Sabtu, 29 September 2007

11, sama, Hendrik Nangoi (Nakita)

NASCAR Rumble: Secret Vehicles FAQ by WolfePz
Last Updated 2003-02-27 View/Download Original File
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Nascar Rumble Secret Vehicles Faq
Copywrite 02/20/2000 by WolfePz
About this Faq:

I spent hours going through EACH track searching for the Extra Vehicles! This
FAQ is a result of my hard work. I don't care if you copy this and distribute
it as long as nothing is changed and I recieve credit for it's contents...



Nascar Rumble: Extra Vehicles FAQ


Ok to start out, This is my first attempt at a FAQ so please bear with me...

To be able to use the extra vehicles, you must search the various tracks for the spinning
wrenches. These wrenches represent each locked vehicle. The wrenches are
sometimes tricky to get but I am hoping that this will help you find them
much easier. It is not neccesary to win the track, you must only cross the
finish line.

The Vehicles & Their Locations

The Golf Cart:

The Golf Cart is Located in the Marti Graw Set on the Big Easy Track.
Toward the middle of the track there is a shortcut that cuts to the right,
directly through a house. Inside the house go to the last room and turn
directly right into a bookshelf. This will break away the wall and the wrench
is dead ahead.
The Jet Car:

The Jet Car is Located in the Bad Lands Set on the Stoney Creek Track.
On the Very last turn of the track, aim left off the jump and land on the ledge.
Either hit reverse, or just turn around and backtrack on the ledge and the
wrench will be directly in front of you.
The Tow Truck:

The Tow Truck is Located in the Metropolis Set on the Ship Shape Track.
Toward the end of the track, after the tunnel, you will be on a track with
another road running directly next to you. At first chance turn around onto the
other road and go back to end of it. The wrench is directly in front of you.
The Sprint Car:

The Sprint Car is Located in the Beach Blast Set on the Dog Tired Track.
After the three sharp turns there is a shortcut track on the left. Take this and
you will do a jump onto a dog track. Circle the dog track and you will run into
the wrench on the 2nd turn.
The Chicken Truck:

The Chicken Truck is located in the Southern Exposure Set on the Fowl Play
Toward the end of the track, there is a shortcut through a chicken coop.
Halfway through the coop, cut right directly into the wall of the coop. The
wrench is right behind the breakable wall.
The Road Captain:

The Road Captain is Located in the Southern Exposure Set on the Hog Hollow
After the shortcut through the farmer's fences, there is a gas station directly
ahead of you. Crash into the garage door to obtain the wrench.
The Hot Rod:

The Hot Rod is Located in the Metropolis Set on the Night Flight Track.
Follow the route that goes left and right after entering the tunnel, there is a
large orange crate against the left wall. Crash into the crate to enter a
tunnel. At the end of the tunnel is the wrench.
The Loader:

The Loader is Located in the GoldRush Set on the Golden Rule Track.
Take the route the goes left. After the big jump into the dividing road, turn
around and head back toward the jump. At the bottom of the cliff is a crevice
in which the wrench is located.
The RV:

The RV is Located in the Beach Blast Set on the RipTide Track.
Go around the first corner, then turn around and head toward the large tent. Go
around the tent to the right and the wrench in next to the fence.

I hope this FAQ has helped to make the game more fun to experiment with the
different vehicles. Personally I enjoy using the Sprint Car because it is VERY
fast and corners nicely.

Shouts go out to J-Rock and Double-B for Helping show me the way as well as
putting up with me while I searched every track repeatedly.

Any Questions or Comments can be sent to me at

Have Fun and Remember: Do not wish for things you cannot have; Enjoy the things
you DO have.


NASCAR Rumble: Secret Vehicles FAQ by WolfePz
Last Updated 2003-02-27 View/Download Original File
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X-Men: Mutant Academy 2: FAQ/Move List by GalFord
Version 0.4, Last Updated 2001-11-14 View/Download Original File
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Sony Playstation
FAQ by: GalFord (

When I first started to write this FAQ I had used an 'Unlock everything'
code to enable..well, everything. I did not listed it here, and I didn't
give it out via e-mail. The reason I'm did so is for the fact that it's
spoilt the sense of achievement that I should have gained when I unlocked
something new. However, it seems that one person thought that I had a bit
of a arrogance problem, so he mailed me a one of the funniest abuse-laden
mails I've ever read. They continued to get more and more hilarious each
time he wished death upon me, all for the sake of a cheat code. Well, the
game's been out for ages now, so I don't think that it really matters whether
I gave out the code now, as you can find it nearly anywhere on the 'net.
If you can't find it at all, then I suppose I don't mind giving it out via
e-mail if need be.

Kind Regards,



Version 0.4 = 14/11/01 <>
Corrected a few errors that were pointed out to me. Cleared up a few things
that meant that people would be able to unlock certain secrets. Credited a
few people with their findings etc, etc... received a LOT of mail about this
FAQ, unfortunatly most of it was from one rather abusive little fellow that
continues to try and upset me by mailing abuse to my mail account when all
he's doing is making himself look rather stupid with his lack of spelling and
grammar, over-abuse of the SHIFT key and vocabulary that seems to be sadly
limited to 13 or so swearwords. To think, all this over the fact that I
didn't give out the 'Unlock Everything' keypress cheat. You'd have thought
that it'd be quite easy to find now.. hell, it's repeated twice on's Codes and Secrets section... Yeesh.

Version 0.3 = 02/10/01 <>
Found, and verified the method for getting Psylocke's 'Shadow' outfit.
Was mailed the definitive way to get Spiderman. Cleared up a few errors
and I 'think' that I've wrapped it up. Added a little 'something' to the
Epilogue, just in case.. ^_~

Version 0.2 = 1/10/01
Listed Costumes and Stages, verified a few methods to unlocking a few of
the hidden characters. Added a small 'How to use' section at the bottom of
every characters' moveslist. Verified the method of unlocking the 'Pool
Party' versus stage.

Version 0.1 = 26/09/01
Listed all known special moves for each of the characters. Will add throws,
extra attacks, character data in next revision. Also, will list the secrets
as and when I find them.


This FAQ is free and may not be used for profit or promotional purposes;
this MEANS being used by ANY Publisher of ANY Magazine (OK?), or be used
in a Website without the Writers Consent. It may not be changed, altered
nor edited in anyway. This FAQ was created and slaved over by
Bob Ritchings a.k.a. GalFord (
And after going to the effort of typing this out...
Ripping this off, will force me to do some Serious Spanking!

This Game is (c) Activision. 2001
All Characters within are (c) MARVEL. 2001


I wanted to do an FAQ for the first game, but was beaten to it by a mile...
so.. here it is! I've played around with the game for long enough now to see
that it's not just a complete rehash of the original, in fact.. it can be
insanely complex when it comes to making up a few 'expert' combos!
Joining the original cast of 10 from the first game are Havok, Nightcrawler,
Forge and Rogue as well as a few... hidden challengers.
The game system has been massively overhauled. At first glance, it looks
exactly the same, until someone boots the opponent into the air!! ^_^



F = Forward
B = Back
R = Right
L = Left
U = Up
D = Down
J = Jumping
S = Standing
C= Crouching
F, F = Hop forwards
F, Hold F = Hop to Run
B, B = Backstep

P = Punch
K = Kick
WP = Weak Punch (Default: Square )
WK = Weak Kick (Default: Cross )
MP = Medium Punch (Default: Triangle )
MK = Medium Kick (Default: Circle )
HP = Heavy Punch (Default: R1 / WP+MP)
HK = Heavy Kick (Default: R2 / WK+MK)
CT = Counter (Default: L1 / MP+MK)
TH = Throw (Default: L2 / WP+WK)
TA = Taunt (Default: MP+WK )

(..) = Press buttons together
#.. = Move can ONLY be done in Mid-Air
##.. = Move can ONLY be done whilst flying (Certain characters only)



The system in X-Men: Mutant Academy is ever so slightly different from the
first game. The three Super Bars are still in there (Super, SMI and X-Treme
Attack bars), and you can still switch energy from one to the next using the
same method that you did in the first game (Will be explained for anyone
who's not played the first game). But, you don't have to build up the
X-Treme meter then bash away at the X button to 'lock' the Super into place
like you did in the first one! Taking a leaf out of the Capcom 'X-Men Vs'
series, you can now launch your opponent into the air and pursue them with an
aerial chain combo before blasting them with a mid-air special/super attack.


SUPER: Standard, run of the mill, quick to charge super move. Doesn't do an
awful lot of damage, but it's worth using them just to rub your opponent's
face into the dirt with a nice stylish combo.

SMI: No, I don't know what SMI stands for. SMI Supers are quite nifty, in
the way that you execute the move and you are given a few directions to press.
For each of the 5 directions you manage to hit quick enough, the more damage
the SMI Super will do.

X-TREME: (Quoted from Instruction Manual) - 'The most powerful of the Supers.
If used correctly, it can help you defeat your opponent with ease.'
Well, they weren't lying.. sheesh. Each one of the X-Treme Supers is a force
to be dealt out without mercy!


Whilst playing, it's possible to transfer power from one Super Meter to
another. This allows you to fill one meter quickly by draining the available
power in the other two (If needed). Transferring the power sounds difficult
to do, but with practise it'll be almost natural.

Step 1: Hold down the button that corresponds to the meter that you wish to
drain and transfer.

-Player 1: Square Button (Super), Triangle (SMI Super), Circle (X-TREME)
-Player 2: Circle Button (Super), Triangle (SMI Super), Square (X-TREME)

*Note that the buttons are switched for Player 1 and 2, as the super bars are
reversed for Player 2 side of the screen.

Step 2: Hold Left or Right.
Step 3: Press the button that corresponds to the meter that you wish to
transfer to. Viola! All done!


New to X-Men: Mutant Academy 2, but not to Capcom fans. Aerial combat/combos
allow you to be as daring as you want to be. Each character has one or more
'launch' moves. When you connect with one of these your opponent with sail
high into the air, ready for you to pursue them for an aerial combo. As soon
as you connect with a launch move, hold UP on the Direction Pad to jump up to
continue the combo. In addition, each Character now has at least one mid-air
special (Or Super) move that can be linked onto the end of a mid-air chain

*Note: Certain characters can 'fly'. Rogue, Storm, Phoenix and Magneto can
levitate and move around if you hit UP, UP on the Direction Pad.


Move Counters are exactly as the name states. And the start of every match
you have three of these to use in the battle. (Displayed by three Yellow bars
to the side of the Timer) As you use these, they will be greyed out.
Just before the opponent attacks, hit the L1 (Or Triangle and Circle) button
to use the counter. This will NOT counter 'projectile' moves such as Cyke's
Optic Blasts.


Should be simple enough, huh? You have a throw button, so all you have to do
is use it, right? Well, yes... and yet, no. Most characters have at least 2
throws available to them. A standard throw, a 'forward' throw and a 'reverse'
throw. The first two will normally bat the opponent forwards, usually in some
painful manner. The third type (reverse) will normally throw the hapless
foe overhead/behind them, causing you to face the opposite way.


Pressing MP+WK together causes your character to Taunt the opponent. They
don't serve any other function than just to taunt, but it's kinda funky that
they are in there. Some of them are quite funny.. if you like that kind of
thing... =P




Sentinel Attack

Real name: Scott Summers
Occupation: Adventurer
Group affiliation: X-Men, formerly X-Factor.
Base of operations: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning,
Westchester County, New York.
First appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #1 (1963)

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eye color: Glowing red
Hair color: Brown

Powers: Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a beam of concussive
force from his eyes. As he cannot control his optic blasts, he must wear a
visor or glasses with ruby-quartz lenses that block the beams.

Square Button - 'Standard' Blue Outfit/Yellow Trim
Circle Button - 'Standard' Grey Outfit/Yellow Trim
R1+Square Button - 'Present-day Comic' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Cross Button - 'Movie' Outfit

Blast Off - TH or WP+WK
Backhand Optic Slap - F+TH or WP+WK
Up and Over - B+TH or WP+WK

Beam Bolt - D, F+WP
Beam Bolt2 - D, F+MP
Optic Uppercut - D, B+WP
Optic Uppercut2 - D, B+MP
Optic Uppercut3 - D, B+HP
Super Power Flash Kick - D, B+WK
Super Power Flash Kick2 - D, B+MK
Super Power Flash Kick3 - D, B+HK
#Air Beam Bolt - D, F+WP/MP
#Air Sweep Bolt - D, B+Any Punch

Hyper Power Flash Kick - D, F+HK

Hyper Rush Combo - B, F+HP (SMI Commands: R, L, R, D, U)

Concussion Blast - D, F+HP
#Air Concussion Blast - D, F+HP

Cyclops enjoys a wide range of combo-able moves that allow him scope to
really go to town on the hapless person that faces him. From his special
moves that launch the foe, to the variety of optic blasts that he has,
Cyclops is a monster in the battlefield. Play him as aggresive as you
possibly can, mixing up the heights of your chain combos to get a poke in
if the opponent blocks a lot. Oh, and do all you can you can to abuse the
Concussion Blast Super!!


Department H

Real name: Logan
Occupation: Adventurer
Group affiliation: X-Men
Base of operations: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning,
Westchester County, New York
First appearance: Incredible Hulk (Vol. 1) #180 (1974)

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black

Powers: Wolverine is blessed with animal-keen senses that enable him to
track people and objects with an impressive degree of success. In addition,
his accelerated healing factor allows him to survive wounds that would
prove fatal to most humans and mutants.

Weapons: Wolverine's skeleton has been bonded with the indestructible metal
Adamantium. Also, he possesses Adamantium-laced, retractable claws housed
in his forearms. At will, he can release them through the skin on the back
of each hand.

Square Button - 'Standard' Yellow/Blue Outfit
Circle Button - 'Standard' Yellow/Brown Outfit
R1+Square Button - 'Cowboy' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Cross Button - 'Movie' Outfit

Stab Kick Combo - TH or WP+WK
3 Claw Ripper - F+TH or WP+WK
Jump N Jive - B+TH or WP+WK

Slashing Frenzy - D, F+Any Punch
Wolf Leap - D, B+WK
Wolf Leap2 - D, B+MK
Wolf Leap3 - D, B+HK
Talon Assault (From Savage Leap) - Any Punch
Swivel Kick (From Savage Leap) - Any Kick
#Frenzied Slashes - D, F+Any Punch
#Talon Raid - D, F+Any Kick

Precise Cut - D, F+HK

Special Delivery - D, B+HP (SMI Commands: R, U, L, D, L)

Rapid Regeneration - F, B+HK

Wolverine is an 'in your face' character, so he should be played as such.
His moves are just full of combo potential and he works well when you're
jumping around annoying the enemy with small combos. His Special Delivery
SMI Super will be the most used as it's great to combo, and can be stuck in
to any fight with ease. His Rapid Regeneration isn't too bad, but you have
to make sure that you won't get beaten to death doing it.


Bayou Hideout

Real name: Remy LeBeau
Occupation: Adventurer, reformed thief
Group affiliation: X-Men, Thieves Guild of New Orleans
Base of operations: Mobile
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #266 (1990)

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eye color: Burning red
Hair color: Brown

Powers: Through physical contact, Gambit can convert an object's potential
energy into kinetic energy.

Square Button - 'Standard' Black+Pink Outfit/Brown Trenchcoat
Circle Button - 'Standard' Black+Red Outfit/Grey Trenchcoat
R1+Square Button - 'Hankerchief' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Cross Button - 'Movie' Outfit (He got this in X-Men:MAcademy 1)

Shoulder Butt - TH or WP+WK
Trip Slam - F+TH or WP+WK
Shove It - B+TH or WP+WK

Black Jack - B, F+WP
Black Jack2 - B, F+MP
Black Jack3 - B, F+HP
Insurance - D, B+WP
Insurance2 - D, B+MP
Insurance3 - D, B+HP
Surging Staff - B, F+WK
Surging Staff2 - B, F+MK
Surging Staff3 - B, F+HK
#Air Black Jack - D, F+Any Punch
#Air Black Jack2 - D, B+Any Punch

Charged Staff - D, B+TH

Card Trick - D, B+HK (SMI Commands: U, L, R, U, D)

52 Card Pickup - F, F+HP

Gambit isn't a great character, but he can more than hold his own. His
Black Jack projectiles are fast and able to annoy greatly. The Surging Staff
move is great for combos and well worth abusing. Learn to read your opponent
as Gambit's a character that works well on counter-attacking rather than
being the attacker.


Muir Island

Real name: Ororo Munroe
Occupation: Adventurer
Group affiliation: X-Men, formerly the Morlocks
Base of operations: Mobile
First appearance: Giant-Size X-Men #1 (1975)

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 127 lbs.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: White

Powers: Storm is a mutant with the ability to manipulate weather. She can
stimulate any form of precipitation, generate winds in varying degrees of
intensity, raise or lower the humidity and temperature in her immediate
vicinity, induce lightning and other electrical atmospheric phenomena, and
disperse natural storms so as to create clear change.

Square Button - 'Standard' Dark Blue Outfit
Circle Button - 'Standard' Olive Green Outfit
R1+Square Button - 'Present-day Comic' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Cross Button - 'Movie' Outfit

Goddess Hand - TH or WP+WK
Dust Devil - F+TH or WP+WK
Storm Toss - B+TH or WP+WK

Ball Lightning - D, B+WP
Ball Lightning2 - D, B+MP
Ball Lightning3 - D, B+HP
Electric Drill - B, F+WP
Electric Drill2 - B, F+MP
Electric Drill3 - B, F+HP
Lightning Bolt - B, F+WK
Lightning Bolt2 - B, F+MK
Lightning Bolt3 - B, F+HK
#Static Electricity - D+Any Punch (Can be done whilst Flying)
##Air Electric Drill - F+Any Punch
##Air Lightning Bolt - F+Any Kick

Static Force - MK, U, MP

Hyper Electric Drill - F, F+HP (SMI Commands: L, R, U, R, U)

Thunder Goddess - F, F+ HK
#Air Thunder Goddess - D, F+HK

Storm's quite a good all-round character, able to be offensive or defensive
at her own choosing. Be warned though, she's not an easy character to use.
Combo-wise she's a little limited, but what she has is more than enough to
make sure that she comes out on top. Forget about using her Static Force as
a decent super... but do all you can to make sure that you can slam the foe
with her SMI's or her X-Treme Supers.


Danger Room

Real name: Henry "Hank" McCoy
Occupation: Biochemist, adventurer
Group affiliation: X-Men; formerly the Avengers, the Defenders and X-Factor.
Base of operations: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning,
Westchester County, New York.
First appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #1 (1963)

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 400 lbs.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Originally brown, bluish-black in furry form

Powers: Besides superhuman strength, speed and agility, the Beast boasts the
acrobatic prowess of an accomplished circus aerialist and acrobat.

Square Button - 'Standard' Blue Outfit/Blue Fur
Circle Button - 'Standard' Dark Blue Outfit/Grey-Blue Fur
R1+Square Button - 'Goggles' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Cross Button - 'Movie' Outfit (Actually, it looks like 'Dark Beast')

Slap Down - TH or WP+WK
Bodyspring - F+TH or WP+WK
Frankensteiner - B+TH or WP+WK

Handspring Kick - D, B+WP
Handspring Kick2 - D, B+MP
Handspring Kick3 - D, B+HP
Stumbled Up - D, B+WK
Stumbled Up2 - D, B+MK
Stumbled Up3 - D, B+HK
#Blue Torpedo - D+Any Punch

Handplant Hell - D, F+HK

Seismic Smackdown - D, F+HP (SMI Commands: U, L, D, L, U)

Flat Out - B, F+HK

All-out attack. That's all I can say. I love using Beast, but against foes
like Cyclops, Havok and Mystique he'll have a hard time getting close enough
to start combo-ing. However, once Beast is close to his 'victim' then he
can really rain on their parade. His Handspring Kick1 is a valuable to his
combo ability once you realise that you can juggle off of it in the corner.
And all three of his Supers are combo-able from chain combos.


Blue Moon

Real name: Jean Grey
Occupation: Adventurer
Group affiliation: X-Men, formerly X-Factor
Base of operations: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning,
Westchester County, New York.
First appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #1 (1963)

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Red

Powers: A telepath, Jean Grey can read minds, project thoughts and illusions
into others' heads, and discharge mind-numbing mental bolts. Her telekinetic
abilities allow her to levitate herself, other living beings and inanimate objects.

Square Button - 'Standard' Green Outfit/Yellow Trim
Circle Button - 'Standard' Red Outfit/Yellow Trim (Dark Phoenix anyone?)
R1+Square Button - 'Present-day Comic' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Cross Button - 'Movie' Outfit

Thinking Hard - TH or WP+WK
High I.Q - F+TH or WP+WK
Psychic Slam - B+TH or WP+WK

Earth Flare - D, F+WK
Earth Flare2 - D, F+MK
Earth Flare3 - D, F+HK
#Fire Bird - D, F+WP
#Fire Bird2 - D, F+MP
#Fire Bird3 - D, F+HP
#Scorching Arrow - D, F+WK
#Scorching Arrow2 - D, F+MK
#Scorching Arrow3 - D, F+HK

Metaphysical Confusion - D, B+HP
##Metaphysical Confusion - B+HP
#Searing Arrow - D, B+HK

Scorching Flight - D, F+HP (SMI Commands: L, R, D, L, U)
##Searing Flight - F+HP

Empathy Shell - F, B+HP
##Empathy Shell - D+HP

Quick, nimble but not that well versed in the large combo stakes. Use her
to poke the opponent to death with small combos before you run away. This
will annoy the enemy to the point that they'll make mistakes in which you'll
be able to insert a super of your choice. The Metaphysical Confusion super
doesn't work against computer opponents (Making that super useless in the
Arcade Mode..)
According to the people at GameFAQs's X-Men:MA2 board, Pheonix's Empathy
Shell X-Treme super causes the same amount of damage that your opponent
inflicts upon you whilst the 'Shell' is active. (i.e: If you are hit by
Cyclops' Bolt Blast, both you and Cyclops will take the damage for it)


Morlock Cavern

Real name: Mortimer Toynbee
Occupation: Terrorist, former adventurer
Group affiliation: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, formerly the Misfits
Base of operations: Mobile
First appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #4 (1964)

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 260 lbs.
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Reddish-brown

Powers: Mortimer Toynbee is a mutant with superhuman leaping ability. He
has been observed reaching an altitude of 24 feet and covering a distance
on the ground of 36 feet in a single leap. The Toad's adaptive metabolism
allows him to excrete slime from his pores that paralyzes his victims. Also,
he is able to manipulate his tongue as would a real toad, most often using
it like a whip. Mortimer's unusually flexible spine enables him to crouch
continually without damage, but he can stand erect if he wishes.

Square Button - 'Standard' Yellow Outfit/Purple Trim
Circle Button - 'Standard' Grey Outfit/Red Trim
R1+Square Button - 'Present-day Comic' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Cross Button - 'Movie' Outfit

Circus Feat - TH or WP+WK
Super Toad - F+TH or WP+WK
Leapfrog - B+TH or WP+WK

Venomous Spew - D, F+Any Punch
Fly Trap - D, F+Any Kick
Back Flop - D, B+MK
Lily Pad Leap (From Back Flop) - Any Punch
Tadpole Slide (From Back Flop) - Any Kick
#Drilling Drop Kick - D+Any Kick

Bullfrog Boot - B, F+HP

Crazy Legs - D, B+HP (SMI Commands: D, U, R, U, L)

Flying Toad - B, F+HK

Toad is one of the awkward characters to use, but with a little practise
he's a combo monster. His standard attacks take a little time to get used
to, but once you have you'll be able to confuse the opponent with them
easily. Abuse the Fly Trap move as it's fast, furious and downright nasty.
When it comes to his Supers, you'll only be able to combo the Crazy Legs so
save the other two punish any mistakes that leave them wide open.



Real name: Raven Darkholme
Occupation: Terrorist
Group affiliation: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants; formerly Freedom Force
and X-Factor.
Base of operations: Secret
First appearance: Ms. Marvel #16 (as Raven Darkholme, 1978),
Ms. Marvel #18 (as Mystique, 1978)

Height: 5''10"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eye color: Yellow, with no apparent pupils in her true form
Hair color: Red; black as Raven Darkholme

Powers: A mutant metamorph, Mystique can psionically shift the atoms and
molecules of her body and clothing so as to mimic the appearance of any
human, humanoid or semi-humanoid being of either sex. Her control is so
precise she can exactly replicate another person's retina, finger, palm and
skin-pore patterns; even vocal cords are not beyond her ability to duplicate.

Mystique is limited by her inability to diminish or increase her mass, and
she cannot duplicate the powers of other mutants. As yet, she has not
demonstrated an ability to imitate non-humanoid beings, animals, plants or
inanimate objects. Doing so likely would interfere with the proper
functioning of her internal organs and possibly result in her death.

Weapons: Mystique wields various-caliber handguns. Also, her influence as
Raven Darkholme has afforded her access to advanced weaponry, military
secrets and other assets she has exploited for her own subversive purposes.

Square Button - 'Standard' Blue/White Outfit
Circle Button - 'Standard' Blue/Black Outfit
R1+Square Button - 'Present-day Comic' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Cross Button - 'Movie' Outfit

Executioner - TH or WP+WK
Backfire - B+TH or WP+WK

Head Shot - D, F+WP
Pop Shot - D, F+MP
Leg Sweeper - D, F+HP
Cheap Shot - D, B+WK
Cheap Shot2 - D, B+MK
Cheap Shot3 - D, B+HK
#Air Beam Shot - D, F+Any Punch

Gut Shot - D, B+TH

Revolver Rush - D, B+HP (SMI Commands: L, D, L, R, D)
#Revolver Rush - D, B+HP

Carried Away - D, F+HK

Although she has not got a lot of moves and she's a little fiddly to use,
Mystique is a strong character. Keep your distance and pick off your foe
with her Gun based special attacks. After a while, move in to deliver the
final combo that will secure your victory. All three of her Supers are good
but beware that the Gut Shot is a close range super. Abuse the Revolver
Rush at every possible opportunity.


Missile Platform

Real name: Victor Creed
Occupation: Assassin
Group affiliation: Weapon X; formerly the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
and X-Factor
Base of operations: Unrevealed
First appearance: Iron Fist #14 (1977)

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 275 lbs.
Eye color: Amber
Hair color: Blond

Powers: Sabretooth can regenerate damaged or destroyed cells at an
accelerated rate, and his healing factor renders him virtually immune to
poisons and most drugs. Sabretooth's superhumanly acute senses are
comparable to those of certain animals; he can track a person or object by
smell in a manner similar to that of a dog or wolf. Also, his claws and
teeth are strong enough to rend substances as durable as bone.

Square Button - 'Standard' Yellow/Brown Outfit
Circle Button - 'Standard' White-Blue/Dark Blue Outfit
R1+Square Button - 'Present-day Comic' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Cross Button - 'Movie' Outfit

Piledriver - TH or WP+WK
Spin Cycle - F+TH or WP+WK
Suplex - B+TH or WP+WK

Dusty Scratch - B, F+Any Kick
Body Shredder - B, F+WP
Body Shredder2 - B, F+MP
Body Shredder3 - B, F+HP
Ill Treatment - D, B+MK (Must be done close. Throw)
#Meat Grinder - D, F+Any Punch

Mutant Relief - WP, MK, B, WP
#Claw Hammer - D+HP

Ground Pound - D, B+HP (SMI Commands: R, U, D, L, R)

Rampant Strength - WP, MK, B, MP

'In your face'. Don't give your opponent a chance to breathe. Combo the
Ill Treatment as much as you can to ensure a quick victory. Abuse the Meat
Grinder whenever you get close as you jump-in. In all truth, the only super
attacks you'll need are the Claw Hammer and the Ground Pound.


Asteroid M

Real name: Magnus
Occupation: Would-be world conqueror
Group affiliation: None, formerly the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Base of operations: Genosha
First appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #1 (1963)

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eyes: Bluish-gray
Hair: Silver

Powers: Magneto is a mutant with the ability to shape and manipulate
magnetic fields, both natural and artificial. Using his powers to augment
his strength, he can lift up to 100 tons. Magneto also possesses minor
psychic skills, such as the ability to create a mental barrier against
psionic attack and read minds on a basic level.

Square Button - 'Standard' Red Outfit/Purple Trim
Circle Button - 'Standard' Purple Outfit/Grey Trim
R1+Square Button - 'Present-day Comic' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Cross Button - 'Movie' Outfit

Magneto Effect - TH or WP+WK
Atomic Outflux - F+TH or WP+WK
Narcosis Slam - B+TH or WP+WK

Magnetic Gush - D, F+WP
Magnetic Gush2 - D, F+MP
Magnetic Gush3 - D, F+HP
Magnetic Lure - D, F+WK
Magnetic Lure2 - D, F+MK
Magnetic Lure3 - D, F+HK
Force Boost - B, F+WP
Force Boost2 - B, F+MP
Force Boost3 - B, F+HP
##Air Force Boost - F+Any Punch
##Air Magnetic Lure - B+Any Punch

Hyper Magnetic Lift - B, F+HK
##Hyper Magnetic Lift - F+HK

Electromagnetic Gush - D, B+HP (SMI Commands: D, R, L, R, U)

Concussion Lure - D, B+HK
##Concussion Lure - B+HK

Magneto is one hell of a powerhouse, but he takes a little getting used to.
Use his Force Boosts coupled with the Magnetic Gush/Electromagnetic Gush to
score some impressive juggle combos. All three of his supers are worth using
but learn what can be combo'd and from what attacks.


Hulkbuster Base

Real name: Unrevealed
Occupation: Inventor working for the U.S. government, former soldier.
Group affiliation: X-Factor
Base of operations: (current) Arlington, Virginia.
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #184

Height: 6'
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Other features: Forge has a bionic right leg

Powers: Forge is a mutant with a superhuman talent for inventing mechanical
devices. Forge's mutant ability functions in a similar fashion to Cypher's
mutant ability to understand languages. Forge's superhuman talent for
invention does not mean that he is a greater inventor than geniuses such as
Reed Richards, Victor von Doom, or Anthony Stark, none of whom owe their
talent for invention to mutation. But even a genius at invention must for
the most part consciously work out the theoretical principles behind the
invention and then the design of the invention itself through a series of
logical steps. In Forge's case, however, many of these logical steps would
be worked out by his subconscious mind. Hence, Forge himself might not be
entirely aware of exactly how he figured out how to create an invention of
Forge also possesses various mystical abilities, including spell casting,
which have yet to be revealed. For the most part he has not used these
abilities in years, and hence is out of practice in wielding them.

Weapons: Forge sometimes employs devices of his own invention. Most notable
among these was his neutralizer gun that could suppress superhuman mutant

Square Button - 'Standard' Blue/Yellow Outfit
Circle Button - 'Standard' Black/Red Outfit
R1+Cross Button - 'Freedom Force' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)

Striking Episode - TH or WP+WK
I'm Shocked - F+TH or WP+WK
What Is This? - B+TH or WP+WK

Shell Discharge - D, F+WP
Shell Discharge2 - D, F+MP
Shell Discharge3 - D, F+HP
Missile Launch - D, B+WK
Missile Launch2 - D, B+MK
Missile Launch3 - D, B+HK
Pistol Trap - D, B+WP
#Mine Drop - B+Any Punch

Semi Automatic - D, B+HP
#Blazing Barrel - D, B+HP

The Neutralizer - B, F+HK (SMI Commands: L, R, D, R, D)

Outer Orbit - D, F+HK

Mystique rip-off? Nope. Forge uses a gun, but that's the only thing that
Mystique and he have in common (In the game that is). His Shell Discharge
moves are worth using, but the real fun starts when you learn his Missile
Launch moves. Experimentation is the key to using Forge, as he can be
played in any style.



Real name: Kurt Wagner
Occupation: Adventurer, priest
Group affiliation: X-Men, formerly Excalibur
Base of operations: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning,
Westchester County, New York.
First appearance: Giant-Size X-Men #1 (1975)

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Eye color: Shining yellow, with no visible pupils
Hair color: Indigo

Powers: Nightcrawler can teleport himself, his clothing and a certain amount
of additional mass from one point to another almost instantaneously. He
leaves behind smoke and the smell of burning brimstone, actually atmosphere
from the unknown dimension through which he travels. Nightcrawler's
infallible spatial awareness enables him to avoid teleporting into solid
matter, which could cripple or kill him. As a result, he generally teleports
only to places he can see or those he knows well. Through practice,
Nightcrawler has increased the amount of mass he can teleport with him.

Square Button - 'Standard' Black Outfit/Red Trim
Circle Button - 'Standard' BLack Outfit/Blue Trim
R1+Cross Button - 'Original' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)

Back Slash Bamf - TH or WP+WK
Acrobatic Tail - B+TH or WP+WK

Bamf - D, B+WK
Bamf2 - D, B+MK
Bamf3 - D, B+HK
#Air Bamf - D, B+Any Kick
Tele-slash - D, F+WP
Tele-slash2 - D, F+MP
Tele-slash3 - D, F+HP
Reverse Trajectory - B, F+WK
Reverse Trajectory2 - B, F+MK
Reverse Trajectory3 - B, F+HK

Popular Excursion - D, B+TH

Tele-Combo - D, F+HK (SMI Commands: U, D, U, L, D)

High In The Sky - D, B+HP

Um.. what can I say? He looks like an expert character, but in actual fact
he's so easy to use it's untrue. Just teleport around a lot and remember to
hit your opponent and you've nearly won. ¬_¬



Real name: Alexander Summers
Occupation: Adventurer at the time of his apparent death, former government
Group affiliation: The Six at the time of his apparent death;
formerly the X-Men, X-Factor and the Brotherhood.
Base of operations: Last known to inhabit the alternate Earth of Mutant X.
First appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #54 (1969)

Height: 6'
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blond

Powers: Havok is a mutant with the superhuman ability to absorb ambient
cosmic energy and release it as waves of intense heat -- creating plasma, a
state of matter consisting of charged subatomic particles. Heat waves will
emanate from Havok's body in all directions unless purposefully channeled,
usually along the length of his arms. When one of these waves strikes an
object, the sudden jump in temperature may cause it to shatter, explode or
seemingly disintegrate. Should Havok direct his energy toward a human being
at its lowest level, his target will suffer a severe headache, but will not
burn up.

Havok constantly absorbs cosmic radiation. When his power-storage enclaves
reach capacity, excess energy is thereafter emitted in negligible quantities.
Upon the total expenditure of his available reserves, Havok's body requires
about 16 1/2 hours to recharge to peak level. The act of concentration
involved in releasing his energy in anything other than an omnidirectional
wave is physically exhausting for Havok if continued for an extended period
of time.

Square Button - 'Standard' Black Outfit/Red Trim
Circle Button - 'Standard' Dark Grey Outfit/Brown Trim
R1+Cross Button - 'Original' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)

Militant Manhandle - TH or WP+WK
Nuclear Eruption - F+TH or WP+WK
Up and Over - B+TH or WP+WK

Pulsation Blast - D, F+WP
Pulsation Blast2 - D, F+MP
Pulsation Blast3 - D, F+HP
Sensational Kick Combo - D, B+WK
Sensational Kick Combo2 - D, B+MK
Sensational Kick Combo3 - D, B+HK
Rushing Chaos Punch - D, B+WP
Rushing Chaos Punch2 - D, B+MP
Rushing Chaos Punch3 - D, B+HP
#Air Pulsation Blast - D, F+Any Punch
#Air Pulsation Blast2 - D, B+Any Punch

Cosmic Burst - D, F+HK
#Cosmic Burst - D, F+HK

Universal Meltdown - B, F+HP (SMI Commands: D, R, U, R, U)

Omni Blast - B, F+HK

Much like his brother, Havok is an unstoppable combo machine. His normal
attacks are quick and extremely useful when hitting at different heights.
Couple a chain combo into his Sensational Kick Combo3 and you've got an
easy aerial chain combo in the making. His supers are so useful it's quite
silly. The Cosmic Burst (Ground or Aerial version) should be abused like
there's no tomorrow!!


Savage Land

Real name: Marie Burrows
Occupation: Adventurer
Group affiliation: X-Men, formerly the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Base of operations: Mobile
First appearance: Avengers (Vol. 1) Annual #10 (1981)

Height: 5'8''
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown, with a white streak

Powers: Rogue is a mutant who can absorb others' memories and abilities
through physical contact. In battle with the original Ms. Marvel, Rogue
assimilated the heroine's powers permanently -- acquiring invulnerability,
super-strength and the ability to fly. Rogue's powers mutated when she
absorbed the attributes and memories of a telepathic alien. Now, her
abilities are far more uncontrollable, with the talents of all those she
has touched fighting to be released.

Square Button - 'Standard' Green Outfit/Yellow Trim
Circle Button - 'Standard' Blue Outfit/Yellow Trim
R1+Square Button - 'Spacesuit' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)

Back to Earth - TH or WP+WK
Up and Away - F+TH or WP+WK
Toss Away - B+TH or WP+WK

Jaw Splitter - D, F+Any Punch
Southern Charm (Ability Steal) - D, F+MK
Absorbed Ability - D, B+WP (After Southern Charm)
::List of Stolen Abilities::
Cyclops - Beam Bolt1
Wolverine - Rapid Regeneration
Gambit - 'Charged Hands' (Graphical effect only)
Storm - Ball Lightning1
Beast - Handspring Kick1
Phoenix - Scorching Flight
Toad - Venomous Spew
Mystique - DDT Throw
Sabretooth - Ill Treatment
Magneto - Magnetic Lure1
Forge - What's This? Throw
Nightcrawler - Bamf1
Havok - Pulsation Blast1
Rogue - Dash Punch (Extra Move)
Psylocke - Telepathic Shock
Juggernaught - Rushing Power Bomb
Spiderman - Flic-Flac2
Professor X - Nothing
#Skyscraper Dive - D+WP
#Skyscraper Dive2 - D+MP
#Skyscraper Dive3 - D+HP
##Air Jaw Splitter - DF+Any Punch

Energy Drain - D, F+HK
#KO Blow - D, F+HP

Bone Breaking Blows - B, F+HP (SMI Commands: R, D, D, L, D)

Meteor Punch - D, B+HP

Rogue may have the abily to 'steal' a move from her opponents, but if you
constantly attack with her, there's no need to use it at all! Using her
Jaw Splitter will start off any aerial combos you may with to inflict upon
your victim. But learn her chain combos and you can't go very wrong. Her
Super Attacks are all worth using, especially the Meteor Punch (As you can
aerial combo after it!)




Sentinel Attack

Real name: Peter Parker
Occupation: Adventurer, freelance photographer, high-school teacher
Group affiliation: None, formerly a reserve Avenger
Base of operations: New York City area
First appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962)

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown

Powers: Spider-Man possesses superhuman strength, reflexes and equilibrium;
the ability to cling to most surfaces; and a sixth sense that warns him of
impending danger.

Weapons: Spider-Man's wrist-mounted web-shooters discharge thin strands of
web-fluid at high pressure. On contact with air, the long-chain polymer
knits and forms an extremely tough, flexible fiber with extraordinary
adhesive qualities.

Square Button - 'Standard' Red/Blue Outfit
Circle Button - 'Standard' Black Symbiote Outfit

Leaping Spider Press - TH or WP+WK
Web Swing Lariat - B+TH or WP+WK

Web-Ball1 - D, F+WP
Web-Ball2 - D, F+MP
#Air Web-Ball1 - D, F+Any Punch
#Air Web-Ball2 - D, B+Any Punch
Web-Trap1 - D, B+WP
Web-Trap2 - D, B+MP
Flic-Flac1 - D, F+WK
Flic-Flac2 - D, F+MK
Flic-Flac3 - D, F+HK
Jumping Spider - D, B+Any Kick
Spider Dive (After Jumping Spider) - Any Punch
Spider Slide (After Jumping Spider) - Any Kick

Spider Sense, Tingling! - D, B+HP (Counter Move)

Web Weaving - D, F+HP (SMI Commands: R, U, D, L, R)

Arachnid Assault - B, F+HP

Attack, attack, attack and attack. Seriously. Spidey's speed makes an
average character into something fun. Mix up his standing and crouching
attacks to annoy the life out of the opponent. Abuse the Jumping Spider as
it's a nice multi-hit attack that doesn't really leave you open to



Real name: Elisabeth Braddock
Occupation: Adventurer at the time of her death
Group affiliation: X-Men at the time of her death, formerly Excalibur
Base of operations: Mobile at the time of her death
First appearance: Captain Britain (Vol. 1) #8 (1976)
First American appearance: New Mutants Annual #2 (1986)

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Purple

Powers: A former telepath, Psylocke could manifest her telekinesis in the
form of a sword with a blade a molecule thick, capable of slicing through
virtually any object due to the sheer force of her will. Also, she exhibited
the ability to levitate objects, herself and others, and kinetically
manipulate matter. But Psylocke was inexperienced and caused herself great
strain performing such feats.

Weapons: In combat, Psylocke relied on her telekinetic sword and Ninja
training, augmented by her mutant talents.

Square Button - 'Standard' Blue Outfit
Circle Button - 'Standard' Black Outfit
R1+Cross Button - 'Armored' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)
R1+Square Button - 'Shadow' Outfit (Crimson Dawn) (Conditions apply)

Burning Mind Attack - TH or WP+WK
Jump Kick Juggle - F+TH or WP+WK
Back Head Kick - B+TH or WP+WK

Piercing Knife - D, B+MP
Dragon Fang - D, B+WK
Dragon Fang2 - D, B+MK
Dragon Fang3 - D, B+HK
Ninja Assault - D, F+WP
Ninja Assault2 - D, F+MP
Ninja Assault3 - D, F+HP
Telepathic Shock - D, F+MK (Throw)
#Down Palm - D+WP

Psionic Wings - B, F+HP
#Super Air Assault - F+HP

Ninja Fury - B, F+HK (SMI Commands: U, L, D, R, U)

Head Trauma - F, F+HP

Although somewhat weak, she has speed and the most combo-able standard
attacks in the game. Use these to your (In my opinion) advantage. Her
special moves are quite fast, but not without their own drawbacks of leaving
her quite open to counter-attacks (She has to have some flaws!!). The supers
that she has are well suited to her style but will take some amount of skill
to learn just how to incorporate them into large combos.



Real name: Cain Marko
Occupation: Professional criminal
Group affiliation: Frequent partner of Black Tom Cassidy
Base of operations: Mobile
First appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #12 (1965)

Height: 6'10"
Weight: 900 lbs.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Red

Powers: Cain Marko (Prof.X's Half-brother) aka The Juggernaut possesses
untold power, mystical in nature, which enhances his strength and grants him
an extraordinary degree of resistance to all forms of injury. Once he begins
moving in a certain direction, no force on Earth can stop him -- only slow
his pace. Sustained by the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak, Cain Marko can survive
indefinitely without food, water or oxygen. However, Juggernaut is vulnerable
to magical forces of sufficient strength. Without his helmet, constructed of
an unknown mystical metal, he is susceptible to psionic attack.

Square Button - 'Standard' Brown/Red Outfit
Circle Button - 'Standard' Dark Grey/Brown Outfit
R1+Cross Button - 'Cain Marko' Outfit (Academy Mode Completed)

Twirl and Hurl - TH or WP+WK
Triplex - F+TH or WP+WK
Ground Slam Stampede - B+TH or WP+WK

Dual Upper Burst - B, F+WK
Dual Upper Burst2 - B, F+MK
Dual Upper Burst3 - B, F+HK
Rushing Power Bomb - B, F+WP
Rushing Power Bomb2 - B, F+MP
Rushing Power Bomb3 - B, F+HP
Binary Blitzkrieg - D, B+MP (Throw)
Binary Assault - D, B+WP
#Hammer Fists - D, F+Any Punch

Steamroller - F, F+HP

Coupled Jackhammer - D, B+HK (SMI Commands: D, R, U, L, R)

Absolute Annihilation - D, F+HP

Juggernaut is a big target against combos, so just remember that unlike the
comics... he's not invunerable! Limited in combo potential, he isn't likely
to be able to drag the opponents up and down through aerial combos. He
makes up for his lack of combos with his strength and VERY useful supers.
Don't forget about the fact that he has rather silly reach on those massive
limbs of his!



Real name: Charles Xavier
Occupation: Geneticist, teacher, leader of the X-Men;
former adventurer and soldier.
Group affiliation: X-Men
Base of operations: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning,
Westchester County, New York.
First appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #1 (1963)

Height: 6'
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Bald (blond as a child)

Powers: The world's most powerful telepath, Charles Xavier possesses vast
psionic abilities. He can induce illusions, temporary mental or physical
paralysis, loss of specific memories, or total amnesia; project mind-numbing
mental bolts; and sense the presence of mutants within a small radius.
Other abilities include telekinesis and astral projection.

Square Button - Green Pants, Brown Jacket.
Circle Button - Black Pants, Grey Jacket

Puppet on a String - TH or WP+WK
Deadly Stare - B+TH or WP+WK

Mental Bolt1 - D, F+WP
Mental Bolt2 - D, F+MP
Mental Bolt3 - D, F+HP
Wheelchair Rush1 - B, F+WK
Wheelchair Rush2 - B, F+MK
Wheelchair Rush3 - B, F+HK

Hyper Mental Bolt - B, F+HP

Intense Concentration - D, B+HP (SMI Commands: L, D, R, U, R)

The Chair - F, F+HK

Uhm... uhhh... Nngh. Abuse the Mental Bolts, then abuse the supers.
That's all I can say about him really.



Complete everything in the Academy Mode with one character to gain an
extra costume. The Cerebro Mode then tells you how to access them.

Score at least 20 wins with at least 5 perfects with Psylocke in Survival
mode to gain her 'Shadow' outfit.

Complete the Arcade Mode with one character to gain access to their
Outro Movies in the Cerebro Mode.

Complete the Arcade Mode with Wolverine to gain the Psychic Ninja. She will
be added to the standard roster at the bottom of the character select.

Method 1:
To unlock your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, simply complete Arcade Mode
with Nightcrawler. Once done, go into any mode and highlight Cyclops. Hold
down the L1 button and Spiderman will appear.
(GalFord's Note: Now, the first time that I got Spidey, I used Wolverine and
got challenged by him, but this seems to be a sure-fire way of getting him)

Method 2:
It seems to me that if you manage to rack up a few perfects (i.e 4) before
you get to the 6th battle, then Spidey will challenge you. Beat him to add
him to your roster. (Note: There seems to be may ways to get him, it's just
a case of trying a few to earn him. >_< )

To unlock the unstoppable force, you must complete Arcade Mode with all
of the standard characters (Including Psylocke if you had unlocked her
whilst playing through). He will be added to the the standard roster at
the bottom of the screen.

To unlock the World's most powerful mind, you must complete the Arcade Mode
with Juggernaut. Once done, go into any mode and highlight Magneto. Hold
down the L1 button and Xavier will appear.

Quite simple this one... you can't. He's not in the game, and it's only
a silly rumour that's been going 'round. So, you can wonder no more. =P

Play Survival Mode and Rank as 1st place with 10 or more perfects scored.

Pool Party is only only available in the two-player Versus Mode. Basically,
it's a poolside background with the X-Men: Mutant Academy 2 cast fighting in
their swimwear. Characters that use weapons have them replaced with a number
of slightly....odd things.

When you use the 'Unlock everything' code, you can go into Cerebro Mode
and see that the designers had at least 3 more costumes planned.
They were:-
1) Sabertooth - Victor Creed Outfit
2) Storm - 'Punk Mohawk' Storm
3) Beast - Hank McCoy outfit

Now, I can't check this as the code I was given was for the US/NA version of
the game and I own the PAL/EU version.. but either way, I would have loved to
have seen the 'Hank McCoy' outfit!

Thanks to Jerry Schafer for pointing that out.



Whee!!! This has been fun. But it's still not over yet. Not until I have
everything in this FAQ that I think it needs. If you've found something that
I've missed, then don't hesitate to drop me a mail at:
You'll be fully credited with the discovery, of course.
Thanks for reading my humble little work!

If there is enough call for a combo FAQ, I may just do one. If you'd like
me to give it a go, then mail me at the above address to tell me that you'd
like to see it happen. Thanks for your time!


Marvel Comics/Marvel Online: For the great comics over the years, good
characters... and lastly, the biographies that were missing in this version.
Thanks! = Because, if weren't for this site I wouldn't be writing
FAQs at all! Thanks to CJayC for the site, and the many people that visit
the Message Boards that have helped me get started with writing these things!

All the people at the GameFAQs, Mutant Academy 2 Message Board = For helping
everyone else out with stuff and generally being a nice bunch! ^_^ = = Thank you Al for always asking for permission to use my
humble FAQs ^_^ A few nice words go a long way! =
For having a site full of friendly people.

Brian Guidry =
For letting me know just what Rogue's real name was!

Msyterio =
For pointing out the 'power' that Rogue gets from Gambit.

Jason Hardy =
For letting me know about Prof.X's secondary throw.

Lloyd Taylor, Rizwan Khan =
For giving me the 'Unlock code', although I had already used it. ^_^

Matttune =
For giving me the definitive way of getting Spiderman.

And any of the others that had mailed me that I may have missed. Sorry people!
But there's way too many of ya! O_o

You = For reading this... Well! I had to thank someone for it! :P

This FAQ is (c) Bob "GalFord" Ritchings.2001

X-Men: Mutant Academy 2: FAQ/Move List by GalFord
Version 0.4, Last Updated 2001-11-14 View/Download Original File
Hosted by GameFAQs
Return to X-Men: Mutant Academy 2 (PS) FAQs & Guides

Jumat, 28 September 2007

Green leaf

kekose kesjr k eke keui krekek kekskrk r, Stepa, Racee, 11

Senin, 17 September 2007

Drash, 11

# 550g glutinous rice, soaked for 2 to 3 hours and drained

Seasoning (A):
# 2 tbsp salt
# 1 tbsp sugar
# 2 tbsp oil
# 30 dried bamboo leaves, soaked till soft
# Hemp strings, soaked

# 200g yam, diced
# 50g dried shrimps, coarsely chopped
# 100g Chinese sausages (optional), cut at a slant
# 5 dried mushrooms, soaked and quartered
# 2 tbsp oil

Seasoning (B)
# 1 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium oyster sauce with dried scallops
# 1/2 tbsp ng heong fun (Chinese five spice powder)
# 1/2 tsp pepper
# 1/2 tsp salt
# 1 tbsp light soy sauce
# 1 1/2 tbsp sugar
# 1 tbsp sesame oil
# 1/2 tsp chicken stock granules

Marinate glutinous rice with seasoning (A) for two hours. Set aside.

Heat oil in a wok, fry dried shrimps till fragrant. Add yam and mushrooms. Fry well. Add seasoning (B) to mix.

Dish out and add Chinese sausages to mix.

Fold bamboo leaves into a cone, add one tablespoon of seasoned rice then one tablespoon of filling. Top up with another tablespoon of glutinous rice. Tie with hemp string in bundles of 10 dumplings.

Put into a pressure cooker containing enough boiling water. Cook for 45 to 50 minutes or boil the traditional way as you would for the Vegetarian-Style Nyonya Dumplings.

Jumat, 14 September 2007


Cifeo[;tj qa3 FTKEQOIru ;jetrfkitja

Rabu, 12 September 2007


Adinda Barakat, Rian, Gieta, Faldy, 11, Hendrik Nangoi,mudah-mudahan , Seal Online, 11, Music kaum Music, Barakat, 11, Anka, bulgogi, Banate, 11

Sabtu, 08 September 2007


Sunny sunny
Jantungku berdebar tiap kuingat padamu
Sunny Sunny
Mengapa ada yang kurang saat kau tak ada
Sunny Sunny
Melihatmu menyentuhmu itu yang kumau

Kau tak sempat tanyakan aku
Cintakah aku padamu

Tiap kali aku berlutut aku berdoa
Suatu saat kau bisa cinta padaku
Tiap kali aku memanggil di dalam hati
Mana Sunny mana Sunnyku mana Sunnyku

Sunny Sunny
Apa kabarmu kabarku baik baik saja
Sunny Sunny
Begitu banyak cerita tak habis tentangmu
Sunny Sunny
Salamku untukmu dari hati yang terdalam

Kau tak sempat tanyakan aku
Cintakah aku padamu

Tiap kali aku berlutut aku berdoa
Suatu saat kau bisa cinta padaku
Tiap kali aku memanggil di dalam hati
Mana Sunny mana Sunnyku mana Sunnyku

Melly - Dahsyat

meskipun cerita berawal dari benci di hati
tak lantas kuurungkan maksudku untuk milikimu
menyelami hatimu yang sempat terkunci untukku
sampai mati kucinta
dahsyatnya perasaan cintaku ini kepadamu
seringnya kita tak sepaham teguh smakin mencinta
satu hal lagi yang harus kau ingat dan kau pahami
sampai mati kucinta
sebuah lesung cinta terjadi dan harus terjadi
terngiang kuimpikan secerah hidup ini
dan setelah ada kita ku […]

Melly Ft BBB - Let's dance together

reff: let’s dance together
get on the dance floor
the party won’t start
if you stand still like that
let’s dance together
let’s party and turn off the lights

berdiri semua
di ruang yg redup
bercahaya bagai kilat

aku dan yang lain
menikmati semua
irama berderap kencang

tak ada gundah
hilang semua penat di dada
lihat dj memainkan musik
disko dimulai


Dahsyat, Susan, 11

Rabu, 05 September 2007


Fita orangnya seperti Drash. iekekkewekek ttekte-terlk, Jayakarta, Jakarta, 11


Jane's Resture Ocenia pages.




Ms Ana kelindas Mobil sampai ke Gieta langsung Gietanya lempar jadi masuk ke Seal online yang levelnya 300. 09999999999999999999999999999, Gieta ipang, 11, 11, Hendrik Nangoi, Koes Plus, Kevin Nangoi, Jakarta, SH 11, gue, loe, bumi, sama, pak Yo, 11, 11 & 11 (Nakita)


Aku sedang nempelin burung ke Papi Hendrik Nangoi, Robby, Gieta dll

Rawa - Rawa sudah pasti gua

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Disini para Sealovers dapat membeli item yang tidak didapat dari monster dan para NPC untuk menambah keasyikan bermain.

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Equipment & Kostum
Pet Items
Albereo`s Refining Potion
Deskripsi Mencegah turunnya tingkat refine item menjadi +5 jika mengalami gagal refine. Hanya berfungsi pada item yang mengalami penurunan tingkat refine saat ditempa.
Fungsi Mencegah turunnya tingkat refine
Efek Waktu 1x Pemakaian
Harga 3500 KOIN
Albereo’s Toolbox
Deskripsi Mencegah hilangnya barang hingga 70% jika mengalami gagal refine
Fungsi Mencegah hilangnya barang saat gagal tempa
Efek Waktu 1x Pemakaian
Harga 7500 KOIN
Attack Speed Aid
Deskripsi Dapat meningkatkan kecepatan seranganmu
Fungsi Meningkatkan kecepatan serangan 15
Efek Waktu 5 Menit | 3x Pemakaian
Harga 800 KOIN
Blessing of Gaius - 30 hari
Deskripsi Dengan ini, kamu dapat menggunakan potion HP dan AP secara otomatis. Katanya bisa mengurangi delay penggunaan potion juga.
Fungsi Dapat menggunakan potion HP dan AP secara otomatis
Efek Waktu 30 Hari
Harga 6000 KOIN
Blessing of Gaius - 7 hari
Deskripsi Dengan ini, kamu dapat menggunakan potion HP dan AP secara otomatis. Katanya bisa mengurangi delay penggunaan potion juga
Fungsi Dapat menggunakan potion HP dan AP secara otomatis
Efek Waktu 7 Hari
Harga 2200 KOIN
Defense "D"
Deskripsi Akan meningkatkan Pertahanan 10% selama 30 menit.
Fungsi Meningkatkan Pertahanan 10%
Efek Waktu 30 Menit | 10x Pemakaian
Harga 2400 KOIN
Dex-Up Potion
Deskripsi Akan meningkatkan Akurasi 10% selama 30 menit.
Fungsi Meningkatkan Akurasi 10%
Efek Waktu 30 Menit | 10x Pemakaian
Harga 2400 KOIN
Eva-Up Potion
Deskripsi Akan meningkatkan Rata2 hindaran 10% selama 30 menit.
Fungsi Meningkatkan Rata2 Hindaran 10%
Efek Waktu 30 Menit | 10x Pemakaian
Harga 2400 KOIN
Eve’s Link
Deskripsi Mengganti jenis kelamin karakter
Fungsi Ganti jenis kelamin
Efek Waktu 1x Pemakaian
Harga 5000 KOIN
Golden Fish Hook
Deskripsi Mendapatkan 2 item dengan 2 umpan
Fungsi Memancing dengan 2 umpan
Efek Waktu 6 Jam
Harga 1200 KOIN
Marco’s Mistake
Deskripsi Digunakan untuk me-Reset Option Tambahan pada Item
Fungsi Reset option tambahan pada item
Efek Waktu 1x Pemakaian
Harga 2500 KOIN
Masuri Fiber
Deskripsi Akan meningkatkan Magic Power 5% selama 30 menit.
Fungsi Meningkatkan Magic Power 5%
Efek Waktu 30 Menit | 10x Pemakaian
Harga 2700 KOIN
Pouch of Blessing (Gold-1)
Deskripsi Meningkatkan persentase drop rate hingga 100%
Fungsi Drop Rate +100%
Efek Waktu 1 Jam
Harga 1000 KOIN
Pouch of Blessing(Bronze-3)
Deskripsi Meningkatkan drop rate hingga 50%
Fungsi Drop Rate +50%
Efek Waktu 3 Hari
Harga 3300 KOIN
Pouch of Blessing(Bronze-7)
Deskripsi Meningkatkan drop rate hingga 50%
Fungsi Drop Rate +50%
Efek Waktu 7 Hari
Harga 5500 KOIN
Pouch of Blessing(Gold-3)
Deskripsi Meningkatkan drop rate hingga 100%
Fungsi Drop Rate +100%
Efek Waktu 3 Jam
Harga 2400 KOIN
Power Drink
Deskripsi Akan meningkatkan Serangan 5% selama 30 menit.
Fungsi Meningkatkan Serangan 5%
Efek Waktu 30 Menit | 10x Pemakaian
Harga 2700 KOIN
Remote Shop
Deskripsi Digunakan untuk mengakses Pedagang Jalanan di semua tempat
Fungsi Untuk membeli dan menjual barang di semua tempat.
Efek Waktu 10x Pemakaian
Harga 3500 KOIN
Reset Scroll (Skill)
Deskripsi Gulungan yang digunakan untuk reset Skill
Fungsi Reset Skill
Efek Waktu 1x Pemakaian
Harga 30000 KOIN
Reset Scroll (Status)
Deskripsi Gulungan yang digunakan untuk reset Status
Fungsi Reset Status
Efek Waktu 1x Pemakaian
Harga 30000 KOIN
Deskripsi Bangkit di tempat kamu pingsan
Fungsi Bangkit kembali
Efek Waktu 10x Pemakaian
Harga 2000 KOIN
Shiltz Bank Membership Card
Deskripsi Menggunakan Bank di semua tempat
Fungsi Menggunakan bank dimana saja
Efek Waktu 100x Pemakaian
Harga 5000 KOIN
Sublimated Soul
Deskripsi Digunakan untuk me-Reset Elemen pada Item
Fungsi Reset elemen pada senjata
Efek Waktu 1x Pemakaian
Harga 3500 KOIN
Valkyrie’s Blessing
Deskripsi Meniadakan EXP yang hilang jika karakter pingsan
Fungsi Menghilangkan penalty kematian
Efek Waktu 1x Pemakaian
Harga 1200 KOIN
Word of Blessing (Gold-1)
Deskripsi Meningkatkan EXP yang didapat dari monster hingga 100% exp.
Fungsi EXP +100%
Efek Waktu 1 Jam
Harga 1000 KOIN
Word of Blessing(Bronze-3)
Deskripsi Meningkatkan EXP yang didapat dari monster hingga 50% exp
Fungsi EXP +50%
Efek Waktu 3 Hari
Harga 3300 KOIN
Word of Blessing(Bronze-7)
Deskripsi Meningkatkan EXP yang didapat dari monster hingga 50% exp
Fungsi EXP +50%
Efek Waktu 7 Hari
Harga 5500 KOIN
Word of Blessing(Gold-3)
Deskripsi Meningkatkan EXP yang didapat dari monster hingga 100% exp
Fungsi EXP +100%
Efek Waktu 3 Jam
Harga 2400 KOIN

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Sabtu, 01 September 2007


Joddy bertailalat dikuping