fight the pirates, then
complete Air's Rock, he automatically joins you when you meet up with
him in Kibombo.
Q. How many total Djinni are there?
A. There are a total of 72 Djinni that you can have. In GS1 there are 28
djinni. In GS2 there are 44 djinn. But, you need to play a linked game.
Q. How do I ask you a question or give you a suggestion?
A. You can email me at cloud_blazer(at) Replace the (at) with a @.
Be sure not to ask me anything already covered.
# #
##### X. SIDE QUESTS ################################ CODE : [SDQS] ##########
# #
I hope you saved your game before defeating the Doom Dragon
and after getting Teleport. This section contains all the parts
of the game that can only be accessed after getting Teleport.
--- Yampi Desert Cave CODE: [SDQ1]---
Use Teleport in the Overworld to reach Alhafra, the northern
city on the continent with the two deserts. Then head south and
enter Yamp Deseert. In the desert head to the right and purposely
fall off the sandfall. Then, head all the way to the left unil you
reach a dead end with a ladder and a sandfall to your north. Climb
up the ladder and it will look like you have nowere else to go.
But, use sand and head up the sandfall, (you can pass under the
rocks), and you will reach an entrance to a cave, enter it.
This is the Yampi Desert Cave, head up and open the chest for
a Water of Life. Then return up the other path and use Teleport.
From there, you have three ways to go. Head north. You will be at
another fork, this time head to the left and you will be at a dead
end. But use sand and pass under the rocks to emerge on the other
side. Then follow the path and use Burst on the crumbly pillars
when you reach it. Head throug the door.
In here, follow the path to the north, ignoring the ladder,
unti you reach the fallen pillar. Push it to the south, then
push the pillar to your right to the east. Then head north and
push the other pillar to the north. Use Sand while on the sand
and pass under to the pillar to emerge to the north. Then,
go through the door.
Here, head north, and you will see something in the corner,
use Scoop to get some Mythril Silver. Then head north, near
the exit, and this time, take the right path. Head south at
the fork and follow the path until you reach the stairs, go
down to the next area. Here, head south and climb down the
ladder. Then use Sand and head across the rocks. Use Move to
push the pillar onto the groove. Then head south and exit the
area. Head to the left in this room and open the chest for
some Dark Matter. Then, head south and exit the room.
Here, Head south and you will see four pilars. Push the
easternmost horizontal (——) pillar south. Then push the other
horizantal pillar to the north. Then push the other horizontal
pillar back north. Then head to the left and push the eastern
vertical ( | ) pillar to right. Then head to the eastern
horizontal pillar and use Sand to pass under it and emerge
to its north. Then, push it to the south. Head to the left,
use Sand to emerge to the north of the other horizontal pillar,
and push it south. The head to the left, you will see a small
corner of the sand sticking out near the western vertical
pillar. Use Sand to pass under it and emerge on the left side.
Then push it to the right. Then head to the right and climb up
the ladder. Go through the door.
Here head to the left, jump across the pillar, onto the
other ledge and climb down the ladder. Head to the left and
use Move to push the pillar onto the groove. Then return to
the previous room. Climb down the ladder and head south to
the next room.
Here head to the right and open the chest for some
Orihalcon, then return to the left and climb up the ladder.
Use burst on the crumbly pillar, and jump to the ledge on
the right. Go up the stairs. Head all the way to the right,
ignoring the door, and use Sand to pass under the rocks
again. Emerge on the other side and head through the door.
Head to the north and go through the stairs.
Climb down the ladder and head to the right, you will
see something moving around in the sand, you need to use
the Halt Psynergy, which Isaac and co. has. It looks like
a stop watch. Follow the pattern of the creature and use
it when you can. Then use SELECT(!!!) to bring up the
menu, not the A button, and use Scoop on it. Then head
north and use Pound to remove the pillar from your path.
Head north and go through the door. Use Move to push the
pillar onto the groove and return to the previous room.
Flatten the pillar and return to the south and to the
left, climb up the ladder and up the stairs.
This time, head north and push the first pillar down,
and the second pillar to the right. Then head north, push
the other pillar up, use Sand, and go through that door.
Head to the right and follow the path down the stairs.
Head down and jump across the pillars onto the other
ledge. Follow the path south and jump across the pillar.
Head throug the door on the other ledge. Head north and
a creature will say: "I am the guardian of fire. If you
want my power, prove yourself in my crucible of flame."
--- BOSS BATTLE: Valukar ---
HP: 13500
Difficulty: 3/5
After the battle head up and inspect the tablet, and you
will be able to summon Daedalus(3 Venus, 4 Mars)
--- Sea of Time Cavern [SDQ2] ---
For the next location, Teleport to the Apojii Islands,
located on the far east side of the room. When you get
there, return to your boat. Now, head northewest to the
island you can see on the map. Then enter the house atop
it. If you did the trading sidequest before you can ask
the turtle to take you there. If you didn't here's the
____________________ _____________________ ________________________________
| || || |
| WHAT? || WHERE? || HOW? |
Pretty Stone E Tundaria Islet Help the female penguin reach the
male penguin.
Red Scarf SE Angara Islet Make your way up to the birds
nest and give it the "Pretty
Milk N Osenia Islet Use Sand to reach the cow and give
it the "Red Scarf".
Li'l Turtle West Indra Islet Make your way to the dog and give
him the milk.
-Djinni- Sea of Time Islet Set "Li'l Turtle" free by giving
him to the larger turtle.
If you have the Venus Djinn "Meld", you already completed
the trading sequence.
At the Sea of Time Islet, head south, down the steps
and up the other steps. Then, head north, DO NOT ENTER THE
HOUSE!!!, and go down the steps on the other side of the
house. Follow the path all the way to the turtle and use
Mind Read to ask him to take you to the cavern.
Inside the cavern, head north and go down the stairs,
then here, head north and use Teleport on the circle. You
will be transported to the northern area. Head north and
go through the door. Head north along the extremely long
hallway and head through the door. Then in this hallway,
head north until you reach a statue, use Tremor on it to
force the Mercury Djinn Serac to pop out. Defeat it to
have it join you. Then head north to the next room. There
is just one thing to remember, the enemies here give a lot
of EXP (especially the wonder birds) and drop rare items
(Tisiphone Blade - Cruel Dragon). Head up three rooms and
face the boss, who will say: "I am the guardian of wind.
If you would claim my power, you must prove your worth."
Defeat the Sentinel and inspect the tablet to be able to
summon Catastrophe.
--- Anemos Inner Sanctum [SDQ3] ---
By this time, you should have all the djinn, if you
don't then you can't get to this place. First of all,
teleport to Contigo. Head to the center of the town and
use Teleport on the circle on the ground. You will be in
the inner sanctum... If you look around you, you will see
the symbols for fire, water, earth, and air. Next to them
will be be 18 smaller symbols. Step on the four large
symbols to prove that you have all the djinn. Then head
north and go through the door that opens.
Head up and approach the tablet and a voice will say:
"We inherited the power of the land to create a great
darkness. If you crave this power attack this slate!"
Inspect the slate to be able to summon Charon! (8 Venus,
2 Jupiter) Now head through the norhtern door.
Head up and go down the ladder. Go down the stairs. In
this room, head south and take the left path. Go through the
door at the end. Here, head to the left and jump across the
gap, go through the door. This room has a strange new puzzle,
when you move, the statue will also move but in a mirror
direction. When you move left, it will move right, and vice-
versa.What you have to do is guide it around the gaps on the
ground to the switch at the end of the path. It won't be too
difficult. Once you move it onto the switch the door will
open and you can go through.
In this room, head to the right and jump south across
the gaps, follow the path then push the pillar onto the
groove when you reach it. Then head north and go through
the door. Here, head to the right and jump across the gap,
go through the exit.
Here, head south and step on all the black circles to
activate the lift, step onto the lift. In this area, head
north throug the door. Head to the right and push the
pillar to the far left. DO NOT go down the stairs. Instead,
head south around the green blocks and jump across the gap.
Then follow the path and go down the stairs at the end. Go
down the stairs to your left. Follow the path to the left
and go down the stairs when you reach it. Open the chest
on the north-western side of the room for some "Dark Matter,"
then return to the previous room. Head north and follow the
path to a puzzle room.
This room has the same black switches you saw before,
but this time the room is full of cracked tiles. If you
fall you will drop to the room where you just got the
Dark Matter, and have to start over. So, head to the
left and step onto the first switch. Then head south 2
cracked tiles, head left 1 cracked tile and step onto
the second switch. Head north 2 cracked tiles, left 2
cracked tiles, then south 6 tiles to the end of the
column. Then head right and step onto the switch. Head
right 1 cracked tile, up 2 cracked tiles, right 1
cracked tile and onto the fourth switch. Then, head
south 1 tile and onto the fifth switch. Head right 2
tiles and onto the sixth switch. Then head right 1
tile, north 2 tiles, left 2 tiles, up 1 tile and onto
the siwtch. The lift will be activated, and you can head
up two tiles and step on it to be taken to the next area.
Here, head off the lift and head left along the path
and go down the stairs. Now, head to the left and push
the pillar all the way to the left. Head back all the way
to the right and go through the door. Here, head north and
go through the door. Jump across the gap, and head down
the stairs. Here, follow the path west, ignoring the
northern path and go throug the door.
Here is another puzzle-statue room. This time its a
little bit harder. I will use the green blocks in the
center of the room asguides for you to move. Head north
three blocks until the statues is in front of the hole.
Then head to the right so that the statue is under the
green block. Head up three blocks. The statue won't be
able to follow you. Then maneuver the statue around the
block so that it rests to the north of the block. You
should be to the left of the northern block. Then head
down three blocks. Now, simply maneuver the statue to the
switch to open the door. Head through it to the next area.
Here, you can head down the stairs to your north and
open the chest at the end of the path for an item. Then
return to the previous room and this time, head to the
right and go through the door. This room has a puzzle
involving some cracked tiles. Head north and step onto
the first cracked tile. Head left and left onto the
second tile, then head north onto the third. Jump
across the pillars to your left and head clockwise
around the room until you get to the west side, near
the green blocks. There, use Move and push the pillar
one space to the right. Then head back around the
path, but this time stop in the middle of path and
head south. Jump south across the platforms and step
onto the first cracked tile. Then head south one tile,
and right one tile. Jump across the platforms to the
right and use Sand on the... Well, the sand. Head
north, push the pillar out of your way and follow
the path to the other pillar. Push it to the left
and head throug the door.
Here, head north and climb down the ladder. Here
is an EXTREMELY easy puzzle that even a monkey could
figure out. And if you got this far in the game and
you can't figure it out, there must be something
wrong with you. All you have to do is move the blocks
with the symbols onto the tiles on the floor with the
corresponding symbol. Then head up the ladder climb
down the small staircase, jump across the platform
and use Hover on the large circle. You'll be carried
to (que dramatic music) DULLAHAN!!! If you are able
to defeat it, you'll be given the the final summon
in the game. Iris. Which seems like a jip to me
after getting ALL those djinni. And that's it. If
you've followed my guide, you've seen almost all
there is to see.
# #
##### XI. CREDITS ################################### CODE : [CRDT] ##########
# #
I don't really have anyone to thank. I would mainly thank Camelot,
for working so hard to make this game perfect. I would thank
Nintendo, but you know they're just in it for the money. Oh yeah,
thanks to Cjayc for trying to keep in order
and uploading my guide. Also if you want to contribute or have
already contributed and I haven't credited you (not likely), you
can email me. But... uh, since this does need some people and
things, here's a list of the people that inspired me to write
this guide:
- Me: For being so damn good looking.
- I: For being perfect in everyway.
- Alla dem hate-az who ain't down wid da way I preach, homie.
- Microsoft, without whom the world would be a better place.
- and cofee, lots and lots of cofee.
# #
##### XII. CONTACT ME ############################### CODE : [CNIN] ##########
# #
If you are reading this you are probably want to ask me something.
If you are, just remember: There are no stupid questions... Just
stupid people. If you don't want to be considered stupid, please
have the courtesy to read through the guide and make sure that the
answer to your question is not listed. And please, don't ask me
where you can find the rom image for this game, because I wouldn't
tell you even if I knew... and I do. One more thing keep you stupid
chain emails to your self... You won't die in three days if you
just delete the friggin thing. Okay, enough of my ranting, my email
is cloud_blazer(a) And use your common sense to change
the "(at)" to an "@". Sheesh. By the way, make sure the subject is
"Golden Sun 2" or I might "accidentally" delete it.
Once again, my email is: cloud_blazer(at)
# #
##### XIII. COPYRIGHT ############################### CODE : [CNIN] ##########
# #
This guide/wakthrough is © Copyrighted to me, Sunny Masud. By
using this guide you agree to the following:
- You are not permitted to use this guide on your site without my permission.
- You are, however, allowed to use this guide for your own personal use.
- You may not solicit/gain any monetary profit from this guide.
- You may print it out and give it to your friends.
- If I allow you to, and you use this guide on your site, it must be left
- You are not allowed to convert this file into HTML Format either.
- If you are allowed to use this site, it is your responsibility to keep it
- You must never complain that there are too many rules.
- You must admit that I am superior to you, and your one wish is that someday
you will be like me... A pompous arrogant jerk.
namely mine.
------------------------------------- END -------------------------------------
Golden Sun: The Lost Age: FAQ/Walkthrough by SMasud
Version 4.0, Last Updated 2004-06-07 View/Download Original File
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