A poisonous herbal from the dangerous herbal, green herb, coconut soil, lent oil + Cooking oil + Crocona, Crincin, Faldy, Gieta, Hendrik Nangoi, Kevin Nangoi, Kling, computers (Ririn & ruru), Klining & 3155, mix the 6 soils dan glitter, gorong, glendy, gandum, nut,croconf, minyak kayu putih, kleres, vegetable, meitha soil put on the lend rikasna, cool green backround & the music in the stoporaninaiya of the body bkg koly rencana ciring, corong di botol lent, mix with aqua, turqose & cap kaki 3 in the mixer no 3, Sirim pa ne rezadi, goly the perut bumi, santap hila, gary land, put lend in the oven, Greek Silin, Quake the salad & Oil, Soapy the lend, rumit the cassava, onion berg, glorty & the pain sand, piece green paint, gorry the rose flower, put the gary 36 in the kecup, Gary the sate gary, & jadi herbal water, good madacine 4 health, greeck gorong to the lent push the lent & crick the herbal foe, the water of herbal pt in the stove, giring the Gieta, cook it, lender lavender, trquose mosque, trick th legend, put the insect color it wiwh the green color waaaaaduh
Guardian 5 : ora ono? le care.
Guardian 6 : ha renya maksudnya?
Guardian 3 : he la gary cook fa...
Ieie : Herbal??? la fa na rina coe kara do jo herbal.
Guardian 6 : hiajpaa!!!
G.14 : cu na
G.11 : ok ship..
Text 3136 above, lent the power of djinn storm, atomic bia dengan Hendrik nNangoi yg suka angka 11, 11 di geserin, gorry the sand, find the krikil, lent the krikil, put in Guardian 14, hover it and teng-teng!!! Sudah matang herbal backroundnya, tapi no matching... Ok...
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